Friday 29 December 2006

Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives

Danna Schneider

Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain.

Some people are born with a naturally higher tolerance to pain - what's been dubbed the "pain threshold". Then there are the rest of us, who have normal or low pain thresholds and if chronic back pain, muscle pain, or nerve related pain or illness were to be introduced into our lives, we would be forced to be a prisoner to "the bottle". The "bottle" being one of the many prescription painkillers or narcotics prescribed to so many suffering daily, chronic muscle pain and nerve related pain.

So there must be a better way to control the pain, and manage it successfully without constant reliance on and possible addiction to prescription pain medication? And there is. Along with an excellent new naturopathic, herbal pain remedy recently introduced to consumers, there are several things you can do to manage pain effectively, and in turn even reduce stress and improve your overall mental and physical health - all of which are key factors in successful pain management.

On of the best ways to manage stress and in turn reduce pain, is to employ some sort of low impact, muscle soothing exercise, like basic yoga, tai chi, or water aerobics. These types of exercises not only stretch the muscles and keep them limber and lithe, but they effectively "massage" and calm muscles, have very little impact on joints, strength the supportive muscles of the back, and can even help reduce inflammation in the body. The mind-body connection is very strong, there is no doubt - just start an exercise routine like this and I guarantee your mood, pain and anxiety virtually melt away.

Exercise also releases and creates endorphins, which are a natural "antidote" to pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression. The release of endorphins can actually reverse the negative effects these afflictions can have on your body. If you're a habitual exerciser, think of how you lethargic you feel after a few days of inactivity, and you'll understand this concept! Inactivity is one of the biggest underlying causes and perpetuators of worsening pain, lethargy, depression and anxiety.

Meditation is also a great method to reduce pain, anxiety and the host of other undesirable problems so prevalent in America today. Like yoga, and other relaxation techniques, meditation allows you to focus only on you, your breathing, and your body. This faciliatates the "harmonizing" of the body and the mind, the ultimate feeling of well-being, vitality, and tranquility, all of which will help you manage pain and stress. This will keep your mind sharp, focused, and better able to deal with the daily stress life can sometimes bring.

Combine these few simple lifestyle habits with the use of an herbal pain remedy where needed, or even just employ these habits alone, and I guarantee, pain will not only be easier to cope with when it rears it's ugly head, but also will be reduced greatly in it's severity and frequency. It quite simply is a necessity to living pain free.

About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of, a nutraceutical product site focusing mostly on natural cosmetic enhancement and well being products. Information on the new herbal pain remedy mentioned in the article can be found at


Tuesday 26 December 2006

Adult Acne Treatments - The Natural Way

Danna Schneider

Adult Acne - Why Must We Suffer Aging Skin AND Acne??

As a young woman who suffered through agonizing periods of
merciless acne breakouts in the already angst-filled years of my
young adulthood, I thought that once I became an "adult", I
would no longer have to suffer the unbearable cycles of
noticeable, painful cystic acne.

I remember feeling like every zit on my face was the focal point
in every conversation I had with people, and I swore that
everyone had clearer skin than I did. Even a day with clear skin
was like a rare treat to me, to be savored cautiously, as I knew
it would never last, and a breakout was just waiting for it's
next opportunity to strike.

Little did I know, that when I hit adulthood, my battles with
acne were far from over. Even as I had my twenty-fifth birthday,
I still had to battle that neverending cycle of clear skin,
followed by periods of days or even weeks where my skin would
inexplicably erupt into a maze of strategically placed
blemishes, mostly on the chin area, forehead, and around the

I still found myself searching for the latest acne products and
treatments at drugstores, all of which didn't work at all. They
merely dried my skin and made it look worse by adding redness
and chafing to my growing list of skin problems.

There are many other adults that are finding they still have to
fight the battle with acne - now coined "adult acne". Why is it,
that even beyond our adolescent years of hormonal turmoil, we
are finding that we must battle a new enemy, the formidable
adult acne that we thought we might be fortunate enough to
escape since we paid our dues in our teenage years. It is
estimated that more than fifty percent of adult women between
the ages of twenty-five and fifty-eight have some type of adult
acne, and those numbers are only getting larger.

So what do the experts have to say about the cause of adult
acne? Hormonal fluctuations are the most common cause of adult
acne, followed by stress, which in itself actually triggers
hormonal imbalances, especially in women. So basically, any way
you cut it, adult acne is primarily caused by hormonal shifts
and fluctuations, many times caused by stress, but also caused
by diet, lifestyle changes, birth control pills, medications,
and so many other circumstances.

Some good lifestyle rules to stick to for clear skin are pretty
much common sense, but nonetheless are worth repeating. Eating a
balanced diet, with adequate protein, little or no refined sugar
products (which cause hormones to spike up and down rapidly),
and plenty of skin-nourishing fruits and vegetables is an
absolute must for clear, healthy skin. I notice that after even
one day of a refined sugar binge, I may wake up to a puffy, red
and sometimes slightly broken out face. This is proof that you
are what you eat - especially when it comes to your skin.

Second, try to diminish stress levels by taking walks, getting
cardiovascular exercise of some sort, or practicing relaxation
techniques in the form of yoga, meditation, or tai-chi. It sound
trivial, but stress levels and how you allow yourself to be
affected by daily stress, really reflects in your skin's

Third, you really should consider giving a natural acne
treatment a try. When all else failed, and it was clear that
nothing else would work to permanently clear my skin, or at
least get the ball rolling to even my hormone levels out and
purify my skin from the inside of my body, I tried a natural
acne remedy that I am forever grateful for.

I still have clear skin today, and get compliments on how good
it looks, at age 30. After years of taking prescription acne
medications like tetracycline, Retin-A and erythromycin, I was
finally able to clear my skin permanently -and at a fraction of
the cost of constant dermatologist consultations and repeated
prescription refills.

These new, advanced acne treatments really offer you what no
prescription antibiotic can in that they are completely safe,
contain all natural botanicals that purify the skin from the
inside out, and in many cases, can clear your skin permanently
with very little follow up treatment if you take them as
prescribed and for a long enough period to have lasting effects.

You owe it to yourself to try a natural acne remedy. There are
just too many great acne products out there that will get the
job done better than anything a dermatologist can prescribe!

About the author:

Danna Schneider is the founder of href="">Acne Product Reviews
and Comparisons
. Visit href="">Acu
zine Herbal Acne Supplement
for information on and
advanced natural acne medication for adults and adolescents.

Saturday 23 December 2006

7 Creative Ideas for Digital Picture Frames

Digital Picture Frames come in a variety of styles, but many of them look like your traditional photo frames. The digital frames allow you to load your digital pictures – and even music – into them for interactive photo frames!

They are both affordable and easy to use, making them ideal for any family. They also make great gifts as a stand-alone item, or pre-loaded with digital pictures and music.

A digital picture frame will display streaming slide shows, play music, and even show video files. As easy as they are to load with digital content, you can keep your picture frame current with recent photos from vacation, graduation, family events, your growing children – or practically anything you want to show off!

Below are 7 super creative ways that you can use digital picture frames:

1. Set up a comforting slide show of family photos, accompanied by lullabies, and place it in the nursery for your baby or small child to enjoy. You might include pictures of Mommy, Daddy, grandparents and even the favorite teddy bear. Not only will they enjoy their personalized show, but it makes a great night light as well!

2. Create a slideshow of family photos that spans several across decades for your parents wedding anniversary. It will make the perfect gift! Let them watch their children grow up all over again while they enjoy highlights from their life together. This is sure to be a big hit at the anniversary party.

3. Give the grandparents something to show off! Preload the digital picture frame with current pictures of their grandchildren before you give it to them. You can update it with new pictures each time you go for a visit. This would make a great holiday or birthday gift, and its something they would truly treasure.

4. Use your digital picture frame to encourage fun family time. Let everyone, even the children, take fun pictures during family outings. It may be a trip to the park, a hike in the woods, or a day at the pool. You can update your digital frame together afterwards. The children will really enjoy being involved in the “production” for your ever-changing photo frame!

5. Digital frames are perfect for business counters or office desks. You can display current specials or new products. Imagine a real estate agent showcasing the latest homes. A photographer showing off their line of prints. An interior decorator displaying a slideshow of before and after shots from recent contracts. A web designer could even showcase screen shots of their best work. The ideas are endless!

6. Let your digital picture frame tell a story with a musical slideshow. It may be the building of your new home. You can showcase your children from birth to their current age. Or you might make a mini-movie of your life as a couple - from dating to wedding to children. It will keep people captivated to the very end, and be an incredible conversation piece!

7. Use your digital frame as a mobile presentation tool. Small and easy to carry, you can display almost any type of images you like. Most have a remote control and are compatible with various file formats, allowing you to offer an intriguing visual presentation on almost any topic!

If you have hundreds of pictures on your hard drive, or try to show off pictures with the display screen on your digital camera, these new frames would be perfect for you.

They are easy to use, and don’t need to be hooked up to a computer to work. You can simply download pictures from your digital camera, or use common memory cards to create your digital slideshows.

Imagine all of the fun ways you could display your digital images! Your digital frame is sure to light up any room, and spark great conversations.

Author: Lynn Terry

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Your guide to hair loss prevention

Amy-Jo Strutt

If you are going bald or notice that your hair is starting to
thin, there are a number of excellent hair loss prevention
measures you can take to stop the thinning and hair loss. Hair
loss is caused by a number of things and some of them you have
complete control over. Hair loss can be a result of stress. Is
this the reason your hair is falling out? If so, you need to
seek help immediately. This type of hair loss is often not
permanent if you catch it in time. Another reason for thinning
hair is a lack of important vitamins and minerals from the foods
you are eating. You can restore your hair by changing your diet
and getting enough fruits and leafy green vegetables daily. With
either of these cases, you need to speak to your doctor

If your hair loss is due to genetics, which is most often the
case, your hair loss is likely permanent. But that doesn't mean
you don't have any options. You have a number of them to
consider. Hair transplants are getting more popular because of
the advancements made with the technology. In the past, hair
plugs were used and they looked unnatural and didn't do a great
job filling in the hair. Today, hair transplant surgery is
extremely good at creating a natural head of hair that is full.
If you aren't up for surgery, you can choose non surgical
procedures such as hair weaves. This is where natural or
synthetic hair is woven in with your own creating the appearance
of a full head of hair.

Rogaine is another hair loss prevention alternative to consider.
It is a topical cream that is applied directly to your scalp.
Within 6 months, you will see new hair growth. The downside is
once you stop applying Rogaine, you will likely loss the new
hair. There are other hair loss drugs on the market, each with
its own side effects. Manufacturers are making hair shampoos
specifically for thinning hair. There are gentler on your hair
and help create a fuller looking head of hair when it is dry. Be
sure to check these out at your local pharmacy. For best
results, speak to your doctor so that you understand all the
options available to you based on your type of hair loss.

About the author:

Amy-Jo Strutt is an expert author who regularly contributes to
complete information on hair loss solutions, hair loss
prevention, male pattern baldness and hair transplants, visit

Thursday 7 December 2006

Yeast Infection: Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic

James Zeller

The coffee table talk goes very low when you whisper, "yeast infection", but the body screams RELIEF NOW! A trip to the doctor, adverse side effects and nothing natural would be the next thought. Can there be a natural solution to a disease that each woman will suffer at least twice in her life?

Yeast infection is like a ghost waiting to scare young and older women when their body becomes out of balance due to stress, dubious partners, hormonal changes and/or immune system weakness.

A few women will elude this voracious monster but unfortunately most will be frightened at least twice in their life and others will live with a chronic reoccurrence of yeast infection.

The most important message is to recognize the yeast infection early and try an available natural remedy that you can use in the comfort of the home that is safe and no prescription required.

Natural antibiotics are always a choice that should be taken over a prescription if possible. Colloidal silver has been a patented drug and then relabeled a natural supplement. Oregano oil is also a natural antibiotic.

In addition to natural antibiotics there are two other home remedies that have been used to control yeast infection, yogurt insertion and tea tree oil. The body will always respond quicker to a natural solution and return to a healthy state if it doesn't have a compound job to do. The dual duty of the immune system would be trying to rid the body of an invasive disease while expelling man made toxins in prescription drugs that usually cause unbalanced ph in the blood and immune system.

Natural antibiotics and home remedies are not in any way the answer to all medical problems and do not take the place of a medical doctor. However taking care of your body and boosting your immune system to support good health is your everyday job. Only you know that responsibility best.

The World Wide Web has become a highway to a library of testimonials for natural disease remedies. There is an effort to suppress all natural vitamin, herbs, minerals and home remedy practice. We are a voice crying RELIEF in cyberspace from the proven archives of our word-of-mouth ancestors. We practice freedom of speech, and deny that these references are an attempt to diagnose or treat any disease, symptom or individual.

About The Author

James Zeller writes for numerous alternative health websites and blogs. Unbiased evaluation of health and diet supplements are included in most of his articles. Natural products are always best for the body and usually chosen as a last resort.

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Wrinkle Treatment

Danna Schneider

Where do you start with preventing wrinkles from forming, and
reversing existing lines? Every woman, starting as early as the
age of 20, should start to use wrinkle treatments, and have a
comprehensive anti aging skin care routine. The earlier you
start, the better. Many skin care experts now say that
preventive maintenance is the best way to have smooth, wrinkle
free skin well into your forties.

The first place to start is to stay out of the sun. I don't care
how pretty you think a nice tan looks, tanning damages and ages
your skin faster than anything, and it also has been leading to
cancer more and more since the ozone is wearing away from

There are some GREAT self tanners out there now that look even
better than a real tan, because they don't give you tan lines,
and you can make yourself as light or as dark as you want. You
control your color. How much better does it get?

Secondly, incorporate healthy doses of natural antioxidant foods
like dark leafy green veggies and brightly colored fruits for
maximum free radical elimination. Free radicals are the number
one cause of collagen breakdown, which is a direct cause of
wrinkles. By the way, the sun also causes free radical

Thirdly, choose a very agressive wrinkle free skin care system
into your overall skin care routine for maximum age defense and
prevention. Like I said, the earlier you start the better. A
good anti aging skin care system would consist of several key
ingredients found in nature that are currently the most potent
and effective in skin firming, smoothing and repairing.

These ingredients will dramatically increase elasticity, lift
sagging skin, brighten dullness, and stimulate the production
and regeneration of healthy skin cells to replace old, dull
cells that build up and hydrate parched skin all day.

What are some of these wrinkle defeating ingredients you

Well, some of the most effective and well documented and studied
skin support ingredients are as follows:

1.) Idebenone - A natural compound which has the same
antioxidant effects as Co-Enzyme Q10, but is actually more
effective than Co-Enzyme Q10 in effectively seeking out and
destroying damaging free radicals.

2.) DMAE - One of the most powerful anti aging elements
currently known. This natural compound has been demonstrated in
clinical studies to be an extremely powerful wrinkle and fine
line reducer, and is especially effective in firming sagging
skin. It is derived from the skin of salmon fish. DMAE is not
only an excellent topical skin support element, but is also very
effective when taken orally. You should always have this in you
medicine cabinet to apply topically as well, even if you take it
in an oral dose.

3.) Vitamin E - Vitamin E is also an effective skin mender and
antioxidant when taken orally and when applied topically. It is
especially effective in protecting skin cells from damage.

4.) Hyaluronic Acid - This natural acid is found in the human
body and works as a natural lubricant in the connective tissues.
Large amounts of Hyaluronic Acid have been found in healthy,
unaffected skin , hence the launch of studies to investigate its
skin benefits and anti aging properties. This acid has been one
of the biggest discoveries in skin care and anti aging
technology today, and produces and almost immediate noticeable
effect on damaged or aging skin.

Those are just four of the best natural wrinkle treatment
elements that you should include in your anti aging routine.
There are others, but the list is too long to discuss here.
Trust me, if you incorporate just these 4 ingredients into your
skin care regimen, or find products that contain the full
spectrum, you will be well on your way to a lifetime of
beautiful, young skin.

About the author:

Visit href="
s.html"> Herbal Skin Care Products for information on the
effective natural acne remedy talked about in this article.
Danna Schneider is the founder of, and
herbal product review site with the latest in herbal alternative

Saturday 2 December 2006

Why Switch to All Natural Cosmetics?

Lori Stryker

The human skin wraps and protects our bodies. It constitutes a living, dynamic tissue system. It has the remarkable ability to absorb applied products, partially or completely, into the bloodstream. In fact, up to 60% of the products we use on our skin are absorbed and deposited into the circulatory system (Fairley, 2001). For instance, the average woman absorbs 30 pounds of the ingredients contained in moisturizers over sixty years (Dr.Hauschka).

These new understandings of how the skin functions reveal concerns about the possible long term effects due to the combination of chemicals used in cosmetics, often termed the "chemical cocktail effect". Several chemicals which are used in common, popular cosmetics are known irritants and carcinogens. Concern stems from the knowledge that most of these ingredients are derived synthetically or from petroleum. Avoiding these substances serve to decrease overall exposure to harmful or irritating cosmetic ingredients.

Ingredients to Avoid

Forms Found in Cosmetics and Possible Negative Side Effects


  • Thought to contribute to Alzheimer's Disease.
  • Found in almost all antiperspirants.
  • Works by blocking pores so sweat cannot be released by the skin.

Artificial colours

  • FD&C, derived from coal tar.
  • For example, Azo dyes are a risk to asthmatics, eczema sufferers and people sensitive to aspirin.
  • Causes hyperactivity in children, severe headaches, blurred vision and itchy/watery eyes and nose (Antczak, 2001).


  • Benzoates Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate or parahydroxy benzoate.
  • Used as a preservative in cosmetics and fizzy drinks. Causes gastric irritation, numbing of the mouth and aggravates asthma (Antczak, 2001).

Certain essential oils

  • Rosemary is harmful to epileptics.Sage is not recommended for pregnant women.


  • Causes allergic reactions, irritating to eyes and dries out hair and skin (Fairley, 2001).

Dibutyl phthalate

  • Found in all persons tested by the CDC (Center for Disease Control, USA) in a 2000 Fall study.
  • Highest levels were found in women of reproductive age.
  • Causes birth defects in animals, and damaging to the male reproductive system (ABC News, Internet Ventures 2000).
  • Used in cosmetics to assist the absorption of other ingredients.


  • A preservative.
  • Causes skin reactions.
  • Imidazolidinyl urea is the second most identified preservative causing contact dermatitis ( American Academy of Dermatology: Fairley, 2001).
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • Quaternium 15
  • Diazolidinylurea
  • 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1
  • 3-diol


  • Can contain up to 200 undeclared substances (Fairley, 2001).
  • Major cause, in addition to artificial colours, of skin irritations and allergies (Antczak, 2001).
  • May cause dizziniess, skin irritation and hyperpigmentation (Fairley, 2001).

Genetically Modified Organisms

  • Soy, Corn
  • Effects still undetermined.

Isopropyl Alcohol

  • Drying agent, from petroleum.

Keratolytic chemicals

  • Such as hydroxyl acids, retinoic acid.
  • Corrosive, used in skin peels.
  • Dissolves the stratum corneum of the epidermis (outermost layer), making skin more sensitive to sun damage.
  • Accelerates production of dead skin cells; the skin thickens to repair its surface so that vulnerable skin cells underneath are protected from the effects of skin peeling.(Antczak, 2001).


  • Causes allergic reactions and irritations (Fairley, 2001).


  • Petroleum product.
  • Triggers skin irritations and may be an xerestrogen (Fairley, 2001).May play a role in falling sperm counts and rising breast cancer rates (Fairley, 2001).Used in 99% of all cosmetics (Fairley, 2001), and in many so-called 'natural' products.


  • Derived from petroleum.
  • In the form of wax, mineral oil or petrolatum.
  • Comedogenic, i.e.blocks pores.

Propylene Glycol

  • When derived from petroleum.
  • Increases the amount of acid in the body, resulting in metabolic problems.
  • Large amounts are needed to produce this effect (Agency forToxic Substances and Disease Registry or ATSDR, 2003).

Sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate

  • Forms carcinogenic nitrogen compounds when combined with specific ingredients.
  • Irritating to eyes, skin and lungs (Antczak, 2001).
  • Harmful if swallowed and may cause damage to eyes (Antczak, 2001).


  • Animal fat.
  • Not suitable for vegans, and may be a skin irritant.


  • Found in many nail products and nail polish removers.
  • Produced during the process of making gasoline and other fuels from crude oil or coal.
  • Evaporates into the air when products containing toluene are opened.
  • May affect the nervous system, and/or cause tiredness, confusion, weakness, nausea, or loss of appetite.
  • Symptoms disappear when exposure is eliminated (ATSDR, 2003).

In Canada, not all cosmetics list their ingredients on their labels, but most have toll free telephone numbers which link you to their customer service departments, where inquiries about ingredient lists can be made. Reading labels and recognizing problematic ingredients are necessary skills for a consumer who intends to choose products that are completely natural. The cost of a cosmetic is not a reliable indicator of either its quality or natural characteristics. Most cosmetics, from the lowest priced, to the most costly brands, are composed of identical base ingredients (Begoun, 1991).

Cosmetics do not stay on the surface of the skin without penetrating to some degree. Lipstick wearers, for example, consume 1.5 to 4 tubes in a lifetime (Aveda). If one considers the ingredients being internalized by the body, absorbing plant oils and waxes, mineral pigments or essential oils is a healthier alternative than absorbing petroleum by-products and synthetic chemicals. The ability to choose the right cosmetics for you depends on accurate ingredient knowledge, personal needs and market choices. Caring for one's whole body includes skin care choices that support and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Natural cosmetic products and make-up are safer, healthier alternatives especially when these products are composed of all natural ingredients. A natural product is described as one that contains mostly or completely naturally derived ingredients (Antczak, 2001). It also indicates that the product is free from, or contains minute amounts of artificial chemical additives. Caution is required when products claim to be natural. For instance, they may contain small amounts of plant extracts, but the bulk of the product is petroleum based and loaded with fragrances. Instead, consider switching to completely natural products, which perform to the same standard as their non-natural counterparts. The Organic Make-up Company offers a wide range of simple, affordable and high quality products. Our cosmetic products are carefully formulated from plant waxes, plant oils, essential oils from flowers, barks and spices, as well as richly coloured mineral pigments.

Switching to all-natural cosmetic products and make-up can help you to avoid feeding your skin harmful chemicals. Many skin problems, such as acne, contact dermatitis, irritations and allergies may disappear once petroleum or synthetic ingredients are removed from your skin care regimen. Using fully natural products can contribute to healthy skin and a healthy body in the long term.

We invite you to give our natural products a try. They are completely natural, vegan and an excellent alternative to conventional cosmetics and make-up.

To view our products, please visit our website at


  • Antczak, Dr. Stephen and Gina, (2001). Cosmetics Unmasked, Harper Collins, London.
  • Begoun, Paula, (1991). Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me, Beginnings Press, Seattle.
  • Fairley, Josephine, (2001). Organic Beauty, DK Publishing, London.
  •, ABC News Internet Ventures, 2000.
  •, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, April 2003.

By Lori Stryker, B.Sc., B.H.Ec., B.Ed.

About The Author

Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.

You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.

Friday 1 December 2006

What is Naturopathy

Andrea Putting N.D

In this abundant planet we call our home we have been blessed with everything we need. Within nature we can find a cure for all that ails us. The human body is an amazing thing; it has an incredible ability to heal itself. Using natural therapies, the body can be assisted in this process. This is what Naturopathy is all about.

The main emphasis of wholistic healing is always to treat the whole person and to recognise that in their individuality. No two people are the same either in personality or in sickness.

Careful consideration is always given to the whole state of 'dis-ease'. The Naturopath always asks in-depth and sometimes seemingly irrelevant questions. The best solution to a problem is often found underlying the surface. The cause of the problem needs to be sought out and this can often be emotional, but all factors are taken into consideration. The best treatment comes from a full understanding of who the person being treated really is. The aim is not to just remove the symptoms, but to remove the cause of the problem. This is where a cure is to be found.

While a Naturopath cannot make legal claim to being a doctor, it is in the original meaning of the word that we find the best description of a Naturopath: A teacher. It is the role of a Naturopath to educate the patient on their health and how to heal themselves and to maintain their health. The Naturopath supports nature in its ability to heal, using natural substances to assist the body to heal itself.

Naturopathy incorporates many forms of natural and traditional healing: therapies such as Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition and Diet and Flower Essences, are amongst the most well known.

Homeopathy is a highly specialised form of natural medicine based on the concept of 'like cures like'. In other words a substance that is found to cause symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms that occur in a sick person. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and diluted and potentised. The remedy may contain little or none of the original substance, but carries its energy and healing stimulating properties.

Homeopathy can treat all types of illness, chronic, acute and minor accidents. The remedy chosen needs to match the all over picture of the patient, everything is taken into account, personality, emotions, physical and mental symptoms and wellbeing. It is truly a wholistic therapy.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself and assists you to overcome your sickness. When being treated Homoeopathically it is common, for not just the symptoms to be relieved but to be feeling better all over.

Herbal Medicine The use of plants for healing goes back to the beginning of time. Over the centuries medicine women and men have developed their intuition and discovered the great powers of plants. This knowledge has been handed down through the generations and now proven by science. Many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on traditional herbal medicine.

Diet and Nutrition is a fundamental part of any complete health program. In this modern world the foods we eat are no longer full of life giving nutrients and it is all too easy to grab for the easy to prepare processed foods. All in all, this means that the majority of people are deficient in nutrients and this, in turn, contributes to illness. Finding the right diet and the right nutrients to suit your individual needs can make a tremendous difference to your life.

Flower Essences are a wonderful addition to our health care. They help to rebalance our emotional, mental and spiritual lives. This can also assist in physical healing as well, as it reaches into the root of the cause of disease. The rebalancing of our lives is greatly enhanced by action of flower essences. Many people will testify that when all around them things were falling apart, a few drops of Rescue Remedy has helped them to hold things together and rise above the situation.

Natural medicine has a lot to offer each one of us. It incorporates all facets of our lives, helping us back on our own paths and helping us to fulfil our potential.

About the Author

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including,,, and . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.

Sunday 26 November 2006

ADD Stimulant Medications: Are They the Best ADD Treatments?

Tess Thompson

by Tess Thompson

Although there is controversy surrounding them, stimulants are
still the most commonly prescribed type of medication for
children with ADD and ADHD. The Drug Enforcement Agency says
that stimulant drug production has increased 500 percent since
1991, and over half of the prescriptions for them are written by
pediatricians. Stimulants are often effective in treating many
of the symptoms of ADD -- but are they the best ADD treatment
for your child? Many parents are concerned about the side
effects stimulants can produce and choose to investigate other
options like behavioral therapy and herbal supplements as well.
When it comes to making a decision that affects your child's
health, having the facts is essential.

ADD stimulant medications work by increasing the levels of the
chemicals epinephrine and norepinephrine in the brain, which
helps the brain to transmit signals between nerves. This
improves a child's (or adult's) ability to pay attention for
extended periods of time. But these medications also come with a
risk of mild and serious side effects. Some of the most common
side effects include headaches, upset stomach and increased
blood pressure, all of which may diminish as the body adjusts
after the first few weeks of treatment. Other common side
effects include decreased appetite (80% of stimulant users
report this), nervousness and sleeplessness. Research has also
shown that stimulants can stunt growth during treatment, but
have not been proven to affect final height. Less common but
more serious side effects include hallucinations and feelings of
suspicion or paranoia, Tourette's Syndrome, and suicidal

Children on stimulants (Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta are the
best-known brands) should be watched closely and their dosages
should be evaluated regularly. These medications are most
effective when they are administered in the correct dosage for
each individual and when they are combined with additional ADD
treatments like behavioral therapy and practical and emotional
support. Non-stimulant drugs, such as Strattera, can also be
effective, but carry a risk of similar side effects.

In light of the risks that prescription medications carry, many
parents are interested in exploring an herbal remedy for ADD.
There is more than one herb that has been shown to be an
effective ADD or ADHD child treatment, and there are a variety
of natural remedies on the market that combine many of them.
Ginko Biloba, Green Oats, Brahmi, Gotu Kola and Panax Ginseng
are some of the best ingredients, and the positive effects of
some of them (like Ginko) can become permanent even after
discontinuing use.

While stimulant medication is often successful in treating ADD,
it can sometimes cause its own set of problems. Weigh the risks
and the benefits carefully, and make the decision that is right
for your own child. Just as each child exhibits symptoms of ADD
differently, each child will react differently to medication and
treatment. Patience and thorough research should lead you to a
healthy solution for your child.

Webmaster: You are authorized to reprint this article
providing the author bio/resource box is left completely in tact
- including all hyperlinks.

About the author:

Tess Thompson is a Master Herbalist who contributes to href="">Native Remedies - where
you can find Remedies for health conditions including natural href="">AD
D treatment and href="">he
rbal remedy for ADD.

Tuesday 14 November 2006

Taking Great Pictures of your Kids. Make Money Taking Pictures of Other Peopl's Kids

Taking Great Pictures of Your Kids.
Save Time and Money! Plus, Make Money Taking Pictures of Other People’s Kids!

We all know how expensive family portraits can be. We also know how time consuming it is to find a photographer in your area, who is good at what they do. Once we get the money part and the time part figured out, the kids are sick or fussy on the day of the appointment!
So, what can you do? You can learn to take your own portraits at home. This might sound complicated at first, but really it is not that hard to learn. As long as you have a digital camera, you are off to a great start.
I’m sure you are thinking, what am I going to use as a background for the portraits? Almost anything will work for a background. A white wall, a sheet hung by tacks or a curtain rod, a room divider, a blanket, a large poster, an area rug, are all great to use as a background. Always place your child at least 4 to 5 feet in front of the background. This will keep unwanted shadows of the background and will make the child stand out.
Lighting is about the most difficult to learn, but I will show you simple ways to get it accomplished. First of all, turn off your camera flash. It creates to harsh of lighting, and makes for very unflattering photos.
If you have a large window that lets in a lot of sun, you can pose your child in front of it. Just be sure to turn the child only three-quarters of the way to face the window. This will light up most of his/her face and leave the other side in shadows. Doing this will make for a more flattering picture. However, only use window lighting on a cloudy day, early or late in the day. You do not want to use direct sunlight coming from the window, it is almost like using a flash! Of course if you have some sheers hung on the window to diffuse the sunlight, than you may use it at anytime of the day.
For those of you that do not have a good window to use, I recommend shop lights (unless you can afford strobe lights, but they are more for proffesional use). Halogen shop lights (the type with two lights on a stand) run about $20.00. They are excellent for portrait lighting. Set them up about 5 feet in front of where your child will be sitting, and slightly to the side and above your child. Then hang a white sheet about 1 foot in front of the lights. This will diffuse the lights and give them a soft glowing effect.
If you would rather take pictures outdoors, here are a few tips. Make sure that you find an uncluttered background. Grass, sky, hills all work well. You can even use trees, but pay attention that there is not going to be one that looks as though it is sticking out of your child’s head in the picture. As with photographing by the window, never take a portrait of your child in direct sunlight. It will create harsh shadows and make for a very unflattering picture. Overcast days, dawn or dusk are usually great times. If that is not possible, have your child stand in the shade of a few trees or a building. Just remember to make sure there are no strange shadows on their face.

(By the way, the shop lights get very hot, so keep little fingers away and don’t get your diffusing sheet too close.)

Author: Torie Mitchell

Wednesday 1 November 2006

7 Secret Weapons to Win the War of Arthritis Inflammation and Pain

Rita Kennon

Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in America today,
impacting approximately seven million people. It is now one of
the most prevalent chronic health problems.

The estimated annual costs of arthritis to Americans are $15
billion in direct medical costs and $49 billion in indirect
costs such as lost wages. Nearly 40 million Americans have
arthritis, with 24 million of them being under 65 years old.
Projected increase of arthritis by 2020 is 60 million in the
U.S. alone.

With over a hundred variations of arthritis, the most common one
is osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease which is
related to aging. The deteriorated cartilage that covered the
ends of the bone in the joint cause's loss of movement as the
bone rubs against bone. It causes the bones to change shape, the
muscles to weaken and the reflexes to slow.

Osteoarthritis most commonly occurs in the weight-bearing
joints. Severe trauma to a joint can precipitate arthritis,
sometimes years after the initial injury. Painkillers are
effective for a while, but when the drugs no longer ease the
pain some physicians recommend surgery. Americans undergo lower
back surgery, and knee and hip replacement surgery mostly
because of osteoarthritis.

Another common arthritis known as rheumatoid arthritis is an
autoimmune disease. In autoimmune disease, the body's immune
system actually attacks its own tissue. The joints and cartilage
are normally surrounded by protective tissue called synovium
which produces a fluid that nourishes and lubricates the bones
and cartilage.

A rheumatoid arthritic patient's immune system produces white
blood cells that attack the synovium. This is what causes the
inflammation, and painful swollen joints. When the inflamed
synovium attacks the joint, bone, and cartilage it causes the
muscles around the joint to become too weak to support it
properly. Therefore chronic inflammation is the culprit that may
eventually cause damage to the cartilage and bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and disabling
types of arthritis. Severe joint pain, fatigue fever, and
inflammation are the first symptoms most people notice. In more
serious cases, the autoimmune response involves other areas of
the body such as the heart, lungs, kidney or liver. Gout is
characterized by monosodium uric crystals in the joints or
tissue. It generally occurs in patients 30 to 50 years old after
many years of eating an over rich diet of purine foods. When the
kidneys can not eliminate the over production of uric acid from
the body, levels build up causing the needle like crystals to
form on the joints.

This painful disease mostly attacks small joints. The frequency
of subsequent acute attacks of gout usually increases over time.
A diet of fatty protein rich foods, excessive alcohol
consumption, and obesity are contributing factors of gout

It is important that you take an active role in the prevention
and treatment of joint damage. There are many steps you can take
to lower your risk for developing arthritis, as well as natural
remedies to help reduce inflammation, and other symptoms.

The conventional treatment includes the use of painkillers, and
anti-inflammatory drugs. While these drugs are often helpful in
alleviating the pain, they may accelerate the degeneration of
articular surfaces thereby destroying the body's ability to
repair cartilage. Several thousand patients are admitted to
hospitals every year for complications associated with
anti-inflammatory medications.

Now that you understand that controlling inflammation is the
biggest step in combating arthritis- here are my secret
arthritis weapons:

1. Foods to avoid- eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, wheat,
corn, beef, pork, eggs, dairy, fried foods, sugar products,
refined carbohydrates and foods high in gluten which tends to
intensify inflammation.

2. Foods to eat- foods high in sulfur such as asparagus,
cabbage, garlic, and onions which may help repair cartilage and
bone. Also include fish, flax (omega-3 fatty acids), and borage
oil (omega-6 fatty acids) which can help decrease inflammation.

3. Multivitamin- including antioxidants such as vitamin E, C, A,
selenium, and zinc because we no longer get optimum amounts from
our daily diet to fight free radical attacks on the joints.

4. Exercise- beneficial in helping to reduce stiffness, and
maintain an optimum weight to help ease the pressure on those
weight bearing joints.

5. Celery seed- this wonderful natural spice contains nearly two
dozen anti-inflammatory compounds known for decreasing

6. Glucosamine supplement- the joints stop producing this
necessary substance that helps alleviate stiffness.

7. Chondroitin supplement- the body stops producing chrondocytes
which help maintain healthy joints.

Incorporate these 7 non-biochemical (natural) weapons into the
battlefield, and the war against arthritis will be much more
attainable- naturally.

About the author:

Rita Kennon Natural
arthritis remedy with a 12 month guarantee

Thursday 26 October 2006

Acne Treatment Solution

Kevin Emswiler

A simple and natural acne treatment remedy that gets rid of acne forever. Simple methods that will change your life.

What would you say if I told you the days of costly prescription medication were over. That you could gain control over your acne within days and be virtually acne free in a month. Chris Gibson has done extensive research on the subject and came up with a natural acne treatment.

Gibson who is a 15 year acne suffer himself has been acne free for nearly 18 years. After numerous test studies he is finally ready to release his findings to the public. His formulas have been used by thousands of people around the world.

One of his customers is quoted saying, " Chris, I wish I had access to your book seven or eight years ago! I am 28 now, but when I was fifteen and sixteen I had horrible acne problems. It was so bad, that I was afraid to go to school because my self-esteem was so low! I had tried all the popular medications; Retina and Tetracycline, but that just seemed to make the problem worse. I had no choice but to live with it until it finally slowed down, as I got older. Had I had access to your information years ago, I would not have to have gone through some of the embarrassing moments that I use to face everyday. I would recommend for anybody who is suffering from Acne problems to get your book and give your system a shot! It is a natural treatment and is healthier for your body than taking prescription medications."

Gibson decided the best way he could help acne sufferers was to publish his results. He's written everything down in an ebook appropriately titled, "Acne Free in 3 Days".

Acne sufferers around the world are cheering. Their skin no longer has to interfere with their social life. They finally have a natural acne treatment remedy. Gibson's formula will not only get rid of your acne it will save you a lot of money in the process. His ebook can be downloaded right from your home computer.

About the author:

Kevin Emswiler is a freelance writer that has several articles published on and off the net. For more information on Acne Free In 3 Days, visit

Thursday 12 October 2006

Digital Camera Basics-resolution, Exposure, Focus, and Storage


The amount of detail that a camera can capture is called the resolution, and it is measured in pixels. The more pixels a camera has, the more detail it can capture and the larger pictures can be without becoming blurry or "grainy." High-end consumer cameras can capture over 12 million pixels. Some professional cameras support over 16 million pixels (megapixels), or 20 million pixels for large-format cameras. For comparison, it has been estimated that the quality of 35mm film is about 20 million pixels.

Exposure and Focus

Just as with film, a digital camera has to control the amount of light that reaches the sensor. The two components it uses to do this, the aperture and shutter speed, are also present on conventional cameras.

Aperture: The size of the opening in the camera. The aperture is automatic in most digital cameras, but some allow manual adjustment to give professionals and hobbyists more control over the final image.

Shutter speed: The amount of time that light can pass through the aperture. Unlike film, the light sensor in a digital camera can be reset electronically, so digital cameras have a digital shutter rather than a mechanical shutter.

These two aspects work together to capture the amount of light needed to make a good image. In photographic terms, they set the exposure of the sensor.

In addition to controlling the amount of light, the camera has to adjust the lenses to control how the light is focused on the sensor. In general, the lenses on digital cameras are very similar to conventional camera lenses -- some digital cameras can even use conventional lenses. Most use automatic focusing techniques.

The focal length, however, is one important difference between the lens of a digital camera and the lens of a 35mm camera. The focal length is the distance between the lens and the surface of the sensor. Sensors from different manufacturers vary widely in size, but in general they're smaller than a piece of 35mm film. In order to project the image onto a smaller sensor, the focal length is shortened by the same proportion.

Focal length also determines the magnification, or zoom, when you look through the camera. In 35mm cameras, a 50mm lens gives a natural view of the subject. Increasing the focal length increases the magnification, and objects appear to get closer. The reverse happens when decreasing the focal length. A zoom lens is any lens that has an adjustable focal length, and digital cameras can have optical or digital zoom -- some have both. Some cameras also have macro focusing capability, meaning that the camera can take pictures from very close to the subject.

Digital cameras have one of four types of lenses:

1) Fixed-focus, fixed-zoom lenses - These are the kinds of lenses on disposable and inexpensive film cameras -- inexpensive and great for snapshots, but fairly limited.

2) Optical-zoom lenses with automatic focus - Similar to the lens on a video camcorder, these have "wide" and "telephoto" options and automatic focus. The camera may or may not support manual focus. These actually change the focal length of the lens rather than just magnifying the information that hits the sensor.

3) Digital-zoom lenses - With digital zoom, the camera takes pixels from the center of the image sensor and interpolates (alters) them to make a full-sized image. Depending on the resolution of the image and the sensor, this approach may create a grainy or fuzzy image. You can manually do the same thing with image processing software -- simply snap a picture, cut out the center and magnify it.

4) Replaceable lens systems - These are similar to the replaceable lenses on a 35mm camera. Some digital cameras can use 35mm camera lenses.

Storage of Images

Most digital cameras have an LCD screen so you can view your picture right away. This is one of the great advantages of a digital camera -- you get immediate feedback on what you capture. Of course, viewing the image on your camera would lose its charm if that's all you could do. You want to be able to load the picture into your computer or send it directly to a printer. There are several ways to do this.

Although most of today's cameras are capable of connecting through serial, parallel, SCSI, USB, or FireWire connections, they usually also use some sort of removable storage device. Digital cameras use a number of storage systems. These are like reusable, digital film, and they use a caddy or card reader to transfer the data to a computer. Many involve fixed or removable flash memory. Digital camera manufacturers often develop their own proprietary flash memory devices, including SmartMedia cards, CompactFlash cards and Memory Sticks. Other removable storage device include floppy disks, hard disks (external, or microdrives), and writeable CD's and DVD's.

Regardless of what type of storage they use, all digital cameras need lots of room for pictures. They usually store images in one of two formats -- TIFF, which is uncompressed, and JPEG, which is compressed. Most cameras use the JPEG file format for storing pictures, and they sometimes offer quality settings (such as medium or high).

To make the most of their storage space, almost all digital cameras use some sort of additional data compression to make the files smaller. One compression routine takes advantage of patterns that repeat. The image can be reconstructed exactly as it was recorded, reducing the file size no more than 50%, often much less. Another compression routine called irrelevancy eliminates some of the more meaningless data, taking advantage of the fact that digital cameras record more information than the human eye can easily detect.

Author: Brian Lee

Tuesday 10 October 2006

5 Keys to Building Wealth Online

If you are wondering about the keys required to build online wealth, then you have stumbled upon the only source that you will ever need. If you would employ the keys presented here, you would be destined to overcome almost every reason that people fail to build online wealth. The keys are very similar to the keys to build wealth offline as well. So let’s not linger, let’s get to it.

Key #1: Make yourself visible. On your website, provide all information necessary for potential customers to get in touch with you. This info should include an e-mail address, your picture, and your phone number – at least your business number. A personal address is nice, at least the city and state that your are in.

Key #2: Be unique. Everyone has their own set of special knowledge, use yours. Even if you don’t feel like it, you have information that only you know. Be yourself. Express yourself. Be honest and believe in your own approach to presenting your business.

Key #3: Be customer oriented. Tap in to your website with the eyes of a stranger – like your customers will be. View it. Read it. Experience it. And then edit it. Continue to edit out the bad and enhance the good elements of your website. Listen to the input of your visitors. Isn’t it they that you try to please?

Key #4: Automation. The use of auto-responders will catapult you to unseen levels of success. Know that statistics show that the average customer doesn’t make a purchase from a website until they have been exposed to it between seven and nine times.

Key #5: Use online advertising techniques like blog spots and article directories. Don’t forget to engage in offline advertising tactics as well. Newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, magnetic signs on your vehicle and signs along the roadways are all valid resources. Use anything to get people to hit your website, and then deliver their needs to them like you would want yours delivered to you.

Constantly involve yourself in learning about business techniques in general. Online business is still business. It’s time to get down to business.

Author: will smithston

Tuesday 26 September 2006

Acne Solution From a Pill

Sandra Wellman

Most people believe the only way to cure their acne problem is
from the outside. Well, you definitely need to keep your skin
clean, but often, acne sufferers scrub too hard or use harsh
chemicals to try to clean deep. This can actually make matters
worse. Simply clean your face at least twice per day with a mild
cleanser, especially after sweating. I keep a bottle of
astringent in the shower b/c I don't like cleaning my face with
soap like some people (my husband). Soap seems to leave a
residual, as far as I'm concerned. And women, I know you won't
like this, but try to wear as little makeup as infrequently as
you can get away with or put up with. It just clogs your pores.
When you do wear it, make sure you clean your face before you go
to bed, even if it's late. Just do a quick job!

Home remedies for acne are much better than prescriptions,
especially the ones with side effects like Accutane®. You could
feel sick, get liver problems, get depressed and worse yet, your
child may have birth defects from using it! Be careful what you
choose to cure your acne with. Read all ingredients and warnings.

Using a natural acne remedy on the inside and out is your
best acne solution. For exterior cleaning, try to find a product
without alcohol, as it will dry your skin. Tea Tree oil is
natural, but also very strong. I wouldn't use it for mild to
moderate acne unless it had other ingredients in it to dilute
it. If you have severe acne, that may work for you. An acne
product that protects your skin and prevents acne from coming
back is even better. There's one listed on my web site, see

Now, about cleaning acne from the inside out; this may seem a
bit strange to you, but a lot of acne is caused by internal
imbalances and/or impurities. Chocolate doesn't really cause
acne, unless you are allergic to it, but eating junk food
definitely won't help you. Eating too many white carbohydrates
creates a pasty like sludge substance in your intestines and
bacteria love to stick to it, gross! That's partly why you are
told to avoid white starches and sugars, but that's a subject
for a different day.

Antioxidants, like Vitamin C, E and Alpha Lipoic Acid, are very
helpful in clearing acne. Aloe Vera is an anti-viral as well as
an anti-microbial, that can help cleanse you from the inside
out. Hydrolyzed Collagen prevents moisture loss. Wouldn't it be
nice if you could get all these, plus DMAE, Co-enzyme Q10 and
Bioperine all in one capsule you only have to take once per day?
Yes, there is an acne solution from a pill! You can clear your
acne from the inside out. Go to my web site to find out how: href="">

About the author:

Sandra Wellman is the owner of a web site about natural acne and
hair loss solutions, including articles, tapes, cd's, ebooks and
natural products. Visit her site at: href="">

Saturday 16 September 2006

Sourcing Out Information for the Love and Passion of Old Coins

There are many people who collect various types of coins. Some of these coins are rare coins from different parts of the world, others are American Eagle coins, and there are still others who have a passion for old coins of all sorts. These old coins don’t have to be from one country or even from period in time. With coin collectors the main item that counts is that these coins are from an early period in our history.

As old coins sometimes come to light it may be necessary for the coin collector or numismatist to find information about the old coins that they have in their collection. As these old coins may have some of their identifying marks worn away either completely or partially you may want to store them in a protective coin folder until you have gathered enough information that will help you to know what type of old coins you have.

This information process will take some time unless you have an idea of where you should start your search. The information that you will need, is the country of origin and hopefully the date the coin was minted. You can also use the portrait that may still be found on the old coin.

When you have found this information you should start looking in coin books to see if you can find some history about these coins. While the history doesn’t have to be very extensive it should give you an idea about the period when these old coins were minted. You will need this information so that you can have an identification given to these old coins. The background information will need to be stated in a place where you can match it with the old coin that it belongs to.

Since it helps to have an idea of the cost of the various old coins that you have you may want to have these old coins valued. The best place for you to find more information on the old coins and what they are priced at would be your local coin shop. Here you will get an appraisal that will inform you about the current value of your entire collection. You can even get a separate appraisal done for all the old coins in your coin collection.

This appraisal helps you to see which coins are bringing the value of your collection down and which coins you may want to see about buying more of. With the selection of old coins you should look for ones that you feel will show the full worth of your coin collection.

Author: Muna wa Wanjiru

Friday 25 August 2006

Acne Rosacea - How to Effectively Treat Rosacea Symptoms

Danna Schneider

Rosacea - How to Naturally Calm and Eliminate Rosacea and
Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea and Rosacea are fairly common skin disorders that
primarily affect fair skinned people in their 30's and over.
While it's exact cause is difficult to pinpoint, the symptoms of
Rosacea are obvious in their manifestation on the facial skin.

Typical Rosacea symptoms are a combination of any of the
following: Red looking, flushed skin - especially on the nose
and the cheeks, small, dilated blood vessels known as
telangiectases may appear in the background, inflamed red bumps
sometimes with a yellow head (acne rosacea), a shiny, oily
appearance to the skin, and roughness, or "orange peel" like
texture of the affected skin.

Acne rosacea is the more severe of the two, and definitely is
more noticeable, as it not only manifests itself in skin
redness, but also in acne-like postules that infect and swell,
making the skin bumpy and inflamed.

Rosacea is typically aggravated by alcoholic beverage
consumption, hot or spicy foods, some types of common cosmetic
ingredients, sun exposure, hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, and the
consumption of hot drinks.

People who suffer from Rosacea are typically advised to avoid
these triggers, but this of course is not always possible. While
it is not possible to actually cure Rosacea, since the
underlying cause seems to elude scientists, there are ways of
controlling it that are very effective.

The Most Commonly Prescribed Rosacea Treatments

Many who suffer from this skin disorder do seek the advice and
prescribing authority of a dermatologist to control it. The most
common dermatologist-prescribed method of controlling Rosacea is
through the utilization of a topical antibiotic.

While this can be effective in controlling the problem, it is
mostly temporary, and the problem returns immediately after the
treatment stops. This can also be a problem for those who may
not have the time or the money for the dermatologist visits and
prescription refills.

Why Go for a Natural Remedy Rather than a Medical

With today's nutraceutical and cosmeceutical advancements, there
are so many treatments available that either equal prescription
skin care treatments, and even outperform them. The best part
is, you don't have to take the time out for the dermatologist
appointment, and you don't have to pay the high recurring costs
of prescription refills and return appointments.

This holds true for Rosacea and Acne Rosacea treatments also.
Many people have had huge success with natural Rosacea
treatments and systems - one in particular.

The marriage of pharmaceutical technology and nature has indeed
spawned some of the greatest cosmetic correction innovations
that we now are able to take advantage of today. With the proper
skin care regimen, some lifestyle cautions and common sense
avoidances, Rosacea is indeed a treatable skin condition, and it
can be treated equally as well without prescription, man-made
medications. Natural is always better, and these new and
innovative Acne Rosacea products definitely prove just that.

About the author:

See href="
">Acne Rosacea Treatments for more information on how
to naturally treat and ultimately eliminate rosacea and acne
rosacea. Danna Schneider is the webmaster of href="">Cosmetic Product
, a site dedicated to providing reviews and
articles on the most effective natural cosmetic correction.

Sunday 20 August 2006

Thinking About Buying a Digital Camera

Photographic prints, either at home, or via a development laboratory, or a self-service kiosk, are not the only options – digitised images can, for example, be uploaded to a digital photo frame, displayed on the Internet, or emailed to friends, to name but a few of the possibilities.

Types of Digital Camera

Digital cameras can be classified, broadly speaking, by their resolution – the maximum number of picture elements, or “pixels” that captured images can contain – usually expressed in millions of pixels, or “megapixels” (Mp). The more pixels an image contains, the less grainy, or “blocky” it is, so the greater is its overall quality. Less expensive digital cameras normally have a resolution of, perhaps, 1 or 2 Mp, and are perfectly adequate for producing images for the Internet, or email, or for smaller, say, 6 x 4 inch, photographic prints. Larger prints require a higher resolution, perhaps 7 or 8 Mp for 10 x 8 inch prints, and digital cameras of this type usually have higher memory capacity – a higher resolution image requires more storage space than one at a lower resolution – better zoom facilities, and other features. The Mustek DBV400 digital camera, for example, offers a resolution of 4 Mp, and the Mustek DV8200 model a resolution of 8 Mp.

Other Considerations

The level of complexity and sophistication that require in a finished image, or photograph, will determine the overall type of digital camera that you choose, and the same is true of some of the other features and functions that you may encounter.

For example, you may wish to download images from your digital camera to your computer – but this could be, perhaps, a single photograph, or at most a few photographs, which you want to email to a friend, every once in a while – or, on the other hand, a large number of high resolution images that you regularly need to download, for manipulation and editing purposes.

In the first case, you may well be able to get away with somewhat outdated transfer methods, such as floppy disk, or serial, or parallel cables, but these are limited, in both speed and the volume of data that can be transferred. In the second case, however, a faster, more sophisticated method of transferring data will be required, and you should consider a USB (“Universal Serial Bus”) 2.0 connection, or, perhaps better still, a memory card reader. The Mustek DV8200 model, for example, is an 8 Mp digital camera, which includes a USB 2.0 interface and cable.


Try to be realistic in your assessment of your needs, rather than just your “wants”, when it comes to finally choosing a digital camera. Increasing quality, and functionality, quickly adds fairly significantly to the price tag, so set yourself a target specification, and target budget, if you can – and stick to it.

Author: Alicia Taylor

Tuesday 25 July 2006

Acne Laser Treatments - How They Help With Scarring and Formation of Acne

Danna Schneider

Acne Laser Treatment - How You Can Now "Do It Yourself" at
Home for a Fraction of the Price, and Get the Same Results

There are always new ways to treat acne coming out as the latest
and greatest method to treat acne and smooth the skin out to its
pre-acne days. Some of these methods are really not effective,
and cause consumers to just pour their money down the drain, so
to speak, in hopes of finally finding the answer to their acne

Others, like acne laser treatment, are a truly effective and
proven way to clear acne, help mend the skin, and help heal
scarring and existing acne lesions.

How Does Acne Laser Treatment Treat Scarring and Acne at the
Same Time

Lasers work by using various "soft pulsing light" wavelengths
and intensities to help "reshape" scar tissue, making raised
scars go down, and reducing the redness of the skin around
healed acne postules. Home acne lasers actually emit a low,
constant frequency of red light which helps to stimulate
collagen, making scarring less visible, and helping to stimulate
the healing of existing acne, and speed the whole recovery

The low light acne home laser does not emit heat and does not
hurt or burn your tissues - quite the contrary, you will feel
like you've just had a refreshing facial after you use it each
time - I did. Not only that, if you have any fine lines or
wrinkles, you will notice that they soften with the use of this
laser as well.

One particular medical grade home acne laser treatment that
uses this technology had the following to report:

1. The home laser device was found to be an effective treatment
for acne in the inflammatory stage.

2. Subjects typically would see positive results within 3-6
weeks of starting treatment. The positive results depended
largely on consistency and continuity of treatment. Especially
in the first few weeks, consistency is key if you want to see
real results from a home laser

3. After 6 Weeks of Laser Treatment:

20% of the patients were completely healed.

50% of the patients showed major improvement.

20% of the patients showed minor improvement.

These are pretty compelling statistics, and I'd say very
promising for anyone looking to treat their acne and reduce acne
scarring effectively, without countless visits to the
dermatologist or a plastic surgeons office for essentially the
same treatment.

If You REALLY Want to Get Astounding Results, Take it a Step
Further and Combine Laser Therapy with a Natural Oral Remedy

You can achieve even greater and faster success when combining
an oral remedy for acne and the laser. This fights acne from
both a scarring and healing aspect on the outside, and from an
internal standpoint, eradicating impurities and hormonal
imbalances which cause the acne in the first place.

Many dermatologists take this two pronged approach, and they
will combine a microdermabrasion or laser therapy with an oral
antibiotic for maximum results for their patients. Why can't you
do the same and get identical results, or even better results
than doctor's office treatments?

The fact is, there are other options that are less expensive
over the long haul and many times even more effective than
medications or special in-office treatments can be. Why not take
advantage of this advanced technology?

About the author:

Visit href="">
Acne Laser Treatment for more information on the best
home acne laser treatment that covers the most surface area of
any home laser. Danna Schneider is the founder of Visit href="">Acu
zine Natural Acne Pill Review
for info on a cutting edge
natural acne remedy.

Saturday 1 July 2006

What are the Functions of US Government Mint?

As everyone knows the US government mint is the facility that is in charge of making sure that there are more than enough amounts of currency to be used by the public. The US government mint has facilities in various locations in the country and these help the national government maintain a stable economy.

The US government mint performs other tasks besides distributing money in both paper and coin form to the various businesses, stores and public to use. The US government mint is also responsible for making sure that when a coin or paper currency needs to be re-issued that there are stringent security features placed on this currency. You will find that the US government mint is also responsible for bringing in old money that congress has recalled.

Usually the government will issue a recall for money only if there are problems that are occurring for reasons that have not been made clear. At other times it will be very necessary for the US government mint to re-issue certain amounts of money denominations.

Besides looking after the nation’s economic standard the US government mint also needs to make sure that it has a good hold on the gold and silver that is distributed in the form of coins. One type of coin that you can find in gold and silver are in the American Eagle group of coins. These coins are made and distributed to authorized coin dealers by the US government mint.

Since the government sometimes depends on its reserves of gold and silver it is necessary that the protection of these $100 billion assets are under constant guard. For this reason you will find that you can only enter this facility if you have the right to do so. The US government mint is the legal issuer of all the money that is printed in America.

Another facility that is under the supervision of the US government mint is that of the US Gold Bullion Depository in Fort Knox. Yes, that Fort Knox. The one that is famous for being the most secure place on earth. As you see the US government mint is not just a national money production and distribution center. It is also the keeper of this nation’s, and sometimes even other nations’, economic wealth.

For those of you who are interested in the role the US government mint has played in our history you may want to look at their official website. This web site will have many links that you can access to see the various functions that the US government mint performs everyday and how they help the country to develop itself even more.

Author: Muna wa Wanjiru

Thursday 29 June 2006

Card Making Crafts

To become a good card making expert you need to have a creative and patient nature, it is a very precise art to undertake, below please find some tips.


• Keep scare cuttings from newspapers, magazines, crap paper etc, these will come in useful when you decide to start making cards, for example, you could get a lot of kitten and animal photos that could be cut out for the use of card making.

• Try to collect cut out punches so that you always have them at hand if you wish to create a certain shape, you can find the best deals on websites online or if you go to card boot sales, there are often craft stores which offer a huge saving on RRP rates.

• Always write down the plan of your card before you make it, this can avoid the mistakes usually made without planning, you are also able to be more creative with your designs and get the items needed to complete it.

• Get specialist plastic bags to place your cards within once drying to ensure that none of the items fall off your card, these can also be helpful if you plan to sell your cards, this will keep them safe and dust free.

• You get items such as flowers quite a lot, these can be useful, dry them out and then you will be able to use them within your card designs and make them look good.

• Get sticky sheets to ensure that you are able to create 3d effects with your images, as well as have the sticky tabs it is best to have something to go around the edges such as glitter to make it look flashier.

• Try to theme your cards if you aren’t planning on selling them, for example one of your relatives or someone in your family may be interested in a certain film, you could print off a picture and then get an embossing kit to make the image more 3d.

• Try to alternate between shapes with cards such as curvy tops to make it more presentable to the public if they are to be sold.

• birthday cards – for young people these should be colourful for example orange and pink is a good colour for birthday cards, or for older people light blues and purples are good colours.

• Valentines Cards – Obviously red is a good colour for love, to go with red you could use white or pink, also I find black is a good colour to contrast with the red.

• Christmas Cards – These usually use pastel colours to make it more calming.

Author: Neil Parnham

Sunday 25 June 2006

Acne Home Remedy

P. Mehta

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Acne Home Remedy

Copyright 2004 P. Mehta,

Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, wrong food habits and improper skin care. Acne remedy, remedies given below are based on herbs and natural ingredients that treat your acne like magic and help improve the skin disorders.

  1. Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.
  2. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

  3. Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

  4. Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

  5. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

  6. Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

  7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

  8. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

  9. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples.

  10. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

  11. Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

  12. Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

This article has been written by
For more visit the web site
home remedies for acne or pimples

Acne Scars

About the Author


Thursday 25 May 2006

Acne home remedies

Robert Kokoska

Acne, which is a skin disorder most common in teenagers at
puberty when their hormones are starting to develop. Acne which
is often the blight of adolescence is known to follow some
people into adulthood.

Eating a healthy diet can be an acne cure for many people but
it is definitely a natural acne treatment for everyone. Home
remedies are among some of the best treatments for acne.
Prescription acne medication can scar if not used appropriately.

When it comes to wearing makeup the natural look is always
refreshing. Cosmetic products with sulfates, harsh red dyes,
heavy oils are hard on the skin blocking the pores and
contributing to an outbreak.

Cleansing creams with chlorides, oils and alcohol used to treat
acne can be damaging to the skin because they are sometimes too
harsh. It is very important to read the labels carefully before
purchasing these products to see just what you are using. Also
cleansing your face at least 3 times a day so there is minimal
opportunity for pore blockage is one of the best remedies for
keeping outbreaks to a minimum.

There are several natural home remedies for acne that you
either have in your own kitchen or you can get from the health
food store inexpensively. Just because these home remedies are
considered natural treatments for acne, does not mean that you
should be less cautious than you would be with prescription acne
medications or over-the-counter acne products.

You should always check with a doctor before undertaking any
home remedy. Some home remedies for acne turn out to be the best
treatments for acne in the end simply because they are not as
hard on the skin. Home remedies used to treat acne should not
only take care of any acne problems that you are having but also
moisten and rejuvenate your skin.

GARLIC: Garlic is one of natures strongest antibiotics and used
externally by cutting open a clove of garlic and rubbing it on
the problem area. People told me that it doesn't burn but it
did. What did work better for me was to crush the garlic clove
and mix it with half a cup of hot water in a pan. Soak a clean
wash cloth in the solution and then apply to the affected areas
only. This should within a few days unclog infected pores. It is
smelly and should be done before bed so you can wash it off the
next morning.

LEMON: There are several things that you can do with fresh
lemon. Slice a lemon in half and rub it on the effected area and
leave it over night and rinse your face in the morning or
squeeze the juice and mix it with rose water and apply to the
effected areas.

TEATREE OIL: Teatree oil usually costs about $9-$12 for an 8 to
12 oz bottle and it works wonders on the skin leaving a very
refreshing feeling behind because you can actually feel it
working by cleaning the pores of your skin. I recommend that you
dilute it with water first before attempting to use it at full
strength. The idea is to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin as
anything that leaves extreme discomfort is not good for your

CUCUMBER: This is one of the most gentle and refreshing
treatments that I have ever used and not only does it help treat
acne but also refreshes the skin and leaves your skin looking
and feeling younger. What you should do is blend the cucumber
into a paste and apply. You can leave it on the skin for 30 to
45 minutes and then wash it off.

ICE: One of the most simple and least expensive remedies of all
is good old fashioned ice that you make daily. You can use this
at any time and it will reduce any swelling that you have caused
by acne but should be used at the onset of a breakout.

There are so many home remedies that I could not even begin to
list them all and since everyone's skin is different you will
have to find remedies that work well for you. It is important to
know to be careful with your skin.

Many times out of aggravation we burst a pimple when a simple
remedy can be the best solution, and don't leave a scar like
poking at a pimple normally does. Your skin is an indication of
your health and when you have healthy skin then you are a more
confident person.

About the author:

If you're serious about eliminating your acne, you should try
the popular href="">3 day
acne program.

For more acne articles visit: href="">Natural Acne Treatment

Monday 8 May 2006

Life Pattern

Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.

A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals

Friday 5 May 2006

More About Color Schemes

Oil Painting is all about harmony. Harmony in an oil painting is when the pact of colors and objects are pleasant to the viewer’s eyes. If a painting is too muddled you might scare the viewer away. On the other hand, if a painting lacks something, it might be perceived as boring, and your viewer would not be engaged, so it's important to have proper balance in your color arrangements.

There has been many research and experiment done on oil painting colors in relation with how it can affect a person’s mood and behavior. Some colors could calm a person, while other could even arouse cheerfulness. This article would talk about some of the well-known oil painting color scheme you can choose for your next painting. The tips and technique in this article could be applied to any painting medium.

Monochromatic Color Scheme

This color scheme is most likely the easiest for starters to work with. The monochromatic color scheme uses differences in value and strength of only one color. Beginners like this color scheme as they only require creating a value plan using one color that makes things a lot easier. Your painting would not be as thrilling as other schemes, which utilize more than one color, but your painting would produce a passive and soothing effect.

Triadic Color Scheme

The triadic color scheme uses three colors, which are consistently spaced or equidistant from one another on the color wheel. This scheme offers strong disparity but still hold on to harmony. This color mixture is more challenging for starters. You could get carried away by making all three colors too strong thereby destroying the balance in your painting. You should permit one color to rule and use the two other colors to accent the rest of the painting.

Split-complimentary Color Scheme

The split-complimentary color scheme uses three colors and is a twist on the admiring color scheme. Instead of using the colors compliment, you would use the two colors closest to its compliment on the color wheel. Don't let color theory threaten or depress you. Working with color in your paintings especially oil painting reproduction takes some getting used to. With time and practice you would begin to develop the eye of a good painter.

Author: vijay

Sunday 30 April 2006

Flowers by Season

Kelly Liyakasa is a staff writer for Kelly Staller is site manager at, a site dedicated to giving YOU, the consumer, the best product and service reviews around. If you like saving time and money by having someone else review leading sites and products, then Visit our site at

Whether you’re planning a September wedding, want to send flowers to your aunt in Hawaii or simply want to plant some flowers in your garden that won’t die, it’s important to know which flowers belong in which season. Some flowers are popular year-round, such as roses, and don’t have to be reserved for Valentine’s Day. Here’s a quick-reference-guide to flowers by season:

Great Summer Flowers:
•English lavender

Fall Flowers:

Winter Flower Picks:
•Casa Blanca Lilies
•Bells of Ireland

Great Spring Flowers:

Flowers Anytime:

While no one will laugh at you for showcasing tulips at an autumn wedding, some flowers go best with their designated seasons. For example, vibrant colors always look great during the summer and everyone loves a poinsettia in the wintertime.

When choosing the best flower services to purchase a bouquet for a friend, partner or even yourself, one might check out They recommend services like FTD that offer seasonal flowers, as well as many on our year-round list.

FTD and other flower sites are great resources in seeking out great gift flowers and ideas for arrangements for a wedding or party. Choose some sunflowers; they get the official go-ahead in these warmer months ahead!

Author: Kelly Liyakasa