Tuesday 16 January 2007

Treating Insomnia Naturally

Brandon C. Hall

Sleep is something that every human being requires. For some people they only need a few hours of sleep every night, but for others if they don't get at a minimum eight hours, they cannot function properly during the day. Their work, their relationships and their life is impacted. Sleep in fundamental to a healthy and happy life.

Insomnia is a problem that affects millions of people each night. If you are one of these individuals and you've spent a night filled with sleeplessness, you would most certainly welcome any method that would guarantee sleep. Having first hand knowledge of how difficult it is not to be able to sleep, gives a person an appreciation for how valuable resting our bodies is.

Insomnia can be a chronic condition for some people. It may begin as a symptom of an illness or during a particularly stressful time in someone's life and it causes such a drastic disruption in the individual's sleep pattern that they struggle to find a way to regain a normal sleep pattern. Spending years struggling to find a method to sleep is a frustrating experience.

Traditional medicine offers many alternatives for people who have suffered from serious insomnia. Sleeping pills are a commonly prescribed remedy. Although they do adequately treat the insomnia, they also often have serious side-effects. One of the most serious side-effects is that they are often addictive. It becomes a trade-off for those who choose this approach. Although their insomnia is treated, they become dependent on medication and in some cases have to stay on that medication for the rest of their lives.

There are natural alternatives that a person can take to treat the insomnia. Some of these are in the form of a pill or a tablet which consists of a combination of herbs. Herbal teas are another popular choice for people who suffer from sleep problems. You simply brew a pot of the fragrant tea and sip it shortly before bed. The soothing effects of the tea lull you to sleep without the chemicals associated with traditional sleep medication. There are a variety of these types of teas available and the taste is very welcome and pleasant.

An old stand-by that many people turn to when they suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia is to warm a glass of milk. There is a chemical that is released in milk once it is heated. This chemical is called tryptophan and it works to relax the body and help you to drift off to sleep. Besides being a natural remedy for insomnia, milk also has the added benefit of being a significant source of calcium.

Suffering from insomnia can change a person's life in many ways. Without the foundation of a steady and regular pattern of sleep, they aren't able to function to the best of their ability. By researching natural remedies for insomnia, the sleeper will once again find the rest they need and do so in a way that is healthiest for their entire body.

About The Author

Brandon C. Hall

If you need help sleeping at night visit (http://findprofit.densan.hop.clickbank.net) for an immediate solution to your sleep problems. For more articles and information on insomnia and sleeping disorders visit (http://www.freeinfoblog.com/category/insomnia).