Friday 29 December 2006

Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives

Danna Schneider

Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain.

Some people are born with a naturally higher tolerance to pain - what's been dubbed the "pain threshold". Then there are the rest of us, who have normal or low pain thresholds and if chronic back pain, muscle pain, or nerve related pain or illness were to be introduced into our lives, we would be forced to be a prisoner to "the bottle". The "bottle" being one of the many prescription painkillers or narcotics prescribed to so many suffering daily, chronic muscle pain and nerve related pain.

So there must be a better way to control the pain, and manage it successfully without constant reliance on and possible addiction to prescription pain medication? And there is. Along with an excellent new naturopathic, herbal pain remedy recently introduced to consumers, there are several things you can do to manage pain effectively, and in turn even reduce stress and improve your overall mental and physical health - all of which are key factors in successful pain management.

On of the best ways to manage stress and in turn reduce pain, is to employ some sort of low impact, muscle soothing exercise, like basic yoga, tai chi, or water aerobics. These types of exercises not only stretch the muscles and keep them limber and lithe, but they effectively "massage" and calm muscles, have very little impact on joints, strength the supportive muscles of the back, and can even help reduce inflammation in the body. The mind-body connection is very strong, there is no doubt - just start an exercise routine like this and I guarantee your mood, pain and anxiety virtually melt away.

Exercise also releases and creates endorphins, which are a natural "antidote" to pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression. The release of endorphins can actually reverse the negative effects these afflictions can have on your body. If you're a habitual exerciser, think of how you lethargic you feel after a few days of inactivity, and you'll understand this concept! Inactivity is one of the biggest underlying causes and perpetuators of worsening pain, lethargy, depression and anxiety.

Meditation is also a great method to reduce pain, anxiety and the host of other undesirable problems so prevalent in America today. Like yoga, and other relaxation techniques, meditation allows you to focus only on you, your breathing, and your body. This faciliatates the "harmonizing" of the body and the mind, the ultimate feeling of well-being, vitality, and tranquility, all of which will help you manage pain and stress. This will keep your mind sharp, focused, and better able to deal with the daily stress life can sometimes bring.

Combine these few simple lifestyle habits with the use of an herbal pain remedy where needed, or even just employ these habits alone, and I guarantee, pain will not only be easier to cope with when it rears it's ugly head, but also will be reduced greatly in it's severity and frequency. It quite simply is a necessity to living pain free.

About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of, a nutraceutical product site focusing mostly on natural cosmetic enhancement and well being products. Information on the new herbal pain remedy mentioned in the article can be found at


Tuesday 26 December 2006

Adult Acne Treatments - The Natural Way

Danna Schneider

Adult Acne - Why Must We Suffer Aging Skin AND Acne??

As a young woman who suffered through agonizing periods of
merciless acne breakouts in the already angst-filled years of my
young adulthood, I thought that once I became an "adult", I
would no longer have to suffer the unbearable cycles of
noticeable, painful cystic acne.

I remember feeling like every zit on my face was the focal point
in every conversation I had with people, and I swore that
everyone had clearer skin than I did. Even a day with clear skin
was like a rare treat to me, to be savored cautiously, as I knew
it would never last, and a breakout was just waiting for it's
next opportunity to strike.

Little did I know, that when I hit adulthood, my battles with
acne were far from over. Even as I had my twenty-fifth birthday,
I still had to battle that neverending cycle of clear skin,
followed by periods of days or even weeks where my skin would
inexplicably erupt into a maze of strategically placed
blemishes, mostly on the chin area, forehead, and around the

I still found myself searching for the latest acne products and
treatments at drugstores, all of which didn't work at all. They
merely dried my skin and made it look worse by adding redness
and chafing to my growing list of skin problems.

There are many other adults that are finding they still have to
fight the battle with acne - now coined "adult acne". Why is it,
that even beyond our adolescent years of hormonal turmoil, we
are finding that we must battle a new enemy, the formidable
adult acne that we thought we might be fortunate enough to
escape since we paid our dues in our teenage years. It is
estimated that more than fifty percent of adult women between
the ages of twenty-five and fifty-eight have some type of adult
acne, and those numbers are only getting larger.

So what do the experts have to say about the cause of adult
acne? Hormonal fluctuations are the most common cause of adult
acne, followed by stress, which in itself actually triggers
hormonal imbalances, especially in women. So basically, any way
you cut it, adult acne is primarily caused by hormonal shifts
and fluctuations, many times caused by stress, but also caused
by diet, lifestyle changes, birth control pills, medications,
and so many other circumstances.

Some good lifestyle rules to stick to for clear skin are pretty
much common sense, but nonetheless are worth repeating. Eating a
balanced diet, with adequate protein, little or no refined sugar
products (which cause hormones to spike up and down rapidly),
and plenty of skin-nourishing fruits and vegetables is an
absolute must for clear, healthy skin. I notice that after even
one day of a refined sugar binge, I may wake up to a puffy, red
and sometimes slightly broken out face. This is proof that you
are what you eat - especially when it comes to your skin.

Second, try to diminish stress levels by taking walks, getting
cardiovascular exercise of some sort, or practicing relaxation
techniques in the form of yoga, meditation, or tai-chi. It sound
trivial, but stress levels and how you allow yourself to be
affected by daily stress, really reflects in your skin's

Third, you really should consider giving a natural acne
treatment a try. When all else failed, and it was clear that
nothing else would work to permanently clear my skin, or at
least get the ball rolling to even my hormone levels out and
purify my skin from the inside of my body, I tried a natural
acne remedy that I am forever grateful for.

I still have clear skin today, and get compliments on how good
it looks, at age 30. After years of taking prescription acne
medications like tetracycline, Retin-A and erythromycin, I was
finally able to clear my skin permanently -and at a fraction of
the cost of constant dermatologist consultations and repeated
prescription refills.

These new, advanced acne treatments really offer you what no
prescription antibiotic can in that they are completely safe,
contain all natural botanicals that purify the skin from the
inside out, and in many cases, can clear your skin permanently
with very little follow up treatment if you take them as
prescribed and for a long enough period to have lasting effects.

You owe it to yourself to try a natural acne remedy. There are
just too many great acne products out there that will get the
job done better than anything a dermatologist can prescribe!

About the author:

Danna Schneider is the founder of href="">Acne Product Reviews
and Comparisons
. Visit href="">Acu
zine Herbal Acne Supplement
for information on and
advanced natural acne medication for adults and adolescents.

Saturday 23 December 2006

7 Creative Ideas for Digital Picture Frames

Digital Picture Frames come in a variety of styles, but many of them look like your traditional photo frames. The digital frames allow you to load your digital pictures – and even music – into them for interactive photo frames!

They are both affordable and easy to use, making them ideal for any family. They also make great gifts as a stand-alone item, or pre-loaded with digital pictures and music.

A digital picture frame will display streaming slide shows, play music, and even show video files. As easy as they are to load with digital content, you can keep your picture frame current with recent photos from vacation, graduation, family events, your growing children – or practically anything you want to show off!

Below are 7 super creative ways that you can use digital picture frames:

1. Set up a comforting slide show of family photos, accompanied by lullabies, and place it in the nursery for your baby or small child to enjoy. You might include pictures of Mommy, Daddy, grandparents and even the favorite teddy bear. Not only will they enjoy their personalized show, but it makes a great night light as well!

2. Create a slideshow of family photos that spans several across decades for your parents wedding anniversary. It will make the perfect gift! Let them watch their children grow up all over again while they enjoy highlights from their life together. This is sure to be a big hit at the anniversary party.

3. Give the grandparents something to show off! Preload the digital picture frame with current pictures of their grandchildren before you give it to them. You can update it with new pictures each time you go for a visit. This would make a great holiday or birthday gift, and its something they would truly treasure.

4. Use your digital picture frame to encourage fun family time. Let everyone, even the children, take fun pictures during family outings. It may be a trip to the park, a hike in the woods, or a day at the pool. You can update your digital frame together afterwards. The children will really enjoy being involved in the “production” for your ever-changing photo frame!

5. Digital frames are perfect for business counters or office desks. You can display current specials or new products. Imagine a real estate agent showcasing the latest homes. A photographer showing off their line of prints. An interior decorator displaying a slideshow of before and after shots from recent contracts. A web designer could even showcase screen shots of their best work. The ideas are endless!

6. Let your digital picture frame tell a story with a musical slideshow. It may be the building of your new home. You can showcase your children from birth to their current age. Or you might make a mini-movie of your life as a couple - from dating to wedding to children. It will keep people captivated to the very end, and be an incredible conversation piece!

7. Use your digital frame as a mobile presentation tool. Small and easy to carry, you can display almost any type of images you like. Most have a remote control and are compatible with various file formats, allowing you to offer an intriguing visual presentation on almost any topic!

If you have hundreds of pictures on your hard drive, or try to show off pictures with the display screen on your digital camera, these new frames would be perfect for you.

They are easy to use, and don’t need to be hooked up to a computer to work. You can simply download pictures from your digital camera, or use common memory cards to create your digital slideshows.

Imagine all of the fun ways you could display your digital images! Your digital frame is sure to light up any room, and spark great conversations.

Author: Lynn Terry

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Your guide to hair loss prevention

Amy-Jo Strutt

If you are going bald or notice that your hair is starting to
thin, there are a number of excellent hair loss prevention
measures you can take to stop the thinning and hair loss. Hair
loss is caused by a number of things and some of them you have
complete control over. Hair loss can be a result of stress. Is
this the reason your hair is falling out? If so, you need to
seek help immediately. This type of hair loss is often not
permanent if you catch it in time. Another reason for thinning
hair is a lack of important vitamins and minerals from the foods
you are eating. You can restore your hair by changing your diet
and getting enough fruits and leafy green vegetables daily. With
either of these cases, you need to speak to your doctor

If your hair loss is due to genetics, which is most often the
case, your hair loss is likely permanent. But that doesn't mean
you don't have any options. You have a number of them to
consider. Hair transplants are getting more popular because of
the advancements made with the technology. In the past, hair
plugs were used and they looked unnatural and didn't do a great
job filling in the hair. Today, hair transplant surgery is
extremely good at creating a natural head of hair that is full.
If you aren't up for surgery, you can choose non surgical
procedures such as hair weaves. This is where natural or
synthetic hair is woven in with your own creating the appearance
of a full head of hair.

Rogaine is another hair loss prevention alternative to consider.
It is a topical cream that is applied directly to your scalp.
Within 6 months, you will see new hair growth. The downside is
once you stop applying Rogaine, you will likely loss the new
hair. There are other hair loss drugs on the market, each with
its own side effects. Manufacturers are making hair shampoos
specifically for thinning hair. There are gentler on your hair
and help create a fuller looking head of hair when it is dry. Be
sure to check these out at your local pharmacy. For best
results, speak to your doctor so that you understand all the
options available to you based on your type of hair loss.

About the author:

Amy-Jo Strutt is an expert author who regularly contributes to
complete information on hair loss solutions, hair loss
prevention, male pattern baldness and hair transplants, visit

Thursday 7 December 2006

Yeast Infection: Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic

James Zeller

The coffee table talk goes very low when you whisper, "yeast infection", but the body screams RELIEF NOW! A trip to the doctor, adverse side effects and nothing natural would be the next thought. Can there be a natural solution to a disease that each woman will suffer at least twice in her life?

Yeast infection is like a ghost waiting to scare young and older women when their body becomes out of balance due to stress, dubious partners, hormonal changes and/or immune system weakness.

A few women will elude this voracious monster but unfortunately most will be frightened at least twice in their life and others will live with a chronic reoccurrence of yeast infection.

The most important message is to recognize the yeast infection early and try an available natural remedy that you can use in the comfort of the home that is safe and no prescription required.

Natural antibiotics are always a choice that should be taken over a prescription if possible. Colloidal silver has been a patented drug and then relabeled a natural supplement. Oregano oil is also a natural antibiotic.

In addition to natural antibiotics there are two other home remedies that have been used to control yeast infection, yogurt insertion and tea tree oil. The body will always respond quicker to a natural solution and return to a healthy state if it doesn't have a compound job to do. The dual duty of the immune system would be trying to rid the body of an invasive disease while expelling man made toxins in prescription drugs that usually cause unbalanced ph in the blood and immune system.

Natural antibiotics and home remedies are not in any way the answer to all medical problems and do not take the place of a medical doctor. However taking care of your body and boosting your immune system to support good health is your everyday job. Only you know that responsibility best.

The World Wide Web has become a highway to a library of testimonials for natural disease remedies. There is an effort to suppress all natural vitamin, herbs, minerals and home remedy practice. We are a voice crying RELIEF in cyberspace from the proven archives of our word-of-mouth ancestors. We practice freedom of speech, and deny that these references are an attempt to diagnose or treat any disease, symptom or individual.

About The Author

James Zeller writes for numerous alternative health websites and blogs. Unbiased evaluation of health and diet supplements are included in most of his articles. Natural products are always best for the body and usually chosen as a last resort.

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Wrinkle Treatment

Danna Schneider

Where do you start with preventing wrinkles from forming, and
reversing existing lines? Every woman, starting as early as the
age of 20, should start to use wrinkle treatments, and have a
comprehensive anti aging skin care routine. The earlier you
start, the better. Many skin care experts now say that
preventive maintenance is the best way to have smooth, wrinkle
free skin well into your forties.

The first place to start is to stay out of the sun. I don't care
how pretty you think a nice tan looks, tanning damages and ages
your skin faster than anything, and it also has been leading to
cancer more and more since the ozone is wearing away from

There are some GREAT self tanners out there now that look even
better than a real tan, because they don't give you tan lines,
and you can make yourself as light or as dark as you want. You
control your color. How much better does it get?

Secondly, incorporate healthy doses of natural antioxidant foods
like dark leafy green veggies and brightly colored fruits for
maximum free radical elimination. Free radicals are the number
one cause of collagen breakdown, which is a direct cause of
wrinkles. By the way, the sun also causes free radical

Thirdly, choose a very agressive wrinkle free skin care system
into your overall skin care routine for maximum age defense and
prevention. Like I said, the earlier you start the better. A
good anti aging skin care system would consist of several key
ingredients found in nature that are currently the most potent
and effective in skin firming, smoothing and repairing.

These ingredients will dramatically increase elasticity, lift
sagging skin, brighten dullness, and stimulate the production
and regeneration of healthy skin cells to replace old, dull
cells that build up and hydrate parched skin all day.

What are some of these wrinkle defeating ingredients you

Well, some of the most effective and well documented and studied
skin support ingredients are as follows:

1.) Idebenone - A natural compound which has the same
antioxidant effects as Co-Enzyme Q10, but is actually more
effective than Co-Enzyme Q10 in effectively seeking out and
destroying damaging free radicals.

2.) DMAE - One of the most powerful anti aging elements
currently known. This natural compound has been demonstrated in
clinical studies to be an extremely powerful wrinkle and fine
line reducer, and is especially effective in firming sagging
skin. It is derived from the skin of salmon fish. DMAE is not
only an excellent topical skin support element, but is also very
effective when taken orally. You should always have this in you
medicine cabinet to apply topically as well, even if you take it
in an oral dose.

3.) Vitamin E - Vitamin E is also an effective skin mender and
antioxidant when taken orally and when applied topically. It is
especially effective in protecting skin cells from damage.

4.) Hyaluronic Acid - This natural acid is found in the human
body and works as a natural lubricant in the connective tissues.
Large amounts of Hyaluronic Acid have been found in healthy,
unaffected skin , hence the launch of studies to investigate its
skin benefits and anti aging properties. This acid has been one
of the biggest discoveries in skin care and anti aging
technology today, and produces and almost immediate noticeable
effect on damaged or aging skin.

Those are just four of the best natural wrinkle treatment
elements that you should include in your anti aging routine.
There are others, but the list is too long to discuss here.
Trust me, if you incorporate just these 4 ingredients into your
skin care regimen, or find products that contain the full
spectrum, you will be well on your way to a lifetime of
beautiful, young skin.

About the author:

Visit href="
s.html"> Herbal Skin Care Products for information on the
effective natural acne remedy talked about in this article.
Danna Schneider is the founder of, and
herbal product review site with the latest in herbal alternative

Saturday 2 December 2006

Why Switch to All Natural Cosmetics?

Lori Stryker

The human skin wraps and protects our bodies. It constitutes a living, dynamic tissue system. It has the remarkable ability to absorb applied products, partially or completely, into the bloodstream. In fact, up to 60% of the products we use on our skin are absorbed and deposited into the circulatory system (Fairley, 2001). For instance, the average woman absorbs 30 pounds of the ingredients contained in moisturizers over sixty years (Dr.Hauschka).

These new understandings of how the skin functions reveal concerns about the possible long term effects due to the combination of chemicals used in cosmetics, often termed the "chemical cocktail effect". Several chemicals which are used in common, popular cosmetics are known irritants and carcinogens. Concern stems from the knowledge that most of these ingredients are derived synthetically or from petroleum. Avoiding these substances serve to decrease overall exposure to harmful or irritating cosmetic ingredients.

Ingredients to Avoid

Forms Found in Cosmetics and Possible Negative Side Effects


  • Thought to contribute to Alzheimer's Disease.
  • Found in almost all antiperspirants.
  • Works by blocking pores so sweat cannot be released by the skin.

Artificial colours

  • FD&C, derived from coal tar.
  • For example, Azo dyes are a risk to asthmatics, eczema sufferers and people sensitive to aspirin.
  • Causes hyperactivity in children, severe headaches, blurred vision and itchy/watery eyes and nose (Antczak, 2001).


  • Benzoates Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate or parahydroxy benzoate.
  • Used as a preservative in cosmetics and fizzy drinks. Causes gastric irritation, numbing of the mouth and aggravates asthma (Antczak, 2001).

Certain essential oils

  • Rosemary is harmful to epileptics.Sage is not recommended for pregnant women.


  • Causes allergic reactions, irritating to eyes and dries out hair and skin (Fairley, 2001).

Dibutyl phthalate

  • Found in all persons tested by the CDC (Center for Disease Control, USA) in a 2000 Fall study.
  • Highest levels were found in women of reproductive age.
  • Causes birth defects in animals, and damaging to the male reproductive system (ABC News, Internet Ventures 2000).
  • Used in cosmetics to assist the absorption of other ingredients.


  • A preservative.
  • Causes skin reactions.
  • Imidazolidinyl urea is the second most identified preservative causing contact dermatitis ( American Academy of Dermatology: Fairley, 2001).
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • Quaternium 15
  • Diazolidinylurea
  • 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1
  • 3-diol


  • Can contain up to 200 undeclared substances (Fairley, 2001).
  • Major cause, in addition to artificial colours, of skin irritations and allergies (Antczak, 2001).
  • May cause dizziniess, skin irritation and hyperpigmentation (Fairley, 2001).

Genetically Modified Organisms

  • Soy, Corn
  • Effects still undetermined.

Isopropyl Alcohol

  • Drying agent, from petroleum.

Keratolytic chemicals

  • Such as hydroxyl acids, retinoic acid.
  • Corrosive, used in skin peels.
  • Dissolves the stratum corneum of the epidermis (outermost layer), making skin more sensitive to sun damage.
  • Accelerates production of dead skin cells; the skin thickens to repair its surface so that vulnerable skin cells underneath are protected from the effects of skin peeling.(Antczak, 2001).


  • Causes allergic reactions and irritations (Fairley, 2001).


  • Petroleum product.
  • Triggers skin irritations and may be an xerestrogen (Fairley, 2001).May play a role in falling sperm counts and rising breast cancer rates (Fairley, 2001).Used in 99% of all cosmetics (Fairley, 2001), and in many so-called 'natural' products.


  • Derived from petroleum.
  • In the form of wax, mineral oil or petrolatum.
  • Comedogenic, i.e.blocks pores.

Propylene Glycol

  • When derived from petroleum.
  • Increases the amount of acid in the body, resulting in metabolic problems.
  • Large amounts are needed to produce this effect (Agency forToxic Substances and Disease Registry or ATSDR, 2003).

Sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate

  • Forms carcinogenic nitrogen compounds when combined with specific ingredients.
  • Irritating to eyes, skin and lungs (Antczak, 2001).
  • Harmful if swallowed and may cause damage to eyes (Antczak, 2001).


  • Animal fat.
  • Not suitable for vegans, and may be a skin irritant.


  • Found in many nail products and nail polish removers.
  • Produced during the process of making gasoline and other fuels from crude oil or coal.
  • Evaporates into the air when products containing toluene are opened.
  • May affect the nervous system, and/or cause tiredness, confusion, weakness, nausea, or loss of appetite.
  • Symptoms disappear when exposure is eliminated (ATSDR, 2003).

In Canada, not all cosmetics list their ingredients on their labels, but most have toll free telephone numbers which link you to their customer service departments, where inquiries about ingredient lists can be made. Reading labels and recognizing problematic ingredients are necessary skills for a consumer who intends to choose products that are completely natural. The cost of a cosmetic is not a reliable indicator of either its quality or natural characteristics. Most cosmetics, from the lowest priced, to the most costly brands, are composed of identical base ingredients (Begoun, 1991).

Cosmetics do not stay on the surface of the skin without penetrating to some degree. Lipstick wearers, for example, consume 1.5 to 4 tubes in a lifetime (Aveda). If one considers the ingredients being internalized by the body, absorbing plant oils and waxes, mineral pigments or essential oils is a healthier alternative than absorbing petroleum by-products and synthetic chemicals. The ability to choose the right cosmetics for you depends on accurate ingredient knowledge, personal needs and market choices. Caring for one's whole body includes skin care choices that support and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Natural cosmetic products and make-up are safer, healthier alternatives especially when these products are composed of all natural ingredients. A natural product is described as one that contains mostly or completely naturally derived ingredients (Antczak, 2001). It also indicates that the product is free from, or contains minute amounts of artificial chemical additives. Caution is required when products claim to be natural. For instance, they may contain small amounts of plant extracts, but the bulk of the product is petroleum based and loaded with fragrances. Instead, consider switching to completely natural products, which perform to the same standard as their non-natural counterparts. The Organic Make-up Company offers a wide range of simple, affordable and high quality products. Our cosmetic products are carefully formulated from plant waxes, plant oils, essential oils from flowers, barks and spices, as well as richly coloured mineral pigments.

Switching to all-natural cosmetic products and make-up can help you to avoid feeding your skin harmful chemicals. Many skin problems, such as acne, contact dermatitis, irritations and allergies may disappear once petroleum or synthetic ingredients are removed from your skin care regimen. Using fully natural products can contribute to healthy skin and a healthy body in the long term.

We invite you to give our natural products a try. They are completely natural, vegan and an excellent alternative to conventional cosmetics and make-up.

To view our products, please visit our website at


  • Antczak, Dr. Stephen and Gina, (2001). Cosmetics Unmasked, Harper Collins, London.
  • Begoun, Paula, (1991). Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me, Beginnings Press, Seattle.
  • Fairley, Josephine, (2001). Organic Beauty, DK Publishing, London.
  •, ABC News Internet Ventures, 2000.
  •, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, April 2003.

By Lori Stryker, B.Sc., B.H.Ec., B.Ed.

About The Author

Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.

You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.

Friday 1 December 2006

What is Naturopathy

Andrea Putting N.D

In this abundant planet we call our home we have been blessed with everything we need. Within nature we can find a cure for all that ails us. The human body is an amazing thing; it has an incredible ability to heal itself. Using natural therapies, the body can be assisted in this process. This is what Naturopathy is all about.

The main emphasis of wholistic healing is always to treat the whole person and to recognise that in their individuality. No two people are the same either in personality or in sickness.

Careful consideration is always given to the whole state of 'dis-ease'. The Naturopath always asks in-depth and sometimes seemingly irrelevant questions. The best solution to a problem is often found underlying the surface. The cause of the problem needs to be sought out and this can often be emotional, but all factors are taken into consideration. The best treatment comes from a full understanding of who the person being treated really is. The aim is not to just remove the symptoms, but to remove the cause of the problem. This is where a cure is to be found.

While a Naturopath cannot make legal claim to being a doctor, it is in the original meaning of the word that we find the best description of a Naturopath: A teacher. It is the role of a Naturopath to educate the patient on their health and how to heal themselves and to maintain their health. The Naturopath supports nature in its ability to heal, using natural substances to assist the body to heal itself.

Naturopathy incorporates many forms of natural and traditional healing: therapies such as Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition and Diet and Flower Essences, are amongst the most well known.

Homeopathy is a highly specialised form of natural medicine based on the concept of 'like cures like'. In other words a substance that is found to cause symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms that occur in a sick person. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and diluted and potentised. The remedy may contain little or none of the original substance, but carries its energy and healing stimulating properties.

Homeopathy can treat all types of illness, chronic, acute and minor accidents. The remedy chosen needs to match the all over picture of the patient, everything is taken into account, personality, emotions, physical and mental symptoms and wellbeing. It is truly a wholistic therapy.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself and assists you to overcome your sickness. When being treated Homoeopathically it is common, for not just the symptoms to be relieved but to be feeling better all over.

Herbal Medicine The use of plants for healing goes back to the beginning of time. Over the centuries medicine women and men have developed their intuition and discovered the great powers of plants. This knowledge has been handed down through the generations and now proven by science. Many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on traditional herbal medicine.

Diet and Nutrition is a fundamental part of any complete health program. In this modern world the foods we eat are no longer full of life giving nutrients and it is all too easy to grab for the easy to prepare processed foods. All in all, this means that the majority of people are deficient in nutrients and this, in turn, contributes to illness. Finding the right diet and the right nutrients to suit your individual needs can make a tremendous difference to your life.

Flower Essences are a wonderful addition to our health care. They help to rebalance our emotional, mental and spiritual lives. This can also assist in physical healing as well, as it reaches into the root of the cause of disease. The rebalancing of our lives is greatly enhanced by action of flower essences. Many people will testify that when all around them things were falling apart, a few drops of Rescue Remedy has helped them to hold things together and rise above the situation.

Natural medicine has a lot to offer each one of us. It incorporates all facets of our lives, helping us back on our own paths and helping us to fulfil our potential.

About the Author

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including,,, and . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.