Saturday 24 February 2007


David McCarthy

Digestion is a major problem in 21st century lifestyle. Everybody is too busy to sit down and eat properly, or healthily and there is a massive increase in colon cancer cases. The question we must ask of ourselves is why does this happen? Followed by what can I do about it?

Why Indigestion?

Let's start with why does this happen because this has far wider implications than mere indigestion. Indigestion is nothing more than a symptom that your digestive juices are not performing the function that they are designed to perform. In a nutshell that means that your body is not disposing of excess or waste products. This causes indigestion, heart burn etc. It also assists in putting on weight and constipation. So we have three problems now: Indigestion, obesity and bowel dysfunction. We can also add to that the potential for heart problems caused by obesity. It doesn't come more serious does it?

What to do about it

The second question we should ask is: "What can I do about it?" There is a simple, natural, remedy that I will come to later but for now let's look at what most people do about indigestion. They buy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of 'off the shelf' cures. Without mentioning names of products because every supermarket and drug store have shelves full of various cures for indigestion and heartburn that I'm sure you know as many as I do. People who buy and use these products will know that, at best, they only provide temporary relief and cost quite a lot of cash for what they are. I've seen products retailing at $8 or $9 that contain a few cents of ingredients. Little wonder they only want to give you temporary relief; this goose lays 24 carat golden eggs for the makers and sellers. Now let's look at something that goes to the soul of the problem.

Overcoming indigestion

To overcome indigestion, and the more serious offshoots mentioned above, you must regain the balance of your body function by stimulating your natural digestive juices to work in the manner that they should. The common link between indigestion, obesity and colon disorders is the inability of your body to break down the food that you eat and process it in the correct manner. The answer is Apple Cider Vinegar. Take one Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with each meal. The acidity of the vinegar stimulates the natural digestive juices into performing their natural function and your body will start showing the affects within a couple of days. Often on the first day of using it.

Medicinal powers of Vinegar

The medicinal powers of vinegar have been catalogued for many years. During World War 1 common vinegar was used for cleaning infection from wounds before dressing, it has been used as antiseptic for surgery in emergencies. The benefits of this product are widely publicised but just as widely ignored.

Personal experience

On a personal note I suffered from indigestion and a hiatus hernia a little over a year ago. The hiatus hernia was controlled by strict diet - mainly avoiding spicy foods. This was murder to keep up with because I love food and especially spicy food. A friend suggested I use a Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water when I eat and I was prepared to try it. The result: I have just about forgotten what indigestion is and can eat any spicy foods that I wish and never suffer from the hiatus hernia.

There is one more thing that you can do to help your body function in the manner it was designed to work and that is to increase your daily exercise. I don't mean sign up at a gym or employ a personal trainer. All you have to do is walk for at least 20 minutes each day. You can start by taking 4 walks of 5 minutes and build up to 20 minutes. It doesn't have to be power walking, just remember that the body needs movement to function and only you can give it that. Before too long you will want to walk for 40 minutes each day as you start reclaiming your body. - Just don't get into heavy exercise unless you have discussed what you propose to do with you doctor and she/he has approved it.


The way of life that came to the fore in the late 20th century and persists today is not a natural way for your body to function. Just be aware of that and make a few minor changes. There is little point in having a great income and lifestyle to die young is there?

This article is © copyright David McCarthy 2005. It may be reproduced only in its entirety with no changes or additions.

About The Author

David McCarthy is webmaster of a website devoted to freely sharing knowledge on all facets of food, cooking, weight loss, food related health subjects and a free weight loss program. It contains recipes for all occasions from health to partying.