Wednesday 20 April 2005

Preventing Hair Loss With Herbs?

Jerry Hall

According to Ayurveda, proper hair care involves nourishing the hair follicles from the outside and inside. Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms.

It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.

Green tea is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. Try drinking several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.

Saw palmetto is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair re-growth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.

Hair Rejuv is one of the industry's excellent herbal hair loss remedy. Regular use of Hair Rejuv gives the hair the nutrition it needs. This herbal combination is an excellent source of vitally important nutrients for healthy, shiny, vibrant hair as nature intended. It's never too late to rejuvenate lifeless, thin or brittle hair. Results are guaranteed after 2-3 months of continuous use. This formula uses herbal extracts, which are about 8-10 times stronger than taking raw herbs. An excellent herbal hair loss remedy.

Bring back the shiny glow to your hair!

About the Author:

Jerry H.Hall has an interest in Hair related subjects. If you are interesting in finding out more information on how to maintain your crowning glory, please visit this successful Thinning Hair site:

Read more articles by: Jerry Hall

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Penis Enlargement: What Are A Man's Options? Can "Penis Pills" Really Enlarge And Lengthen?

Danna Schneider

Male enhancement, virility, impotence, endurance, libido, elongate, enlarge, lenthen, empower - these are all now the buzzwords of the male enhancement and "penis enlargement" industry. An industry that has become a multi-million dollar venture in a relatively short period of time. So why the sudden explosion of this once seemingly niche market for aging men who needed a little help? Why all the knockoffs of Viagra? And why all the hundreds of natural and herbal alternatives to Viagra, Cialis, and the like?

That answer can vary in it's complexity and speculation, but it all really boils down to a different way of life in the modern world, the breaking down of sexual taboos hence more talk of male virility and impotence, and the hustle and bustle of modern life literally draining the life and passion out of so many people that they are left looking for answers to dwindling sex drives, perceived inadequacies in penis size, and unsatisfactory sexual performance.

This is especially is true of men, who tend to hold sex very near and dear, and who are biologically programmed to have higher sex drives and socially programmed to desire more sex, more often, and have higher expectations of sexual fulfillment than women. Not to say that some women don't feel the same way, but for the sake of demonstration we will use this generalization.

This is exactly what accounts for the huge male enhancement and penis enhancement market today - both prescription and herbal. So what if you're a guy who doesn't really want to go to the doctor because you don't actually have a problem with erectile disfunction, but you know that you need to add that zing back to your sex life, and possibly some extra size or girth to your penis, or you want to last longer and have more powerful, fulfilling and stress-relieving orgasms?

Well, fortunately for you, you are part of an era known as the herbal explosion age. For almost every pharmaceutical drug, the herbal and nutraceutical industry has come up with some very promising and close imitations and alternatives to prescription medications, without all the man-made chemicals and possibilities of dangerous side effects.

That's not to say that you shouldn't be cautious when selecting a male enhancement or penile enlargement supplement. You still need to read the ingredients, and make sure they are not going to interfere with any existing medications. Also, if you begin noticing you just don't feel right, or there is any type of side effect or reaction to any ingredient, you should stop taking it immediately and request a refund. Most reputable companies will be happy to provide a refund if you are not happy with the results or the product just didn't agree with your chemistry.

So there you have it - you can still have a great sex life, improve your self image and sexual satisfaction, and do it discreetly, naturally and safely. We all need a little help now and then in the bedroom, and these natural male enhancement products are looking to be just the right sexual remedy for more and more men (and women!).

About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of , a nutraceutical and herbal remedy site offering the latest and most advanced in nutraceutical and herbal therapeutics technology.


Tuesday 12 April 2005

Prevent Constipation And Other Health Ailments With Papaya

Sandra Kim Leong

Constipation is a condition whereby the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon before traveling out of the rectum. You become aware that you are constipated if you have difficulty passing motion or take a few days to do one purge.

That said, if you are suffering from constipation, you have been advised to eat more fruits and vegetables to increase your fiber intake.

For fruit, have you considered having papaya as a constipation remedy or including it as part of your regular diet?

As a natural remedy, papaya not only aids digestion but also helps prevent constipation. It provides relief from piles and also has anti-cancer properties. Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of urinary stones, prevents intestinal infection by parasites and aids in the proper functioning of the body's immune system. For lactating mothers, according to traditional beliefs, papaya also helps to stimulate milk production.

Papayas contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins (especially food with gluten). Concentrated amounts can especially be found in unripe papaya. This enzyme helps prevent the accumulation of mucoprotein (partially digested protein) in the body and lymphatic system. In fact, papain has been extracted to make dietary supplements for digestion. Thus, the unripe papaya is considered to have more healing powers for constipation than the ripe one.

Papayas are a good source of fiber. Its fiber is able to keep cancer-causing toxins in the colon away from the healthy colon cells. Those who are experiencing constipation or at risk of colon cancer should consider taking more papaya. Papaya's folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carontene and vitamin E have been linked with reduced risk of colon cancer.

Additionally, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have also been proven to reduce muscle inflammation and the healing of burns and wounds.

The papaya fruit is slightly sweet, with a musky smell to it. It is now mainly cultivated in the warm tropical parts of the world but can easily be found in many supermarkets.

To prevent constipation and for all stated health benefits, here are three simple papaya recipes:

1. Papaya Milk Energy drink. Cut papaya and blend with milk in a 50/50 mix. Add honey if desired. Papaya milk is a good energy drink for growing children.

2. Papaya Salad (Thai Style). Shred green papaya and cut some tomatoes. For dressing, add chopped garlic, 2 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 tablespoon lime juice, cilantro, Thai basil, 1 teaspoon chopped mint, chili padi (optional) and sugar to taste.

3. Unripe papaya juice. Peel off skin and put in blender. This recipe is especially good for the lymphatic system and after a meal that is heavy in gluten.

Including papaya as part of your regular diet is a great idea for a healthy functioning body.

About The Author:

Sandra Kim Leong believes in using natural food and nutrition remedies for common health ailments. For more information, please visit her article resource site at

Copyright Sandra Kim Leong -

Sunday 10 April 2005

Press Release

Prestigious Doctor Joins Comprehensive Alternative Medicine Center

Press Release

LifeWorks Wellness Center announces the addition of Dr. Dean Silver, a board certified specialist in internal medicine and cardiology who will be a new doctor on the LifeWorks medical team. Adding Dr. Silver's expertise in many different alternative and complementary modalities, including anti-aging medicine, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and natural hormone replacement, helps LifeWorks remain one of the most advanced, cutting-edge alternative health care clinics in the country.

Clearwater, FL August 2, 2004 -- LifeWorks Wellness Center announces the addition of Dr. Dean Silver, a board certified specialist in internal medicine and cardiology who will be a new doctor on the LifeWorks medical team. Adding Dr. Silver's expertise in many different alternative and complementary modalities, including anti-aging medicine, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and natural hormone replacement, helps LifeWorks remain one of the most advanced, cutting-edge alternative health care clinics in the country.

Patients arrive from all over the country to benefit from LifeWorks' comprehensive set of powerful diagnostic tools and therapies. The comprehensive grouping of therapies removes the hassle patients often have of running around from clinic to clinic, or of being referred or sent from one place to another, sometimes with contradictory philosophies and advice.

At LifeWorks, patients are able to received integrated care in one place. The fundamental strategy for treating illness at LifeWorks is to correct all body systems that are not functioning or which are performing poorly. As the body's systems are all brought into optimal condition, the body can naturally heal itself. Dr. Silver oversees all the different modalities/therapies and coordinates them effectively for optimal treatment.

One of the many diagnostic tools available at LifeWorks is "Genetic Testing." This diagnostic examines your DNA to see if any poor health genes have the possibility of expressing themselves later on, perhaps leading to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or some other illness. Then using specific physiological, biochemical, and environmental treatments and strategies, Dr. Silver helps patients avoid the illness.

For more information on other unique diagnostic tools and therapies available at LifeWorks Wellness, visit

Dr. Silver is particularly interested in taking on tough cases, and those "unsolvable" health problems that patients have been unable to remedy elsewhere. His many successes in this area have made him highly regarded in both conventional and alternative medical fields.

After earning his doctorate in medicine from the Temple University School of Medicine, Dr. Silver completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at Albert Einstein Medical Center. He also completed a fellowship in cardiology at the Deborah Heart and Lung Center.

Dr. Silver has received further training in Anti-Aging and Nutritional Medicine, Complementary Cancer Therapy and Insulin Potentiation Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Detoxification, Chelation Therapy, Hormone Balance, Thermographic Imaging, and much more.

Contact Person: Jeannine Dowdell

Toll Free: 877-543-3975







About the author:

Saturday 9 April 2005

Policosinol and Cholesterol Reduction

Protica Research

The word cholesterol has become synonymous with poor health. Indeed, one does not typically hear the word used, or see it printed, unless it points to yet another distressing fact -- that high cholesterol is the number one factor for coronary heart disease, and the number one cause of heart attacks[i].

However, cholesterol is, in itself, not a negative thing. On the contrary, cholesterol plays a vital role in forming cell membranes, regulating hormones, insulating nerves, and more. The problem with cholesterol therefore lays not in cholesterol itself, but the amount of cholesterol present in the bloodstream. For most Americans who talk and read about this subject, the scenario almost always involves too much cholesterol, or the condition known as hypercholesterolemia.

When there is too much cholesterol in the blood, it cannot easily dissolve, and thus cannot effectively be transported to cells by the carrier called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This can create a build-up of LDL cholesterol (a.k.a. "bad cholesterol"), and start to interfere with arteries that transport blood to the heart and brain. Both a stroke and a heart attack are the most severe manifestations of LDL cholesterol build-up, and the main reason why so many people are seeking ways to reduce the LDL build-up in their bloodstream[ii].

However, reducing cholesterol has been fraught with challenges. Though reducing or eliminating certain foods from diet is a necessary first step for most individuals, some who suffer from hypercholesterolemia require medical interventions to immediately begin lowering their risk of heart attack or stroke. As such, dozens of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are currently on the market, and while some people have experienced relief due to their use, there are side effects that cause concern, including nausea, diarrhea, muscle tenderness, and increased liver enzymes[iii]. The out-of-pocket costs of these statin drugs can also be cost prohibitive for those not covered by a comprehensive drug plan.

However, a natural product called policosinol is generating an unusual amount of attention – both positive and negative – from the medical community in light of its purported cholesterol lowering capacity. Derived from the wax of sugarcanes and honeybees, policosinol is said by some to reduce cholesterol, offer no known side effects, be safe in high doses, increase blood flow, reduce platelet clumps, and prevent atherosclerosis (plaque buildup on the artery walls)[iv].

Studies have been conducted on policosinol efficacy, and there is some empirical research evidence that supports it as a high LDL cholesterol remedy. A 2002 study by researchers at the University of Bonn reviewed 60 clinical trials involving 3000 patients, and concluded with cautious optimism that policosinol is a promising alternative to cholesterol lowering stain drugs, and thus warrants further study[v].

However, those poised to buy policosinol and lower their cholesterol should approach with caution; and this is the message voiced by those who are less than enthusiastic about the policosinol's emergence as something of a wonder cure.

Though a natural remedy and thus far not causing the side effects associated with statin drugs, those skeptical about policosinol quickly point out that it is not an FDA approved drug. As such, it has not been subjected to the rigorous testing that comes with approving a new drug, including supervised preclinical trials and standardized testing in successively larger population of people. The fact that the FDA approves 1 out of 5000, or .0002 of the applications that it receives for new drug approval, is an indication of how highly valued – and rare – this approval is.

However, this instigates another debate – whether the FDA approval process is the most appropriate way to accept drugs into drug plans, and whether doctors should be permitted to prescribe non-FDA-approved drugs without undue concerns for malpractice lawsuits. Indeed, an MD may have personally benefited from a natural remedy like policosinol, but to prescribe that to a patient requires more support than personal preference, or even personal testimony.

And it is the intersection of these two separate debates -- whether policosinol works or not, and whether the FDA approval process is fair or not – that the situation, and verdict on policosinol, currently lies. This debate is frustrating to all sides; including patients themselves, who simply want a real solution.

However, despite these frustrations, the fact that efforts are being undertaken to develop – or verify – a remedy that is safe, complete, and free of side-effects – is a step in the right direction. Additional research on policosinol will further clarify whether that step should be towards FDA approval, or towards a warning label.


Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at

Copyright - Protica Research -


[i] Source: "Heart Mender". CNN.Com.

[ii] Source: "Cholesterol". American Heart Association.

[iii] Source: "Statin Medications: What are the Side Effects?".

[iv] Source: "Policosinol ".,1525,10127,00.html

[v] Source: "Policosinol : clinical pharmacology and therapeutic significance of a new lipid-lowering agent". Gouni-Berthold I, Berthold HK. Am Heart J. 2002 Feb;143(2):356-65.

About the Author


Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at

Thursday 7 April 2005

Perfect Home Remedy for Cold and Flu? Virus Destroyed in 3 Minutes Without Drugs!

Arthur Craig Miller

Perfect Home Remedy for Cold and Flu? Virus Destroyed in 3 Minutes Without Drugs!

The cold is a respiratory infection caused by any one of more than 200 different viruses, making the discovery of a cure or vaccine an enormous challenge. At the beginning of infection, the common cold and influenza symptoms appear almost identical. The flu can go on to be more severe, and even kill. In fact influenza is the 5th greatest cause of deaths due to illnesses worldwide.

Traditionally, there has been no common cold cure or prevention for this disease. However fascinating scientific evidence, resulting from an accident during research with polio virus, has suggested a simple, yet effective procedure that anyone can use to actually destroy invading cold and flu viruses, for the first time.

Developed by Dr. Dimke, the ColdARREST™ / FluARREST™ "Conquer the Common Cold and Flu" procedure works almost immediately. Discovery does not mask or suppress flu symptoms or cold symptoms, but rather kills the invading virus in 3 minutes.

[ ]

A revolutionary, new, cold-prevention system is also presented. A safe, self-administered drug free natural procedure. No drugs, miracle foods, lozenges or supplements involved.

This is safe for anyone to use. Children routinely catch three times as many colds as adults. Yet, with parental supervision, the ColdARREST / FluARREST procedure is safe enough and gentle enough for a child to use, and just as effective a common cold cure.

ColdARREST / FluARREST is presented on CD, and the 3 minute natural alternative common cold and influenza treatment and remedy is described in detail.

Based on 124 years of proven scientific virus, vaccine and biophysical research and experiments from USA, UK, Japan and Denmark, including leading laboratories and medical hospitals. This is probably the ultimate home remedy for cold and flu.

For the benefit of physicians, chiropractors, and other medical professionals, Dr. Dimke has prepared a detailed bibliography of the extensive medical and biophysical research behind the procedure. It is included in standard Index Medicus format, of the type that Doctors use.

I personally discovered this life saver, after my young son nearly lost his life. As a child he and his twin brother were constantly falling victim to colds and flu related illnesses. As a young teenager he eventually required massive surgery due to a potentially lethal lung disease.

Whilst convalescing, I taught him this simple procedure. He recovered fully, and I thank God he has not suffered from any of these dreadful diseases in over 3 years.

In fact our entire family have stayed cold and flu free for some years, despite experiencing some really bleak English winters. We are sincere believers and practitioners of Dr. Dimke's "Conquer the Common Cold and Flu" method.

I do trust this procedure represents a real common cold cure and influenza cure. Remember ColdARREST / FluARREST is used effectively in 40 countries worldwide - this may indeed be the method to protect you and your family from the avian (bird flu) influenza. Is this a natural bird flu treatment? Perhaps even an actual bird flu cure?

Please remember that this article is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own physician, doctor or any other health care professional. The writer is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of this article.

© Copyright 2005 - Arthur Craig Miller. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Free Reprint Rights: You may reprint and publish this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, and please give proper author name credit.

About the Author

About the Writer and Help Available to You...

Arthur Craig Miller, United Kingdom

[ ]

Arthur Craig Miller is a medical writer and researcher. He became interested in the common cold and flu cure, after almost losing his child to a near fatal lung disease. A staunch advocate of the ColdARREST 3 minute drug-free procedure.

Tuesday 5 April 2005

How to Become a Better Photographer in 24 Hours?

If you are an aspiring photographer, or just take snapshots of family on weekends, you often wonder why photographs captured by a Professional Photographer are so much better. I will be the first to say that you will not become a great photographer overnight. It takes more than just an article to all-of-a-sudden turn from a point-and-shooter into someone who's photographs adorn the walls of a Gallery. But, there are some very basic things that you can do to very quickly improve your photographs. Your approach to photography will have to change eventually, to improve, and I hope to give you some keys through this article to get you well on your way.

Auto is Great, but More Control is Better!

The very first thing that you should do, if you have not done so yet, regardless of the camera with which you are shooting, is start using modes other than the Fully Automatic. I am assuming that you are already shooting digitally, as most people today do not start with film. Better photography starts with control. It is just like driving a car, Fully Automatic is nice, but drive a stick, and you are all-of-a-sudden in more control. The same with a camera, as soon as you switch to a mode other than Automatic, you begin to experience your camera's true power. You have to grasp one simple concept: the image is completely in your control, when you can vary the time it takes to capture the image and the size of the lens opening, also known as “Aperture”. I know what you are thinking, this does not sound all that simple. How do I know what setting to use? Most cameras have a very cool semi-manual mode, commonly known as Aperture Priority, or Aperture Value (most often an AV setting on your mode Dial). Set your camera to this mode, and just start shooting with it. This setting alone is extremely powerful, and will give you a lot of creative freedom. I always tell people to take their time with any subject, and just play with this setting alone. Slowly start at the smallest value, and work your way up. Examine your images later, and you will start understanding what this setting can help you do.

Do You See the Light?

If there is one thing that will make your photography better right away, is a better understanding of light. Yes, It take years for a professional to master light, but there are some very simple concepts to keep in mind, when shooting, and you will be rewarded. Any time you shoot outside, the sun will be there, unless you are shooting at night. Most photography occurs during day, so let's talk about it. Sun is our best friend, and worst enemy. It has the power to render beautiful colors, and take them away altogether. For fail-safe images best times to shoot are early and late in the day, when the sun is fairly low in the sky. Shoot at high noon, and you will be rewarded with washed out images more often than not. Try this: shoot the same scene, with the same camera settings, about an hour or two apart from early in the morning to close to sunset. Look at the images, and you will understand what I am talking about. To make the sun your friend, keep the light behind you, as much as you can for great portraits, architecture shots, and landscapes. On overcast days, the sky is a giant diffuser, which gives you soft even light, great for portraits and macro photography. It allows you to shoot around the clock, and contrary to popular belief will reward you with some good photographs. One final word on light. Use flash. You can manually turn it on, and use it even during daytime. Your portraits will definitely turn out better, because the flash will offer just enough light to squash unsightly shadows, and soften details.

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Examine other people's work closely. Nothing makes you better than actually seeing images shot by pros, and the desire which they invoke in you. There will be elements common to all good images. Take your time with examining the images, and identify the elements that draw your eye. The same elements will work for you. There are many advanced techniques which make professionals stand out from the rest. With time you will be able to achieve similar results. Remember, it is not the camera that creates a photograph, it is the photographer, so do not think that you have to have a professional camera to achieve similar results.

In Conclusion

Try the suggestions discussed in this article, and I promise you, the results will improve. Methodical approach always pays off. Try to shoot the same scene over and over, at different times, in different light. You will learn more from doing this, than from reading any book, or an article. And speaking of books, if you do not have one, get one. It is tough to recommend one, since there are so many. Check them out for yourself, and you will find one you like. Look for a more technical manual, more than a creative one. You need to learn the concepts of how your camera works, before learning any techniques, whether simple or advanced. Well, get out there, you have may great photographs in your near future.

Author: Sam Zaydel
Penis Enlargement: What Are A Man's Options? Can "Penis Pills" Really Enlarge And Lengthen?

Danna Schneider

Male enhancement, virility, impotence, endurance, libido, elongate, enlarge, lenthen, empower - these are all now the buzzwords of the male enhancement and "penis enlargement" industry. An industry that has become a multi-million dollar venture in a relatively short period of time. So why the sudden explosion of this once seemingly niche market for aging men who needed a little help? Why all the knockoffs of Viagra? And why all the hundreds of natural and herbal alternatives to Viagra, Cialis, and the like?

That answer can vary in it's complexity and speculation, but it all really boils down to a different way of life in the modern world, the breaking down of sexual taboos hence more talk of male virility and impotence, and the hustle and bustle of modern life literally draining the life and passion out of so many people that they are left looking for answers to dwindling sex drives, perceived inadequacies in penis size, and unsatisfactory sexual performance.

This is especially is true of men, who tend to hold sex very near and dear, and who are biologically programmed to have higher sex drives and socially programmed to desire more sex, more often, and have higher expectations of sexual fulfillment than women. Not to say that some women don't feel the same way, but for the sake of demonstration we will use this generalization.

This is exactly what accounts for the huge male enhancement and penis enhancement market today - both prescription and herbal. So what if you're a guy who doesn't really want to go to the doctor because you don't actually have a problem with erectile disfunction, but you know that you need to add that zing back to your sex life, and possibly some extra size or girth to your penis, or you want to last longer and have more powerful, fulfilling and stress-relieving orgasms?

Well, fortunately for you, you are part of an era known as the herbal explosion age. For almost every pharmaceutical drug, the herbal and nutraceutical industry has come up with some very promising and close imitations and alternatives to prescription medications, without all the man-made chemicals and possibilities of dangerous side effects.

That's not to say that you shouldn't be cautious when selecting a male enhancement or penile enlargement supplement. You still need to read the ingredients, and make sure they are not going to interfere with any existing medications. Also, if you begin noticing you just don't feel right, or there is any type of side effect or reaction to any ingredient, you should stop taking it immediately and request a refund. Most reputable companies will be happy to provide a refund if you are not happy with the results or the product just didn't agree with your chemistry.

So there you have it - you can still have a great sex life, improve your self image and sexual satisfaction, and do it discreetly, naturally and safely. We all need a little help now and then in the bedroom, and these natural male enhancement products are looking to be just the right sexual remedy for more and more men (and women!).

About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of , a nutraceutical and herbal remedy site offering the latest and most advanced in nutraceutical and herbal therapeutics technology.


Monday 4 April 2005

Pain Management

Carolyn Magura

Even the word "pain" hurts to those of us who endure levels of pain each day. Pain management is what the doctors tell us to do. This sounds great in theory, but what does it mean, and how does one go about doing it? These are excellent questions. It probably sounds "logical", but the better you are at describing your pain to others, the better you can get help in managing pain. And, pain management is the key!

The best way to document and comunicate pain is to use what I call a "pain" scale. I set this up in what I call a "matrix", where I have a chart with four columns as follows: The left column is for pain "level", from "0" being "NO PAIN" (right, like that's gonna happen!) and "10" being so painful that NOTHING YOU DO seems to decrease the pain level.

In the next column, you describe the pain at different levels. I use the following: 0 = No pain; 02 = low levels of pain, an Over the Counter (OTC) remedy can get rid of it; 04 = moderate pain, need double the strength of the OTC remedy to dull the pain; 06 = heavy moderate pain, need double the strength of OTC remedy, but the pain isn't dulled, and activities are curtailed (decreased); 08 = heavy pain, need something stronger than an OTC remedy, and one must sit/lie still; and, finally, level 10.

The next column is the most important one, where you describe specifically what the pain feels like, and use many VERY SPECIFIC examples of how this specific level of pain impacts your "normal daily living activities". I cannot stress how important it is to be as specific, and as complete with your examples as you can be. Also, you need to "guesstimate" the % of time a day/week that you "routinely" have this pain.

Here are some examples that I use:

02 - The low levels of pain are primarily headaches and backaches. I can take an OTC remedy, and rest for about 30 minutes, and the pain goes away. This level of pain comes about 2X a week, and only lasts for the 30 minutes until the OTC remedy kicks in. This level of pain does not keep me from doing my daily activities. BUT, I need to get on this level of pain immediately, or it will increase in level if not addressed and removed.

04 - This level of pain occurs in my hands, arms, legs, feet, and head. It is like the muscles are hurting, and the joints hurt. This level gets my attention; I take double the advised level of OTC remedy, and get some hot tea, and rest lying down. This level usually takes about an hour to "manage", and I have to stop whatever I am doing to lie down until I get it under control. This level occurs about 10% of the time, every other day, usually in the evening. This level makes me depressed, and when depressed, the level of pain often increases to the 08 level.

08 - I usually go straight from 04 to 08, skipping the 06 level. This level is incapacitating. It feels like the worst flu you have ever had, where EVERY muscle and joint in my body hurts! Even my teeth and scalp hurt. Light hurts my eyes; sound hurts my ears; movement makes me nauseous. I take triple the OTC remedy, and a hot shower. I have a stool in the shower where I can sit and let the hot water shower down on me until I run out of hot water (I do this after I take the meds, and try to stay in the shower until I feel the pain beginning to receed). When out of the shower, I have room temperature ginger ale (hot or cold liquids hurt my head), and lie down with soft music - no words; with a cool washcloth over my eyes in a darkened room. This level of pain occurs 2 or 3 times a week, and lasts for about 20 - 30% of the day. I cannot function in any activity at this level of pain. When the meds kick in, the pain is only reduced to the 04 or 02 level.

10 - at this level, no OTC remedy helps; the shower doesn't help; nothing helps; the pain is just reduced to the 08 level. Need greater help than an OTC remedy. This level occurs about one time each week, and literally knocks me out.

Now for the last column, and, this one is very important for long term pain management. In this column, you document what, SPECIFICALLY you were doing just before this level of pain was triggered! This will help both you and your Doctor determine what will help you.

For me, the doctor really noticed the comment about depression linked with pain, and the comments about taking "above recommended" levels of an OTC remedy. He prescribed for me an anti-depressant, and a pain medication in lieu of the OTC remedy. These meds, in conjunction with the meds for joint pain and for the tingling pains, allows for me to regain some of the normal daily living activities.

Good luck for you in documenting your pain levels!

About The Author

Carolyn Magura ( is a website designed to assist each person in his/her own unique quest to navigate through the difficult and often conflicting and misleading information about coping with disabilities.

Carolyn Magura, noted disability / ADA expert, has written an e-Book documenting the process that allowed her to:

a) continue to work and receive her "full salary" while on Long Term Disability; and

b) become the first person in her State to qualify for Social Security Disability the FIRST TIME, in UNDER 30 DAYS.

Click here (" to receive Carolyn 's easy-to-read, easy-to-follow direct guide through this difficult, trying process. If you are disabled, don't let this disabiling process disable you. Read Carolyns Disability Key Blog (

Friday 1 April 2005

Oscillococcinum Homeopathic remedy for flu and Cold


Oscillococcinum Homeopathic remedy for flu and Cold

Oscillococcinum (o-sill-o-cox-see-num), Oscillo is safe, natural
and easy to take. Oscillococcinum was discovered by a French
physician named Joseph Roy (1891-1978). It is for temporary
relief of symptoms of flu such as fever, chills, body aches and
pains. The flu (influenza) is a highly infectious viral disease.
Homoeopathic preparations, such as oscillococcinum or similar
products, are often prescribed by homoeopaths for the prevention
and treatment of the fluOscillo is used by millions of people
and recommended by doctors around the world. It can be used by
the whole family to help relieve the worst symptoms of the
winter season.

How does Oscillococcinum work?

Oscillococcinum is thought to stimulate your body's own
defenses. It works best at the onset of symptoms, when your body
has more resources to react. In recent medical studies, 63% of
patients treated with Oscillococcinum showed clear improvement
in 48 hours. Oscillo works best when it is taken at the first
sign of flu. So make sure you have some on hand to fend off your
flu symptoms at their onset.

What is special about Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum (Oscillo) is free from side effects and drug
interactions. As a pharmaceutical company, Boiron complies with
FDA regulations and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
requirements for the manufacturing of homeopathic medicines. All
products marketed in the U.S. are made according to the
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Oscillococcinum
(oh-sill-oh-coke-see-num) a homeopathic remedy that is a mouth
full to say, but must be taken as soon as you feel the flu
symptom if it is going to be effective, just one dose should do
the trick.

Advantages of Oscillococcinum (Oscillo)

Oscillococcinum will not mask symptoms of an underlying serious
condition. Oscillococcinum is NOT contraindicated if you have
heart disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma, thyroid disease,
kidney disorders or asthma and cannot use antihistamine or
decongestant medications. Because of its safety, Oscillo is an
excellent choice for children. Under the supervision of a
physician, pregnant women and infants can also use Oscillo.
Oscillococcinum is the #1 over the counter (OTC) flu medicine in
France. Oscillococcinum is the #1 homeopathic flu medicine in
the U.S.

Oscillococcinum Cautions

Do not use if the tray seal is broken. Consult your doctor
before use in children under 2 years of age.

Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 3
days or worsen.

Consult your doctor before using this product, if you are
pregnant or breastfeeding.

About the author:

Written by Chris href="">
Oscillococcinum Homeopathic remedy for flu and Cold

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