Thursday 13 January 2005

Natural Cures for Sinus and Ear Infections

Scott Woutersz

During my years of research for Earache prevention, I found that
repeated allergies, sinus, and ear infections are the result of
a "weakened immune system" mainly due to "antibiotic
Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria in the
colon resulting in poor digestion and impaired absorption of
nutrients. So even when I gave my son a healthy diet and vitamin
supplements, he was still having chronic earaches and sinusitis,
because he was not absorbing needed nutrients to keep immune
system healthy and strong.

In addition to impaired absorption, antibiotics damage the
(the inner lining of the small intestines) so toxins
that should normally exit the body, get absorbed into the blood
stream instead. Toxins in the blood stream can cause various
allergic reactions such as hives, body aches, sneezing, itching,
and a runny nose. Runny noses and fluid buildup provide the
breeding ground for bacterial ear infections.

A simple remedy is to supplement with Lactobacillus Acidophilus
(friendly flora), which is a good bacteria that will repair the
mucosa by replenishing the natural balance of friendly flora in
the colon that the antibiotics has destroyed. For proper dosage
see my link below.

Other factors that wear down the immune system are:

Poor diet
Lack of sleep
Food additives
Food preservatives

Environmental toxins
Toxins from protein digestion

There are thousands of man-made chemicals today that did not
exist a hundred years ago. Today our children's immune systems
are overloaded with toxics and have to work harder to remove
them. Working overtime causes the immune system to run out of
essential elements (necessary oils and enzymes), which are the
fuel it needs to carry on. When your tank is out of gas you fill
it up, right? And likewise, our immune system is no different.
To fuel up we need "basic building blocks" called "amino acids"
(protein) and "essential oils" (omega 3) in order to strengthen
the immune system heal chronic diseases. Toxic overload without
regular refueling will cause the immune system and the liver to
burnout out. The end result is low "immune system function."

Cutting back on processed foods that have toxic food additives
and preservatives can make a huge difference in the health of
your child. Replace processed foods with whole fruits, grains,
and vegetables. You will be surprised how much better your child
will feel. In addition, their attention span will improve and
hyperactivity will be diminished.

One of the most common processed foods to eliminate is white
sugar. Excess dietary sugar is toxic to the body and promotes
fungal infections in the gut, ear, nose and throat. Many chronic
earaches and sinus problems are actually fungal infections.
Instead use an All-Natural Sugar substitute that is safe for
kids called Xylitol. In fact, Xylitol actually prevents

The goal to long-term healing is to get the immune system
strong again.

First, by improving digestion using natural digestive
enzymes thus improving absorption of nutrients.

Second, is to identify and remove allergens. Research
shows that the vast majority of kids with chronic earaches &
sinus infections are allergic to wheat, diary, and beef. So
eliminating or reducing these foods will bring help bring
healing. Alternative food choices are yogurt, soymilk, lactaid
milk, rice, oats, and etc.
Third, limiting or
eliminating proteins from cow products and replacing them with
easily digestible proteins such as yogurt, and beans. Also,
protein powder drinks chock full of essential and nonessential
amino acids that do not need to be digested only absorbed, are
very important.

1. This is because allergic kids usually have problems
digesting proteins and lack "protease", which is an enzyme
needed for protein digestion.
2. In addition, allergic kids
have trouble removing the metabolic waste from protein digestion
due to enzyme deficiency.
3. Milk and diary products
produce excess flem and mucous in throat and sinuses.

Short-term healing can be achieved by:

Adding all-natural antibiotics in addition to your doctor's
care. Natural antibiotics (colloidal silver) can be administered
both topically (ear drops & sinus sprays) and orally. My
experience when using natural antibiotic eardrops is that ear
pain is gone usually within an hour.
Making a fresh juice
cocktail of carrots, apples, beets, and spinach. This gives
"superior nutrition" and tons of antioxidants very quickly.

Giving lactobacillus acidophilus to restore floral balance in
the colon.

Other helpful strategies include:

Drink more water and eat more fresh unprocessed foods.

Get thirty minutes of exercise and sunshine each day.

1. Exercise creates enzymes in the mitochondria of cells to burn
fat, burning fat = getting rid of toxins from the body. For more
information on this topic follow link below to get a free
2. Sunshine is needed for the body to make Vitamin
D3. Most kids & elderly folks can't convert Vitamin D2
supplements into D3, so they have weaker immunity. D3 helps the
immune system recognize & fight invaders.

The "Key" to "Sinus Infection Cure" and "Earache Prevention" is
to get the immune system healthy again by using natural
antibiotics, eliminating toxins, and by improving digestion thus
increasing absorption of nutrients. Once absorption is improved
healthy food and supplementation is necessary to replenish the
immune system. Achieving all this strengthens the immune system
so the body can heal itself.


More information is available here: href=>

About the author:

A father's Success Story - My infant son's allergies,
reoccurring sinus and, ear infections drove me to the brink of
despair. After many sleepless nights, multiple ear surgeries
(ear tubes & Adenoids removed), and despite doing everything the
doctors told me to do, he was still having chronic Sinus
Infections and Ear Aches with increasing frequency. So in
desperation, I started doing my own research on alternative
natural cures including