Friday 13 April 2007

Jewelweed, Poison Ivy Treatment from Nature

Judi Singleton

Jewelweed, Poison Ivy Treatment from Nature

Impatiens capensis Other names:Pale Touch-Me-Not, Touch-Me-Not, Wild

Celandine, Spotted Touch-Me-Not, Speckled Jewels, Balsam Weed, Wild

Balsam, Balsam A'Florae, Slipperweed, Silverweed, Wild Lady's Slipper,


I love these old names for plants they are so descriptive. You might

know Jewelweed by any of the above names. It is a member of the

Impatiens family and even the impatiens we plant in the yard have some

medicinal value against the below nasties of the wild.

Well, The weather is warm and it is time to get out in nature again. If

you are like me you like to hike and camp but there are some things

about nature that are not so much fun, like poison ivy and poison oak.
Jewelweed is a natural remedy and preventative for poison ivy, oak,
Jewel Weed is an effective natural herbal remedy not only for poison

ivy, but also for poison oak, okra spines, stinging nettle, and other

irritating plants; as well as bug bites and razor burn. Jewel Weed, is

also used for acne, heat rash, ringworm and many other skin disorders.
When traveling across the United States a few years ago I got bit by

chiggers and it proved effective for those rascally little buggers

which itch like crazy. Here are some of the other uses of Jewel Weed I

found in the herbal books. antiparasitic,digestive aid,diuretic,As a

diuretic, it is effective in cases of edema (dropsy).
liver stimulant,mildly laxative. In ointments, it can be used to treat

hemorrhoids and other varicose conditions.

Jewelweed is a smooth annual; 3-5 ft. Leaves oval, round- toothed;

lower ones opposite, upper ones alternate. A bit trumpet shaped, the

flowers hang from the plant much as a jewel from a necklace, Pale

Jewelweed has yellow flowers, Spotted Touch-Me-Nots have orange flowers

with dark red dots. The seeds will 'pop' when touched , that is where

the name came from. The Spotted Jewelweed variety is most commonly used

for rashes although the Pale Jewelweed may also have medicinal

properties. Jewelweed usually grows in wet spots next to creeks and

river beds. It grows in the vicintiy of poison oak, poison ivy and

stinging nettles. Yes, Mother Nature was very nice to us there. Jewel

weed's nectar attracts hummingbirds.

If you step in a patch of poison Ivy or poison oak don't rub it no

matter how much it itches as rubbing cause the oil to spread. Many

people even get the rash from their pets fur. If you can find Jewel

Weed you are in luck. Shred the leaves and put the juice on the rash

immediately. Fresh juice is best but if you can preserve it by freezing

ahead of time that works too. Freeze the leaves in ice cubes and

spread it on the rash. The tea is said to work like a preventive.

About the Author

About the Author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal

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