Wednesday 12 January 2005

Natural Cellular Defense: Your First Line of Defense Against "Body Burden"

Paula Rothstein

Copyright 2006 Paula Rothstein

The phrase "body burden" has been used by scientists to describe
the heavy load of chemicals that can be found in the average
person - the result of lifelong exposure to industrial
chemicals. Before we are even born, synthetic chemicals and
heavy metals of all kinds begin building up in our bodies as
passed on by the mother through the placenta.

In a study led by Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, in
collaboration with the Environmental Working Group and
Commonwealth, researchers at two major laboratories conducted a
study on nine volunteers (a group consisting of individuals who
were neither exposed to chemicals in their work environment nor
lived near an industrial facility). The results were quite
remarkable. They discovered an average of 91 industrial
compounds, pollutants, and other chemicals in their blood and
urine and a total of 167 chemicals. Of the 167 chemicals found,
76 cause cancer in humans or animals, 94 are toxic to the brain
and nervous system, and 79 cause birth defects or abnormal

While it is difficult to measure a precise picture of human
contamination because chemical companies are not required to
report to the EPA how their compounds are used nor are they
responsible for monitoring where their products end up in the
environment. The above sited study does give us much reason to
be concerned and certainly would explain why such a high
percentage of the public are suffering today from chronic
diseases. The chemicals we cannot process end up accumulating in
our bodies and this growing body burden works to poison our
tissues and exacerbate, as well as cause, disease.

What is different today, and only as recently as August of 2005,
is an easy to use alternative health supplement that is truly
within the reach of all who wish to rid themselves of the
numerous toxins accumulating in their body. Our new line of
defense against an environment we cannot control is a product
called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), a non-prescription
substance made from natural ingredients. The active ingredient
in NCD is a volcanic ash called zeolite. This is not a new
substance. What is new is the process by which this particular
zeolite is manufactured. It is now available in a liquid form as
a detoxifier capable of removing toxins from the body in a
simple to use formula. It's honeycomb framework of cavities and
channels work at the cellular level trapping allergens, heavy
metals and harmful toxins. Because it is one of the few
negatively charged minerals in nature, zeolites act as magnets
drawing toxins to it, capturing them in its cage and removing
them from the body.

Originally this substance was being looked at by pharmaceutical
companies as a cancer treatment, however, it would take 8 to 10
years and $800,000,000. Because it is a natural substance on the
FDA's list of GRAS (generally regarded as safe) it was brought
to market as a powerful and unique detoxifier. Natural Cellular
Defense is based on extensive research being conducted by
reputable and innovative scientists generally associated with
pharmaceutical medicine and is backed by U.S. Patent. Waiora
acquired the exclusive worldwide distribution rights in August
of 2005.

Results of the research with zeolite are quite impressive. The
following are a few of the function claims made as a result of
this research:

1. One of the most important function claims is NCD's ability to
induce tumor suppressor cells in the body sending mutant or
diseased cells into a state of programmed cell death therefore
eradicating disease.

2. Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, particularly
lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, all of which are associated
with neurological disorders such as autism, Alzheimer's disease
and dementia.

3. Research concludes that NCD blocks the mechanism of viral
replication and therefore promises to work well as a general
non-toxic anti-viral remedy. Research is also suggesting NCD
helps with the common cold and flu, rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis and hepatitis C.

4. NCD has been shown to act as an effective detoxification food
for women wishing to become pregnant so as to avoid passing on
toxins and heavy metals through the placenta.

5. NCD creates a natural buffer in the system maintaining a
blood pH level between 7.35 and 7.45 which is the optimal blood
pH and therefore activates brain function and the immune system.

6. Without making any additional dietary changes, NCD improves
nutrient absorption and therefore reduces the risk of
malnutrition. This becomes particularly important as we age and
the body becomes less adept at properly absorbing nutrients from

7. NCD decreases free radical activity by absorbing the free
radical directly into the zeolite's pore thereby acting as an
antioxidant. Because it functions differently than an
antioxidant, NCD works in a complimentary fashion to any
antioxidant drink you may already be taking such as green tea.

8. Zeolites capture triggering antigens which cause allergies,
migraines and asthma.

9. NCD has the ability to trap and destroy nitrosamines in the
digestive tract. Nitrosamines can be found in meat and are
powerful cancer causing agents considered responsible for
various forms of cancer such as pancreatic, leukemia and brain

Harvey Kaufman, PhD, the cancer researcher, scientist and
creator of the product, has just completed a study on End IV
cancer patients. These are basically patients who are beyond
further treatment. He is in the process of writing up the
results and is hoping to have them published in The American
Medical Journal. Although Waiora cannot make any claims, it can
provide coincidental anomolies. All 65 patients started NCD 15
months ago, their cancers varied, they were given less than 6
weeks to live. As of today 51 are alive and cancer free.

If you still feel your cabinet full of over the counter
medications and prescription drugs is preferable to a natural
detoxifier, consider this. Treatment using NCD is as simple as
the consumption of 10 drops of a tasteless liquid in water 3
times each day for one month. The maintenance dose is
substantially less, costing just a few dollars each week.

If all the preliminary research and consumer product
testimonials of NCD hold true, this product promises to be one
of the most important discoveries in nutritional therapies and
perhaps the biggest break-through in cancer prevention and
treatment, replacing or at the very least complimenting current
methods of treating cancer as well as a variety of other chronic
diseases prevalent in today's society.

Natural Cellular Defense is a simple answer to complex health
issues currently being addressed to a very large degree by
pharmaceutical drugs. No matter what supplement you may
currently be taking, this is an unique element capable of
detoxifying your body in a way never before possible. In just
one month you could relieve a great deal of your body burden and
have done much to regain your optimal health.

About the author:

Paula Rothstein has been involved in the natural health industry
for more than 10 years with a specific emphasis on addressing
issues of chronic disease. Paula Rothstein is a distributor for
the company of Waiora. For information,
visit: or contact

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