Tuesday 20 February 2007


matthew kramer

Since what would seem to be the beginning to most, there has excised an all natural elixir that warrior tribes and armies have used in healing throughout the ages. What's now being called mother nature's perfect food? Apple cider vinegar has proven the test of time. It's made from fresh, crushed apples' witch are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels, because the wood some how seems to enhance the fermentation process. A Proper ACV should produce a pungent odor that when rip, will pucker your mouth and burn your eyes, that believe it or not are all good signs.

Apple cider vinegar has been traced as far back as 3000B.C, in Egyptian cultures and has been mentioned in the bible as a healing agent an antiseptic. The Greeks and Romans keep barrels of it handy for healing, cleaning the streets and even flavoring. It not only acted as a means of healing but also as a means of preventing disease, as mentioned in the trails of Julius Caesar and his legendary army.

In the Middle Ages it was sold in Paris by street vendors as a body deodorant, healing tonic and health drink. Christopher Columbus used it on his voyage to discover America as a cleansing agent to remove bacteria, germs, odors and when "swobbing the deck" even stains & spots. It helped prevent scurvy among his crew, as it did for the solder of the American civil war.
As time goes on, we find more and more uses for Apple cider vinegar. In researching this natural phenomenon of nature we discovered that for centuries in Japan, the ancient Samurai warriors used ACV as a heath drink to stay fit and energetic. This, along with other medical findings sent many minds into motion in the field of natural weight loss. Today in 2005 Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the leading ingredients in are most significant break through in natural weight loss ever. The product it's helped create is called NITETRIM, and if you would like to find out
more about this very extrordanary weight loss aid, you can find all the information you need at http: //www.nitetrimweightloss.com.

About the Author

Former asthmatic turned competitive runner/mtn biker. Overcoming health problem and/or hurdles doesn't need to be harder than it has to be. Whether it be asthma, obesity, or any other form of handicap, all safe option to over come the hurdle should be made available. It is my goal to help inform those who may not realize these options exist. Information is the key to over coming all obstacles in life.

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