Wednesday 28 February 2007

Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids – Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butcher's Broom

rudy silva

To relieve hemorrhoids first look for ways to get your bowels moving easier and more frequently so they produce softer stools. I have suggestion ways, in other articles, to do this by changing your diet.

Any straining and puffing you do to push hard or even soft stools out during a bowel movement will aggravate your hemorrhoids and can lead to bleeding and pain.

When completing a bowel movement, make sure you are using the softest tissue available so that when you clean yourself you don't scrape or aggravate your hemorrhoids. You can also use pre-moisten tissue. Just make sure that the tissue you use is not colored or scented because these chemical additives can aggravate your hemorrhoids.

You may have to take a shower a couple times a day to keep your rectum area clean.

Here are three natural remedies that you can use to aid in eliminating your hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is an astringent that helps to heal open wounds. It is useful in hemorrhoids by applying the gel directly onto your anus. The best type of gel for this is directly from the aloe plant. If you don't have one, then 100% organic whole leaf aloe gel is second best. You can get this organic aloe at a health food or nutrition store.

If you have a fresh plant, wash a leaf thoroughly with distilled water. Peel it on one side, bend it with the peeled side outward, and slip it into your anus. This will provide you with pain relief and reduce your hemorrhoid bleeding. Just trim down the leaf so it slides into your anus easily.

Aloe Vera juice, that you drink, is also good for hemorrhoids. It helps to soften your stools and to activate peristaltic action. If you like aloe juice, then drink around 1/2 a cup of Aloe Vera juice three time a day.

You can add 1/4 or 1/3 part aloe juice to a cup of apple juice to make the taste easier to handle. To make this aloe-apple juice more effective, add 10 drops of barberry extract.

Barberry is an astringent for blood vessel congestion along the colon and rectum. It will improve blood circulation; it stimulates the immune system to resist disease, and will tone body tissues. It also is capable of stopping bleeding hemorrhoids.


Bilberry's active ingredients are flavanoids. Bilberry contains chemical called "anthocyanosides." This fruit like herb has been used in Europe for a long time. In clinical studies, it has shown to be effective in treating weak capillaries by strengthening their walls.

Buy the 25% standardized formula and take 100 mg three times a day of bilberry. Bilberry will give you hemorrhoid relief.

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's broom, an evergreen bush, has a history of being used for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. As an extract, it contains "ruscogenins", which can narrow blood vessels and decrease their inflammation and swelling. It strengthens and tones veins and capillary walls.

Take 100 mg of butcher's broom three times a day. Use the type that has 9-11% ruscogenins.

Now you can use either of the three herbal remedies for hemorrhoid relief. If one is not working to good, try the other. Once you have gotten the hemorrhoid relief that you want stop using the herbal remedy.
Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.

Monday 26 February 2007

Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations

Danna Schneider

Why Herbal Preparations are Becoming the Preferred

While still regarded with some degree of skepticism in the
medical community, alternative medicine and herbal remedies are
gaining attention and recognition in the world of alternative
health care and preventative medicine. Alarmed by several high
profile medications being taken off shelves for health hazards,
more and more people are turning to alternatives medicines to
help treat physical symptoms and heal their bodies naturally.

Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The
idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and
even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is
especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on
popular prescription medications which resulted in them being
pulled from shelves due to health hazards.

While one should still approach alternative medicine with
caution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and
herbal preparations still should be considered when researching
the best options for treating various physical ailments that
impact your quality of life.

Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community,
there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits
to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many
users of the array of natural health products available today.
Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and
alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and

Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly
are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions
to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and
approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and
proactivity in prevention.

With it's increasing popularity and recognition, you are likely
to see a rising number of new product offerings and also an
increase in companies willing to put more money into research
and development of new natural health products as their demand

This is going to give us, as consumers, a great advantage, since
it will give traditional medications a run for their money in
effectiveness and safety.

About the author:

for information on the effective
natural acne remedy talked about in this article. Danna
Schneider is the founder of .

Sunday 25 February 2007

Acid reflux and heartburn natural remedies part II

rudy silva

If you have acid reflux or heartburn, using natural remedies to rebalance your stomach is what nature intended. Listed are four natural remedies that you can use to rebalance the acid in your stomach


Cinnamon has many medicinal uses aside from being great for various pastries. It has an antiseptic effect and has been historically used for colds and flu's. It has fighting power against Candida albicans and has the ability to settle acidic stomachs.

Here's how to use cinnamon for an acid stomach or heartburn:

· Toast raisin bread

· Butter the raisin bread

· Sprinkle cinnamon on the bread

· Sprinkle cardamon on the bread

When you eat this toasted bread, chew slowly and completely before swallowing to allow the digestive juices in your mouth to start breaking down this food.

Cardamon, which is found in India, has been used successful in treating Celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten found in most breads.

Grapefruit Skins

Here is a way to settle your acid reflux stomach with grapefruit. Use only organic grapefruit for this remedy. Here's what to do:

· Grate the entire outer skin of an organic grapefruit

· Spread them out on a flat dish to dry

· Allow them to get crinkly dry

· Store them in a glass jar or zip lock bag

Whenever you get an upset stomach, acid reflux or heartburn start chewing and eating these strips of dried grapefruit. These strips will settle out your stomach. Eat only a few of them and test to see how many you need.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce can be used to eliminate an acid reflux or heartburn condition. This lettuce is high in minerals and is highly alkaline.

Here's what you need to do:

· Buy an organic romaine lettuce head

· Wash in distilled water

· Cut up the leaves and place them in a blender

· Add cold distilled water to make a slurry

· Add a slight amount of honey to give it taste

Drink a 4-8 oz to get relief from your acid reflux or acid stomach

Mace, Nutmeg, and Slippery Elm

Here is a natural remedy that uses mace and nutmeg, which has a history of treating indigestion, acid stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach gas, and vomiting.

Here's how to use it with half and half and slippery elm root herb. Slippery elm herb can be purchase in any herb store in powder.

· 1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark

· a pinch of nutmeg

· a pinch of mace

· add distilled water to make a smooth slurry

· heat a pint of half and half to boil

· pull half and half from stove and add herb slurry

· stir in herb slurry

Allow this mixture to cool. Drink up to ½ cup at a time. Store the unused portion in the refrigerator. When drinking the next cup, warm this mixture up.

Acid reflux and heartburn require alkaline nutrients to provide relief. These 4 natural remedies, when prepared properly, will give you the relief you need from these conditions. Try them; you will be surprised on how well they work

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called and his information on other topics can be seen at:

Saturday 24 February 2007


David McCarthy

Digestion is a major problem in 21st century lifestyle. Everybody is too busy to sit down and eat properly, or healthily and there is a massive increase in colon cancer cases. The question we must ask of ourselves is why does this happen? Followed by what can I do about it?

Why Indigestion?

Let's start with why does this happen because this has far wider implications than mere indigestion. Indigestion is nothing more than a symptom that your digestive juices are not performing the function that they are designed to perform. In a nutshell that means that your body is not disposing of excess or waste products. This causes indigestion, heart burn etc. It also assists in putting on weight and constipation. So we have three problems now: Indigestion, obesity and bowel dysfunction. We can also add to that the potential for heart problems caused by obesity. It doesn't come more serious does it?

What to do about it

The second question we should ask is: "What can I do about it?" There is a simple, natural, remedy that I will come to later but for now let's look at what most people do about indigestion. They buy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of 'off the shelf' cures. Without mentioning names of products because every supermarket and drug store have shelves full of various cures for indigestion and heartburn that I'm sure you know as many as I do. People who buy and use these products will know that, at best, they only provide temporary relief and cost quite a lot of cash for what they are. I've seen products retailing at $8 or $9 that contain a few cents of ingredients. Little wonder they only want to give you temporary relief; this goose lays 24 carat golden eggs for the makers and sellers. Now let's look at something that goes to the soul of the problem.

Overcoming indigestion

To overcome indigestion, and the more serious offshoots mentioned above, you must regain the balance of your body function by stimulating your natural digestive juices to work in the manner that they should. The common link between indigestion, obesity and colon disorders is the inability of your body to break down the food that you eat and process it in the correct manner. The answer is Apple Cider Vinegar. Take one Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water with each meal. The acidity of the vinegar stimulates the natural digestive juices into performing their natural function and your body will start showing the affects within a couple of days. Often on the first day of using it.

Medicinal powers of Vinegar

The medicinal powers of vinegar have been catalogued for many years. During World War 1 common vinegar was used for cleaning infection from wounds before dressing, it has been used as antiseptic for surgery in emergencies. The benefits of this product are widely publicised but just as widely ignored.

Personal experience

On a personal note I suffered from indigestion and a hiatus hernia a little over a year ago. The hiatus hernia was controlled by strict diet - mainly avoiding spicy foods. This was murder to keep up with because I love food and especially spicy food. A friend suggested I use a Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water when I eat and I was prepared to try it. The result: I have just about forgotten what indigestion is and can eat any spicy foods that I wish and never suffer from the hiatus hernia.

There is one more thing that you can do to help your body function in the manner it was designed to work and that is to increase your daily exercise. I don't mean sign up at a gym or employ a personal trainer. All you have to do is walk for at least 20 minutes each day. You can start by taking 4 walks of 5 minutes and build up to 20 minutes. It doesn't have to be power walking, just remember that the body needs movement to function and only you can give it that. Before too long you will want to walk for 40 minutes each day as you start reclaiming your body. - Just don't get into heavy exercise unless you have discussed what you propose to do with you doctor and she/he has approved it.


The way of life that came to the fore in the late 20th century and persists today is not a natural way for your body to function. Just be aware of that and make a few minor changes. There is little point in having a great income and lifestyle to die young is there?

This article is © copyright David McCarthy 2005. It may be reproduced only in its entirety with no changes or additions.

About The Author

David McCarthy is webmaster of a website devoted to freely sharing knowledge on all facets of food, cooking, weight loss, food related health subjects and a free weight loss program. It contains recipes for all occasions from health to partying.

Friday 23 February 2007

Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

Rudy Silva

There are many drugstore and alternative Internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. I don't recommend using any type of product that is not natural or that comes from a drugstore.

If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring, dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance and feel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of these chemicals will be absorbed into your body where your organs of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.

All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, or natural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, and herbs that have the following properties:

  • Anesthetics - suppresses pain and gives relief…any name with the suffix "caine" like tetracaine
  • Analgesics - suppresses and give pain relief - some of them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin, Darvocet, Ultracet
  • Vasoconstrictors - helps to narrow or constrict hemorrhoidal veins…any name with the suffix "rine" like phenylephrine
  • Lubricants - provide lubrication in the colon to relieve constipation - mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oil olive oil
  • Astringents - help to tighten tissue, which have been pushed out by hemorrhoid action - zinc oxide, witch hazel, calamine
  • Keratolytics - help to remove excess hemorrhoidal tissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylic acid

Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you're trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.

In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The Miracle Nutrient - How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. In his book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstore suppositories,

"Suppositories quickly work their way up in the rectum beyond the location of most internal hemorrhoids, and so are of limited value in reducing local pain. As antiseptics they are essentially worthless, since the surface areas they are supposed to protect are under constant exposure to new bacteria…. Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from local irritations and pain… Neither the suppositories nor the ointments, however, do anything whatever to correct the basic cause of hemorrhoids-constipation."

About The Author

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.

Thursday 22 February 2007

Constipation home remedies using juices

rudy silva

Apple Juice, Figs and Raisins

Here's another constipation home remedy using apple juice with other fruit. Eat it the first thing in the morning before breakfast.

In a blender, put in a cup of fresh apple juice. Add equal amounts of dry or fresh figs and raisins and a small organic apple. Choose how many figs and raisins to use. You will need to experiment a little. Get a consistency that is not too thick. Add a little more apple juice if needed.

Eat this home remedy for a few days until you start to get some relief from your constipation.

Oat Milk with Fig Juice or Prune Juice

Buy oat milk at the health food store. In the morning, warn 8 oz of oat milk and add the following:

§ 3 oz of fig juice or prune juice

§ two droppers full of licorice extract.

Or you can mix one glass of 50% fig juice and 50% prune juice. Drink this first thing in the morning. This powerful home remedy will get your bowels moving. Drink this combination first thing in the morning.

Stewed Figs

Take 10 – 12 calimyma figs and stew them in two glasses of distilled water (16 oz) for 10 minutes. Let them sit in this water overnight.

In the morning remove the figs, warm and drink the juice. Eat the figs though out the day.

Or prepare a blended drink of,

§ three or more figs, fresh or sun dried

§ one banana

§ 1 tablespoon of honey or molasses

§ one cup of rice dream

Drink first thing in the morning and any time after lunch or dinner.

The following juices provide you with some powerful constipation home remedies that you can use right away.

Mulberry Juice

Mulberry juice has many health benefits. It is good for digestive tract illnesses. It can stimulate digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the small intestine. It is useful for older people for reliving constipation.

Mulberry contains many minerals and vitamins.


Boysenberry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When your constipation is mild, this juice will help move things in your colon.


Mix ½ cup of distilled water and ½ cup of blackberries. Drink this first thing in the morning to promote peristaltic movement. Drink this often and it will make you regular.

Blackberries are high in vitamin C.


Cherries are high in antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and many other minerals, which are effective in neutralizing body acid. Cherries contain vitamins B-1, B-2, folic acid and niacin.

Cherries have laxative effects and can start peristaltic action.

Eat fresh cherries throughout the day or drink three 8 oz glasses of cherry juice during the day.

Buy cherry juice in glass container.

Elderberry Juice

Can be used to help reduce the symptoms of colds, flu, and diabetes. It also helps to relieve constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. Drink 1–2 glasses each day. Increase the quantity if necessary.

Drinking any of these juices between meals will help you to get rid of constipation and keep your bowels moving.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. For information on constipation and other remedy ebooks go to: See some of his newsletters at:

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:

"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm.. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride.
Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960's. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached..

It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving

Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.

"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.

"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.

The little boy again counted his coins.

"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..

You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables.. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare &serious disease. Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Tuesday 20 February 2007


matthew kramer

Since what would seem to be the beginning to most, there has excised an all natural elixir that warrior tribes and armies have used in healing throughout the ages. What's now being called mother nature's perfect food? Apple cider vinegar has proven the test of time. It's made from fresh, crushed apples' witch are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels, because the wood some how seems to enhance the fermentation process. A Proper ACV should produce a pungent odor that when rip, will pucker your mouth and burn your eyes, that believe it or not are all good signs.

Apple cider vinegar has been traced as far back as 3000B.C, in Egyptian cultures and has been mentioned in the bible as a healing agent an antiseptic. The Greeks and Romans keep barrels of it handy for healing, cleaning the streets and even flavoring. It not only acted as a means of healing but also as a means of preventing disease, as mentioned in the trails of Julius Caesar and his legendary army.

In the Middle Ages it was sold in Paris by street vendors as a body deodorant, healing tonic and health drink. Christopher Columbus used it on his voyage to discover America as a cleansing agent to remove bacteria, germs, odors and when "swobbing the deck" even stains & spots. It helped prevent scurvy among his crew, as it did for the solder of the American civil war.
As time goes on, we find more and more uses for Apple cider vinegar. In researching this natural phenomenon of nature we discovered that for centuries in Japan, the ancient Samurai warriors used ACV as a heath drink to stay fit and energetic. This, along with other medical findings sent many minds into motion in the field of natural weight loss. Today in 2005 Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the leading ingredients in are most significant break through in natural weight loss ever. The product it's helped create is called NITETRIM, and if you would like to find out
more about this very extrordanary weight loss aid, you can find all the information you need at http: //

About the Author

Former asthmatic turned competitive runner/mtn biker. Overcoming health problem and/or hurdles doesn't need to be harder than it has to be. Whether it be asthma, obesity, or any other form of handicap, all safe option to over come the hurdle should be made available. It is my goal to help inform those who may not realize these options exist. Information is the key to over coming all obstacles in life.

Monday 19 February 2007

Cosmetic Dentistry: Part 4

Samuel Murray


Many people who have discolored teeth opt to use a "crown" as a remedy. Just as the name applies, this is a prosthetic device that covers the tooth. Sometimes a tooth may have a large filling and there is very little tooth left to support the filling. This would be an effective treatment for that situation. They are often used in conjunction with the dental implants we discussed above. A crown makes your tooth stronger as well as prettier!


Bonding is a cosmetic treatment for teeth that involves placing tooth colored bonding material directly to the surface of the tooth using resin. First the tooth is prepared by slightly etching the enamel. This is done in order to give the bonding material "mechanical retention" allowing the bonding material to adhere to the tooth properly. Then the bonding material is applied, shaped and sculpted. A ultraviolet "laser" light is used to harden the resin material. When the process is complete the tooth is polished to a high shine.

Bonding is also used now for "fillings." In fact, it is favored over the old silver (amalgam) fillings because the bonding resin can be matched to the rest of your tooth color. The downside to bonding, is the expense. Bonding is more expensive to silver. The bonding material is also porous making it a poor choice for smokers as it will yellow.

This is considered a permanent procedure because of removing small amounts of the natural tooth enamel.

Enamel shaping.

This process is often done in conjunction with bonding. The enamel is sometimes removed or reshaped. Shaping allows the dentist to sculpt chipped, cracked or broken teeth using bonding material as discussed above. In both procedures the catalyst is usually done with a laser light which insures that the material is securely merged with the natural tooth material.

About The Author

Samuel Murray

This article courtesy of

Sunday 18 February 2007

About Elephants

There are two different species of elephant - the African (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian variety (Elephas maximus). The former is larger and there are a few distinct differences. The African species numbers are estimated at approximately 500,000 whilst the Asian variety has fallen to an disturbingly low estimated figure of below 30,000.

There are a number of elephant races within the Asian species. For instance the Indian elephant, is bigger, has longer front legs and a thinner body than their Thai counterparts. As the park deals exclusively with Thai elephants we will concern ourselves with this particular order. The facts are, however, generally applicable to all types of Asian Elephant.

Various authorities differ somewhat on exact details. Using our own experience and taking into account numerous sources we present you with our own interpretation. Elephants, like human beings, can and do vary in many characteristics, emotions and personality.

Existing Numbers of Asian Elephants
They are officially classified as an endangered species, numbers in Thailand estimated between 3,000-4,000 animals. Around half of this number are domesticated, the remainder living wild in National Parks Reserves. Some 300 are suffer under appalling conditions in Bangkok.

It is notable that at the start of the 20th century (1900 AD) over 100,000 elephants graced the Siamese (Thai) countryside.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Cure Acne Naturally In Just 3 Days

Peter Morgan

Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem by Banishing Your Acne in Only 3 Days. Chris Gibson shows how to cure acne naturally, using a simple natural acne remedy can follow. Scars can be removed with this treatment too. The pain and agony of acne can now be cured in a 3 day treatment using an easy program.

Treating, removing and curing acne naturally is possible in three days. Many satisfied customers are stating similar statements to Chris who said "I didn't think I would Ever get rid of the acne that had tormented me for so long. I desperately wanted to feel better about myself. I wanted the acne Gone - so, I gave it a try. After 3 days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror. I walked in with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, my jaw dropped to the floor!"

The skin care method consists of natural ingredients everyone can get a hold of. Many of the ingredients are available right in your home. It is a guaranteed method to reduce and clear acne (blackheads, whiteheads, zits, pimples). Many users have mentioned how they lost their acne overnight. Chris is so sure about this natural acne remedy that he offers a 90 Days Money Back Guarantee. Learn more

Chris Gibson states, "You will find that your acne will start to disappear - if not totally be gone - at the end of 3 days. You will spend more time with your family and friends, showing off your clear skin. You will feel better and look better, and your self-confidence and self-esteem will go through the roof! Plus, you will never have to worry about having a serious acne problem again. After trying this simple, natural acne remedy, I have been acne free for over nineteen years! That is why you need something besides a cream. You need to find a system that will cure the problem from the inside out.

The cure found in our book can be applied at your house. No need to go to the doctor or spend thousands of dollars on prescription medicines.

For additional information on how to cure acne naturally go to:

About the Author

Peter Morgan is a 10+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner.

Friday 16 February 2007

Cure For Impotence


What is VITA-EX GOLD ?

VITA -EX GOLD - the 100% natural ayurvedic power house for
richer, fuller and energetic life.

The Ayurvedic power & energy of SWARNA BHASMA from pure gold

If lack of energy & exhaustion is a cause of personal problem
for you.

If you've tried everything else & failed.

It's time for Baidyanath Vita-Ex Gold.

The one with SWARNA BHASMA an ayurvedic formulation, known
through the ages to augment energy levels. Recommended even by
the eminent authority on Ayurveda Dr. K. M. Nadkarni as an
energy source. This formulation, also mentioned as a natural
power source in Bhav Prakash & Charak (the centuries old, most
referred ayurvedic texts) is now being widely accepted in the

Count the advantages :

Non-hormonal safest vitaliser.

Restores energy.

Increases confidence.

Helps attain and maintain erection.

Revives sexual vigour.

No diet restrictions.

No side-effects

Minimises moments of embarrassment.

Each capsule of VITA-EX GOLD contains:


Tonic Alterative, Aphrodisiac and nervine sedative. Ashwagandha
powder boiled in the cow's milk is a good Vajikara Rasayan i.e.
sex tonic. Root is used in all cases of general debility,
nervous exhaustion, brain fatigue, loss of memory, loss of
muscular energy and spermatorrhoea. Powder of the root, mixed
with honey and ghee in equal parts is recommended for impotence
or seminal debility.


Tonic alterative. Rejuvenator and Aphrodisiac. Useful in general
debility, sexual debility and diseases of urinary tract. In
sexual weakness, it is generally administered with Ashwagandha.

Abhrak Bhasma

Prepared from black mica with the juice of various indegenous
drugs. Tonic, Alterative, Haematinic and Aphrodisiac. Gives
strength to the body.


Stimulant. Improves complexion. Gives physical strength, mental
energy and vigour as well. It is an excellent remedy for

Kauncha Beej

Nervine tonic. Aphrodisiac and Antispasmodic. It has a cooling
effect. Nutritious, Aphrodisiac. Nervine tonic.

Safed Musli




With - Samel, Shatavari, Brahmi, Chandan, Safed Mulithi & Juice
of pan (betel Leaves)

INDICATIONS Depressed libido.

Sexual weakness.

Functional impotence.

Unsatisfactory sexual performance.

Sexual neurasthania.

Unsatisfactory erection.

Loss of Vitality.

Mental and physical tiredness

Dosage 1-2 capsules twice a day with milk or water

A regular course of VITA-EX GOLD takes care of your golden
moments of happiness..........Satisfaction.......Love

About the author:

This article is courtesy

Thursday 15 February 2007

Birthday Cake History

The birthday cake has been an integral part of the birthday tradition in Western cultures. The cake is served to a person on his or her birthday, and is often decorated with small novelty candles, with the person's name and/or a message of congratulations inscribed with icing. The phrase "Happy Birthday" did not appear on birthday cakes until the song Happy Birthday to You was popularized in the early 1900s.
Tradition holds that the person with the birthday may make a wish, which will come true if all the candles can be blown out in one breath. US patent 6319530 relates to a "method of photocopying an image onto an edible web for decorating iced baked goods." This invention enables one to inkjet print a food-grade color photograph on the cake surface.
History of Birthday Cake can be traced back to the ancient Greeks who made round or moon shaped honey cakes or bread and took it to the temple of Artemis -the Goddess of Moon. Some scholars, however, believe that the tradition of Birthday cake started in Germany in middle Ages. This special birthday cake later reemerged in Germany as a Kinderfest or the birthday celebrations of a young child. Germans also baked another special kind of a cake called Geburtstagorten as it was baked in layers. This was sweeter that the coarse and bread like cake that were usually made at that time.
In earlier times, Birthday cakes were mostly round in shape. Scholars associate religious beliefs and technical compulsions for the same. Greeks offered round shape cake to the Goddess of Moon - Artemis as it signified moon. They even placed candles on the cake to make the cake glow like the moon.

Technical reason given for the roundness of the cake is that most cakes we know off advanced from the bread. In ancient times breads and cakes were made by hand. Typically, these were fashioned into round balls and baked on hearthstones or in low, shallow pans. Hence, these naturally relaxed into round shapes. With the progress of times baking pans of various shapes were developed and today we see cakes in imaginative shapes and sizes.
In medieval times people of England used to place symbolic objects like coins, rings and thimbles in the batter of the cake. It was believed that those who found coin in the cake would be wealthy while the unlucky finder of the thimble would never marry. If the cake fell while baking it was considered to be a bad omen and signified bad luck for the person in the coming year.
Thus in the midst of many superstitions and beliefs, merged the tradition of Birthday cakes which is so popular all over the world today.

Author: Roger Drukker

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Diet as a natural treatment for acne

Robert Kokoska

Since the skin is the largest organ on the body and it assists
other major organs in the human body with eliminating waste, one
of the best acne treatments is diet which has many home remedies
for acne in the foods that we eat. If you are unhealthy inside
it will be reflected in your skin.

Acne occurs when the natural oils that the skin produces clogs
the pores of the skin. Normally acne is prevalent in the onset
of puberty when the body starts to produce hormones, it has also
been known to be a problem for women during pregnancy. Since
acne is a problem for people world wide, there are many forms of
acne treatments, acne products and acne medications on the

A natural treatment for acne is diet, which some say can be an
acne cure and for many is the best acne treatment. When I was a
teenager I had severe acne and tried using what were considered
the best acne treatments at the time.

Retin-A was one of the most popular prescription acne
medications on the market at that time. Noxzema skin cream and
Clearsil were two of the most popular acne products used among
my friends and I. I learned the hard way that Alcohol should not
be used as a home remedy for acne and with severe acne cutting
back on processed foods replacing them with a healthy diet of
fruits and vegetables. I thought that diet as a natural acne
treatment was going to be bad because until that point I lived
junk food.

Using diet as a natural acne treatment was not as bad as I had
thought it would be. There are so many foods that act naturally
as a home remedy for acne and are often the best acne
treatments. At first I thought that it would be easier to just
remember when to use acne medication or the other acne products
that I was using at the time rather than to give up on junk

The internal home remedy for acne prescribed by my doctor and
mother turned out to be for me the best acne treatment used
along with all natural acne products like tea-tree oil. To my
surprise I enjoyed this change in diet and in a short time I
felt like it was an acne cure that was noticeable with in the

My mother was happier that I was eating something besides chips
and was also happy with what we thought was an acne cure. She
was also happy that she did not have to spend a lot of money on
acne medications or worry about which over the counter acne
products were the best. Who would have thought when I drank
naturally sweetened juices and lots of water that it would be a
natural acne treatment. My breakouts were far and few in between
all because of using diet as an acne treatment turned out to
pretty much be an acne cure for me.

There are so many acne treatments on the market today that
profess to be the answer to all of your problems but the truth
of the matter is you will have to find the best acne products or
try to find the best home remedies for you by simply researching
on your own.

Some people will require acne medications because more serious
illness are the reason for their acne problem. Home remedies for
acne through diet can alleviate many of your outbreaks because
we truly are what we eat. If the eyes are the window to the soul
then the skin is a reflection of your overall health so the
beginning of a real cure starts from within.

About the author:

Robert Kokoska is researcher of natural health. Get a free copy
of his free acne ebook "Perfect Skin Miracles" from his website:
Natural Acne Treatment

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Using Natural Remedies Constipation

Dhiraj Bhikoo

There are two basic types of constipation - organic and functional. Organic constipation is a result of some physical change, obstruction, or distortion in your colon. This type of constipation needs immediate attention from a doctor.

This article only covers Functional Constipation. This type of constipation is a result of not following a proper diet, drinking enough fluids, having good emotional health and not having a good lifestyle - a lifestyle that promotes good movement of digested foods through the intestines and colon.

Even though there are many definitions for constipation, constipation is simply a condition where the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon before traveling out the rectum.

Constipation is a symptom and not a disease. It is a condition that tells you your colon is not working properly or that you have some underlying gastrointestinal disease you are not aware of.

Constipation may be a warning that your diet and lifestyle are causing an imbalance in your body. It is a symptom that many people ignore or that many people try to eliminate by using unnatural and oftentimes dangerous drugstore laxatives.

Drugstore laxatives should be avoided when you have constipation. They can become habit-forming, damage your colon, and have nasty side effects if used too long. They sometimes have the tendency of creating the problem you are trying relieve - constipation.

To keep your body in chemical balance, it is important to use only natural remedies for constipation. Natural remedies such as herbs and foods bring into the colon those nutrients that can build up your colon and reactivate your natural peristaltic action.

As you use natural remedies, keep in mind that one particular remedy may not work for you. You may have to try a different remedy or increase dosage of the one you are using. If you supply what your body needs by using a specific remedy, then you will get results from using that remedy.

Experimenting is part of finding out what remedy is best for you. There are many different natural remedies you can choose from. Look on the internet for "natural remedies for constipation" and you will find many listings.

Keep in mind that most remedies should be used only for a short time, two to four days and not longer than 2 weeks. They should only be used for the time needed to clear your constipation. This might be just 4 or 5 times or sometimes it may take several weeks.

There are some herbal combinations that can be used for longer duration. These combinations can improve your colon's health and get your bowels moving again.

If you have constipation, the natural balance and function of your colon has been affected. But, natural remedies can bring you colon back into balance.

About The Author

Dhiraj Bhikoo provides you with the safest and easiest tips to relieve constipation at:

Monday 12 February 2007

Ephedra - 101

Cephus Gunn

What is ephedra? Ephedra, which is also known as Ma Huang, is a 5000 years old natural remedy. It grows mainly in Mongolia and the bordering regions of China. It has been used in Chinese medicine and has become a popular herbal dietary supplement in the United States. Most noteworthy, ephedra is used as an energizer and for losing weight and gaining muscles.

The main active ingredients in the ephedra plant are called ephedrine alkaloids. Ephedrine is one of the naturally occurring alkaloids present in Ephedra. Ephedra is designed to naturally activate the sympathetic nervous system which increases the amount of food converted to heat, a process called thermogenesis. The results can be an effective treatment for the symptoms of asthma, allergies, and sinus problems.

Is Ephedra safe to use? Scientific studies confirm that Ephedra is a relatively safe remedy when used within the recommended serving limits. The ephedrine alkaloids in Ephedra act as a mild stimulant and develop effects similar to those of caffeine. Ephedra has been used in Chinese medicine to treat symptoms of asthma and upper respiratory infections.

In February of 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) imposed a ban on ephedra as a diet supplement but allowed synthetic ephedrine and ma huang used for traditional Chinese medicine to continue to be manufactured and sold. This ban came into effect on April 12, 2004.

On April 14, 2005 little more than one year after the ban on ephedra was imposed, a Utah court concluded that the FDA overstepped their power in banning ephedra. The court said that there was no evidence that low dosages, especially under 10mg, pose any health risk. The court decision puts the responsibility on the FDA to prove that ephedra poses a health risk, instead of manufacturers having to prove that ephedra is safe.

Finally, the Miracle Fat Burner is Back and available to the public. But this unparalleled weight loss concerned some people. Ephedra was so powerful, its safety was questioned. When the controversy peaked in 2004, ephedrine was taken off the shelves for further testing.

Since then, it's gone through rigorous tests - and passed with flying colors. According to last month's ruling in Utah, there was never any basis for banning doses of 10 milligrams or less. As a result, ephedra has once again been approved for public consumption?

When it is all said and done it all boils down to one thing - a choice. The choice is yours. Make it wisely!

About the Author

Cephus Gunn is an independent marketing consultant and offers common-sense tips on health and weight loss for the informed consumer. For more information on ephedra and weight loss, visit the web site

Contact Cephus at
Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice.

Sunday 11 February 2007

Get hemorrhoid relief from herbal remedies

rudy silva

Here are four different herbs that can give you hemorrhoid relief and help to get rid of your hemorrhoids. Using these herbs is a convenient and cost effective way to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms.

Use these herbs just long enough to give you hemorrhoid relief. Once you see that your symptoms have disappeared, stop using these herbs. Using herbs longer than necessary will make you less sensitive to the power of these herbs, if you have to use them again.

Comfrey root powder

Comfrey powder comes from an herbal root that has plenty

of allantoin. This herb is a powerful acting herb that is anti-inflammatory and stimulates the formation of new skin. It

can also cause hemorrhoids that are outside on the anus to

shrink and pull back. This makes comfrey powder an effective hemorrhoid remedy.

Here's how to use it.

Buy the powder and not the liquid. Make a paste by mixing

it with olive, fish, or flaxseed oil. Apply the paste directly

onto your anus and surrounding area. You can apply it at

night and your morning shower will remove it.

Fresh comfrey leaves or roots are the best to use. However,

you can get precut and dried comfrey root and leaves from a health food or herb store. If you use the dried leaves, you can put them into a coffee grinder to create a powder. Use this powder to create a paste with oils.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is an Indian herb that is a hemorrhoid remedy.

Use an extract that has 70% triterpenic acid since this is the

active ingredient.

Take 30 mg of Gotu Kola 3 time a day.

Gotu kola extract reduces pain, swelling, fatigue, and

sensation of heaviness from hemorrhoids.

Horse Chestnut

Horse chestnut comes from the bark of a tree and has been

found to be useful in treating hemorrhoids. It contains the

chemicals "aesculin" and "aescin", which strengthen your blood vessels and which help to reduce hemorrhoids. It also helps to reduce inflamed areas.

Here's how to use it.

You can make a tea and apply it directly to your

hemorrhoids. However, do not drink the tea since it

contains tannin, which tightens mucus and tissue and would

cause constipation. Use it in powder form and mix it with oil to produce a paste and apply it to your anus area.

Plantain Herb

Plantain also has plenty of allantoin just like comfrey root


Here's how to use it.

Use it just like comfrey powder by mixing it with oil and

applying it directly to your anus.

You can also combine equal parts of the plantain and

comfrey powder. If you only have plantain leaves, put

them in a coffee grinder to create a powder. Now you can

make a mixture with oil and both of these herbs.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.

Saturday 10 February 2007

Using Essential Oils to Treat Minor Ailments

Burgundy Shank

Plants have been used for centuries to support the body's natural healing process. Not only have they been shown to be effective in curing common ailments, they're also used for the prevention of both simple and complex illnesses.

There are plenty of simple plant remedies that can be used in the form of essential oils. Essential oils are a practical way to treat common problems because they are easily stored, and when purchased from a respected source, they are extremely effective with little to no side effects.

Our bodies understand that essential oils are a part of nature's way of balance, and readily accept their life energy without interference with bodily function, as can be the case with over-the-counter and prescription drugs. The acceptance of that life energy is what causes their effectiveness not only through healing, but providing a positive mental and emotional state that can improve the quality of life.

That doesn't mean that modern medicine does not have its place, but there are minor inconveniences in our lives that can be treated with essential oils, removing the need for expensive doctor's visit and prescriptions. Most importantly, these remedies only require some very basic knowledge of essential oils in order to be used safely and effectively:

- Essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin, with the exception of lavender and tea tree oil. Other oils should first be diluted in a carrier oil (such as olive, sweet almond or sunflower for example) to avoid skin irritation.

- When smelling oils as a form of remedy, never sniff directly from the bottle. Waft your hand over the top and then smell the air to avoid irritating the delicate mucous membranes of your nose and eyes.

- Some oils may not be safe for pregnant women, and should be clearly marked when ordering from a respectable source. You can also ask your health practitioner should you have concerns.

- Essential oils should not be ingested, with the exception of peppermint, and then only if the manufacturer approves their oil for such use.

- If it is your first time using a particular oil, do a small patch test on the inside of your arm or other inconspicuous area, and wait for at least 8 hours to check for any adverse skin reactions. If irritation occurs, discontinue use.

If you've followed all of the information above very carefully, you'll find that the following oils are very easy to find, inexpensive, and can be used for a variety of ailments. I highly recommend them for your medicine cabinet at home:

Lavender – Apply directly to the skin for cuts, stings and minor sunburns. Place a few drops into bathwater to reduce allergy symptoms. Earaches can be soothed by a couple of drops in both ears. Headaches caused by eyestrain can be treated with a few drops of lavender on a warm washcloth and then placed over the eyes.

Peppermint – Add one drop to a tablespoon of raw honey for indigestion, or add to baking soda for an all-natural toothpaste. Use two drops in a bowl of steaming water and inhale to relieve sinus pressure and to provide mental clarity.

Tea tree – Add one drop to baking soda for an all-natural toothpaste that will help to heal bleeding gums. Apply oil directly to skin to treat warts, athlete's foot or ringworm.

Eucalyptus – Adding a few drops to the bath will quickly open up the nasal passages and ease chest or nasal congestion. It can provide energy much more effectively than caffeine through inhalation, but without the dehydrating side effects of coffee or soda.

About the Author

Burgundy Shank makes handmade personal care products using peppermint, lavender and other essential oils. She regularly publishes articles on natural home remedies in her newsletter, "Beauty Secrets from Around the World," which can be found at

Friday 9 February 2007

Making Money Online With Google Adsense

Everyone has heard the stories of all the people making tons of money online through the utilization of Google Adsense. Is it for real? Can it work for you? How do you avoid what the masses really experience – little to no earnings? The good news is that it is entirely possible to make a lot of money by using Google Adsense. The most common mistake people make is that they think that it is going to be a simple process.

In essence, it actually is a simple process, but it’s one that needs to be studied for effective methods, and it needs to be repeated and repeated. It is erroneous to think that you can just throw a few ads out there and sit back and wait for the money to pour in. Believe me, it won’t.

You have to experiment. You have to learn the techniques of creating ads that draw interest and attention. This is the way to increase your click through rate (CTR). Here are some suggestions from the experts:

1) You need the ads to blend in with the website instead of standing out – like an ad. Choose the background color on the rectangular Adsense ad. Oh yeah, choose white for the boarder color too, get it?

2) Place the ads at different places on your webpage, not just the bottom.

3) Maintain hyperlinks to other relevant websites. Place your Adsense ads on the tops of these sites so that they are seen first as visitors come.

4) Experiment. Put in your time. You have to learn to earn. Don’t make the big mistake of giving up because you don’t see immediate results. If you quit, how can you win?

There are a thousand “secrets” readily available out there. Search. Read. Work it. You will be on your way to the big bucks soon enough!

Thursday 8 February 2007

Crafting is Good for the Heart and Soul

If you are finding yourself stuck in a "mental rut" right now, and feel like everyday runs into the next.. then why not try a craft project?

Crafting, whether its a very simple creation or a large project, it gets the creative juices flowing, new ideas start to form, you start thinking of different ways to approach a craft or how to make it better!.

You will find yourself using parts of your brain, that have been asleep!. You will become inspired to try something else, and you will feel energized!.

If you are very stressed, and just can't think of anything to create, then get a craft kit, something simple that you would think you would enjoy, something that will take your mind off of everyday things and is not too difficult. Once you have completed the kit, you should and will feel proud of your accomplishment. Take stock of what you just created, did you like it?, or would you like to try something else?.. There is a ton of craft ideas out there and supplies on the market like never before, but start off with something very simple.

This is how I started out, I was seriously ill about 15 years ago, and while recovering, I needed to take my mind off of the daily needs of my illness, and started painting with paint by numbers!, something I knew would turn out right, but I felt good when it was done, and started freehand painting, and have loved it ever since. I also love sewing, and have made many recycled denim pillows, quilts and more.. have fun, start a craft that will fill your heart and soul with gladness!. This will spill over into your everyday life, and you will look at things differently!

Author: Diane Palmer

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Using Asian Herbal Combinations For Treating Hemorrhoids

Rudy Silva

Asian Herbs

I have found Chinese herb formulations quite effective in treating hemorrhoid symptoms. It is now easy to find these herbs, since there are Chinese herb store in most cities. If not, it is easy to go to the Internet and find what you need.

These herbs usually come in pill form; but you can also get storeowners to mix you a formulation of dried herbs by simply telling them what ailment you are trying to treat. Most herbal stores usually have an acupuncturist that can diagnose your problem and prescribe a precise herbal combination.

These Chinese hemorrhoid herbs contain chemicals that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, increase blood circulation, and lift Chi. Chi is the life force that powers all body and mind functions.

When checking these Chinese formulations just make sure the manufacturers note that they are low in heavy metals.


FARGELIN - HUA ZHI LING WAN (hemorrhoid pills) contains the following herbs: San-Qi Ginseng Root, Baikal Skullcap Root, Sophora Flower, Callicarpa Leaf, Amber, Burnet-Bloodwort Root, Pig Gallbladder, Corydalis Root and Stem.

Fargelin promotes anal health and should not be used if you are pregnant.


Another herbal combination is HUAI JIAO WAN. It helps shrinks, reduces pain, and stops hemorrhoid bleeding. It contains the following herbs: Sophora japonica fruit, Sanguisorba officinalis root, Scutellaria baicalensis root, Citrus aurantium fruit-ripe, Ledebouriella divaricata root, Angelica sinensis root.


A third Chinese herbal hemorrhoid remedy is JING WAN HUNG or Ching Wan Huang (ointment.) It relieves hemorrhoid pain, burning, and itching. It contains the following herbs: Lobelia 27.5%, Myrrh 17.5%, Tang-kuei 12%, Borneol 12%, Sanguisorba 8.5%, Chaenomeles 8.5%, Frankincense 8.5%, Carthamus 8.5%, Pistacia.

You can buy any one of these combination at:

Use these herbal combinations for only a week. If you don't see any improvement, stop using them and see your medical practitioner.

Because there are many manufacturers of these herbal combination there will be variations in the ingredients and quality. Buy only from those companies that guarantee the quality of their product.

About the Author: Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.


Tuesday 6 February 2007

Au Naturel, Au Contraire

Alisha Burke

With all the skin care products on the market today, it can be
difficult to determine which one is right for your skin. As
consumers tend to be increasingly interested in the ingredients
of the products they are using, it is only natural for companies
to promote products based upon those ingredients. The problem
with this is that not all companies are completely honest about
the ingredients they use. There are many companies that claim to
use all-natural ingredients, when they are not. The same can be
said for so-called organic ingredients.

There are many benefits to using truly natural skin care
products. For instance, href="">t
he skin care benefits of almonds have been well researched
and documented. Almonds have a high concentration of vitamin E,
which is absolutely wonderful for treating dry or sensitive
skin. You can create your own facial mask using almonds and
honey. Simply mix two tablespoons of crushed almonds with a
single tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your face, and
wash it off with cold water after five minutes.

The href="">
benefits of Avocado on the skin are plentiful. It is
regularly used in high quality spa products, as it is rich in
vitamin A, B, D and E. Unbeknownst to most, an Avocado actually
has more potassium in it that a Banana. Avocado is an excellent
remedy for eczema, red skin, aging skin, and skin sensitivity.
You can also use Avocado as a facial mask. Whenever I use
Avocado, I just mash it in a bowl and spear it all over my face.
Sometimes, I will put in my hair and on my hands and feet. It is
so good for your skin.

The best way to include all natural ingredients in your skin
care regimen is to stop relying on consumer goods. In my humble
opinion, the best skin care products can be found in your
kitchen. Oatmeal, apricots, egg whites, and many other everyday
products are better for your skin than most consumer skin care
products. I am not saying you should stop using the products you
use, but to consider supplementing them with some of the truly
natural elements noted above. Your body will thank you for it!

About the author:

Alisha Burke loves getting facials. When she is not daydreaming
about her next trip to the spa, she writes for -
an online resource dedicated to helping you care for your skin,
with information about href="
aspx">facial recipes, href="
l-scrub.aspx">facial scrub recipes and more.

Monday 5 February 2007

Do Magnetic Bracelets Ease Arthritis Pain?: Five Things You Must Know Before Trying Magnetic Therapy

Tom Frost

Although the idea of magnetic therapy has been around for centuries, the use of magnetic bracelets to ease pain is a hot topic in medical news today.

According to the December 2004 issue of the British Medical Journal, one study concluded that wearing magnetic bracelets can significantly reduce the pain of arthritis. With Celebrex and Vioxx recently called into question as treatments for arthritis, the study is good news to the over 70 million Americans suffering from the disease.

Arthritis affects one in three adults in the United States, and over half of those feel that there is nothing that can be done to ease their pain. Many of those who used to take Vioxx or Celebrex are currently choosing to suffer in silence, confused about the best medication to take.

This is a crying shame. There are a number of alternative pain management techniques--including massage, acupuncture, ice/heat treatments, mindfulness training, and magnetic therapy—and now is a perfect time to test them.

In the study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers acknowledged the need for more research regarding the placebo effect. We know that believing in any particular remedy is more likely to create a positive subjective report of improvement. It's also true that taking any kind of action to alleviate pain results in some sense of ease.

Does the placebo effect play a role in magnetic therapy? Of course it does—just as it plays a role in the effectiveness of medication. Does this mean the therapy isn't useful? No. If it works, it works—and isn't that what you really care about?

If you're considering wearing magnetic bracelets to test the idea of magnetic therapy, here are five points to keep in mind:

•Trying something is better than trying nothing.

•Trying something inexpensive is better than investing in a costly remedy that may not work for you.

•Trying something natural and noninvasive is preferable to beginning a new medication.

•It is easier to tell if a natural therapy is helping if you are not taking any pain medication that might interfere with the results.

•Trying something and finding that it works for you is extremely valuable even if you are unable to find documentation to support your results.

If you're suffering from the pain of arthritis, you might as well test magnetic therapy. It can't hurt, and it might really help.

And that's what matters.

About the Author

Tom Frost is a magnetic conductor and the president of Swell Products in Portland, Oregon. His company distributes BodyLinx magnetic bracelets. BodyLinx magnetic jewelry is affordable, versatile and fun to play with! To learn more, visit

Sunday 4 February 2007

Bowtrol for IBS Treatment

Ratliff, J

It is the only natural remedy that is clinically proven
effective for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you are suffering
from constipation, diarrhea, or both in alteration, abdominal
pain, bloating, and heartburn more than once a month, you are
not alone. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (also called IBS) affects
about 25 million to 50 million people in US alone.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is not just annoying. It also
causes tremendous health damages.It can lead to malnutrition and
obesity orweight imbalance. It will increase toxic substance in
your body. It will damage the beauty of your skin and hair. To
have a good life and beautiful body, you need to take care of
your gastrointestinal health first.

Learn more about href="">Bowtrol.

About the author:

J. Ratliff is a health writer for

Saturday 3 February 2007

Does Retin-A For Work Acne Scars?

Jon Butt

Your face needs help and retin-a for acne scars is a long-standing treatment that can work with other topical healing products that people use as part of their home remedies for clear skin.

Retin-a is formulated to work based on the natural results that vitamin A has in fighting acne and giving you your clear skin back. Retin-a for acne, as well as other vitamin A topical products can be extremely effective in fighting blackhead acne, removing and decreasing acne inflammation as well as being an excellent acne scar remedy.

Be A Clear Skin Pro - Know The Cons of Anti-Acne Treatments And Retin-a For Scars

It's no secret that retin-a, whether you want it as a treatment of retina-a for acne or retin-a for scars, can give you harsh side effects of redness, acne inflammation and painful scars if it's used incorrectly. You must follow the specific instructions that come with retin-a whether it's for your acne or your acne scars, to guarantee the full benefits of clear skin.

You can also find topical vitamin A products and other natural skin products online, that are extremely effective in diminishing acne scars and acne related skin discoloration through simple treatment applications that aren't as harsh on your skin and scars.

And in addition to a gentle and naturally-based acne scar remedy, your clear skin will also benefit from a diminishing of fine lines for younger looking, and glowing clear skin! Click on these great links for a wealth of clear skin information, with every kind of acne scar remedy available that you'll love learning more about - and your beautiful face will bask in like a pro.
About the Author

Jon Butt is the publisher of Chock full of genuine, serious, tested doctor-recommended advice on curing acne. No quacks, no potions, no secrets. Just sensible treatments to clear your skin and help you look as good as you feel

Friday 2 February 2007

Using Asian Herbal combinations for hemorrhoid Symptoms

rudy silva

Asian Herbs

I have found Chinese herb formulations quite effective in treating hemorrhoid symptoms. It is now easy to find these herbs, since there are Chinese herb store in most cities. If not, it is easy to go to the Internet

and find what you need.

These herbs usually come in pill form; but you can also get

storeowners to mix you a formulation of dried herbs by simply telling them what ailment you are trying to treat. Most herbal stores usually have an acupuncturist that can diagnose your problem and prescribe a precise herbal


These Chinese hemorrhoid herbs contain chemicals that

are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, increase blood circulation,

and lift Chi. Chi is the life force that powers all body and

mind functions.

When checking these Chinese formulations just make sure

the manufacturers note that they are low in heavy metals.


FARGELIN - HUA ZHI LING WAN (hemorrhoid pills) contains the following herbs: San-Qi Ginseng Root, Baikal Skullcap Root, Sophora Flower, Callicarpa Leaf, Amber, Burnet-Bloodwort Root, Pig Gallbladder, Corydalis Root and Stem.

Fargelin promotes anal health and should not be used if you are pregnant.


Another herbal combination is HUAI JIAO WAN. It helps shrinks, reduces pain, and stops hemorrhoid bleeding. It contains the following herbs: Sophora japonica fruit, Sanguisorba officinalis root, Scutellaria baicalensis root, Citrus aurantium fruit-ripe, Ledebouriella divaricata root, Angelica sinensis root.


A third Chinese herbal hemorrhoid remedy is JING WAN HUNG or Ching Wan Huang (ointment.) It relieves hemorrhoid pain, burning, and itching. It contains the following herbs: Lobelia 27.5%, Myrrh 17.5%, Tang-kuei 12%, Borneol 12%, Sanguisorba 8.5%, Chaenomeles 8.5%, Frankincense 8.5%, Carthamus 8.5%, Pistacia.

You can buy any one of these combination at:

Use these herbal combinations for only a week. If you don't see any improvement, stop using them and see your medical practitioner.

Because there are many manufacturers of these herbal combination there will be variations in the ingredients and quality. Buy only from those companies that guarantee the quality of their product.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "" and he has written an ebook called "How to Relieve Your Constipation with 77 Natural Remedies." You can get more information on this ebook and more hemorrhoid remedies at this site.

Thursday 1 February 2007

Using a Natural Approach to Managing Chronic Headaches

Phyllis Grannis

If you are like most headache sufferers you can describe in great detail what it feels like to HAVE a headache but you cannot describe the signals your body gives you BEFORE you get the headache. Most headache treatment tries to just stop the pain but not stop what caused the headache in the first place. Real lasting relief is beyond your reach unless you learn how to respond to your body differently.

Natural headache relief is possible because you have habits that you are unaware of which trigger your headache pain. These habits occur in two areas. The first is physical. Anything that involves your body: how you hold your jaw, chronic clenching of your teeth and tense shoulder muscles, just to name a few. The second area is in how you respond to life stresses both positive and negative. We know from working with many long time headache sufferers, that your coping mechanisms now involve muscular tension and you no longer have a reference point for deep relaxation. That is what makes medicine so ineffective and a natural headache cure which works to prevent your headaches before they start so effective.

In our private practice we used biofeedback equipment to monitor levels of muscle tension in 6 different muscle groups of the head, neck and shoulders. It was without fail a shock to the headache sufferer, who sat down THINKING they were relaxed only to see from the objective equipment that they weren't. Over time their ability to recognize a truly relaxed state had been seriously impaired and their body had accommodated to what it thought relaxed felt like, but it no longer was. In order to find and experience deep, restorative relaxation a coach is needed to point the way.

So, using a process of natural headache relief means first that you learn to pay close attention to your body signals so that you can change them. For example, once you are aware you are clenching your teeth, you can train yourself to stop. It will require some help to be able to sense how your long-standing habits feel because the sensations you notice seem normal to you.

How do you know a natural headache relief approach will work for you?

  1. You have tried "everything"
  2. Is your life worse because of frequent headaches?
  3. You have migraine, tension, or mixed headaches more than once a month
  4. Do you find yourself anticipating headaches?
  5. Do you still depend on medicine for pain relief?
  6. Are you searching for a natural headache remedy?

Once you remove the behavioral triggers you can stop your headaches because you are eliminating the cause of the problem not just relieving the pain.

Champions for Living Well

Natural Headache Relief Program

About The Author

Phyllis Grannis, M.F.T.

Trained in biofeedback and many psychotherapy strategies, she is skilled in coaching people with chronic pain how to successfully manage symptoms and embark on a path to recovery. Empowering individuals with information and techniques that work promotes a positive outcome. She is committed to people obtaining the information they need to make informed choices about their health and well-being.