Wednesday 27 June 2007

Garlic- Nature's Anti-fungal

Jonathan N. Group, R.D., D.C

Garlic: A Natural Solution to Toenail Fungus

The benefits of garlic as a natural health remedy, once considered to be mere folklore, have been proven by the scientific community in recent years. >From lowering cholesterol to preventing cancer and boosting the immune system, this wonder food continues to show its promise in the field of health and wellness because of the over 100 biologically useful chemicals it contains. By encouraging white blood cells to fight infections and promoting other immune cells to combat bacterial and viral infections and scavenge for cancer cells it supports immune system vitality. Garlic is also a powerful antimicrobial, meaning that it eliminates or slows the growth of harmful microbes. One of these potentially harmful microbes is fungus such as tinea pedis.

One in every five people will be infected with fungus in their life. Fungi are molds and yeasts that can live in the top layer of the skin and toenails. This fungal infection can become quite unsightly and painful. Fungal growth at the toenail begins as a light colored spot under the tip of the nail in addition to a loss of the nail's natural luster. As the fungus grows, it will continue to spread until the entire toenail becomes thick and yellow with crumbling edges. If no treatment is given to destroy the fungus, the condition will worsen and eventually the toenail will have a distorted shape, the color may become green, brown, or black, and a foul odor may be present.

There are many treatments available to eradicate the fungus that causes this unpleasant condition. Interestingly, one of the most effective cures for this condition also happens to be one of the least expensive. And you probably have it in your kitchen already. Garlic has been shown over the years to be a great way to fight even the most persistent cases of toenail fungus.

Treating toenail fungus with garlic is easy and painless. There are several methods that work well and depending on the severity of your fungal infection, you may wish to try one or more of them. Its ability to eliminate the fungus makes it a natural choice and one that is easy to attain and use. In the beginning stages of the infection it is useful to place several chopped cloves in the toes of your socks at night. Or, for a more targeted approach, simply crush some fresh cloves and place them in contact with the affected area for 30 minutes. The skin should be washed before and after both of these applications. Garlic powder can also be used to combat toenail fungus. A light dusting of it is an easy way to get a healthy dose of this powerful natural remedy.

Using garlic is a highly effective, not to mention inexpensive, way to fight even the most persistent cases of toenail fungus. Another product that makes garlic treatment easy is known as garlic oil ointment. You may be able to find this effective formula in health food stores, where it would be sold chilled. If not, it is simple to make and can be stored in your refrigerator for up to one month. It is made by combining one tablespoon of fresh chopped garlic cloves, three tablespoons of coconut oil and one tablespoon of olive oil.

The only downside to using this home remedy for toenail fungus is that it may stain the nail a yellow color which makes the nail look unpleasant. This will go away with time, however it is hard to monitor the progress of new clear nail growing out when the solution will also stain the healthy nail yellow.

When using garlic or any other treatment for your toenail fungus, the success of the treatment depends entirely on your willingness to faithfully treat the toenail every day and to continue your chosen course of therapy for a considerable amount of time. It is best to treat toenail fungus or nail fungus from the inside out. Taking fresh garlic cloves, garlic pills or a super concentrated spagyric formula is most effective. Unfortunately, because the cure for toenail fungus can take six months or more, many people choose to live with it rather than take measures to combat it. The treatment of toenail fungus is lengthy due to the fact that the treatment must continue even after the fungus has died and the toenail begins to clear. The fungus is not completely cured until the infected portion of the toenail has completely grown out. Treatment internally and externally should then continue for at least 3-4 weeks to make sure it does not come back.

Once the fungus has been taken care of and the toenail is completely healthy, it is vital to take steps to ensure that the fungus does not return. Keeping toenails clean and trim is important because fungus can make a home under the toenail. Wear socks that allow the feet to breathe, such as those made from natural fibers such as cotton. If you have exceptionally sweaty feet, give them ample time to dry out during the day, if possible. When doing any type of treatment for toenail fungus or athlete's foot make sure to throw away old infected socks as washing may not kill the fungus.

About the author:

Dr. Jonathan N. Group, B.S., R.D., D.C. is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Registered Dietitian and Independent Research Scientist. He has over 15 years of educational and research experience in health care focusing in clinical nutrition, alternative medicine, chiropractic, fitness, health and wellness. Dr. Group is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Fungus Research, L.L.C. and heads the research and development team dedicated to producing advanced, new anti-fungal and anti-microbial products.