Wednesday 21 March 2007

Vioxx Lawsuits Abound. Where does This Leave the Arthritis Sufferer?

Wendy Owen

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Vioxx, a popular pain medication was fetching it's manufacturer,
Merck Pharmaceuticals, millions of dollars in sales in 2004.
Today it has been withdrawn from sale and is the subject of
several Vioxx lawsuits. It's demise, due to unacceptable risk
factors, leaves doctors and patients confused and wondering how
many more "time bombs" there are lurking out there

What is Vioxx?

Vioxx is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) mainly
prescribed for pain relief for people suffering with various
forms of arthritis. The product was launched in 1999 and was
available in several countries.

Vioxx is one of the family of COX-2 inhibitors. Drugs with this
label block the Cox 2 enzyme while allowing the Cox 1 enzyme
intact. The Cox 1 enzyme is necessary as it protects the stomach
lining. Without this protection, patients are at risk of ulcers,
stomach bleeding and intestinal damage.

The main risks from taking Vioxx are an increased risk (4:1) of
heart attack or stroke. While this risks were said only to
affect people who have been taking the drug for 18 months or
more, there is some evidence that they may also affect short
term users as well.

Vioxx lawsuits

There are currently over 7000 vioxx lawsuits, both individual
and class action, pending against Merck. The number of lawsuits
are growing by the day. To be eligible to claim compensation
from Merck, a person must have been taking Vioxx medication and
have suffered some ill effects from doing so.

Merck must be shown to have breached their "duty of care"
towards their customers and have acted irresponsibly in
information them of the health risks that Vioxx could cause.
Although Merck pulled Vioxx from the shelves voluntarily in
2004, there is evidence that they knew of risks associated with
Vioxx as early as 2000, but didn't pass on any warnings to the

If you believe that taking Vioxx has caused you to suffer a
heart attack or stroke, it is important to act before the
statute of limitations expires. At the time of writing there
have not been any successful Vioxx lawsuits. Those who have
experienced any lost earnings or mental pain and suffering due
to taking Vioxx are also being advised to claim compensation.

What are the alternatives?

There are other COX-2 selective NSAIDS on the market, Celebrex
(celecoxib) and Bextra (valdecoxib).These are now undergoing
stringent testing by the FDA to ensure they are safe

The manufacturers of other NSAIDS such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen
have been requested by the FDA to change the labelling on their
products to include warnings about any side effects that may be
experienced - for example gastro intestinal bleeding.

Natural arthritis pain relief is a safe and effective option.
The medical profession is fond of pointing out that natural
remedies are not controlled or tested by the FDA. After the
Vioxx debacle you have to wonder it this really matters!

About the author:

Wendy Owen is a natural health writer and researcher. visit her
site at for
arthritis information, articles and a natural arthritis remedy.