Monday 30 May 2005

Smelly Feet

Sharon Hopkins

You take care of your feet by washing them regularly.

You change your smelly socks at least once a day. Your shoes are well kept. But in spite of all this, your feet stink. Sometimes the condition is so bad that by simply removing your shoes, people around you know that you have smelly feet. The condition can be embarrassing, especially in public. By following some simple tips, you can take care of your feet and avoid the problem of smelly feet.

The common home remedies for foot odor are:

• Apply tea to the area: Using a soak made from tea bags and applying it to your feet will eliminate the problem of smelly feet. This is because the tannic acid from tea tans the skin. Take a couple of tea bags and boil them in a pint of water for 15 minutes. Then remove the tea bags and pour the pint of this strong, hot tea into a basin or a large pot and fill it with two quarts of cool water. Soak your feet for 30 minutes daily for seven or ten days and you will not experience the problem any longer.

• Use acne remover: If your feet really stink very badly, you suffer from toxic sock syndrome. In this case, you should look at your soles. If they are whitish in colour with tiny pits, you are suffering from the condition called pitted keratolysis. The microorganism that causes this condition is the same one that causes acne, you can use over-the-counter acne medication with 10 percent benzoyl peroxide.

• Go for an antiperspirant: There are special foot deodorants to remedy the problem but they can be quite expensive. But you go in for any underarm antiperspirant, which is a cheaper alternative. Go for a roll-on that has aluminum chloride hexahydrate as the active ingredient. Use it twice a day. But avoid aerosols since all their smell is dissipated in the air.

About The Author

Sharon Hopkins has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites, such as, which provides information on Home Remedies and Natural Cure for various ailments. Foot Odour can be treated by following some simple home based remedies

Saturday 28 May 2005

Threats to Online Trading Companies From Fraud and Hackers

There are many threats from hackers and con artists when a company does business online. Here are some of the main types of fraud:

Supplying fake products:
Fraud can occur at the very outset of your business when you try to contact a supplier for the product that you have chosen for your online business. The supplier turns out to be untrustworthy and disappears with your money leaving no trace and no hopes of a business. This type of fraud is similar to anything that can happen in the brick and mortar world of business as well. Remember that almost anything that can happen in the real world can happen in the virtual world too, so take the same precautions that you would as for an offline business.

A common problem that more established businesses face is clone businesses that set up with similar sounding names and logos. These businesses will often target your trading company’s clients, and make no mistake; they are after your business specifically. This can create a number of problems for the online trading business, since there is a lack of physical interaction with the customers and it is easier to pull this off. Customer can become confused and either leaves you for the other company unknowingly or be put off by the incompetence of the other company and blame your business. It is a headache for many companies that operate solely online.

Credit card fraud:
This is the most wide spread type of fraud by hackers and is not limited to the web. But operating online does make it easier for a hacker to find a weakness in your system and exploit it. Most times, hackers will gain access to secured financial information and credit card data and use this to purchase products and transfer money to their own accounts. This can be done so cleverly by an experienced hacker that the trail is impossible to follow. The FBI has been involved in many cases that involve large amounts being stolen in this way and often are unable to locate culprits. It is essential to have plenty of security and use the services of established players in the market such as Pay Pal, etc.

Click fraud:
Business Week has reported the sharp rise in click fraud as one of the growing problems with doing business online. It implies the software that is now available to fake clicks on an advertisement online, which results in incorrect statistics about the popularity of the site and the number of visitors. Since online business sites pay per click, the advertiser ends up paying much more money than he should. Many unethical affiliates and advertising agents use this type of fraud to make a lot of money.

A common hacker practice online, Phishing or password harvesting has acquired a special name. It is a technique used by hackers via email or Instant Message to subtly and creatively find out an unsuspecting person’s financial and personal information. Sensitive data such as passwords, account names and numbers, credit card details, social security numbers are smoothly extracted with the help of a little social engineering practices. Phishing hackers are known to pose as government bodies to defraud even online businesses of access to their databases.

Author: William King

Monday 23 May 2005

Suffer from Arthritis?

Ronald H. Pope

Arthritis pain relief, naturally

without prescription drugs.

The prescription drug of choice is, unfortunately, still Celebrex. Like its now market removed cousin, Vioxx, this blockbuster painkiller has been the subject of repeated FDA warnings that patient use can cause bleeding ulcers and heighten the risk of heart attacks - See article by Rita Rubin USA TODAY A better Life April 15, 2002.

Arthritis sufferers should be made aware that there are alternatives to the high cost of prescription drugs being prescribed by medical doctors. One such alternative is a natural remedy medically tested by a doctor, a remedy that does not cause the user to suffer from any side effects such as bleeding ulcer, or an increased risk of heart attack by elevated blood pressure such as the dangerous drugs being prescribed. The formula is especially effective for osteoarthritis of the knees.

One of the things that the doctor discovered in his case studies was that pain from arthritis decreased, and mobility of the joints involved improved, sometimes greatly, starting two to six weeks after the patient began to take the formula. Generally, the improvement continues until the formula is stopped. Then the whole problem starts to return, generally, in the same two to six weeks. In summary, the treatment is an effective control, not a cure. There is no cure known for arthritis at this juncture.

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting new 'old' remedy resurrected from the research papers in the Library of Congress or any another natural over the counter remedies for arthritis pain relief that actually do work, please email

About the author:

Ronald H. Pope is President of Pope Estates Arizona Inc. Business Brokers & Commercial Realtors in Scottsdale, Arizona

Saturday 21 May 2005

Stretch Marks Can Affect All Of Us

David Stanton

Stretch marks can affect all of us. Many people assume the cause of stretch marks (also known as striae) is pregnancy, and so only pregnant women and mothers are affected. Body builders often suffer from striae, and the majority of these body builders are men. People who gain a great deal of weight are also susceptible to stretch marks. In short, anytime skin is stretched quickly or dramatically, striae are apt to appear.

Not only can striae affect both men and women, but they can affect children, teens, and adults. Skin is a remarkable organ. One of skin's most remarkable abilities is its ability to stretch.

Elastin and collagen are two of the building blocks of skin. Collagen is a binding agent in skin. Elastin provides skin with, you guessed it, its elasticity.

And the skin is phenomenally elastic. The scar tissue that accompanies these small rips in the skin are known as stretch marks.

How Stretch Marks Can Be Prevented or Repaired

A popular home remedy for stretch marks is cocoa butter. Pregnant women, body builders, or growing teenagers can rub in an ointment of elastin, collagen, and other proteins to help prevent tearing, and subsequent scarring. The proteins promote cell regeneration, which improves the scars' appearance. Then they thicken the epidermal layer, creating a smoother top layer of skin. This further improves the look of striae, even striae that are quite old.

About the Author

Dermaglow offer natural & organic skin care to help prevent stretch marks.

Thursday 19 May 2005

Stop Suffering With Arthritis Pain Today!

Janet Hahn, CPRS

MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is a nutritional supplement derived from natural organic sulfur. It has been found to have tremendous pain relieving benefits for multiple ailments. MSM has the ability to relieve inflammation and resulting pain associated with arthritis.

Clinical Research Reveals The Medicinal Power Of MSM

Clinical research has shown MSM to alleviate pain, reduce stiffness and swelling and improve the mobility of joints. MSM also promotes blood flow aiding the healing and recovery process after physical activity. Doctors report that MSM is so effective that they often are able to lower or even stop the dosages of medication they are prescribing for their patients.

Although MSM is a breakthrough remedy for arthritis sufferers its benefits are beyond the treatment of this disease. There are substantial clinical experiences proving the benefits of MSM regarding sprains and their healing time. Follow this link to read more:

The Phosoplex™ MSM Connection

Lisa a tennis pro from Franklin Lakes New Jersey has been using MSM for almost three years. Lisa states, " MSM keeps me on the court and teaching. I heal faster from minor pulls and feel better than I did five years ago on the court. I will continue with MSM supplementation.

Ray a retired used car salesman has been using a product called Phosoplex™ containing MSM for three months. Ray states, Phosoplex has really eased the pain. My arthritis was getting unbearable since I stooped taking doctor prescribed drugs. Phosoplex has been a pleasant surprise because I thought I was going to have to get on a prescription again which is a scary thought in this day and age."

There are numerous formulas that contain MSM. Phosoplex™ from Optimal Therapeutics stands out because it combines MSM with other beneficial ingredients such as BioCell Collagen II® and Nextrutine™ aiding the arthritis sufferer. Combining quality ingredients in a formula like Phosoplex™ makes for a synergistic effect between the ingredients. Results are even more pronounced than when MSM is used in an individual supplement. Either in a quality formulation like Phosoplex™ or as a stand alone MSM is definitely worth a try.

About The Author

Janet is a pain relief specialist located in New York. She offers a broad range of alternative solutions for all health and pain related issues.

For more information on natural health and fitness lifestyle options, log on to

Tuesday 17 May 2005

Some Natural Allergy Remedies

Gregg Hall

Approximately one out of every ten Americans suffers from
allergies of some type. Allergies are the body's natural
reaction to any foreign substance. When the body encounters one
of these substances, it produces many different substances,
including histamines. Once released into the body, these cause
tissue swellings called allergies. Allergies can affect many
different parts of the body including the lungs, skins, nasal
passages, sinuses, and stomach. Symptoms of an allergic reaction
can include intestinal pain, bloating, mood swings, exhaustion,
throat swelling, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate,
swelling or bloating of the skin, watery eyes, itchy nose, and
sneezing. There are many things that cause allergies including
pollen, mold, flowers, dust mites, grass, and spores.
Additionally, food and chemicals can be an allergy trigger. The
medical community has come up with all sorts of ways to treat
allergies, but many people shy away from modern day medicine
because of the extensive side effects associated with some of
the treatments. It is often the case that the treatment is worse
than the cure.

One natural allergy remedy is butterbur. Butterbur is a plant
that grows in marshy areas and has three foot leaves. They can
be found across Europe, in Asia, and in North America. It is a
gentle, natural remedy that is free of antihistamines for those
who wish to treat hay fever. It has been used for centuries to
treat all sorts of ailments, but it has been found most
effective at treating allergy style symptoms. It can also help
reduce the muscle spasms associated with allergies. Butterbur is
typically taken in tablet form, as the plants themselves can be
toxic if not properly processed. The roots are dried, beaten to
powder, and combined with other natural ingredients to create
the tablet. It is best to take one tablet three times a day, but
consult the packaging for more specific instructions.

Another natural allergy remedy is locally grown honey. This
product can assist with hay fever and other pollen allergic
reactions. It is important to start with small amounts.
Approximately a teaspoon per day should help. You must first
ensure the honey agrees with your body. If it doesn't,
discontinue use immediately. If you notice discomfort in the
gastrointestinal area, it is important not to use it again. The
goal is to work up to several teaspoons per day to ward off hay
fever. If you decide to use honey, be sure to do several things
first. Talk to your doctor before you try any natural remedies.
Remember that you might have a bad reaction to the honey. Not
every treatment works for every person. You should only purchase
non-pasteurized honey. The honey should be purchased from a
local beekeeper or at a local farmer's market to ensure the
freshest quality available is consumed. Try to make sure the
honey was collected at the same time of year that you suffer
from allergies. This will increase the effectiveness of this
cure. To make sure you get the best results possible, use the
honey one month before your typical allergy season. Using it in
the midst of your difficult season won't be enough. Also, do not
heat the honey. It decreases its natural healing properties. One
last note, begin with a small amount and increase gradually.

Another natural allergy remedy is green tea. People who
regularly consume green tea have noticed that they suffer less
from sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Green tea is best
consumed in purer forms. Don't pollute it with additives like
honey, and don't use chemically processed tea either. It is
important that you consume at least one cup per day. You should
try to work your way up to three cups per day. It does not
matter if the tea is consumed hot or cold.

An additional natural allergy remedy is Echinacea. This herb has
been known to treat all sorts of problems, including hay fever.
It aids in the production of interferon, which assists with
decreasing the swelling in tissues, which, in turn, helps stop
the runny nose and watery eyes associated with allergies.

One final natural allergy remedy is vitamin C. You become
extremely susceptible to allergens if your diet does not contain
enough of this essential vitamin. Vitamin C detoxifies foreign
substances entering the body and strengthens your cells. Dosages
can be up to one thousand milligrams per day.

About the author:

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online
and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16
year old son. Get your href="">health products at

Sunday 15 May 2005

Sleeping Pills - An Effective Alternative

Donald Saunders

Overcoming insomnia is a journey - and, as you may have discovered, it can also be a matter of trial and response. Undertaken systematically overcoming insomnia and getting a good night's sleep is an ultimately rewarding process. But, if you've already made basic changes to your diet and sleep routine, and you've tried specific techniques for reducing stress and improving the quality of your sleep, you may be tempted to turn to artificial sleep aids like sleeping pills.

While sleeping pills may promise a miracle cure for insomnia, the inherent risks of taking sleeping pills to combat insomnia are myriad. Regardless of whether you opt for short-term sleeping pills or a longer course, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines alike all carry similar risks - namely the potential for over-use or, in the worst cases, the possibility of addiction.

Because sleeping pills serve to depress your body's nervous system in order to create an artificial "sleep", they do not facilitate the essential healing and restorative cycles and functions normally undertaken by your body during sleep. That's why taking sleeping pills can often leave you feeling drowsy or inadequately rested in the morning.

Instead of turning to sleeping pills to overcome insomnia, try using one of the numerous natural and time-tested remedies that are widely available. Often referred to as a "natural sleeping pill", melatonin offers one viable sleep-enhancing option.

Melatonin is the hormone naturally produced by your body to induce sleep, and many people have successfully restored their own productive sleep patterns by using melatonin to help stimulate the body's own urge to sleep. Melatonin can be an effective natural alternative to sleeping pills, but should nonetheless be used with caution as it is not yet regulated by any government body.

Herbal remedies are another excellent alternative to sleeping pills and also to melatonin. Consumed in the form of herbal teas and supplements, or even as aromatherapy, herbs like valerian root and chamomile have been lauded as effective sleep-enhancers for centuries. Unlike melatonin or sleeping pills, chamomile does not have to be consumed over a period of time before it becomes effective. Chamomile tea can be used on an as-needed basis and many people have used its sleep-enhancing qualities to successfully combat bouts of insomnia.

Slightly stronger than chamomile and usually taken in pill form, valerian root is another well-known herbal sedative recognized for its ability to overcome insomnia and promote quality sleep. Valerian's sleep-inducing properties are so effective that it is actually medically recognized as the herbal equivalent of Valium™. Indeed, it is said that the name Valium™ was derived from Valerian, although Valium™ itself is not otherwise connected with valerian in any way.

As with all adjustments to your sleep cycle or sleep routine, you should choose one natural sleep remedy and use it consistently for two weeks before making any other changes – this gives your body time to incorporate and respond to the sleep enhancing benefits of the remedy you have chosen.

Copyright © 2005 Donald Saunders

Attention Ezine Editors / Website Owners
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your website so long as you leave all links intact, do not modify the content and include the resource box shown below. You may of course use your own affiliate link in the resource box. For details of our affiliate program, please visit our

About the Author

Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including:
"Help Me To Sleep - A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies", "Jet Lag - An Alternative Approach", "Shift Work Insomnia" and "The Art of Meditation - A Guide To Meditation, Breathing and Relaxation Techniques"
For further details please visit

Tuesday 10 May 2005

Sleep Disorder - To Call The Doctor Or Not?

Donald Saunders

Experiencing difficulty in sleeping for any great length of time may well indicate that you suffer from a common sleep disorder.

Today more than 35 million Americans reportedly suffer from a chronic sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for more than one month) and as many as 30 million more suffer from a shorter term or "transient" sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for less than four weeks).

Commonly triggered by upcoming events (such as important meetings or interviews), jet lag, or a passing illness (like a cold or the flu), a mild sleep disorder presents relatively little difficulty in terms of its management and, if left to its own devices, will often pass quite quickly. This said, many simple steps can be taken to both reduce the effects of mild insomnia and to speed its passing.

A persistent sleep disorder however will rarely disappear of its own accord and may well require pro-active treatment. Prolonged sleep disorders include conditions such as chronic insomnia, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

Difficulty in getting to sleep, staying asleep, waking through the night (and being unable to get back to sleep), or waking too early in the morning, when experienced for any length of time (and certainly for more than four or five weeks), warrants a diagnosis. You should also begin exploring natural sleep remedies that can help you get a better night's sleep, not to mention assisting you in effectively managing your problem.

The most commonly diagnosed sleep disorder, insomnia, also represents one of the easiest problems to treat. Simple lifestyle adjustments, structured relaxation or meditation, or a variety of herbal and natural sleep remedies will often provide a cure.

Like insomnia, sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans each year. The most dangerous of all sleep disorders, sleep apnea occurs when air flow through the windpipe is temporarily obstructed during sleep, often due to the relaxation or collapse of surrounding muscles. Sleep apnea is most commonly associated with snoring, although snoring alone is not necessarily indicative of sleep apnea.

Narcolepsy, a sleep disorder marked by uncontrolled "mini sleeps" during the day (even when the sufferer otherwise appears completely alert), is sometimes confused with sleep apnea; however, these represent two very different conditions.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), another sleep disorder that ranks as one of the most frequently diagnosed, affects more than twelve million people in the US alone each year. Unlike other common sleep disorders, restless legs syndrome combines the physical symptoms of a sleep disorder like insomnia with neural symptoms such as periodically uncontrolled limb movement and a tingling sensation in the legs and feet.

While a serious sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea, chronic narcolepsy or restless legs syndrome requires the intervention of a medical professional, there are still various ways in which you can actively manage your sleep disorder. In fact, numerous natural sleep remedies can help you get a better night's sleep and effectively deal with your sleep disorder, without resorting to sleeping pills or artificial sleep enhancers.

These sleep remedies are too numerous to discuss them in any detail in this short article, but they include melatonin and valerian root, two natural alternatives to sleeping pills, as well as aromatherapy, color or chromatherapy and guided relaxation and meditation. Chamomile or lavender teas and infusions are also an excellent natural remedy for managing various sleep disorders.

While some persistent sleep disorders do certainly merit investigation by your doctor, chronic insomnia can, more often than not, be cured without the need for medical intervention. Understanding the underlying causes of your insomnia and then making a number of simple changes to your lifestyle or routine can make a dramatic difference to the quality of your sleep. With the added help of one or two natural sleep remedies, you can then soon say farewell to this particular sleep disorder.

Copyright © 2005 Donald Saunders

Attention Ezine Editors / Website Owners
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your website so long as you leave all links intact, do not modify the content and include the resource box shown below. You may of course use your own affiliate link in the resource box. For details of our affiliate program, please visit Help Me To Sleep Affiliates

About the Author

Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including:
"Help Me To Sleep - A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies", "Jet Lag - An Alternative Approach", "Shift Work Insomnia" and "The Art of Meditation - A Guide To Meditation, Breathing and Relaxation Techniques"
For further details please visit Sleep Disorder

Natures Cosmetic Bounty

Allison Saunders of

Not all skin treatments require a trip to the local health
and beauty outlet, department store or pricey salon. Look
right in your fridge or pantry and you'll find quite a few
items which you can use to beautify your pretty self.
Consider your kitchen your own natural day spa.

Do you have Oatmeal?

Then you have a great calming mask. Just mix it with warm water and slather it on. When it tightens up, rinse face with warm water and be amazed with the results.

Do you have Honey?

Then you have a softening mask. Add the honey to your oatmeal mask for extra softness.

Do you have Milk?

Then you have Moisturizer. Remember the phrase "milk and honey"? Mixed together they're a vitamin-packed lotion.

Do you have Cucumbers?

Then you have Swelling reducer. All those B-movies from the '60s had it right. Slice them up, place them on your eyes and say goodbye to puffiness.

Do you have Mayonnaise?

Then you have Hair Conditioner. It really is a great skin moisturizer and hair conditioner.

Do you have Potatoes?

Then you have Blemish Treatment. Rumor has it that grated or food processed raw potatoes can be used on blemishes as a curative. The enzymes are said to boost skin's healing powers.

Do you have Strawberries?

Then you have Tooth Whitener. Smoosh them, swirl them across your teeth and smile.

Do you have Garlic?

Then you have Acne Reducer. Well, you may not smell great after this home remedy, but it's worth a try. Garlic juice applied topically is a centuries old treatment for acne.

Talk about natural beauty!!!

Hey, you don't have to trek to the mall or even out your
front door. It's stuff you have already. So give them a try.

See if these all natural treatments work for you.
About the Author

Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the
author of an amazing new course, "Hollywood Makeup Secrets"
a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner
and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison,
and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:

(c)2005 All rights reserved.

Sunday 8 May 2005

Press Release

Sinus Buster Natural Pepper Nasal Spray Launches New and Improved Formula

Press Release

Sinus Buster all natural hot pepper,(Capsaicin) based nasal spray has already been embraced by chronic sinus and headache sufferers around the world, but now this unique formula is even more effective against migraines, clusters, sinus headaches, and chronic congestion. Today, SiCap Industries officially launched the new and improved version of their breakthrough product known as "The Sinus Buster".

Altamont, NY July 6, 2004 -- Known as perhaps the best headache remedy in the world, all natural Sinus Buster Capsaicin nasal spray is now 25% more effective with the launch of their long awaited "new and improved" formula. Known as the world's first nasal spray made with natural hot pepper extract, the Sinus Buster has been embraced by many doctors as a true breakthrough for treating migraine, cluster, and sinus related headaches. Officials at SiCap Industries, makers of the Sinus Buster, say this new formula can stop most headaches in under 30 seconds.

"We've spent the last six months improving the best qualities of our formula. First, we found a way to increase the efficiency of our natural pepper extracts without significantly increasing the bite. This allows the formula to work even faster on migraines, clusters, and sinus headaches. For headaches near the front of your head and behind your eyes, this new formula spells near instant relief every time you use it. In fact we've been testing it on a group of regular users for the past few months, and in terms of percentages, the new formula seems to be at least 25 percent more effective than the original sinus buster against both headaches and sick sinus symptoms. We already had the most effective sinus headache remedy ever with the original sinus buster, but now we think we have the ultimate sinus buster, and we're very excited to finally introduce it into the marketplace," says Wayne Perry, President of SiCap Industries and inventor of the original Sinus Buster formula.

Perry claims the new formula tackles some of the challenges associated producing an all natural liquid supplement. He says the new formula extends shelf life without introducing any man made preservatives found in most so-called "natural products". Perry also claims the new formula is designed to carry the capsaicin farther back through the nasal passages and into the sinus cavities.

"We've upgraded our eucalyptus oil and changed a few of the controls we use to mix the active solution. This allows the eucalyptus to act as an even more effective carrier for the capsaicin. So although you do get a slightly more powerful bite, the capsaicin has been increased only in near microscopic proportions. The biggest change is that the capsaicin is actually being delivered more efficiently," Perry adds.

Comparing the bite of the new and old formulas is a very subjective experience because both solutions feel almost equally powerful. The difference in the two formulas (however slight), would be that the new formula delivers a cleaner and longer lasting effect, and it also delivers a more brilliant burst of energy due to the triggering effect it has on the body to release natural endorphins. Both formulas will make your eyes water, and both will stomp on a headache fast, but the new formula definitely works faster. Furthermore, the new formula knocks out nasal congestion far more effectively than the old version. It also appears to take less of the new Sinus Buster to do the same job as the old Sinus Buster formula.

As far as the actual bite of the pepper extract, the new Sinus Buster formula feels stronger, but not over the top. It's similar to the difference between a 400 horsepower motor and a 450 horsepower motor, both have awesome power, but the 450 HP version is just a bit more powerful. This is due mainly to a change in the combination of natural pepper extracts used in the new formula. Wayne Perry claims the company has spent much time and money figuring out ways to get the most medicinal benefits from the capsaicin.

"We've tweaked the combination of pepper extracts we use to deliver a better all around pain stopping effect. Believe me, nothing relieves a headache or congestion like this sinus buster formula. The old formula has always been awesome, but the new version simply takes the cake," boasts Perry.

Perry also says the new formula addresses some of the issues related to bottling a totally natural product, and the length of time that the product is at its most effective. While developing the formula, SiCap researchers took great pains to increase shelf life effectiveness through completely natural methods.

"We decided to make the switch to a very expensive organic rosemary extract along with increasing its parts per million ratio to better uphold the integrity of the formula. When used properly, rosemary extract is one of the best all natural preservatives known. It especially works well when you're dealing with essential oils and natural resins in a liquid mixture. We've looked into using other preservatives commonly used in other so-called natural products, but the truth is those preservatives contain compounds that frankly work against the benefits of our pepper extract. We refuse to USE anything but completely natural food grade ingredients. After all, I use this stuff too and I'm not putting anything in my nose that isn't all natural and safe," adds Perry.

SiCap Industries prides itself on being a microbrewer of sorts. Instead of making vast quantities of Sinus Buster designated for surplus storage, SiCap produces their formula in fresh batches on a bi-monthly basis. The company's philosophy is one of hand crafted old world excellence, a philosophy that shines through when you try your first shot of the Sinus Buster.

"The secret of intranasal capsaicin is that so little active ingredient is actually needed, and when you're dealing with totally natural ingredients, the pepper resins are susceptible to a certain amount of oxidation once the bottle has been open for awhile. So with the old formula, within three months after opening the bottle some people might experience a slight weakening of the pepper bite. The effectiveness of the formula actually remains about the same, yet there is a psychological factor since some users may believe it won't be as effective if the bite is lessened. The other thing is that when you're dealing with hot pepper extract, the average user will get used to the bite and believe it's weakened when actually it hasn't. Of course this all depends on how a person stores their sinus buster and how tightly they close the top between uses. Our formula is full of anti-oxidants and anti-microbial compounds so it doesn't go bad at all, but the stability of the pepper bite still relies heavily on storage factors because of the small amount used. With our new formula, by increasing the rosemary and vitamin C, and by modifying our temperature controls during the mixing process, we've found a way to increase the shelf life of an open bottle by as much as 50 percent. So once opened, the pepper bite remains fully effective for up to six months and possibly beyond," Perry explains.

In the fall, SiCap plans on introducing a metered dose version of their Sinus Buster in addition to the original bottle which will continue to be their top seller. The newer bottle will be an upright closed top atomizer, and marketed mainly for allergy sufferers. Although one advantage of the closed top atomizer is the fact that air is never introduced to the formula, officials at SiCap say there are also some downfalls.

"It's a give and take thing. The closed sprayer naturally extends shelf life by at least double, but it only delivers a metered dose in a fine mist spray. This seems to work well for typical allergy sufferers, but for chronic headaches and sinus infections, a pre-metered mist just doesn't do the job the way the original spray bottle does. The original bottle does have the disadvantage of taking in air when the bottle is squeezed and released, but it's far more versatile for most users once they learn how to control the bottle. When you first open it, the bottle is full and it can fire a solid stream into the nasal cavity. The harder you squeeze, the bigger the burst. As it empties, you may have to tilt the bottle upward to continuously get the bursting stream spray effect, but you quickly learn how to position the bottle for your desired effect. The other thing is that this bottle can also be used to deliver a light mist spray depending on how hard you squeeze it, and how you position the bottle. People with chronic headaches and sinus congestion rarely need the same dosage every time. So they would probably get little relief from the fine mist application, but the original bottle gives them true versatility in dosage and application. For instance, the fine mist doesn't help my cluster headaches the way the original bottle does. When I have an attack, sometimes I need to be able to spray a long burst very far into my nose to get rid of the headache. You just can't do that with the fine mist applicator. So that's why we'll continue to focus our main attention on marketing the original bottle, while the newer one will be offered as an alternative," Perry explains.

All in all, the Sinus Buster has the same aromatic qualities as the old formula, but there's a more intensified aroma of eucalyptus with an extra hint of citrus and rosemary. The new Sinus Buster is definitely a more exhilarating experience, and it seems to leave your nasal passages feeling even more satisfied than the old formula. Once the initial bite wears off (usually about 5 seconds), the warm sensation of pepper combines with the cooling sensation of eucalyptus to create an incredibly refreshing and lasting feeling.

"Our long time regular users will merely notice a cleaner fresher sensation in taste and aroma. We also use a very pure Aloe Vera gel that moisturizes the nasal passages leaving you with a crisp and clean healthy feeling. I've been using nothing but the new formula for about three months now, and it's just fantastic. Usually I have to fight a sinus cluster headache cycle every summer, and with the old formula I could fight it off, but when it's really humid I'd have to use it sometimes every 20 minutes. But with the new formula, I've warded off my summer attacks pretty much instantly, and a couple good doses daily seem to be preventing my headaches more than ever. We're always striving to improve our product line, and with this new formula I believe we've got it almost perfect. There's no sinus headache remedy that even comes close to the sinus buster. There never has been, and now with the new formula, we're years ahead of the pack," Perry exclaims.

To find out more about The Sinus Buster, the world's first capsaicin (hot pepper) nasal spray, visit the company website at (

Media kits and samples are available for verified media and medical personnel upon request.

Contact via email at (

or call SiCap Industries direct at (518) 861-5216.

About the author:

Saturday 7 May 2005

Shea Butter ~ Africa's Golden Gift

Lisa Maliga

From department stores to discount and drug stores, shea butter lotions, creams, lip balms, soap, conditioners and moisturizers are becoming more familiar to us. On television, a commercial announcer boasts of a brand name moisturizer containing shea butter, when the fact is that the butyrspermum parkii, the Latin name for this ingredient, is listed near the end of a long list of fillers, petroleum castoffs, and preservatives.

What Is Shea Butter?
With its growing reputation we are enticed to try this "new" and wonderful sounding ‘butter' which is not a dairy product. Technically, shea butter is a nut fat, as it is derived from the crushed nuts of the karite tree that grows wild in the African savannah, an area that comprises more than a dozen countries and is approximately the size of America. To a person from Ghana or Burkina Faso, two of the largest exporting countries of shea butter, they are quite accustomed to the benefits of shea butter. They massage it on their skin and hair; they cook with it, and it's known to help people of all ages with accelerating the healing of minor cuts, burns, and scrapes. Those who try natural shea butter are amazed to discover that applying all natural shea butter onto their skin, a thin protective layer forms, that is non-greasy!

Shea [Karite] Trees Grow In The Wild
Shea butter comes from karite trees, which live for hundreds of years and only begin providing fruit by the time they are about 25-30 years of age. Most wild [as opposed to cultivated which is very small scale at this time], karite trees are pollinated by small fruit bats, which help to ensure the continued existence for this ‘tree of life' as those whose livelihood depends on these fruitful trees oftentimes refer to it as. The shea nuts aren't picked from the trees as they must first mature and fall from the trees where they are then collected. Women are responsible for the gathering and production of shea nuts and helping cultivate them into valuable shea butter. The process of harvesting the shea fruit is time consuming, but the results are well worth the amount of effort that goes into each batch of natural shea butter. While the ripe green, fleshy fruit is rich in ascorbic acid as well as vitamin B; it's the kernels inside the nut that comprises the shea butter.

Making Shea Butter
The nuts are first sorted and parboiled, and then left to dry in the hot sunshine for up to one week. When the shea nuts are completely dehydrated, they can either be stored for several weeks or months, or they go to the next step of shea butter production.

Crushing the dried nuts, either with a wooden pestle, or, in more sophisticated operations, a special press, causes the nuts and the kernels to be separated. Next, the kernels are roasted in large metal pots and processed through a grinder, which results in a brown colored paste. This paste is processed a second time. The labor-intensive procedure continues with the mixing and kneading of the kernels after some water has been added. While this step of the shea butter making production goes on for several hours, it's a vital step as this is what creates the shea butter itself. It's still unrefined, but many people prefer the natural shea butter to the more refined versions. Also, there are places in Africa that have various types of shea refining machinery, allowing the shea extracting process to remain easier for all parties involved. For instance, the shea butter is filtered by a natural cold process method that strains the shea butter of any debris such as gourd pieces, dirt, leaves, etc. Most shea butter that is refined in Africa is usually free of hexane solvents that not only bleach and remove many of the vitamins and minerals, but also can remain in the finished product.

Unrefined Shea Butter
This type of shea butter has a wide range of colors and some differences in textures. Generally, unrefined shea butter is that which has been filtered [hopefully] and possibly refined at least once in the most natural cold process method. Beige, light or dark green, gray or dark tan are the colors that unrefined shea butter can end up. The green colors come from shea nuts that are less mature than the beige colors. Shea colors are also dependent upon the time of year the nuts are harvested and processed, along with the region in which the shea nuts are selected from.

While most unrefined shea butter maintains all the vitamins, especially vitamin A and E, and minerals, it also retains its aroma. The scent of unrefined shea is what discourages a lot of people from trying this healing butter, as it can be a rather earthy combination of smoky and nutty. The aroma, while being somewhat strong, depending upon the shea butter and your sense of smell, does disappear after it has been applied to your skin within a matter of minutes. Unrefined shea butter's texture can vary from smooth and creamy; think commercial smooth peanut butter, to hard, waxy and/or chunky, such as a crunchy peanut butter. Those of you who have never been around shea butter before would be understandably put off if, upon opening a jar, you found a smelly and crunchy looking product! But after an experimental dab or two, you will discover that shea butter does leave your skin looking and certainly feeling smoother and softer than it did pre application.

Refined Shea Butter
Actually there are two categories here: Ultra-Refined and Refined. The first type is usually white to cream colored, has no discernable nutty/smoky scent, and is smooth and creamy. The difficulty with ultra or even refined shea butter, is in knowing whether that product has been commercially refined to remove its minerals and vitamins with a hexane solvent. Also, shea butter can be bleached to make it appear even lighter. One way to determine a shea butter's authenticity is to see if it has been cold-pressed, sometimes called cold-processed or expeller-pressed.

The Refined shea, which ranges in color from white to beige, is sometimes referred to as gently refined, has had some of its vitamin/mineral properties removed in the process of refining, but it does retain a bit of a beige or light tan color and nutty aroma. The texture can be either creamy or chunky.

The ideal shea butter would feel creamy and smooth and be absorbed into your skin quickly. Also, the nutty and/or smoky scent should be lighter. Shea butter can be mixed with fragrances and essential oils to completely change the aroma, making it sweet, spicy, fruity, floral, herbal, etc.

While shea butter is added to a myriad of bath & body products, the best way to sample the delights of this African butter is to buy a small jar and try it for yourself to learn what is so great about shea butter.

Shea Butter's Benefits
Many web sites will sell shea butter in various sizes, containers, prices, and types. They might have some information about shea butter on the site, or you may have to do some online research to discover more about this product. Either way, be informed before purchasing shea butter. If a site tells of wonderful things happening after just one application, other than the fact that it soothes skin, please use your own judgment. Like any "new" product out there, a lot of hype can be attached to it. Shea butter, as you've just read, is a skin soothing nut fat that may be very beneficial and here are some reasons:

~ Shea butter can be used as an all-natural hair conditioner.
~ Shea butter promotes quicker healing of small wounds, burns, cuts and scrapes.
~ Shea butter is an efficient natural makeup remover.
~ Shea butter is safe to use on babies, children and adults.
~ Shea butter helps prevent and soothe sunburns.
~ Shea butter is high in vitamins A and E.
~ Shea butter helps moisturize dry skin.
~ Shea butter soothes sore, overworked muscles.
~ Shea butter is recommended for conditioning animal's coats.
~ Shea butter makes an excellent natural lip balm.
~ Shea butter helps restore elasticity of aging skin.

Does shea butter cure serious skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis? There have been some testimonials to that effect, yes. But in actuality, if you were to have a somewhat serious or persistent skin problem, you should consult with a healthcare practitioner or dermatologist. Shea butter is not recommended for people with nut or latex allergies. Or you could find out by trying shea butter. Whenever considering trying a natural remedy, you should be responsible and do your research both on and off-line. The choice to use a "new" product is always up to each individual.

About the Author

Lisa Maliga, bath & body products designer of [] Everything Shea Aromatic Creations, has been working with shea butter since 2001.

Friday 6 May 2005

Rush Home to Rapture!

Keith Varnum

Riding a rush, being juiced, flying high—this is the feeling we strive for every day.

What's the huge attraction to this heightened state? Many medical authorities would have us believe that the desire for a constant high is an addiction—and an unhealthy and unrealistic one at that.

A Built-in Homing Device

My life experience reveals the opposite. Such a drive is not only healthy, but also very realistic. Our attraction to highs is a natural, built-in homing device implanted in us by the Universe. This attraction leads us to the Real McCoy in life—the real deal, real satisfaction. It's God's bait to get us to bite deeper into life's offerings.

A Call to Awaken Our Deeper Nature

This desire for peak excitement is fueled by a deep inner knowing that this buzz is a glimpse of our true natural state. On a very primal level, we connect this super feeling with our natural inheritance, our rightful birthright to feel good all the time.

It's the Universe's way of leading us home to the truth—that our very essence is this high frequency vibrational feeling. Our true "normal" human condition is to feel good.

Clues Abound

When I was ten years old, I noticed a strong, ecstatic rush of sensation within my being when I was in the presence of a wild animal, a cascading waterfall, a howling wind or an ancient tree.

I felt the exact same physical and psychic rapture when I sang Christmas carols and wild party songs, played Bach on the piano and Bo Diddly on the guitar.

Surprisingly, I reveled in the same tingling in my body when I sat in an empty church or a deserted sports stadium. I was the willing prey to the penetrating sound of silence.

Later, as I transformed from a boy into a teenager, I enjoyed this same intense emergence of sensual-spiritual electricity, warmth and connection when I began to jitterbug, go skinny dipping under a full moon, and fall in love over and over again.

What's Going on Here?

I was being introduced to much more than romantic, sexual awakening. My whole being was opening into the wonder and power of my true physical-spiritual nature: high voltage electricity!

This divine initiation cannot be discounted and discarded as merely "overactive hormones!" It is so much more.

In the West, we might describe this profound inner potency as Natural Vitality. The Chinese call this electro-magnetic force chi, the Japanese ki, the Indians prana, and native peoples primal life force.

Charisma is King

Natural Aliveness goes by many names. We describe a person possessing a lot of natural electricity as having a lot of charisma or a magnetic personality. Athletes seek the much-revered runner's high. When the gods are gracing someone's goals, we say the turned-on person is groovin, smokin, cookin, steamin—on fire!

No Waiting in Line

This exalted state is not the exclusive enjoyment of a fortunate birth or fanatic athlete. There's no shortage, quota or waiting list for this God-given gift. This Feel Good State is more available than most folks realize.

Place Your Order

To live in a high octane, high octave state, all we need to do is order it. When we invite and welcome this exhilaration, we soon realize that it's available 24/7 from endless sources in our everyday environment.

Feel Beyond the Form

The secret to opening to the rush of life's Feel Good Energy is to look beneath the surface of whatever outer forms we encounter. The key to unlocking the juice is the intention to experience life "behind the scenes."

When you approach any activity with the intention and attitude that you will receive energy—a lift or boost—from the interplay, then you will. And, in the same manner, when you expect the interaction to require of you a lot of extra effort—work, struggle—then it will.

The seer (see-er) determines the outcome of every life interaction to be either energy-giving or energy-draining.

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose

Ancient and native peoples know the truth about energy. So do quantum physicists. Energy—Life Force—constitutes and animates all solid "things." Underneath all surface appearances flows pulsating power. Behind all formal exteriors lies electric aliveness.

Energy is energy is energy—no matter what the form. Knowing this fact, you can consciously decide to tap into the aliveness—the vitality—at the core of all matter, form and situations.

The Gift

The most profound, practical benefit of Natural Vitality is the gateway it gives you to receive energy from every aspect of your environment—human, plant, animal, mineral, chemical, plastic, solar, stellar, elemental, extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, angelic and Ascended Master.

Natural Vitality is choosing to have a conscious, constant, vibrant, heart-body-soul connection with all living beings and all forms of life—even the "so-called" inanimate ones.

Fund Your Dreams

This Life Force can be used to heal, enrich and transform yourself, others and the planet. When you learn to allow Natural Essence to rise upward through your physical chakra energy centers, you rejuvenate every cell in your body, dissolve blocked emotional pathways and access unlimited power to create your dreams.

By connecting this energy with the heart, it becomes prayer. As this energy ascends into your consciousness, visions and revelations blossom. Kundalini Rising ultimately leads to communion with the Divine.

Sacred In-to-me-see

Sacred Intimacy is an ancient and graceful channel to unlocking Natural Vitality.

To call something "sacred" means to hallow or venerate it, to consecrate and dedicate it to an important purpose—like allowing yourself to be filled with Source Essence. "Intimate" in Latin means "a close friend."

In-to-me-see is choosing to see every experience as a friend, ready to give you a sacred gift if you allow it. To see into the true nature of any form or situation is to find a friend, a field of self-feeding energy. You have the power to make every activity a "sacred act"—be it petting an animal, cutting vegetables, or shopping in a supermarket.

Yoga Unites

Yoga means union. Seeing the common energy nature of all life forms and situations allows us to feel union with all people and experiences. All life encounters become energy-enriching interactions. Meld into the flow of your shower, the softness of your bed, the color of the sunset, the roar of a wave, the curve of a rock.

Sex Connects

"Sex" means coitus, union, a coming together. When you experience all aspects of life as having the same essential nature as you, you easily feel the connection, merging and sharing of Life Force with all "things." Exchange energy with your plants, your paintings, your fresh clean laundry!

Ecstasy is Our Natural State

The word "ecstasy" comes from the Greek meaning of ec: to move out of and stasis: status quo, static, fixed. When you "break through to the other side" of any old stuck condition, you enjoy the exhilaration of experiencing life in a fresh, different, new way. Bliss is our birthright.

Re-Light the Fire in Your Belly

We're all born with a passion and zest for life. We meet challenges, obstacles and disappointments along the rough road of growing up. Much of our Original Joy for life becomes muted.

You can re-kindle the exuberance of being alive by approaching life as an adventurous treasure hunt for the lost gold—your natural radiant core.

And, lucky for us, all paths lead to Primal Life Force—because Natural Aliveness is the very essence of the path itself.

About the Author

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with "The Dream Workshops". Keith helps people get the love, money, and health they want with his F-r-e-e Prosperity Ezine, F-r-e-e Abundance Tape and F-r-e-e Coaching at

Thursday 5 May 2005

Rhodiola Rosea - Fighting Stress and Anxiety

Nettie Mae

Rhodiola Rosea is the latest natural remedy to join the arsenal of natural anxiety and stress reducers.

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root, is a native plant of arctic Siberia. For centuries it has been used by eastern European and Asian cultures for physical endurance, work productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness, and to treat fatigue, depression, anemia, impotence, gastrointestinal ailments, infections, and nervous system disorders.

The first recorded medicinal applications of rodia riza (renamed Rhodiola Rosea) was made by the Greek physician, Dioscorides, in 77 C.E. in 'De Materia Medica'. Rhodiola Rosea has been included in official Russian medicine since 1969.

Despite its long history, the Western world has only recently become aware of the health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea. It has come to the attention of many natural health practitioners because of studies which tested its affects on combating anxiety and stress.

Rhodiola Rosea is considered an adaptogen. This means it has an overall stabilizing effect on the body without disrupting other functions. Its ability to normalize hormones may be effective for treating depression and anxiety.

Studies of Rhodiola Rosea show that it stimulates neurotransmitters and enhances their effects on the brain. This includes the ability for the brain to process serotonin which helps the body to adapt to stress.

Since adaptogens improve the body's overall ability to handle stress, it has been studied to identify it's effects on biological, chemical and physical stress.

A study was performed to test the effects of Rhodiola Rosea when stress is caused by intense mental work (such as final exams). Such tests concluded that using Rhodiola Rosea improved the amount and quality of work, increasing mental clarity and reducing the effects of fatigue.

The effects of Rhodiola Rosea have also been tested on stress and anxiety from both physical and emotional sources. A report by the American Botanical Council states that "Most users find that it improves their mood, energy level, and mental clarity." They also report on a study that indicated Rhodiola Rosea could increase stress tolerance while at the same time protecting the brain and heart from the physical affects of stress.

This report included details of studies which highlight the overall health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea.

The generally recommended dose is 200-600mg/day. The active properties should be a minimum 0.8 percent salidroside and 3 percent rosavin.

It is important for consumers to know that Rhodiola may be sold using other species that do not share the properties of Rhodiola Rosea, or at ineffective strengths for treatment. Anyone with depression or anxiety should also check with a health professional when treating these symptoms.
About the Author

Sick and tired of being Sick and Tired, Nettie Mae quit her 3rd shift factory job. To see what keeps her going, visit

Tuesday 3 May 2005

Relieving hemorrhoids with natural remedies part I

rudy silva

Here are a variety of natural remedies that you can use to relief from your hemorrhoids. You can try one until you find one that works for you. Remember that every person is different and you need to find the remedy that works for you.

Cranberry Poultice

For relief of hemorrhoids within an hour, here what you can do:

• Blend 3-4 tablespoons of raw cranberries.

• Wrap a tablespoon of this blend or so in some cheesecloth.

• Push it up against your anus and keep it there with some tight underwear.

• After an hour or so replace it with a new batch of berries and cloth.

Apply these berries twice and do it the next day if necessary.

Geranium-Lavender essential oil mixture

Combine 2-3 drops of lavender to one or two drops of Geranium with one ounce of almond oil. Place this combination in a dark brown bottle with a dropper top. After shaking this combination, use a few drops on your fingers and apply it directly on the skin surrounding your anus.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions can be used as a suppository. Using them

will help to strengthen the veins, kill bacteria in that area,

and reduce inflammation.

Peel a small garlic or onion. Reduce the size of the onion to

a garlic clove size. Just before bed, push either garlic or

onion just slightly into your rectum and not to far. Your

regular bowel movement will remove them in the morning.

Do not use this method if your hemorrhoids have been bleeding or are bleeding. Wait for this area to heal.

Liquid Lecithin

Apply liquid lecithin to the hemorrhoids 1 to 2 times a day.

Do this for 2-3 days. Continue its use until you get the relief

you want from your hemorrhoid condition.

Ice Pack

To get quick relief from hemorrhoid pain and swelling

prepare an ice pack as follows:

Make your own ice pack by putting ice cubes or crushed ice

into a plastic bag. Wrap the plastic bag with a thin piece of

cloth. Place the ice pack into the hemorrhoid area.

You can also use the slim commercial ice gels pack. Cover it

with a thin piece of cloth and place it into the hemorrhoid


Apply the ice pack for 15-20 minutes and then rest for 10-15

minutes. Then, continue applying the ice pack for another

15-20 minutes. Do this for 2-3 hours then take a rest for 2-

3 hours and then start again.

Don't put ice or ice gel pack directly on your skin without wrapping it with a cloth. This is to avoid ice burning the skin.

Lemon Juice

You can make a lemon drink that can help you strengthen

capillaries and blood vessels walls. Here's how to do it:

• Use an organic lemon since you will be using the

outer peel

• Slice the lemon into 4 parts – don't peel the lemon.

Use the whole lemon

• Boil the lemon in distilled water for 10 minutes in a

glass pot with a cover.

• After it cools, drink one cup a day.

This is a powerful drink because the lemon's bioflavonoids

and Vitamin C will go into the boiling liquid. When you drink

this you will get many bioflavonoids that you cannot get in

any capsule or pill.

There you have it, six different hemorrhoid remedies that can give you relief from pain and inflammation.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.

Sunday 1 May 2005

Proven Hair Loss Remedies

William R. Nabaza of

Hair loss remedies become more and more popular these days since
most men find healthy hair important.. The number of hair loss
products on the market is numerous. Most of us prefer to use
over-the-counter products, but it is not advisable to utilize
the products without consulting your health care professional.
The reason for this is that some remedies have side effects or
cause irreversible harm.

Medications like Propecia, which are used as hair loss remedies
can cause fetal anomalies if used in pregnant women. Hence it is
advisable to avoid propecia if you are pregnant (propecia by the
way is not recommended for women at all!). Not only in women,
but also in men propecia causes side effects. In men, Propecia
may cause lack of sex drive and impotency as serious side
effects. Among the available hair loss remedies, Rogaine is used
extensively by many people. This drug is also used for treating
high blood pressure.

In order to get good results, it is always advisable to use
either Propecia or Rogaine for at least 3 months. Since these
hair loss remedies are having each their own side effects,
please consult or get an opinion from your health care
professional about your health before taking the medication. The
most commonly used hair loss remedies are Viviiscal, Nisiim,
Tricomin, and Revivogen.

Viviscal treats hair loss by avoiding thinning of hair. It is
available in form of tablets and lotion. Nisim promotes healthy
hair growth. Tricomin pours the nutrient copper directly to the
follicle to kindle the growth of healthy hair. The main action
of the Revivogen is blocking the DHT in the scalp and
strengthening hair follicles. Another important hair loss remedy
is Hair Genesis, a product that contains natural DHT blocker,
saw palmetto.

The best hair loss remedies available for women are Hair Genesis
and Hair Renew because other remedies will result in excessive
hair growth on other parts of the body. Hair Renew is available
in topical form, which nourishes the hair follicles and cleanses
the scalp apart from neutralizing DHT. This product is unique
because it is non-alcoholic, 100% drug free, and free from side

Other hair loss remedies such as natural remedies, Ayurvedha,
and Siddha have been used extensively to get rid of hair loss.
Food containing a lot of amino acids and proteins have to be
included in a dietary pattern of the hair losing individuals as
a natural remedy. Folligen Hair loss Treatment with copper
peptides is also one out of the many hair loss remedies. Hair
follicles receive nutrient copper through supplements to gain
healthy and rich hair. Both men and women can use Hair
energizer. The hair energizer kit which is used as a hair loss
remedy is readily available as 15 ml Jojoba oil, shampoo, 15 ml
Jojoba oil, spray, and 0 tablets vitamins and Minerals.

About the author:

None----- William Nabaza of specializes in
domains, webhosting, webmaster's tools, netpreneur's articles
and resources. Stands out as a freebie provider, business
opportunity provider and the like. Visit his site at or contact him directly at Beauty, Personal Development and Hair Care
readings located here