Friday 26 January 2007

Alternatiave Medicine - The Healthy Choice

Jem Bacchus

Alternative and Conventional Medicines are the two main systems
of healing in use today and the utmost caution should be taken
to choose wisely.

Being healthy is of crucial importance in the life of everyone.
I do not believe that there is anyone who relishes the anguish
of disease. Without health you cannot function properly in any
area of your life.

Whether enjoying the normal faculties of life or mentally
unbalanced, every person would rather be perfectly healthy than
endure the tortures of pain, sickness and disease, but there
comes a time when we must seek medical help.

It is unfortunate that instead of healing the sick, very often
some medicines interfere with the natural process of healing,
resulting in additional suffering and further deterioration of

In ancient times, illness was cured by the use of herbs and
other natural therapies which always proved very effective.
Today, those same therapies as well as modern discoveries based
on those of ancient times are referred to as alternative
medicine and the public has been brainwashed into believing that
the treatments are worthless; yet, many diseases that have been
deemed 'incurable' are being healed by alternative means but,
unfortunately, these cures have never been heard of by countless

What is called conventional medicine (also referred to as
mainstream, standard, allopathic or orthodox medicine), is
man-made synthetic drugs that were not in existence in ancient
times. Interestingly, so many diseases were not around in those
days as there are today.

The main difference between the two systems is that alternative
medicine is concerned about the prevention of disease and pays
attention to and deals with the cause by treating the body as a
whole. It focuses on preventing disease before it starts. It
views the presence of disease as an imbalance of the emotional,
mental and physical state of a person and endeavors to support
and strengthen the immune system by natural means.

Alternative medicine contends that the body is naturally able to
heal itself and remain stable - known in medicine as

On the other hand, conventional medicine is not concerned with
preventing disease but rather with using synthetic drugs to cure
an already established ailment. It is more interested in
treating just the symptoms of disease by scientific techniques
and technology instead of treating the whole person.

Many conventional drugs are said to have the potential to damage
the liver and kidneys, and cause mental depression, heart
falure, cancer and other adverse side effects. Now, if that is
so, why are they still being manufactured and sold to the
public? Where is the concern for public health and safety?

Note that since the introduction of conventional medicine,
instead of there being greater relief from illness, there has
been an exponential surge of diseases wreaking havoc in the
lives of unsuspecting mortals. Why is this so?

If conventional medicine were the answer to health problems, why
are there so many more diseases prevalent today? The interesting
thing is that a name is readily given to each new disease and
some form of synthetic remedy is quickly manufactured for sale!

Conventional medicine has been so well advertised that the
public is convinced that it is the only way they can get relief
from devastating illnesses. They jump at the announcement of any
new supposedly super healing conventional medicine and with no
hesitation embark upon treating themselves. This is especially
so in the case of weight loss.

The sad thing is that no real cure is realized from these,
whereas there are natural remedies that have been proven to
cure. I can personally attest to certain cures that I have
experienced through the use of natural remedies.

It is well known that some drug manufacturers have had to
withdraw their dangerous medication because of the likelihood of
patients suffering heart attack and stroke. Most synthetic
drugs, if not all, have dangerous side effects of which the
public is unaware. Some are very detrimental to unborn babies.
So why are these drugs still being sold and at such exorbitant

The general public is not sufficiently made aware of the dangers
of conventional drugs. For obvious reasons, no attempt to do so
is made by those who should educate the unwary and encourage the
use of alternative medicine.

Obviously, if disease is prevented by natural means before
resulting in the breakdown of the immune system which is the
body's mechanism of defence against illness, serious diseases
such as cancer and other so-called incurable diseases would be
prevented, and so there would be little need for the
administration of expensive conventional medicine since that
would be necessary only in case of surgery and other traumatic

Another point that I think worthy of note is about products so
readily put on the skin. Most of them are formulated with
harmful synthetic substances that get into the blood stream and
invariably cause dangerous side effects. As it is said, what you
would not eat, you should not put on your skin.

Remember that the skin absorbs and cannot differentiate between
synthetic chemicals and natural substances. You may not see the
adverse effects now, but years later your skin would speak for
itself. You do not want to look older than your age, do you?
Then do not poison yourself with the topical application of
toxic skin products.

No one should be so busy so as not be able to find time to learn
about the natural substances that they could take to protect
their own bodies and prevent diseases. Many thousands of persons
might have been alive today if only they had known, and had been
encouraged to use natural remedies.

I enjoy reading to find out about ancient formulas and
treatments that have resurfaced today, as well as new
discoveries of natural healing methods and remedies that are
gaining momentum amongst health conscious persons.

Ï have collected lots of information on herbal remedies. Among
them are such topics as heart health the natural way,
aromatherapy essential oils, homeopathy, beautiful skin care,
skin diseases, healing for conditions such as acne, hemorrhoids,
eczema, etc., weightloss, and many other natural health remedies
and detailed information on how to make your own from nature's
herbs, vitamins and nutrients.

Many persons seem to be convinced that natural remedies made by
God do not have the efficacy of the synthetic remedies made by

God who made this world has said "the leaves of the trees for
healing of the nations." God is truth and cannot lie. Isn't it
time that we took Him at his word?

Why should we put our trust in Satan and his lies and put no
confidence in God and His truth?

Since there seems to be no confidence in what God has made, Why
don't we make our own water, sunshine, trees, and fresh air? Why
do we walk upon God's earth? We should make our own basic items
to concoct synthetic remedies instead of corrupting the things
that God has made.

You can seek relief from disease either through natural
alternative medicine by which you can maintain good health and
save; or, through conventional medicine with its ill effects of
costly synthetic prescription drugs at the risk of further
deterioration of your health. It is up to you to prevent
poisoning yourself, avoid unnecessary pain and suffering, and be

Keep this in mind:

If you really want to fight disease, Natural Medicine is the
Healthy Choice. But if you'd rather be deceased, Synthetic
Medicine might be the Deadly Choice!!

This article is written for information only and is not
intended to suggest treatment of any disease. Information
contained herein is based on facts I have gathered and just want
to share with interested persons. Anyone suffering from a
disease or has any other medical issue is advised to consult a
recognized practitioner.

About the author:

Jem Bacchus is a certified Natural Health Consultant, and author
or 1-personal-improvement website. Read more on href="">Alternat
ive Medicineand get your free ezine Aspects of Personal

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