Sunday, 27 February 2005

Natural Sleep Aids - Remedies that Dramatically Improve Your Sleep Quality

Danna Schneider

Sleep. It comes so easy to some, and remains such an enigma
to others.

A good night's sleep with minimal interruption can make a world
of difference in your day and in your life. Natural sleep aids
help you by enhancing sleep quality, making you fall asleep
quickly, and completing your sleep cycle so you can wake up
refreshed and ready to conquer the world. It has been proven
that the most productive and well balanced people are the ones
that get the quality and caliber of sleep necessary to function
at peak levels.

So, how is it that this caliber of sleep quality cannot be
enjoyed by everyone? Why is it that some people, even when
thoroughly exhausted, cannot seem to find their way to a deep
sleep through the entire night, and then wake up feeling groggy
and unrefreshed, never quite "snapping out of it" all day.

Individuals who are consistently deprived of a good night's rest
often report to their doctors they feel as though they are in a
mental fog all day long. They also report feelings of mental
exhaustion, irritability, and inability to think clearly and
critically when faced with issues involving problem solving or
critical thinking, such as on the job functions. Many times
doctors resort to the prescription of medical sleep aids such as
Ambien and Lunesta, which may become addictive if taken over a

Even worse, lack of quality sleep is a known cause and
perpetuator of depression, anxiety and stress. Sleep is the
body's way of repairing itself on a nightly basis, and renewing
essential bodily functions and processes necessary to our
survival, mental stability and cognitive function.

It has been demonstrated in study after study that people who
experience partial sleep deprivation are more prone to emotional
and mental problems, all of which profoundly impact personal
relationships, and our relationships with coworkers and other

Studies performed in sleep centers have actually shown that
sleep deprivation strongly impairs bodily functions such as
emotional thought processes, physical stamina, motor skills,
health, and the immune system.

It was further demonstrated that mood was the most affected of
the bodily and central nervous system functions, and that
partial sleep deprivation had a more profound effect than long
term or short term complete sleep deprivation, making a strong
case for natural sleep aids as a remedy for overall health.

What Does This Mean?

If you are not experiencing quality sleep on a regular basis,
you are greatly compromising your physical and mental health.
The fact that partial sleep deprivation is more severe in its
effects on your body and mind makes the need for complete and
consistent sleep cycles even more compelling.

Natural sleep aids will help you accomplish this high quality of
sleep naturally and without side effects. Further, they will
allow you to wake up feeling refreshed, not "hung over" or
foggy. Bottom line - QUALITY sleep is important, and should be
viewed as an important component of overall health in your
wellness regimen.

About the author:

Visit href=""
> Natural Sleep Aids for information on the effective
natural sleep remedy talked about in this article. Danna
Schneider is the founder of

Saturday, 26 February 2005

9 Steps On How To Apply For A Credit Card

If it's your first time to apply for a credit card, it's understandable that you're feeling a bit apprehensive about the outcome. There are several things you can do however to increase your chances of getting approved.

9 Steps on How to Apply for a Credit Card

Step #1 Find a credit card you want and need. There are basically two types of credit cards to choose from: low interest credit cards and those that are reward based. If you are applying for a credit card only for emergency use, you'd be able to maximize the benefits of a low interest card. But if you're applying for a credit card to enjoy better shopping then you're definitely more suited to a reward based credit card.

Step #2 Prepare possible credit card requirements such as photos, Social Security number, valid IDs, proof of income, and billing. Check your credit ranking. If it's below 620, you can't proceed to Step #3 without repairing your credit first. If you're only a college student, prepare proof that you're still studying and maybe copies of your most recent grades.

Step #3 Now that you have everything ready, it's time to apply for a credit card online. If the design of your card is customizable, this might be the first step you'll have to take. Choose the design that appeals to you the most.

Step #4 You will have to fill up an online application form online afterwards. The first section will usually require you to provide your contact details. It's important that you be able to provide a landline number they can contact if you're going to be subjected to a subsequent interview.

Step #5 The next section will usually be regarding your employment status and history. What the credit card company basically wants to know if you're currently employed and how long you've been with your current employer. This will allow them to gauge whether you're a responsible and reliable person. Generally, the longer you've been with your employer the better.

Step #6 Income information is also very important. Your gross income - or how much you're earning in total without subtracting your expenses first - will allow them to determine how high your credit card limit should be. Of course, if you're not too sure about your self-control, you can ask them to lower your credit card limit to what you feel most comfortable with. If you plan giving an extension or supplementary card to someone else, you could also choose how much limit his card would have.

Step #7 The online application form might also require you to indicate whether or not you have a checking or savings account. Don't worry if you don't have one because it's not really necessary for you to have either; having either, however, helps the credit card company evaluate your application better.

Step #8 Once you've submitted your application form online, you will only have to wait mere minutes and no more than 24 hours to know the status of your application. It's possible that you'll receive a call afterwards if they wish to verify additional information about you. When that happens, just answer their questions calmly and confidently.

Step #9 If you get rejected, don't take this to heart. You can ask them the reasons for your failure to get a credit card, and from there, you can determine what to do next. You can also ask for your employer or a relative with an outstanding credit score to serve as your guarantor on your next application.

Author: Mario Churchill

Wednesday, 23 February 2005

Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness

Balaji B

Motion sickness is a normal response to real, perceived, or anticipated movement. People tend to experience motion sickness on a moving boat, train, airplane, automobile, or amusement park rides. Head movement can increase motion sickness. Avoid drinking alcohol or eating a heavy meal before travel. During an extended flight, eat small meals and drink small amounts of fluids either before or during a flight to help reduce nausea and vomiting. As we know very well, prevention is better than cure; the following natural remedy measures may be adopted for curing motion sickness.

Folk remedies for motion sickness have probably been around since man first decided to seriously check out the scenery beyond his own backyard. Some of the home remedies are still popular and followed now days. They may not work for all and may not work every time, still it is more populous among the human population. The common natural remedy followed all over the world is Olives and lemons. Some doctors noted that early stages of motion sickness cause you to produce excess saliva and nausea.

Olives produce chemicals called tannins, which make your mouth dry. Hence, the theory goes, eating a couple of olives at the first hint of nausea can help diminish it, as may sucking on a mouth-puckering lemon. Though this remedy is so old but still it is popular today and is certainly worth a try. The other natural remedy available through out the entire continent is Ginger root. Ginger works by the way it absorbs the acids and blocking nausea in the gastro-intestinal tract.

A scientific study conducted gives the result that two powdered gingerroot capsules were more effective than Dramamine in preventing motion sickness. For example, in one clinical trial of 80 novice sailors (prone to motion sickness), those who took ginger (in powder form) experienced a significant reduction in vomiting and cold sweating compared to those who took placebo.

Although black horehound (ballota nigra) and peppermint (mentha piperita) have not been scientifically studied for their use in treating motion sickness, some professional herbalists may recommend these herbs in combination to alleviate nausea associated with the condition. Soda crackers also being used as home remedies. Soda crackers won't stop salivation, but dry soda crackers might help absorb the excess fluid when it reaches your stomach.

Ginger in any form, fresh, ginger pills that you get from a health food store, powdered in tea proves to be good natural remedy. Even ginger ale, although it is far less effective can also be used as a natural remedy. When ever you get sick going up to the mountains you should suck on a wintergreen lifesaver or any other wintergreen mint it makes it go away really quick and leaves your mouth feeling fresh.

Although the tradition dates back hundreds of years, eating a bit of ginger recently passed scientific scrutiny when an experiment showed that two powdered gingerroot capsules were more effective than a dose of Dramamine in preventing motion sickness. Researchers theorize that ginger works, by absorbing acids and blocking nausea in your gastrointestinal tract.
Visit Motion Sickness Home Remedy or Treatments of Dizziness Vertigo for more information on motion sickness treatment.

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Tuesday, 22 February 2005

Natural Remedy for Bronchits

Balaji B

Bronchitis is a condition defined as the inflammation of the bronchi which results in persistent cough that produces considerable quantities of sputum. A respiratory infection such as a cold is the initial stage of the development of bronchitis. Bronchitis usually disappears within a few days without lasting effects in most people, however the coughs due to bronchitis can continue for up to three weeks or more.

Viruses such as coronarvirus, adenovirus, or a rhinovirus, that attack the lining of the bronchial tree is one of the major causes of bronchitis. Swelling occurs and more mucus is produced when the body tries to fight back the infection causing virus. Bacteria and fungus are considered to be one of the other causes of bronchitis, but newer research shows that bacterial and fungal infection are much less common in bronchitis.

Aromatherapy is one of the widely used bronchitis natural remedy which involve inhaling the eucalyptus oil that provides some relief from the inflamed lungs. Cayenne pepper is one of the other best bronchitis natural remedies which helps break up the congestion and help you get quicker relief. One of the other natural remedies for bronchitis is a tea prepared by mixing both garlic and ginger which when taken for three to four times a day helps cure the symptoms effectively.

A tea made from an herb called creosote bush is one of the natural remedy for bronchitis widely used to cure bronchitis and other respiratory problems. A tea prepared from an herb called pleurisy root is widely used for phlegm removal. An herb called coltsfoot is also considered as natural treatment for bronchitis that has expectorant properties stimulates the microscopic hairs that move mucus out of the airways and suppresses production of a protein that triggers spasms in the bronchus.

One of the other natural treatment for bronchitis that help soothe the throat and stop the muscle spasms that trigger coughs is a herb called mullien having expectorant properties. Massaging the chest and back with a vegetable oil or massage oil is one of the other best bronchitis natural treatment that helps break up congestion in the lungs. Taking more supplements of vitamins A and C are best remedies that helps heal the inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Visit : or to learn how to cure bronchitis easily & quickly.

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Sunday, 20 February 2005

Natural Remedy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD )

Balaji B

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurobehavioral disorder of higher brain functioning. ADHD is common among the disorders that get affected in childhood and adolescence. ADHD is a disorder of numerous contradictions. We can find different abilities in ADHD affected children resembling some children are very hyperactive, whereas others are quiet and under active.It is estimated that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is affecting 3-9% of school-age children.

ADHD becomes perceptible at the early school-age , but it may stick with adulthood. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD is often succeeded to the successor. The child that gets affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder needs to have support and love, in order to attain their full potential. They should be provided with such guidance, love and understandings from parents, teachers, and guidance counselors and also through some public awareness programs.

Natural Remedies for ADHD revives without the addiction risks and side effects of prescription psychiatric drugs. Natural remedies for ADHD approach the treatment with more holistic look at the individual and take into account diet, lifestyle, personality type, surroundings and emotional factors. Natural remedies for ADHD with anti-fungal program plan using food and nutritional supplements often brings dramatic improvement in a patient's attention ability and behavior in a short time.

Herbal, Naturopathy, Homeopathy and some alternative holistic healings are widely practiced to cure the ADHD. Herbal based treatment for ADHD is recommended because any medication with exclusively sedative or hypnotic actions may fail to produce the desired effects. Natural treatment for ADHD offer revolutionary alternative and of the right medicine that is having to call itself alternative, at least for now.

Many government research bodies conducted studies on the efficiency of various natural substances when used as ADHD Natural Treatment for the improvement of ADHD symptoms. Mostly all-natural substances, safe and readily available vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements are used in the ADHD Natural Treatment.

Instead of year's together treatment, natural treatment provides fast, natural and healthy results for all types of ADHD. Based on a unique mix of vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements significantly improve their attention level and focus while reducing hyperactivity. Many psychological programs by various research centers and hospitals offer variety of ADHD natural treatments.
Visit : or to learn more about treating ADHD naturally.

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Friday, 18 February 2005

Natural Remedies Your Grandmother Swore By

Susan du Plessis

Remember the days of old when Grandmother strapped a warm
mustard pack to our congested chests when we had a cold? Or used
a warmed tea bag to rid pink eye, a clove of garlic to stop an
earache, or prepared a mixture of chaparral and olive oil as a
cure for itchy skin? I do.

Distances between townships, limited funds, and the lack of
readily available medical professionals and facilities all
dictated that a woman be not only a wife, mother, and
housekeeper, but doctor as well. Folklore healing practices,
curative uses of herbs, and other medicinal "family secrets"
were stealthily guarded and passed down from one generation to
the next.

Of course, some of yesteryear's touted cures were not truly
cures at all. Superstition and myth "remedies," without any
practical application, crept into the mix. Little by little and
through the years, suspicion as to the validity of any natural,
herbal remedy began to take root.

For instance, witch doctor type practices such as hanging herbs
that resembled tears around a child's neck to help him cut
teeth. "Reading" tea leaves to foretell future love interests,
and assertions like placing certain spices under the pillow
would improve memory, prejudiced many toward the genuine
curative uses of herbs.

That is why some modern day practitioners regard the medicinal
use of herbs as "quackery;" nothing more than old-wives tales.
There are, however, a growing number of otherwise conventional
medical professionals who acknowledge what Grandmother knew all
along. Natural, herbal remedies as a means to maintain good
health and cure certain diseases are valid. Nature's drug store
is making a comeback.

And why should that be surprising? After all, we -- like plants
-- are organic. It is the synthetic drugs used today that were
formulated to mimic their natural counterparts, and not the
other way around. In days of old, there was no other way to
treat illness and discomfort, help heal wounds, or cure bodily
dysfunctions than with natural means.

It was while living in tune with nature and studying wildlife
that early man learned of the medicinal "powers" of herbs.
Animals bitten by a poisonous snake survived after chewing
snakeroot, a wounded bear rolled in mud to better heal and
escape infection, and old, rheumatoid deer eased their misery
and made joints more limber by resting under the therapeutic
rays of the sun.

Nature's well worked out plan for good health and freedom from
disease is observed in animals. It is people who have strayed
from nature's medicine chest to create man-made remedies -- some
of which are less effective, costly, and riddled with negative

By working with, and not against nature, we increase our chance
of a more healthy life, while decreasing our risk of disease and
premature bodily limitations and dysfunctions.

A wealth of healing resources is there for the taking, if we but
open our eyes to the possibilities available.

To highlight this fact, let's take a look at the multiple
medicinal uses of just one herb, commonly regarded as a noxious
or disposable weed.

Sometimes found intercropped with corn and wheat in the Midwest
United States, common burdock grows wild and vies for the sun
and nutrients of the soil. Though routinely overlooked as a
native weed, it nevertheless has the potential to gift the
bearer greater health and ease skin afflictions when harvested
for its root.

In the herbal world, burdock is unsurpassed as a blood purifier.
It is also the "king" of herbs in treating chronic skin problems
such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, boils, syphilitic sores, and
canker sores.

Make a medicinal tea by bringing 1 quart of water to a boil.
Reduce heat. Add 4 teaspoons cut, dried burdock root. Cover and
simmer for 7 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 2
hours. Drink a minimum of 2 cups a day on an empty stomach, or
more if problem persists. This concoction can also be made in a
larger quantity and used topically to wash affected skin areas
as needed.

Mixed with catnip and made into a tea, burdock root is effective
in clearing up stubborn kidney and gallstones. Bring 4 cups of
water to a boil. Add 2 tablespoons of chopped or cut fresh or
dried burdock root. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Remove
from heat. Add 3 teaspoons chopped or cut fresh or dried catnip
leaf, and let steep for 1 ½ hours, then strain.

For each cup, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and ½ teaspoon pure
maple syrup or blackstrap molasses (to sweeten). Drink slowly.
Follow with 1 tablespoon of pure virgin olive oil 10 minutes

Repeat this regimen 3 times a day. The tea helps to sooth
irritated tissues, and helps break up or partially dissolve the
stones. The olive oil acts as a lubricant to expel them from the
body more easily. Important to the success of this remedy;
digest no greasy, fried foods, soft drinks, refined
carbohydrates (such as white flour or white sugar products), red
meat, or poultry during the course of this treatment.

Well-known lecturer, author and medical anthropologist, John
Heinerman, Ph. D., of Salt Lake City, Utah, recommends the
following: take the last cup of tea and spoonful of oil at night
before retiring. Sleep on the right side, and prop a pillow
under the armpit. Heinerman says this posture seems to expedite
the removal of the stones from the body.

Burdock root ground to a powder, when combined with dried red
clover and dandelion root and packed in gel capsules, can help
clear up acne and blemishes. Take two a day -- morning and

Besides an aid in clearing problem skin when combined with
burdock, red clover is also famous as an alternative cancer
treatment, and is a natural blood thinner. Dandelion root was
hailed as a miracle cure for warts and liver spot remover by the
late Will Greer, who portrayed Grandpa Walton on "The Waltons".
In addition, Britain's licensed medical herbalist, Dr. David
Potterton noted that the high insulin content in dandelion root
makes it a good sugar substitute for persons who suffer from
diabetes mellitus.

Many herbs have medicinal properties. An infusion made from
elder-flower and water makes a mild astringent, and can safely
be used for eye baths, while chamomile is excellent for eye
compresses for inflammation of the eyelids. Garlic is an
excellent natural antibiotic, and immune system builder. Cayenne
is beneficial for circulation and stomach ailments. In fact,
many of the herbs used for culinary purposes are not only great
flavor enhancers, but medicinal as well.

Besides herbs, many vegetables and fruits, especially organic,
yield health and medicinal benefits. Celery juice is a natural
diuretic and useful for persons with rheumatism or for those who
want to lose weight. Cabbage has been shown effective in the
fight against duodenal ulcers, and is a good source of calcium
for those who must avoid dairy products. Radish is helpful for
gall-bladder and liver ailments, and spinach improves the
hemoglobin of the blood. Beets are excellent for certain
conditions of the liver, and for improving blood hemoglobin.

While undeniably health enhancing, natural or herbal remedies
should never be used alongside synthetic or prescription drugs
without the prescribing doctor's knowledge. While grapefruit by
itself can be effective in reducing high levels of cholesterol,
for instance, it isn't recommended in combination with certain
prescribed medications also meant to lower cholesterol. In fact,
many cholesterol-reducing medications warn not to consume
grapefruit while taking that medication.

Because many of nature's offerings do have potent medical and
health enhancing properties, become knowledgeable about the
benefits and cautions of each. Like any medication, increasing
concentrations, doses, or mixing one with another for medicinal
purposes could be harmful instead of helpful. And mixing
natural/herbal remedies with synthetic/prescription medications
is not recommended, unless prescribed by a doctor as an

Instead of rebelling against nature, we can become more in tune
with the gifts endowed by nature. The same health laws that
apply to the animal kingdom also apply to man. We have something
valuable to relearn from our wild counterparts. By joining hands
with nature and embracing the natural we can enhance our health
and increase our longevity.

About the author:

Visit Susan's website A 2
Z of Health and Beauty
for information on health and beauty,
nutrition, fitness, skin care, weight loss and more.

*** This article can be freely used as long as a link to "A 2 Z
of Health and Beauty" ( is

Thursday, 17 February 2005

Natural Remedies for Hairloss

Fiona Holmes

As many as 75% of men may suffer 'male pattern baldness' as they grow older. If your father, or either of your grandfathers had noticeable balding, the chances are high that you may, too. The news isn't all bad, of course. New research seems to indicate that the typical 'horseshoe' male balding is in fact a sign of an ultra-strong immune system, making the carriers of the genes that dicatate the balding proclivity better able to weather the assualts of the environment, and thus more likely to pass on their genes.

But how can one prevent balding? There are 2 main medications on the market right now, both marketed by gigantic pharmaceutical concerns. The first is Minoxidil, which claims to regrow hair, and the second is Propecia (Finasteride) at one time an anti-prostate cancer treatment, but now touted as a pill that will halt hairloss.

Minoxidil does indeed cause hair to regrow, but in almost all cases, that regrowth is limited to fine 'downy' or 'peach fuzz' hair - certainly not enough to comb or style. Propecia halts hairloss, but may have side effects, especially in the libido area. Both treatments are suspected to lose their effectiveness after a couple of years.

Is there a natural remedy for this problem? The jury is out, but anecdotal evidence is suggesting that cheap, easily available products may in fact have a better remedial effect than either of these two chemical treatments. What are these products? Nizoral Shampoo, used twice a week, and T-Sal Shampoo, also used twice a week.

Combined with daily shampooing with an ordinary shampoo 3 days a week, these anti-inflamarory and anti-dandruff shampoos are cheap, available in every pharmacy, and have no know side effects. You do have to wash your hair and scalp every day, though, so a good conditioner is also desirable. Do they remedy the problem of hairloss? It looks like it!

About the Author

Fiona writes for a free website offering natural remedies articles and ideas rather than chemical solutions.

Saturday, 12 February 2005

Natural Remedies for Eliminating Warts Quickly & Safely!

Balaji B

Warts are a type of infection caused by virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). There are about 60 types of HPV viruses that cause various sexually transmitted diseases. Warts can appear on almost any portion of the body. Some of the places in the body where warts commonly occur include the skin, the inside of your mouth, the genitals and the rectal area.

Natural remedies for warts are available in plenty. Whatever be the methods used, the primary aim of that is to remove the warts from our body and to prevent any future outbreak of warts. The allopathic drugs and medicines are most often found to have side effects. Hence people mostly go for a natural relief for warts which includes essential oils like tea tree oil & others. Vitamin E oil is also effective in removing the warts completely.

Most of the natural treatments for warts also improve the immunity system of our body so that the warts don't reappear in our body. By improving the immunity system through natural treatments, your body's natural healing power is induced and it fights against the virus that causes warts. The application of garlic over the warts to remove warts from your body is also one of the method used. This considered as one of the effective natural remedies for warts since garlic has anti-viral properties in it.

Vitamin A and vitamin C are also considered to be effective against warts and hence these are used as supplements in natural remedies for warts. The other remedies for warts include the application of vitamin E oil over the warts along with garlic and to cover them with an adhesive bandage. Vitamin A capsules also remove warts in some people. Hence this finds its place as a remedy for warts. Cut potato is rubbed on the warts to remove the warts. This is done at least twice a day for about a week or two. This is a natural remedy for warts that is very cheap.

Some of the remedy for warts like garlic is found to improve the immune system of our body. Garlic is found to have anti-viral properties, and as a remedy for warts, is used to fight against the human papilloma virus. Intake of garlic not only removes the warts but also removes the virus that causes warts in our body. This kind of treatment using such a remedy for warts prevents any future outbreak of warts in our body. Hence this found to be the most effective natural remedy for warts.

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About the Author

Visit : Eliminate for more information

Thursday, 10 February 2005

Natural Remedies for ADHD and ADD: An Alternative to Prescribing Ritalin for Children

Tess Thompson

By Tess Thompson

When your child is diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, deciding on the best form of treatment can be an extremely draining and intensely personal process. Recent headlines about dangerous side effects of commonly prescribed drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta can leave parents feeling ashamed of their decision to give their children these medications.

It is important to remember that while some children who take these drugs do experience alarming side effects, many are treated effectively. But it is also important to be informed of alternatives, and to know about natural medications and ingredients that have shown to be both highly effective and safe.

In order to make the best decision about treating your child, you need to understand what the most commonly doctor-prescribed drugs are and what they do.

Stimulants (such as Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta) increase brain activity and tend to increase a child's alertness and ability to pay attention. The most common side effects of these drugs are mood changes, headaches, irritability, insomnia and loss of appetite. Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration received reports that Concerta was producing more serious side effects such as psychosis, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts among some users.

Non-Stimulants, such as Strattera, increase attention and impulse control by monitoring a brain chemical believed to affect those behaviors. Side effects similarly include moodiness, fatigue and decreased appetite.

Anti-depressants, such as Wellbutrin, relieve anxiety and regulate mood by altering brain chemical composition. These drugs are commonly prescribed to children suffering from both ADHD and depression. Side effects can include dizziness, weight loss and suicidal thoughts.

Many natural remedies for ADHD and ADD have proven to be equally effective and can be excellent alternatives to prescribing Ritalin for children as the homeopathic medications do not produce the same disturbing side effects.

When researching natural remedies as a treatment for ADHD, look for ingredients which have been shown to be the most useful. One of these is Centella Asiatica (also called Gotu Kola), a natural ingredient known to reduce anxiety levels and enhance memory and brain function. Recent studies show that it may also help increase blood flow to the brain and improve general circulation.

Another popular ingredient, Green Oats (also called Avena sativa), acts as a nerve tonic whose calming effects grow with time and consistent use.

Panax Ginseng, a Chinese herb, has been shown in studies to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and fatigue, increase motivation, and normalize body functions.

There are many natural remedies available that focus specifically on child ADHD treatment. Every child is unique and will react uniquely to medication, so trust your instincts and give the remedy time to take effect. As always, consult a doctor if you have questions, but you may find that homeopathic medications provide your child with a safe and natural path to an ADHD symptom-free life.

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About the Author

Tess Thompson is a Homeopathic Practitioner, Reflexologist, Certified Aromatherapist, and Herbalist who contributes regularly to Native Remedies - where you can find All Natural Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies for many health conditions including the natural treatment of ADHD.

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

Natural Remedies And Treatments For Allergies

Gray Rollins

When allergies strike, most allergy sufferers head to the drugstore where they purchase an antihistamine. They take it, and soon their symptoms begin to subside. They're all set until the next outburst.

Over-the-counter antihistamines are effective but unfortunately, taking them often causes unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness and a feeling of lethargy. If you're tired of feeling tired when allergies strike, maybe it's time you reach for natural allergy remedies instead.

Natural allergy remedies come in all forms and are made from many different types of ingredients including herbs, plants, ground up honey bees, and other vitamins and nutrients. Most natural allergy remedies have been designed to either stop histamine outbursts from occurring in the first place, or they act to combat the individual symptoms that occur with the release of histamines. They accomplish these tasks naturally, which is why unpleasant side effects are non-existent.

Besides treating allergy symptoms with all-natural ingredients, the term "natural allergy remedies" has come to mean something more. In addition to being a natural and effective way to treat allergy symptoms after they develop, the term can be used to describe taking control of your surroundings so that you limit exposure to the allergens that cause you trouble. For example, if pet dander is a problem, don't keep pets. Or if you must, you've got to be vigilant about keeping pet dander under control. Likewise with dust mites. You need to protect your furnishings with casings that keep this type of problem under wraps.

Watching what you eat is important if you've got food allergies, so taking steps to control your diet can also be considered a natural allergy remedy. In addition to closely monitoring what you eat, there also are foods you can consume that are known to contain naturally-occurring histamine combatants. For example, Quercitin, a flavinoid found in onions and apples, is capable of blocking the release of histamines which cause the familiar allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Besides being effective against allergies, there are countless other health benefits of eating these and other types of fruits and vegetables, like lowering your risk of developing heart disease and keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

If you're like a lot of people and find that monitoring what you eat is too much work, then consider taking a daily multi-vitamin. Many of the vitamins and minerals benefit the immune system which in turn helps keeps the symptoms of allergies under control.

With so many natural allergy remedies being offered, understanding the ingredients as well as the actual benefits of each can be mind-boggling. Even though these types of products are available without a prescription, if you're confused, it might be advisable to speak with an allergist or someone who specializes in natural remedies. These specialists can help explain how each of the individual ingredients work and why they're thought to be effective. This type of information may help you decide whether natural allergy remedies are right for you.

About The Author

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for WithAllergies. To learn more about allergy treatements and remedies, visit and

Sunday, 6 February 2005

Natural Relief for Arthritis


Many arthritis sufferers do not like the idea of conventional
medicine as a means of treating their ailment. They want href=>natural arthritis

There are those who claim that, if a pill comes from ingredients
from a plant, it is therefore "natural" and suitable for human
consumption. They ignore the fact that extracts of plants and
herbs are chemicals - and some chemicals can kill!

Prescription medicines have undergone numerous tests, following
rigid procedures until there is evidence that any drug or
treatment really does work. Most natural products have not
undergone such testing.

Many so-called "quack" remedies fall in the "natural" category;
their acceptance depends on the fact that, for some unknown
reason, the pain of arthritis tends to flare up and then
subside. Frequently the symptoms subside while the patient is
taking a particular "miracle cure" and the arthritis sufferer
believes he or she is cured. However, it is not uncommon for the
symptoms to return, worse than ever. The fact is, virtually any
new treatment, effective or not, often seems to help at first,
simply because the sufferer wants it to so desperately.

Willow Bark is an example of how "natural" remedies can gain
their reputation. Willow Bark is used in treating arthritis but
its' effect is a result of the salicylates or everyday aspirin
it contains. Devil's Claw is also used to treat arthritis - and
it is an analgesic (pain killer)that makes people consider it a
"natural" remedy.

A product prepared from freeze-dried extract of green-lipped New
Zealand mussels was touted as being effective in relieving the
painful swelling and stiffness of arthritis; a variety of
gold-based compounds make up a variety of drugs which
temporarily banish the painful symptoms of arthritis; relief
from arthritic pain is sought by many, especially sportsmen,
wearing magnetic bracelets. Does it matter if these products
actually work - or if the individuals just believe they do?

Actually it does matter: many of the untested products can cause
serious side-effects - especially over the long term.

And what of our diets? Numerous theories have come and gone,
including a "No Nightshade" diet et which eliminates members of
the nightshade family of plants. Another theory "advised
sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis to eat like the Eskimos!"
Current advice follows along the lines of that given for
sufferers of heart problems: eat lots of fish, cut back on
animal fats, include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Experiment
with eliminating dairy products. Does it make a difference in
joint pain or stiffness?

Some of the most natural ways of dealing with arthritis may be
just plain common sense: losing excess weight, mild exercise,
reasonable rest, using moist and local heat to give the joint

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. . . .

About the author:


Saturday, 5 February 2005

Natural Medicine And Herbs – Economical Home Cures And Beauty Aids

Polly Priester

Hello folks. Have you ever come down with some ailment just when the local pharmacy is closed? There must be some natural medicine and herbs in the kitchen you can use.

I'm going through my kitchen right now to see what organic body products I can come up with. My eyes are really tired so I cut two slices of fresh cucumber and press over each eye. Boy is that refreshing!

Chamomile in natural herb form or in tea bags is a great natural medicine Once, I suffered from eye secretion. I headed straight for the kitchen and found chamomile as a herbal supplement. I immersed chamomile tea bags in boiling water, let them cool, applied one to each eye, (never use the same tea bag on both eyes so as not to re-infect), and finally gently wiped the secretion brushing from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer . After a couple of applications of this home remedy the secretion was completely cleared up!

Chamomile is also great for removing pus from pimples. Peering into the mirror, my daughter wailed, "Oh, mom, I have this horrible pussy pimple on my face." No problem. After pressing a chamomile tea bag that had been immersed in boiling water to the pimple a couple of times, voilà, the pimple burst and out came the pus to be wiped away with a ball of sterile cotton batten.

And how's about avocado? I scoop this home cure and beauty treatment out of its peel, mash it up, and gently rub it on my face and around my fingernails for softness and skin nourishment.

Natural medicines, home cures, and beauty aids are definitely my idea of fun and economical too!

About the Author:

We have made a research to find the best diets and natural cures. Find the results only on Herbal supplements source . More valuable info on Natural medicines and herbs tips.


Friday, 4 February 2005

Natural Male Enhancement

Danna Schneider

Better and Safer than the "Little Blue Pill" for Male

Natural male enhancement products are often regarded with a
degree of skepticism - and understandably so. Who would think
you can increase size, volume and sexual pleasure by taking a
natural pill, with ingredients taken straight form nature? It
seems too good to be true. And many times, it is. Some companies
make outrageous claims of increasing actual size by inches, and
giving you "hours" of sexual stamina.

However, there are some definite winners out there that are high
quality, safe alternatives to the likes of Pfizer's Viagra or
GlaxoSmithKline's Levitra. The "winners" will indeed increase
your libido, increase stamina, and also increase the size and
volume of a man's aroused penis. Some may scoff at these claims,
but all you need to do is a little research to find that these
products have made a world of difference in many lives.

After all, is it so hard to believe that you can get the same
results from a natural product that you can from a prescription
medication? Keep in mind, most ingredients in prescription
medications originated in nature, albeit they are drastically
modified from their natural state, but they are nonetheless
derived from nature and then "tinkered with" by science.

Some of the typical statements taken from men who have used a
quality product may be "it made me feel younger, and made my
orgasms last longer and feel more intensely pleasurable", or
from a girlfriend of a user "our sex life has improved
dramatically, he has strong orgasms and I swear he is bigger in
girth and length". These statements are just examples of
thousands of typical testimonials to how natural enhancement
products have worked for couples and individuals.

How Do These Natural Male Enhancement Supplements Work?

From a biological standpoint, it has been proven that when a man
is more fully aroused, he gains both length, width and girth.
These supplements help a man achieve full arousal by increasing
blood flow, and hence sensation, which also attributes to the
sometimes dramatic change in size.

Not only that, the larger surface area provides for more intense
pleasure for both the man and woman, since this creates more
friction. Friction is the precise mechanism by which both men
AND women achieve orgasm. So it only makes sense that increased
size and stamina equals increased intensity of sexual climax for
both women and men.

What Are the Benefits of Natural Male Enhancement Over
Prescription Medications?

1.) You do not need a prescription because they are herbal in
nature and not currently regulated by prescription and FDA laws.
This also means you don't need to visit a doctor, and can get
these types of products online discreetly shipped directly to

2.) Some of the common side effects of prescription sexual
dysfunction or enhancement products are: headaches, flushing,
stomach ache, and changes in vision. Also, these medications are
to be approached with much caution since they have been linked
to heart attacks.

3.) With a natural product, you can be sure you will gain
additional benefits from a male enhancement product, due to the
ingredients used. Many of the ingredients play dual roles in
enhancing sex, as well as providing additional energy and being
a natural "youth" remedy. A lot of men report having a renewed
sense of vitality and having desires they may not have felt in
months or even years.

4.) Cost. Currently even the cheapest online pharmacies Generic
male enhancement offerings are around $160 for just 90 tablets.
They can cost much more than this depending on where they are
purchased. Many people shy away from online medical pharmacies
due to their reputation for diluted or inactive products, so
this option is not even advisable.

As you can see, there are some definite benefits to choosing a
natural male enhancer over a prescription one. In the end, the
choice is really up to you, and there's no telling how these
products can work for you until you actually try them. Decide
for yourself which natural product is right for you, and you
just may become another success story!

About the author:

Visit href="
.html"> Natural Male Enhancement for information on the
effective natural male enhancement product talked about in this
article. Danna Schneider is the founder of .

Tuesday, 1 February 2005

Natural Health Secrets

Sanjib Ahmad

I don't like to take off-the-counter drugs for common illnesses like colds, headaches or stomach upsets. I have always relied on natural remedies like honey for stomach upsets or lemon tea for colds and good old sleep for headaches.

I think that natural remedies are not only safe but also healthy for the body in the long-term. Though antibiotics and drugs are highly effective in the short-term, they can take its toll on the body if taken year after year. After many years of drug administration, the dosage loses potent and has to be increased in order to be effective.

Whereas natural medicine has no long-term side affects at all. Natural medicine only focuses on balancing the elements in our bodies. The theory behind most natural medicine is that it acts as a facilitator for the body to cure itself. The body itself has the cure for the disease.

There are various disciplines of natural medicines. Every race and region has its own variation of natural medicines but the principle is the same. Use natural ingredients to restore and help the natural antibodies of the body to fight the disease.

I came across a site on the Internet that lists as much as 500 such natural remedies. It is Chet Day's 500 Years of Natural Health Secrets. The remedies were also fun to read because of the historical context it provided.

For example, a remedy speaks of how-to energize the body using Tibetan rejuvenation rites. Apparently a British Colonel was seeking a way to slow the aging process and learned from Tibetan monks the five secret rejuvenation rites.

There is another system that helps healthy living with a calorie restriction diet. The system speaks of an Italian nobleman Luigi Cornaro who found himself dying before the tender age of 40. But Luigi didn't want to die. He changed his diet and lifestyle, and as a consequence lived to be 102 years.

Another interesting remedy is the Grape Cure that helps lose weight and detoxifies the body. Johanna Brandt's classic Grape Cure has helped many men and women for more than 50 years.

Overall the remedies that are provided are safe to use and based on natural ingredients available around us.

More information may be found here:

About the Author

Sanjib Ahmad - Freelance Writer and Product Consultant for Co Health/Fitness Books & eBooks Best Sellers. You are free to use this article in its entirety as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content, and include the resource box listed above.