Thursday 29 March 2007

What is Homeopathy?

Cori Young

Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medicine used to treat a wide variety of health concerns.

It is based on the Law of Similars and potentization. Basically, the Law of Similars is the premise that because exposure to a given substance can cause specific symptoms in someone who is healthy, then that substance — given as a homeopathic remedy — will stimulate the body's own curative powers to overcome similar symptoms during illness.

A common example used to describe this effect is that of the person chopping an onion ~ When a healthy person chops an onion they usually get watery eyes, and a a runny nose. They may even experience sneezing or coughing, from exposure to the active substances in the onion.

The homeopathic remedy, Allium cepa, made of potentized red onion, can help the body overcome a cold or allergy attack in which the person has similar symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing.)

Even though the symptoms were not caused by exposure to an onion, the remedy made from the onion can help the body overcome them, because the symptoms are similar.

Is Homeopathy Effective?

Millions of people have used homeopathic remedies to treat every conceivable type of ailment and symptom. Despite misconceptions, homeopathy is just as scientific as allopathic medicine.

Homeopathy does not base its effectiveness on animal experiments which have little relevance to humans, and prescribing is not based on empirical, or accidental discovery of effects, but on a rational, systematic observation of the effects of remedies on healthy and sick people.

What are the Advantages of Homeopathy?


Homeopathy enjoys an excellent reputation in part because it is given in such minute doses that it can be safely used to treat anyone. Pregnant women, new born babies, children and weak or elderly people may all use the appropriate dosages of homeopathic remedies without dangerous side effects. Homeopthic doses of certain herbs are appropriate for certain individuals (like colicky babes,) when a standard herbal dosage would be too strong.


Homeopathy does not use synthetic substances, but relies on the healing properties inherent in plants, minerals, and animal substances. These substances are used in their whole, natural state, not as isolated chemicals.


Homeopathy is not based on 'fad' research. Homeopathic remedies do not go in and out of fashion because they are based on indications for specific symptoms rather than on 'opposites'.

Easy to Take

Most homeopathic remedies have a very mild, sweet taste and are meant to disolve under the tongue.

Even very small children can take them, which is very handy.

They come in small bottles that can be easily carried with you.

Understanding Potencies

Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process called potentization. Potentization involves a series of systematic dilutions and successions (a forceful shaking action).

Potentization removes all risk of chemical toxicity while activating a remedy substance and enabling it to affect the body therapeutically.

The more dilutions and succussions a substance undergoes, the higher the potency will be. Higher potencies of homeopathic remedies (anything higher than 12C) have been diluted past the point that molecules of the original substance would be measurable in the solution.

Homeopathic potencies are designated by the combination of a number and a letter (for example, 6X or 30C).

The number refers to the number of dilutions the tincture has undergone within a series to prepare that remedy.

The letter refers to the proportions used in each dilution of the series (the Roman numeral X means 10, and the Roman numeral C means 100), as well as the number of succussions the vial of solution undergoes in each successive stage.

Choosing the Appropriate Remedy

A key element in treating successfully with homeopathy is selecting the right remedy.

It is best to farmiliarize yourself with homeopathic remedies before you need them so you can have a vague idea in mind of what remedy may be called for.

Get yourself a good book like, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook: A Guide to Everyday Health Care, by Miranda Castro to have on hand.

Basically, when looking for a remedy you want to consider both physical and psychological symptoms.

Physical Symptoms

Homeopathic remedies promote a return to normal body function, and can be of help in almost any physical symptom or condition. Though they their work on a subtle level, they ultimately affect the chemical, cellular, and structural health of the organism.

Psychological Symptoms

Psychological states are a crucial piece of the symptom-puzzle. Even when treating a purely physical ailment,homeopathy considers the emotional response of the individual to be of prime importance. Improvement of an emotional state is one way to monitor the effectiveness of a remedy.


added to articlecity9/17

Treating ADD and ADHD Naturally

by Cori Young

ADHD / ADD Smptoms, Causes & Alternative Treatment

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS), most specifically the reticular activating system.The most well known form of ADD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD affects an estimated 5% of school aged children in North America. It is the most common neurological disorder among children in this country.


This condition is marked by learning disabilities, frequent forgetfullness, impaired judgement, excessive talking/interupting, trouble concentrating, shortened attention span, and orginization problems.


Research shows the common factor in all forms of ADD and ADHD to be a coordination failure in the reticular activating system of the brain. This area of the brain helps coordinate external stimulus. A brain chemical, norepinephrine, carries information between different regions of the brain which allows certain areas to be activated while others are inhibited, allowing one to focus on selected external information, while excluding others.

In the case of ADD / ADHD this neural coordination is impaired, causing competitive stimulation from multiple external and internal sources -too much visual stimulation, too much sound stimulation, too many internal feelings and emotions, etc. When the limited neural network is overly taxed in this regard, it becomes unable to "tune in" or focus on some stimulation, while "tuning out," or "turning down" (attenuating) other stimulation. The results can be irritation, aggression and anxiety.


SUGAR CONSUMPTION blunts the brain's ability to respond to norepinephrine, thus impairing brain coordination.

ALLERGIES Up to 90% of all children with ADD or ADHD are allergic to red, yellow, and blue dyes found in food products. Other common food allergens include, cow's milk, peanuts, citrus, and tomatoes.








Conventional treatment of ADD / ADHD most often includes the use of psychostimulant or antidepressant drugs. Over time, however these drugs often become ineffective and cause a sort of rebound effect where frustration and anger return. Excessive use of stimulant drugs can cause lethargy and depression.


Fortunately there are effective alternatives to medications.

A combination of herbs and nutritional support can often balance the brain chemistry naturally without the side effects of medications. There are formulas available that are designed specifically to provide the essential framework of lipids and fatty acids, natural hormones, as well as neural growth and synchronization factors quintessential for neural and glial cell generation in order to meet the demands of increased neural "traffic" through the reticular activating system.

Many herbs have been shown to provide relief from ADD/ADHD symptoms without the side effects of prescription drugs. However, not all herbs are suitable for small children. They are best used synergistically in a reputable formula designed specifically for the treatment of ADD/ADHD.


AVOID SUGAR Research has shown that children with ADD and ADHD may not digest sugars properly. Sugar consumption has been linked to aggressive, restless behaviour.

IDENTIFY ALLERGIES Try to identify and avoid food allergens and neurotoxins such as artificial sweetners and food dyes.

AVOID SOFT DRINKS Both sugar-free and sweetened contain phosphates which displaces calcium/magnesium levels, causing exaggerated muscle activity.

GET PLENTY OF SUNLIGHT Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, is sometimes misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD. Occurring mostly in northern latitudes during the winter months, SAD produces ADD-like symptoms. Consider exposure to full-spectrum lighting if unable to spend time outdoors each day.


Prescription For Herbal Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

12 Effective Ways to Help Your Add/Adhd Child: Drug-Free Alternatives for Attention-Deficit Disorders by Laura J. Stevens

THE LCP SOLUTION: The Remarkable Nutritional Treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia by Malcolm J. Nicholl

Transforming the Difficult Child; The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser

Cori Young is an herbalist living in the Pacific Northwest.

For more information on healing with herbs, visit her website,

Herbal Remedies Info (