Tuesday 1 February 2005

Natural Health Secrets

Sanjib Ahmad

I don't like to take off-the-counter drugs for common illnesses like colds, headaches or stomach upsets. I have always relied on natural remedies like honey for stomach upsets or lemon tea for colds and good old sleep for headaches.

I think that natural remedies are not only safe but also healthy for the body in the long-term. Though antibiotics and drugs are highly effective in the short-term, they can take its toll on the body if taken year after year. After many years of drug administration, the dosage loses potent and has to be increased in order to be effective.

Whereas natural medicine has no long-term side affects at all. Natural medicine only focuses on balancing the elements in our bodies. The theory behind most natural medicine is that it acts as a facilitator for the body to cure itself. The body itself has the cure for the disease.

There are various disciplines of natural medicines. Every race and region has its own variation of natural medicines but the principle is the same. Use natural ingredients to restore and help the natural antibodies of the body to fight the disease.

I came across a site on the Internet that lists as much as 500 such natural remedies. It is Chet Day's 500 Years of Natural Health Secrets. The remedies were also fun to read because of the historical context it provided.

For example, a remedy speaks of how-to energize the body using Tibetan rejuvenation rites. Apparently a British Colonel was seeking a way to slow the aging process and learned from Tibetan monks the five secret rejuvenation rites.

There is another system that helps healthy living with a calorie restriction diet. The system speaks of an Italian nobleman Luigi Cornaro who found himself dying before the tender age of 40. But Luigi didn't want to die. He changed his diet and lifestyle, and as a consequence lived to be 102 years.

Another interesting remedy is the Grape Cure that helps lose weight and detoxifies the body. Johanna Brandt's classic Grape Cure has helped many men and women for more than 50 years.

Overall the remedies that are provided are safe to use and based on natural ingredients available around us.

More information may be found here: http://health-fitness.marc8.com/ebook-info.php/name/500_years_of_natural_health_secrets/toc_id/6-0-7-12

About the Author

Sanjib Ahmad - Freelance Writer and Product Consultant for Co Health/Fitness Books & eBooks Best Sellers. You are free to use this article in its entirety as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content, and include the resource box listed above.

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