Tuesday, 5 April 2005
How to Become a Better Photographer in 24 Hours?
Auto is Great, but More Control is Better!
The very first thing that you should do, if you have not done so yet, regardless of the camera with which you are shooting, is start using modes other than the Fully Automatic. I am assuming that you are already shooting digitally, as most people today do not start with film. Better photography starts with control. It is just like driving a car, Fully Automatic is nice, but drive a stick, and you are all-of-a-sudden in more control. The same with a camera, as soon as you switch to a mode other than Automatic, you begin to experience your camera's true power. You have to grasp one simple concept: the image is completely in your control, when you can vary the time it takes to capture the image and the size of the lens opening, also known as “Aperture”. I know what you are thinking, this does not sound all that simple. How do I know what setting to use? Most cameras have a very cool semi-manual mode, commonly known as Aperture Priority, or Aperture Value (most often an AV setting on your mode Dial). Set your camera to this mode, and just start shooting with it. This setting alone is extremely powerful, and will give you a lot of creative freedom. I always tell people to take their time with any subject, and just play with this setting alone. Slowly start at the smallest value, and work your way up. Examine your images later, and you will start understanding what this setting can help you do.
Do You See the Light?
If there is one thing that will make your photography better right away, is a better understanding of light. Yes, It take years for a professional to master light, but there are some very simple concepts to keep in mind, when shooting, and you will be rewarded. Any time you shoot outside, the sun will be there, unless you are shooting at night. Most photography occurs during day, so let's talk about it. Sun is our best friend, and worst enemy. It has the power to render beautiful colors, and take them away altogether. For fail-safe images best times to shoot are early and late in the day, when the sun is fairly low in the sky. Shoot at high noon, and you will be rewarded with washed out images more often than not. Try this: shoot the same scene, with the same camera settings, about an hour or two apart from early in the morning to close to sunset. Look at the images, and you will understand what I am talking about. To make the sun your friend, keep the light behind you, as much as you can for great portraits, architecture shots, and landscapes. On overcast days, the sky is a giant diffuser, which gives you soft even light, great for portraits and macro photography. It allows you to shoot around the clock, and contrary to popular belief will reward you with some good photographs. One final word on light. Use flash. You can manually turn it on, and use it even during daytime. Your portraits will definitely turn out better, because the flash will offer just enough light to squash unsightly shadows, and soften details.
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
Examine other people's work closely. Nothing makes you better than actually seeing images shot by pros, and the desire which they invoke in you. There will be elements common to all good images. Take your time with examining the images, and identify the elements that draw your eye. The same elements will work for you. There are many advanced techniques which make professionals stand out from the rest. With time you will be able to achieve similar results. Remember, it is not the camera that creates a photograph, it is the photographer, so do not think that you have to have a professional camera to achieve similar results.
In Conclusion
Try the suggestions discussed in this article, and I promise you, the results will improve. Methodical approach always pays off. Try to shoot the same scene over and over, at different times, in different light. You will learn more from doing this, than from reading any book, or an article. And speaking of books, if you do not have one, get one. It is tough to recommend one, since there are so many. Check them out for yourself, and you will find one you like. Look for a more technical manual, more than a creative one. You need to learn the concepts of how your camera works, before learning any techniques, whether simple or advanced. Well, get out there, you have may great photographs in your near future.
Author: Sam Zaydel
Danna Schneider
Male enhancement, virility, impotence, endurance, libido, elongate, enlarge, lenthen, empower - these are all now the buzzwords of the male enhancement and "penis enlargement" industry. An industry that has become a multi-million dollar venture in a relatively short period of time. So why the sudden explosion of this once seemingly niche market for aging men who needed a little help? Why all the knockoffs of Viagra? And why all the hundreds of natural and herbal alternatives to Viagra, Cialis, and the like?
That answer can vary in it's complexity and speculation, but it all really boils down to a different way of life in the modern world, the breaking down of sexual taboos hence more talk of male virility and impotence, and the hustle and bustle of modern life literally draining the life and passion out of so many people that they are left looking for answers to dwindling sex drives, perceived inadequacies in penis size, and unsatisfactory sexual performance.
This is especially is true of men, who tend to hold sex very near and dear, and who are biologically programmed to have higher sex drives and socially programmed to desire more sex, more often, and have higher expectations of sexual fulfillment than women. Not to say that some women don't feel the same way, but for the sake of demonstration we will use this generalization.
This is exactly what accounts for the huge male enhancement and penis enhancement market today - both prescription and herbal. So what if you're a guy who doesn't really want to go to the doctor because you don't actually have a problem with erectile disfunction, but you know that you need to add that zing back to your sex life, and possibly some extra size or girth to your penis, or you want to last longer and have more powerful, fulfilling and stress-relieving orgasms?
Well, fortunately for you, you are part of an era known as the herbal explosion age. For almost every pharmaceutical drug, the herbal and nutraceutical industry has come up with some very promising and close imitations and alternatives to prescription medications, without all the man-made chemicals and possibilities of dangerous side effects.
That's not to say that you shouldn't be cautious when selecting a male enhancement or penile enlargement supplement. You still need to read the ingredients, and make sure they are not going to interfere with any existing medications. Also, if you begin noticing you just don't feel right, or there is any type of side effect or reaction to any ingredient, you should stop taking it immediately and request a refund. Most reputable companies will be happy to provide a refund if you are not happy with the results or the product just didn't agree with your chemistry.
So there you have it - you can still have a great sex life, improve your self image and sexual satisfaction, and do it discreetly, naturally and safely. We all need a little help now and then in the bedroom, and these natural male enhancement products are looking to be just the right sexual remedy for more and more men (and women!).
About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of Herbal-Therapeutics.com http://www.Herbal-Therapeutics.com , a nutraceutical and herbal remedy site offering the latest and most advanced in nutraceutical and herbal therapeutics technology.
Source: www.isnare.com