Saturday 31 March 2007

6 Best Internet Marketing Strategies to your Success

For internet entrepreneurs, there are many internet marketing strategies to increase sales and maximize profits online. You will discover and learn the best internet marketing strategies in this article. With those strategies, you will boost skyrocket your profits and grow rapidly your home based internet marketing business.

Strategy #1: Research You Everything You Need to Know Effectively.

It is obvious that research hot niche keywords to attract more traffic, maximize the benefit of your pay per click (or PPC) campaigns, and find new hot niche markets with high demand are required in this strategy. Of course, this is the first important strategies you must do for your own home based internet marketing business. With those well-researches, you will understand everything you must know for your markets, particularly needs and want in the market. There are many resources on the internet to help you to discover hot niche markets and keywords. The highest recommendation for discovering those markets and keywords is to use both of Overture and WordTracker keyword search tools to generate a massive list of keywords. With the list, you can analyse and evaluate the market, competitors and keywords.

The first key success of home based internet marketing business is to discover niche keywords with low competitors. With those keywords, you can: (1) set up your high quality website with high relevancy quality traffic (2) Improve your search engine ranking in search engines (3) Build your unique & high quality content/articles with keyword-rich and (4) Create your pay-per-click campaign.

Strategy #2: Approach the Front-Back Sell through Great Sale Letter.

Second of the best internet marketing strategies you must concern is to provide a great and easy to understand sale letter on your website. This internet marketing strategy is all about writing a great sale letter with high conversion rate and builds your online mailing lists. The sale letter on your website is the first place for visitors to walk through your products, services, testimonial, bonuses and your required action. You should state all required information for what they are looking. You should definite clearly what you want visitors to do in your website. For example, you might want them to order your products, you want them to subscribe your mailing lists or you want them to download your bonuses. The highest recommendation in this strategy is to focus on how to convert those visitors to buyers through your own sales letter. You will not earn any dollars if you can not convert those visitors into your buyers. Also, you are losing your time to drive traffic to your website if you can not convert into sales. Remember, the more conversion rate you have, the more sales you get!

Apart from trying to sell your products through sales letter, it is obvious that you should capture visitors' information in order to sell your products or other products to them after they leave. Without capturing the information, you are losing the opportunities to earn money in the future.

The real keys to your success in this strategy are: to create a powerful sales letter with high conversion rate and sell products in the future. With capturing the visitors' information, the opportunities to make money in the future are opened.

Strategy #3: Do Not Reinvent the Wheel.

The core concept of this strategy is that you do not reinvent the wheel all the time. You must utilize the full use of others' expertises to maximize the opportunities to make serious money online from home based internet marketing business. There are many websites, expertises and other successful entrepreneurs on the internet. You can ask them to minimize your mistakes and grow your home based internet marketing business. The highly recommendation is to join other membership sites and utilise the others' expertise as much as possible. The more you learn, the more you know! With others' support, you will minimize your mistakes and can grow your business easier.

The real keys to your success in this strategy are: (1) to research effectively from others and (2) utilise those others' expertise to minimize your mistakes and maximize your profits. Many studies reveal that those truly successful internet entrepreneurs are willing to help people who are serious and passionate with the internet marketing and success.

Strategy #4: Automate Your Home Based Internet Marketing Business.

Without the automation internet marketing strategy, not only you would get fewer sales, you simply would not have more time to research ideas for new home based internet marketing businesses. By building home based internet marketing business that is fully automated. You can withdraw from your daily business as usual works and you will have more time to look for more untapped niche markets and other opportunities. Many studies show that this strategy is the best of the best internet marketing strategies to grow your home based internet marketing business in the long term. The rules of thumb, 80/20 rule, for your business are: (1) put 80% of your effort and time for your day-to-day operation tasks and (2) put another 20% for growing your business.

The real keys to your success in this strategy are: to find automated tools to help you and automate your online business. With those tools, you will have more time to think and grow your business. Otherwise, you will live in the daily business as usual works.

Strategy #5: Set up your own affiliate program.

There is no doubt that affiliate marketing business is a win-win relationship business between merchants and affiliate entrepreneurs. If you have your own products or even profitable products, it is a great idea to boost your sales through the affiliate marketing business. You will pay the affiliate commission to those affiliate marketing entrepreneurs when they gain sales for you. All you have to do is to support and follow up with those affiliate marketers in order to maximize your profits online. With those super affiliate marketing entrepreneurs, your sales will be increased rapidly and consistency.

The real keys to your success in this step are: to build a great relationship with affiliate entrepreneurs and support them as much as possible. Their sales are your sales too.

Strategy #6: Improve Yourself Consistency.

The last best internet marketing strategies for your home based internet marketing strategy is you. You are the most important and valuable asset in your business. You have to improve yourself all the time. Learning everything you need to know for your business is a must. Also, you should not give up too quickly if you can not earn big money in the short term. Truly entrepreneurs are always looking forward to the long term success. The online internet marketing business is a real business. With this sense, you have to treat it as real business.

The real keys to your success are to improve yourself, the best valuable asset in your business, and to build consistency your online internet marketing business always.

Final thoughts, the best internet marketing strategies for your highly successful in home based internet marketing business are: well effective researches, front-back sell, smart utilization, automate effectively, and self-improvement consistency. With these things, there is no doubt that you will success in the home based internet marketing business.

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Author: zmilliondollars

Friday 30 March 2007

What is Homoeopathy

Andrea Putting N.D

This article is offered for free use in your ezine or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated.


Homeopathy is a highly specialised form of natural medicine based on the concept of 'like cures like'. In other words a substance that is found to cause symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms that occur in a sick person.

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and diluted and potentised. The more a remedy is diluted and succussed (potentised), the stronger it becomes as a cure. Many people find the whole concept of using a remedy, where it has been diluted so much, that no physical particles exist, is a bit hard to entertain. However, when you have experienced Homoeopathy, you will know that it works. The greatest of sceptics can be turned around from one single dose of a well-chosen Homoeopathic remedy.

Symptoms, in homoeopathy, refer to much more than just a symptom, e.g. a cold. It looks at the whole symptom picture, the whole person, changes that are felt by the patient or observed by someone else. They include not just the physical symptoms, but also the emotional and mental picture.

Homoeopathy is a wholistic medicine and a Homoeopath will always look at the whole person. Symptoms do not present themselves in isolation; they are reflected in the whole person. A Homoeopath looks beyond the presenting symptoms of a patient. They don't just look, for example, at constipation, but how that affects the whole person, the totality of the symptoms. Putting together the full picture takes a bit of detective work. It includes the mental, physical and emotional aspects and how these are changed or how these symptoms differ from someone else suffering from the same complaint. The circumstance of the commencement of the symptoms is also a factor.

Choosing the one correct remedy can be difficult and it is a challenge especially for the home prescriber. Homoeopaths can spend hours deliberating over the right remedy for their clients. However you should not be deterred from using simple first aid remedies for your families. It just takes a little observance and the great results will encourage you further.

Homoeopathic medicines are a catalyst to improving the vital force, improving the all over health. They help to stimulate the defence system of the body. They don't weaken the system; they don't suppress the symptoms. The correct homoeopathic remedy will not only alleviate the symptoms, but allow the person to feel harmony in their life. All over wellness can occur, mental, emotional and physically.

Homoeopathy can treat all types of illness, chronic, acute and minor accidents.

Here are a few of the most common homoeopathic remedies that are used for first aid treatments.

Aconite is generally used for conditions that come on suddenly, caused by fright, fear or shock, or exposure to dry cold winds, or even sometimes intense heat. It is usually used at the beginning of an infection such as coughs and colds, ear, eye and throat conditions (esp. when come on sudden) The symptoms to watch for in this case are restlessness and disturbed sleep. The face may be red, hot; flushed and swollen, pains are severe and burning. The face may become pale on rising.

This remedy works best within the first 24-48 hours of illness

Arnica is an excellent first aid treatment and is used for physical and emotional shock and injury. It is useful for conditions that arise from overuse of muscles, such as soreness and stiffness after exercise.

Bruising, taking Arnica after bumps or injury can prevent bruises from coming up and the soreness associated with it. It helps promotes healing of damaged tissues and helps to control bleeding, making it ideal after surgery or childbirth.

It is useful for joint and muscle problems, such as osteoarthritis and unaccustomed exercise, cramps, bruises and sprains.

Concussion and black eyes are treated well with Arnica.

Overuse is a key word to remember, whether it is overuse of muscles, eyestrain or loss of voice.

Arsencium Album is useful for anxiety and fears, which come from underlying insecurities and over-sensitivities.

Many digestive complaints are treated with Arsencium, especially when the symptoms come with a burning sensation and restlessness. Useful for disorders such as food poisoning, diarrhoea, diarrhoea associated with nervousness, indigestion, vomiting, and gastroenteritis. Dehydration caused by fever and diarrhoea, especially in children, does well with treatment of Arsencium.

Nux Vomica can relieve problems caused by over-indulgence of foods, tea, coffee and other stimulants. Nux is widely known as the hangover remedy, it can prevent the hangover from occurring! The after effects of a hangover can also be remedied with this.

Nux Vomica is good for colds where there is a blocked nose at night, but it is runny during the day. For flu, with fever and stiff, shivering, aching muscles, and dry, tickling coughs.

Nux is great for relieving nausea and can prevent vomiting. Great for morning sickness or travel sickness.

Pulsatilla is used for colds, ear-aches, sinusitis, coughing, eye discharges, where there is a thick yellow to green discharge.

When rich and fatty foods, dairy products, etc, cause problems such as nausea, indigestion, diarrhoea, vomiting, Pulsatilla is the remedy that is often indicated.

Pulsatilla assists with menstrual and menopausal problems that are accompanied by weepiness and clinginess along with a need for comfort and sympathy.

Rhus Tox is mainly used to treat skin complaints that mirror that of the symptoms of poison ivy. They are burning, itching, red and swollen and a tendency to scaling. This occurs in case such as herpes, nappy rash, blisters and eczema. It is also used in musculoskeletal problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, restless legs, cramps, sprains and strains.

Sepia acts on the vagina, ovaries and uterus and is used for many women's complaints. Ailments such as heavy bleeding, painful periods, PMT, hot flushes during menopause, thrush, physical and emotional problems during and after pregnancy and from sagging and prolapse uterus.

Silica Used for those who have weakened immune systems and have recurrent infections such as colds, sore throats and ear infections. It is given for Glue ears and chronic catarrh infections.

Unhealthy skin that becomes infected easily, with weak nails and weakened bones. Babies who have slow closing fontanels. Silica is used to dispel objects such as splinters and other foreign objects.

Nervous system problems such as constipation, migraines and insomnia due to stress and overwork can be treated with silica.

About the Author

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of several health sites including,, Explore the world of Natural Medicine, take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy. Covered in detail are nutrients, herbs, flower essences, homoeopathy and aromatherapy. Visit Andrea's other sites.,

Thursday 29 March 2007

What is Homeopathy?

Cori Young

Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medicine used to treat a wide variety of health concerns.

It is based on the Law of Similars and potentization. Basically, the Law of Similars is the premise that because exposure to a given substance can cause specific symptoms in someone who is healthy, then that substance — given as a homeopathic remedy — will stimulate the body's own curative powers to overcome similar symptoms during illness.

A common example used to describe this effect is that of the person chopping an onion ~ When a healthy person chops an onion they usually get watery eyes, and a a runny nose. They may even experience sneezing or coughing, from exposure to the active substances in the onion.

The homeopathic remedy, Allium cepa, made of potentized red onion, can help the body overcome a cold or allergy attack in which the person has similar symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing.)

Even though the symptoms were not caused by exposure to an onion, the remedy made from the onion can help the body overcome them, because the symptoms are similar.

Is Homeopathy Effective?

Millions of people have used homeopathic remedies to treat every conceivable type of ailment and symptom. Despite misconceptions, homeopathy is just as scientific as allopathic medicine.

Homeopathy does not base its effectiveness on animal experiments which have little relevance to humans, and prescribing is not based on empirical, or accidental discovery of effects, but on a rational, systematic observation of the effects of remedies on healthy and sick people.

What are the Advantages of Homeopathy?


Homeopathy enjoys an excellent reputation in part because it is given in such minute doses that it can be safely used to treat anyone. Pregnant women, new born babies, children and weak or elderly people may all use the appropriate dosages of homeopathic remedies without dangerous side effects. Homeopthic doses of certain herbs are appropriate for certain individuals (like colicky babes,) when a standard herbal dosage would be too strong.


Homeopathy does not use synthetic substances, but relies on the healing properties inherent in plants, minerals, and animal substances. These substances are used in their whole, natural state, not as isolated chemicals.


Homeopathy is not based on 'fad' research. Homeopathic remedies do not go in and out of fashion because they are based on indications for specific symptoms rather than on 'opposites'.

Easy to Take

Most homeopathic remedies have a very mild, sweet taste and are meant to disolve under the tongue.

Even very small children can take them, which is very handy.

They come in small bottles that can be easily carried with you.

Understanding Potencies

Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process called potentization. Potentization involves a series of systematic dilutions and successions (a forceful shaking action).

Potentization removes all risk of chemical toxicity while activating a remedy substance and enabling it to affect the body therapeutically.

The more dilutions and succussions a substance undergoes, the higher the potency will be. Higher potencies of homeopathic remedies (anything higher than 12C) have been diluted past the point that molecules of the original substance would be measurable in the solution.

Homeopathic potencies are designated by the combination of a number and a letter (for example, 6X or 30C).

The number refers to the number of dilutions the tincture has undergone within a series to prepare that remedy.

The letter refers to the proportions used in each dilution of the series (the Roman numeral X means 10, and the Roman numeral C means 100), as well as the number of succussions the vial of solution undergoes in each successive stage.

Choosing the Appropriate Remedy

A key element in treating successfully with homeopathy is selecting the right remedy.

It is best to farmiliarize yourself with homeopathic remedies before you need them so you can have a vague idea in mind of what remedy may be called for.

Get yourself a good book like, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook: A Guide to Everyday Health Care, by Miranda Castro to have on hand.

Basically, when looking for a remedy you want to consider both physical and psychological symptoms.

Physical Symptoms

Homeopathic remedies promote a return to normal body function, and can be of help in almost any physical symptom or condition. Though they their work on a subtle level, they ultimately affect the chemical, cellular, and structural health of the organism.

Psychological Symptoms

Psychological states are a crucial piece of the symptom-puzzle. Even when treating a purely physical ailment,homeopathy considers the emotional response of the individual to be of prime importance. Improvement of an emotional state is one way to monitor the effectiveness of a remedy.


added to articlecity9/17

Treating ADD and ADHD Naturally

by Cori Young

ADHD / ADD Smptoms, Causes & Alternative Treatment

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS), most specifically the reticular activating system.The most well known form of ADD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD affects an estimated 5% of school aged children in North America. It is the most common neurological disorder among children in this country.


This condition is marked by learning disabilities, frequent forgetfullness, impaired judgement, excessive talking/interupting, trouble concentrating, shortened attention span, and orginization problems.


Research shows the common factor in all forms of ADD and ADHD to be a coordination failure in the reticular activating system of the brain. This area of the brain helps coordinate external stimulus. A brain chemical, norepinephrine, carries information between different regions of the brain which allows certain areas to be activated while others are inhibited, allowing one to focus on selected external information, while excluding others.

In the case of ADD / ADHD this neural coordination is impaired, causing competitive stimulation from multiple external and internal sources -too much visual stimulation, too much sound stimulation, too many internal feelings and emotions, etc. When the limited neural network is overly taxed in this regard, it becomes unable to "tune in" or focus on some stimulation, while "tuning out," or "turning down" (attenuating) other stimulation. The results can be irritation, aggression and anxiety.


SUGAR CONSUMPTION blunts the brain's ability to respond to norepinephrine, thus impairing brain coordination.

ALLERGIES Up to 90% of all children with ADD or ADHD are allergic to red, yellow, and blue dyes found in food products. Other common food allergens include, cow's milk, peanuts, citrus, and tomatoes.








Conventional treatment of ADD / ADHD most often includes the use of psychostimulant or antidepressant drugs. Over time, however these drugs often become ineffective and cause a sort of rebound effect where frustration and anger return. Excessive use of stimulant drugs can cause lethargy and depression.


Fortunately there are effective alternatives to medications.

A combination of herbs and nutritional support can often balance the brain chemistry naturally without the side effects of medications. There are formulas available that are designed specifically to provide the essential framework of lipids and fatty acids, natural hormones, as well as neural growth and synchronization factors quintessential for neural and glial cell generation in order to meet the demands of increased neural "traffic" through the reticular activating system.

Many herbs have been shown to provide relief from ADD/ADHD symptoms without the side effects of prescription drugs. However, not all herbs are suitable for small children. They are best used synergistically in a reputable formula designed specifically for the treatment of ADD/ADHD.


AVOID SUGAR Research has shown that children with ADD and ADHD may not digest sugars properly. Sugar consumption has been linked to aggressive, restless behaviour.

IDENTIFY ALLERGIES Try to identify and avoid food allergens and neurotoxins such as artificial sweetners and food dyes.

AVOID SOFT DRINKS Both sugar-free and sweetened contain phosphates which displaces calcium/magnesium levels, causing exaggerated muscle activity.

GET PLENTY OF SUNLIGHT Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, is sometimes misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD. Occurring mostly in northern latitudes during the winter months, SAD produces ADD-like symptoms. Consider exposure to full-spectrum lighting if unable to spend time outdoors each day.


Prescription For Herbal Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

12 Effective Ways to Help Your Add/Adhd Child: Drug-Free Alternatives for Attention-Deficit Disorders by Laura J. Stevens

THE LCP SOLUTION: The Remarkable Nutritional Treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia by Malcolm J. Nicholl

Transforming the Difficult Child; The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser

Cori Young is an herbalist living in the Pacific Northwest.

For more information on healing with herbs, visit her website,

Herbal Remedies Info (

Wednesday 28 March 2007

What Is Homeopathic Medicine?

Rene Graeber

Homeopathy is a safe, natural form of medicine, based on the practice of treating like with like. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words homios, meaning like or similar, and italios, meaning suffering.

Homeopathy is concerned with treating the whole person rather than the illness alone. The homeopath will consider the patient as a whole, both physically and psychologically, taking into account the patient's physical appearance, their likes, dislikes and their temperament. It is there fore a highly personalized form of treatment, so patients who apparently suffer from the same ill ness may be given advice for different medicines.

Homeopathy is a well established form of healing. Today many of the leading pharmaceutical companies are researching and mass-producing homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines look very much like conventional medicines, are taken in the same way, but the way they work is entirely different.

The medicines are not synthetic and are derived from natural sources. Over 60% of homeopathic remedies are prepared from vegetable or plant materials. Other remedies are prepared from naturally occurring mineral substances, including metals, non-metallic substances, and mineral salts. Animal sources of homeopathic remedies include: Cuttlefish (the ink or juice provides sepia) and Honeybee.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by obtaining the remedy in its most concentrated form, and then, through a long process of dilution, by preparing a medicine whose potency is sufficient to effect a treatment. The potency describes the measure of the dilution of the remedy and is denoted by the number which follows the name of the medicine itself. The higher the number, the greater the dilution (up to one part remedy to one trillion parts dilutant).

Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicines, commonly referred to as remedies, may come from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdom. Some common remedies include: arnica montana, from the Leopard's bane plant; belladonna, from the deadly nightshade plant; calcarea, calcium carbonate from oyster shells; sepia, from cuttlefish ink; and the element, sulphur.

Homeopathic remedies today are produced using the same dilution principles as in Hahnemann's day. In a common dilution of 1:100, one drop of the homeopathic substance is added to 99 drops of water and/or alcohol. The mixture is then potentized by a process called "succussion" - repeated tapping on a hard surface for a specific length of time. Remedies may be diluted up to 1000 times, leaving only an infinitesimal trace of the substance. Remedies are typically diluted 10, 100, or 1,000 times, which translate into potencies that are marked with the Roman numerals X, C, and M. Homeopathic remedies range from 6X as the lowest potency to 1M or more as the highest potency.

Remedies can be taken orally in pill, powder, or drop form, rubbed topically, or injected. There are usually no side effects from homeopathic treatments, but a patient can experience what is called a "healing aggravation," a temporary accentuation of symptoms. This is seen as a positive sign that the remedy is working. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a homeopath may choose an antidote, which produces the opposite effect of the remedy. The antidote may be another homeopathic remedy, or a strong substance, such as perfume, camphor, or coffee, which are known to block the effects of a remedy.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized homeopathic medicines as drugs since 1938, working with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention to produce and update their reference book of homeopathic medicines. Over the years, the FDA has classified homeopathic medicines as either prescription or more commonly as non-prescription (over-the-counter), depending on their strength. In the United Kingdom, homeopathic medicine has been part of the National Health Service (NHS) since it began in 1948. There are currently 5 homeopathic hospitals in the NHS. Homeopathic medicines are available over-the-counter or by prescription.

Safety of Homeopathic Medicines

Because of the very, very small doses used in homeopathic treatment, the medicines are completely safe, non-addictive and have no unwanted side effects. The curative properties of the remedies are released even in extremely high dilution‹and render the medicine completely safe for the treatment of both children and babies.

Always consult a practitioner before buying homeopathic remedies, and make sure that they are kept safe and out of the reach of all children.

Where dosing instructions have been followed, no case of toxic action has ever been reported in association with homeopathic medicines.

Receiving Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is practiced by fully qualified Health Practitioners who understand the philosophy of homeopathic medicine's well as patients' emotional and daily situations.

While some homeopathic medicines are readily available in both regular pharmacies and health stores, you MUST consult your homeopathic practitioner before attempting treatment for any serious ailment or illness.

If you are currently on medication for a serious medical or psychological condition, you should NOT stop taking your medication in order to start homeopathic treatment. Your practitioner will advise you on the best course of treatment, often working with your internist or therapist.

About the Author:

Rene Graeber graduated from the University of Munic in Educational and Sports Science and from the Paracelsus School of Medicine in Hamburg from Naturopathic Medicine and Homoeopathie.

Read more articles by: Rene Graeber

This article is distributed by:

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Wart Removal Solution

Kevin Emswiler

A simple and natural wart removal remedy that gets rid of warts forever. Simple methods that will change your life.

What would you say if I told you the days of costly prescription medication were over. That your warts would completely dry up and fall off within 11 days. Chris Gibson has done extensive research on the subject and came up with a natural wart removal remedy.

Gibson who is a 6 year wart suffer himself has been wart free for nearly 18 years. After numerous test studies he is finally ready to release his findings to the public. His formulas have been used by thousands of people around the world.

One of his customers is quoted saying, " I have tried everything just like you did. The last resort was to have these warts frozen to be removed. Man did that hurt! And to make things worse, they came back again a couple of months later. My doctor gave me the excuse, " The virus must just be very deep in your skin." So, I gave your formula a try and let me tell you, they have dried completely up and fallen off, just 6 days later. Even the little seeded areas under them are not there anymore. I believe I have finally gotten rid of these suckers for good! God Bless You!"

Gibson decided the best way he could help wart sufferers was to publish his results. He's written everything down in an ebook appropriately titled, "How I Permanently And Safely Removed Warts and Moles For Life". Surprisingly Gibson's formula is also used to get rid of moles.

Wart sufferers around the world are cheering. Their skin no longer has to interfere with their social life. They finally have a natural wart removal remedy. Gibson's formula will not only get rid of your warts it will save you a lot of money in the process. His ebook can be downloaded right from your home computer.

About the author:

Kevin Emswiler is a freelance writer who has published many articles both online and off. For more information on Wart Removal,

Monday 26 March 2007

Alternative Medicine - The Healthy Choice

Jem Bacchus

Alternative and Conventional Medicines are the two main systems of healing in use today and the utmost caution should be taken to choose wisely.

Being healthy is of crucial importance in the life of everyone. I do not believe that there is anyone who relishes the anguish of disease. Without health you cannot function properly in any area of your life.

Whether enjoying the normal faculties of life or mentally unbalanced, every person would rather be perfectly healthy than endure the tortures of pain, sickness and disease, but there comes a time when we must seek medical help.

It is unfortunate that instead of healing the sick, very often some medicines interfere with the natural process of healing, resulting in additional suffering and further deterioration of health.

In ancient times, illness was cured by the use of herbs and other natural therapies which always proved very effective. Today, those same therapies as well as modern discoveries based on those of ancient times are referred to as alternative medicine and the public has been brainwashed into believing that the treatments are worthless; yet, many diseases that have been deemed 'incurable' are being healed by alternative means but, unfortunately, these cures have never been heard of by countless sufferers.

What is called conventional medicine (also referred to as mainstream, standard, allopathic or orthodox medicine), is man-made synthetic drugs that were not in existence in ancient times. Interestingly, so many diseases were not around in those days as there are today.

The main difference between the two systems is that alternative medicine is concerned about the prevention of disease and pays attention to and deals with the cause by treating the body as a whole. It focuses on preventing disease before it starts. It views the presence of disease as an imbalance of the emotional, mental and physical state of a person and endeavors to support and strengthen the immune system by natural means.

Alternative medicine contends that the body is naturally able to heal itself and remain stable - known in medicine as homeostasis.

On the other hand, conventional medicine is not concerned with preventing disease but rather with using synthetic drugs to cure an already established ailment. It is more interested in treating just the symptoms of disease by scientific techniques and technology instead of treating the whole person.

Many conventional drugs are said to have the potential to damage the liver and kidneys, and cause mental depression, heart falure, cancer and other adverse side effects. Now, if that is so, why are they still being manufactured and sold to the public? Where is the concern for public health and safety?

Note that since the introduction of conventional medicine, instead of there being greater relief from illness, there has been an exponential surge of diseases wreaking havoc in the lives of unsuspecting mortals. Why is this so?

If conventional medicine were the answer to health problems, why are there so many more diseases prevalent today? The interesting thing is that a name is readily given to each new disease and some form of synthetic remedy is quickly manufactured for sale!

Conventional medicine has been so well advertised that the public is convinced that it is the only way they can get relief from devastating illnesses. They jump at the announcement of any new supposedly super healing conventional medicine and with no hesitation embark upon treating themselves. This is especially so in the case of weight loss.

The sad thing is that no real cure is realized from these, whereas there are natural remedies that have been proven to cure. I can personally attest to certain cures that I have experienced through the use of natural remedies.

It is well known that some drug manufacturers have had to withdraw their dangerous medication because of the likelihood of patients suffering heart attack and stroke. Most synthetic drugs, if not all, have dangerous side effects of which the public is unaware. Some are very detrimental to unborn babies. So why are these drugs still being sold and at such exorbitant prices?

The general public is not sufficiently made aware of the dangers of conventional drugs. For obvious reasons, no attempt to do so is made by those who should educate the unwary and encourage the use of alternative medicine.

Obviously, if disease is prevented by natural means before resulting in the breakdown of the immune system which is the body's mechanism of defence against illness, serious diseases such as cancer and other so-called incurable diseases would be prevented, and so there would be little need for the administration of expensive conventional medicine since that would be necessary only in case of surgery and other traumatic conditions.

Another point that I think worthy of note is about products so readily put on the skin. Most of them are formulated with harmful synthetic substances that get into the blood stream and invariably cause dangerous side effects. As it is said, what you would not eat, you should not put on your skin.

Remember that the skin absorbs and cannot differentiate between synthetic chemicals and natural substances. You may not see the adverse effects now, but years later your skin would speak for itself. You do not want to look older than your age, do you? Then do not poison yourself with the topical application of toxic skin products.

No one should be so busy so as not be able to find time to learn about the natural substances that they could take to protect their own bodies and prevent diseases. Many thousands of persons might have been alive today if only they had known, and had been encouraged to use natural remedies.

I enjoy reading to find out about ancient formulas and treatments that have resurfaced today, as well as new discoveries of natural healing methods and remedies that are gaining momentum amongst health conscious persons.

Ï have collected lots of information on herbal remedies. Among them are such topics as heart health the natural way, aromatherapy essential oils, homeopathy, beautiful skin care, skin diseases, healing for conditions such as acne, hemorrhoids, eczema, etc., weightloss, and many other natural health remedies and detailed information on how to make your own from nature's herbs, vitamins and nutrients.

Many persons seem to be convinced that natural remedies made by God do not have the efficacy of the synthetic remedies made by man!

God who made this world has said "the leaves of the trees for healing of the nations." God is truth and cannot lie. Isn't it time that we took Him at his word?

Why should we put our trust in Satan and his lies and put no confidence in God and His truth?

Since there seems to be no confidence in what God has made, Why don't we make our own water, sunshine, trees, and fresh air? Why do we walk upon God's earth? We should make our own basic items to concoct synthetic remedies instead of corrupting the things that God has made.

You can seek relief from disease either through natural alternative medicine by which you can maintain good health and save; or, through conventional medicine with its ill effects of costly synthetic prescription drugs at the risk of further deterioration of your health. It is up to you to prevent poisoning yourself, avoid unnecessary pain and suffering, and be healthy.

Keep this in mind:

If you really want to fight disease,

Natural Medicine is the Healthy Choice.

But if you'd rather be deceased,

Synthetic Medicine might be the Deadly Choice!!

This article is written for information only and is not intended to suggest treatment of any disease. Information contained herein is based on facts I have gathered and just want to share with interested persons. Anyone suffering from a disease or has any other medical issue is advised to consult a recognized practitioner.

About the author:

Jem Bacchus is a certified Natural Health Consultant, and author of 1-personal-improvement website. Read more on Alternative Medicine and get your free ezine Aspects of Personal Improvement.

Sunday 25 March 2007

Acid Reflux and Heartburn Natural Remedies - Part 2

Rudy Silva

If you have acid reflux or heartburn, using natural remedies to rebalance your stomach is what nature intended. Listed are four natural remedies that you can use to rebalance the acid in your stomach.


Cinnamon has many medicinal uses aside from being great for various pastries. It has an antiseptic effect and has been historically used for colds and flu's. It has fighting power against Candida albicans and has the ability to settle acidic stomachs.

Here's how to use cinnamon for an acid stomach or heartburn:

  • Toast raisin bread
  • Butter the raisin bread
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on the bread
  • Sprinkle cardamon on the bread

When you eat this toasted bread, chew slowly and completely before swallowing to allow the digestive juices in your mouth to start breaking down this food.

Cardamon, which is found in India, has been used successful in treating Celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten found in most breads.

Grapefruit Skins

Here is a way to settle your acid reflux stomach with grapefruit. Use only organic grapefruit for this remedy. Here's what to do:

  • Grate the entire outer skin of an organic grapefruit
  • Spread them out on a flat dish to dry
  • Allow them to get crinkly dry
  • Store them in a glass jar or zip lock bag

Whenever you get an upset stomach, acid reflux or heartburn start chewing and eating these strips of dried grapefruit. These strips will settle out your stomach. Eat only a few of them and test to see how many you need.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce can be used to eliminate an acid reflux or heartburn condition. This lettuce is high in minerals and is highly alkaline.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Buy an organic romaine lettuce head
  • Wash in distilled water
  • Cut up the leaves and place them in a blender
  • Add cold distilled water to make a slurry
  • Add a slight amount of honey to give it taste

Drink a 4-8 oz to get relief from your acid reflux or acid stomach.

Mace, Nutmeg, and Slippery Elm

Here is a natural remedy that uses mace and nutmeg, which has a history of treating indigestion, acid stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach gas, and vomiting.

Here's how to use it with half and half and slippery elm root herb. Slippery elm herb can be purchase in any herb store in powder.

  • 1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • a pinch of mace
  • add distilled water to make a smooth slurry
  • heat a pint of half and half to boil
  • pull half and half from stove and add herb slurry
  • stir in herb slurry

Allow this mixture to cool. Drink up to ½ cup at a time. Store the unused portion in the refrigerator. When drinking the next cup, warm this mixture up.

Acid reflux and heartburn require alkaline nutrients to provide relief. These 4 natural remedies, when prepared properly, will give you the relief you need from these conditions. Try them; you will be surprised on how well they work.

Copyright © 2005 Rudy Silva

About Rudy: Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter called "" and his information on other topics can be seen at

Friday 23 March 2007

Vitamins in Natural Medicines

Ratliff J

Looking for information about a nutritional supplement, vitamin, or herbal remedy? This guide gives you information about the history, medical uses and treatments using herbs, vitamins, and nutritional supplements, typical doses, side effects, government regulation, and how to be a savvy supplement shopper.

The evidence of natural therapies are increasing and being validated by scientists every day. Most health conditions being treated by medicine today are entirely preventable. Chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and others have been clearly linked to diet and lifestyle. Now it has never been easier to learn about this scientific evidence for maintaining health.

Learn more at the Vitamin Drugstore

About the Author

J. Ratliff is a health article writer for Ask Wellness

Thursday 22 March 2007

Vitamins For Female Hair Loss Prevention

Kathlene Capelle

In today's image conscious society, physical appearance is more important than ever to a woman's self-esteem. Imagine the heartache caused when a woman notices her hair thinning? It is estimated that over 25 million women experience thinning hair in the United States. Many are genetically predisposed to the condition. Most wonder if there are any natural remedies to help or prevent their female hair loss.

Several vitamins have been found to be very effective in supporting female hair health. Of course, many factors may contribute to female hair loss but proper nutrition can help prevent further thinning and more loss.

Vitamin A has been found to support the healthy development of tissues and cells in the body and also supports healthy hair. This important vitamin promotes healthy hair follicles by keeping the root of the hair lubricated. Vitamin A can be found in green vegetables, particularly the leafy ones, red, orange and yellow vegetables, liver and eggs. Many good multivitamins contain the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, so don't take additional supplements without a physician's supervision. Overdoses of vitamin A can be dangerous.

A healthy scalp is also essential to healthy hair. Vitamin E supports a healthy scalp by helping to increase the oxygen supplied through the blood. Americans rarely suffer from a vitamin E deficiency, but increasing one's intake of green leafy vegetables, fortified grains and cereals and nuts can help ensure that this important nutrient is adequate. Vitamin E supplements are also available for this matter.

The B vitamins are also important for hair health. Regulating the amount of iron in the blood, these vitamins also help oxygen flow through the lungs to the tissues. Of course, a B vitamin deficiency would damage the hair and scalp by limiting the amount of oxygen that these tissues receive. B vitamins are available as supplements and in several foods, including proteins and soybeans, cereals, nuts and wheat germ.

If a proper nutrition that involves essential vitamins and minerals helps in hair loss prevention and a good healthy scalp, then paying extra attention to the food and supplements that you eat is well worth the time and effort!

About The Author

Kathlene Capelle's site includes information on female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, hair loss remedy, hair loss prevention, natural hair loss treatments, etc. Please visit

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Vioxx Lawsuits Abound. Where does This Leave the Arthritis Sufferer?

Wendy Owen

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Vioxx, a popular pain medication was fetching it's manufacturer,
Merck Pharmaceuticals, millions of dollars in sales in 2004.
Today it has been withdrawn from sale and is the subject of
several Vioxx lawsuits. It's demise, due to unacceptable risk
factors, leaves doctors and patients confused and wondering how
many more "time bombs" there are lurking out there

What is Vioxx?

Vioxx is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) mainly
prescribed for pain relief for people suffering with various
forms of arthritis. The product was launched in 1999 and was
available in several countries.

Vioxx is one of the family of COX-2 inhibitors. Drugs with this
label block the Cox 2 enzyme while allowing the Cox 1 enzyme
intact. The Cox 1 enzyme is necessary as it protects the stomach
lining. Without this protection, patients are at risk of ulcers,
stomach bleeding and intestinal damage.

The main risks from taking Vioxx are an increased risk (4:1) of
heart attack or stroke. While this risks were said only to
affect people who have been taking the drug for 18 months or
more, there is some evidence that they may also affect short
term users as well.

Vioxx lawsuits

There are currently over 7000 vioxx lawsuits, both individual
and class action, pending against Merck. The number of lawsuits
are growing by the day. To be eligible to claim compensation
from Merck, a person must have been taking Vioxx medication and
have suffered some ill effects from doing so.

Merck must be shown to have breached their "duty of care"
towards their customers and have acted irresponsibly in
information them of the health risks that Vioxx could cause.
Although Merck pulled Vioxx from the shelves voluntarily in
2004, there is evidence that they knew of risks associated with
Vioxx as early as 2000, but didn't pass on any warnings to the

If you believe that taking Vioxx has caused you to suffer a
heart attack or stroke, it is important to act before the
statute of limitations expires. At the time of writing there
have not been any successful Vioxx lawsuits. Those who have
experienced any lost earnings or mental pain and suffering due
to taking Vioxx are also being advised to claim compensation.

What are the alternatives?

There are other COX-2 selective NSAIDS on the market, Celebrex
(celecoxib) and Bextra (valdecoxib).These are now undergoing
stringent testing by the FDA to ensure they are safe

The manufacturers of other NSAIDS such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen
have been requested by the FDA to change the labelling on their
products to include warnings about any side effects that may be
experienced - for example gastro intestinal bleeding.

Natural arthritis pain relief is a safe and effective option.
The medical profession is fond of pointing out that natural
remedies are not controlled or tested by the FDA. After the
Vioxx debacle you have to wonder it this really matters!

About the author:

Wendy Owen is a natural health writer and researcher. visit her
site at for
arthritis information, articles and a natural arthritis remedy.

Monday 12 March 2007

Three Natural Cures Your Kids Want You To Know!

Robert Fioravante

Copyright 2005 Robert Fioravante

When Hippocrates said "the physician treats but nature heals," he was describing the human body's natural tendency toward minimizing illness and creating optimal health. As we know, however, the body needs a little help at times. Alternative health practices can support the physical body in its natural propensity toward healing by applying very effective remedies.

In this article we present powerful natural treatments for three health conditions that frequently affect children: asthma, head lice, and pink eye. Orthodox medical doctors and the drug conglomerates won't be overly thrilled that you know these natural treatments; they have no way of patenting or monetizing these cures.

The Asthma Remedy

Asthma is a serious (if not frightening) disorder in which the airway becomes inflamed, resulting in wheezing, loss of breath, and tightness in the chest. About 15 million people in the U.S. suffer with asthma and there are more than half a million hospitalizations resulting from this disorder.

The prevalence of asthma has been increasing for every age group affected. Children have the highest increase; over the last ten years the rate of asthma in children has increased by over 90%. Parents with asthmatic children will know that the quickest remedy for an asthma attack comes from medication, but there are times when a child's inhaler is not available.

There are two natural ways to treat an asthma attack which relate to the soothing effect that warm liquid has on bronchial tubes. First, try some hot soup which can soothe the bonchials. However, the second remedy can be more effective since it includes a warm liquid with an additional ingredient: caffeine. Coffee or tea, with caffeine, can open airways similar to the way inhalers do, so try this during an asthma episode if no medication is available.

The Pink Eye Cure

Before 1938, patentable antibacterial drugs had not been developed, so colloidal silver was the primary "medicine" for fighting infections in the U.S. It is quietly used today as a cleaning agent in water tanks, by airlines for in-flight water purification, and by NASA to sterilize water on the Space Shuttle. Why? Colloidal silver has been found to destroy about 650 viral, bacterial, and fungal "bugs."

One independent laboratory conducted research to determine the effectiveness of a colloidal silver manufactured by a company called Earthborn Products. This silver was applied to both normal and resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus bacteria and incubated at 37 degrees centigrade. The staph cultures were killed in just four minutes! Also, research at the Upstate Medical Center at Syracuse University (N.Y.) found that "silver works on a wide range of bacteria without any known side effects…"

Pink eye (pinkeye) or conjunctivitis is a highly contagious ailment in which the conjunctiva or membrane that covers the eye is infected by a virus or bacterial infection. Although harmless, the challenge is to keep infected family members from contaminating those around them. This challenge, however, has been met with colloidal silver.

Many people are successfully treating their pink eye by applying one or two drops of colloidal silver in their eyes, twice a day. In fact, Dr. Evan M. Kansas reported in Science Digest (1978) that he experienced "instant success" using colloidal silver with immune compromised patients. One example he gave was a patient's pinkeye that was totally resolved in less than six hours after topical treatment!

The Head Lice Cure

Mom and dad, if you're tired of "nit picking," then pay attention. About ten million people in America are afflicted with head lice and their eggs, or "nits." The head louse lives in human hair fairly close to the scalp where it feeds on human blood. Female lice lay about 10 eggs per day and the babies, or nits, hang-on to strands of hair with amazing tenacity.

Getting rid of head lice is a three-step process. You must kill all the live lice, check for and remove all the nits by combing and manual nit picking, and you must do a thorough job of cleaning the infested person's belongings and home environment.

Doctor Lawrence Schachner of the University of Miami School of Medicine has found what he believes is the best, fastest natural remedy for head lice yet: petroleum jelly. This cure works not by poisoning the lice (like the prescription drugs available), but by smothering them.

Dr. Schachner recommends slathering petroleum jelly on your child's scalp and hair in the evening before bed. Then put a shower cap on the child and let him sleep the night with the cap on. By morning, the lice and knits are smothered. The down side? Children must do repeated shampoos to remove the petroleum jelly, so their hair may look oily for a while.

Robert Fioravante is a professional educator and webmaster of , a complete resource for conventional allergy information as well as the new energy-based allergy treatments.

Sunday 11 March 2007

Medieval Remedies That Still Work Today

Doug Smith

Copyright 2005 by Doug Smith

Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

In a previous article we looked at several possible definitions
of a home remedy, and patched together a definition that met our
mental image of such a remedy. If you missed it, here's the
definition we derived.

A home remedy is an experience-based or even accidental remedy
or cure prepared from herbs, plants, or other available
ingredients by common folk when modern medical help was
unavailable (or hadn't been devised yet).

But Home Remedies Are From The Dark Ages, Right?

Not so fast! Countless myths, legends, and superstitions have
survived for centuries, so why not home remedies too? Think
about it: we bless someone after sneezing to ward off evil
spirits, throw a pinch of spilled salt over the shoulder to
prevent bad luck, say that breaking a mirror brings bad luck,
and we knock on wood or find four-leaf clovers to bring luck.

How Many Times Have You Used These Folk Remedies?

Home remedies from The Dark Ages are all around us. Quick:
name three ways to cure hiccups. No doubt you immediately
thought of scaring the victim, holding your breath while
drinking a glass of water, and breathing through a paper bag.
I'm sure some of you even thought of others.

At some time, these procedures must have worked well enough
to stop hiccups that others began using them. I'm sure you've
already noticed that each cure mentioned above changes the
victim's breathing rhythm, which may be why they sometimes
stop annoying hiccups.

Look Past The Obvious

The hiccup example demonstrates the assertion that home cures
and folk remedies have at least a grain of truth in them.
Think about that the next time you rub aloe vera juice on a
burn, starve a cold (or feed a fever), or hear of a mother
who puts her child with chicken pox together with her healthy
children so they all catch it now rather than later.

Are home remedies things of the past? I don't think so!

(You may reuse this copyrighted article provided no content
is changed - other than line length - and the author's box is
intact. All links must be active hyperlinks or made active.)

Doug Smith is a Chemical Engineer and the webmaster of You get free & natural home
remedies for fungus, lice, acid reflux, cold sores, yeast & more
at Home Remedies
Stay up to date with our Home Remedy News Blog at Home Remedies News

About the Author

Doug Smith is a Chemical Engineer and the webmaster of You get free & natural home
remedies for fungus, lice, acid reflux, cold sores, yeast & more.

Saturday 10 March 2007

Healing With Whole Foods - Defining Health By Relationships

Rebecca Prescott

Annemarie Colbin, in her book, Food and Healing, presents a
chapter on altering diet to combat specific conditions. Her
recommendations are based on her own experience as a student of
macrobiotics and health food, and a teacher of natural healing
and balanced eating. As well as her observations of those whom
she treated in consultations, and the transformations of her
students over the years. Despite her background in macrobiotics
and vegetarianism, Annemarie isn't dogmatic about food - she
recognizes that what is healing for one person, during a
particular period of their life, may not be healing for others,
or even for that same person at different stages of their life.

She takes as her cue the fact that regular foods have been used
for their medicinal value in most traditional cultures. The
underlying principle is one of restoring balance. Illness is
considered a state of imbalance within the body. And like in
homeopathy, she believes that remedies can cause similar
symptoms to that which they cure - if the symptoms they can cure
are not present, and they are taken in sufficient quantity. So,
the remedy should no longer be taken once the symptoms of
imbalance, the illness or condition, disappears. Otherwise, the
remedy may in fact cause similar symptoms to reappear. If this
is the case, the remedy should not be taken again, as the
remedies are (according to this principle), causing the new
symptoms. Serious medical conditions she does not rely on food
cures for. She recognizes that Western medicine also has its
place. But food being what it is, can also be a useful healing
adjunct in those situations.

One thing that impressed her was food's ability to alter our
metabolism quickly. She described this epiphany after cooking a
meal for some South American friends, who were used to a diet
that was high in protein and fats. When they ate the meal
prepared by her, which was high in complex carbohydrates like
whole grains and legumes, and low in fat, sugar (for dessert),
and low in protein, they found alcohol affected them in a way it
usually didn't. The same amount they normally drank, which did
not make them drunk with their usual fare, got them quite tipsy
on hers. She observed from this that alcohol, being expansive in
nature, balanced out the highly contractive protein and fat they
normally ate. These ideas, of particular foods having an
expansive or contractive nature, is one that she learnt from the
Oriental healing systems she studied.

This approach touches on a core difference between Western
understanding of both food, and medicine, and traditional
Chinese medicine's (TCM). TCM has as its conceptual
underpinning, the study of relationships between things. Western
approaches, to both nutrition and medicine, are based on a
reductionist approach. They explore isolated nutrients, diseases
that are studied under the microscope, with a symptom that then
suggests possible causes, defined within a narrow and static
frame. Ted Kaptchuk illustrates this when he describes how, when
he was studying TCM in Macao, one of his teachers was talking
about shingles. His teacher described how shingles on the face
was different to shingles elsewhere, say, on the trunk. The
reason behind this was that "the Chinese view demanded another
perspective - seeing the relationship of the symptom to the
whole body". (Kaptchuk) he goes on to say: "The question of
cause and effect is always secondary to the overall
pattern...The total configurations, the patterns of disharmony,
provide the framework for treatment." (Kaptchuk)

References: Ted Kaptchuk, Chinese Medicine, The Web That Has No
Weaver (Rider Books, London)

Annemarie Colbin, Food As Healing (Ballantine Books, New York)

About the author:

To learn more about href=""
target="_new">acne natural cures versus natural acne
treatments, check out this article exploring the use of
Chinese Herbs.

Friday 9 March 2007

Home Remedies You Can Use Against Thrush

Charlene J. Nuble

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush.

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush. But aside from seeing a doctor and using over the counter medications, there are many things you can do at home to treat thrush.

1. The first thing you should do at the onset o thrush is to clean the affected area by washing it with plain water. It is not advisable to use soaps, shower gels and bath gels because these products can worsen the infection. Make sure that the affected area is always clean, cool and dry.

2. When you have thrush, avoid using lubricants and spermicidal creams. These products can make your conditions worse. You should also avoid latex condoms because latex or rubber can cause irritation.

3. Do not let synthetic fibers or materials touch the affected area as doing so could cause further irritation. You must wear clothes or undergarments made from natural fibers so as to minimize irritation.

4. Stress can trigger thrush this is why you should learn to relax and fight stress. Do not put yourself in stressful situations as much as possible and try to learn different stress-reducing techniques. 5. Make sure that your partner does not have thrush before having sex.

6. Melaleuca Oil is an effective remedy for thrush. You can buy Melaleuca Oil at alternative medicine and herb stores.

7. Aside from Melaleauca Oil, another effective natural remedy for thrush is Aloe Vera gel which can also be bought in alternative medicine and herb stores. Apply the Aloe Vera gel to the affected area.

8. Avoid oral contraceptives and broad spectrum antibiotics when you feel you are susceptible to thrush.

9. Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush.

10. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.

11. You can also put natural yogurt to the areas affected by thrush to minimize irritation. Yoghurts have ingredients that can combat inflammation.

12. Food is one of the main triggers of thrush. Avoid dried fruits, dairy products, products with yeasts, mushrooms, pickled vegetables and fruits, monosodium glutamate and smoked fish and meat as these can trigger thrush. You can also try to follow a restricted diet for at least one month. The restricted diet can help you determine the particular foods that triggers thrush. You can then avoid these foods to avoid acquiring thrush.

13. Probiotic supplements that support friendly fungi in the gut such as acidophilus are also found to be effective in treating thrush.

14. If your thrush is persistent and does not respond to home remedies then you should begin to see a doctor. You should never ignore a persistent thrush infection. Or else it could lead to a much worse condition.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.


Charlene J. Nuble 2006.For answers to All your frequently asked questions about thrush, please go to:

Thursday 8 March 2007

How Lemon Juice Power Gives You Asthma Relief

Rudy Silva

If you just found out you have asthma or are a long time asthma sufferer, here's step one to start off on your natural remedy lifestyle to reducing and controlling your asthma.

Use of lemon juice has been found to have tremendous benefits in the body and of course for stopping and controlling asthma attacks.

So, step one is to use lemon juice every morning. Forget about the idea that lemon juice is acid and is bad for you if you have arthritis. Yes, lemon juice can cut into and breakup oil. But, when it enters the body as an acid, it ends up as alkaline residue after your cells use it up. Besides if you aren't eating enough oils such as olive and fish oils this can contribute to the lack of oil to lubricate your joints and anti-inflammatory chemicals and this can accelerate the deterioration of your joint cartilage.

Step one for fighting back if you have asthma

Now, here's what you don't want to hear. First, do a two day fast using only water and lemon juice. Every morning after you get up, in eight ounces of distilled water, squeeze the juice of one organic lemon. Warm the distilled water slightly to give this drink extra energy and to reduce the work you body has to do to digest this drink.

Increase the power of this lemon drink

After your two day fast, continue drinking this lemon drink in the morning at least ½ hour before you have breakfast. Now when you prepare this lemon drink add two teaspoons of ionic manganese. Here's where to read more about manganese:

Then go to google and search for Wateroz ionic manganese

Manganese is known as the love mineral. If you have a lot of anger, hate, stress, depression, anxiety this can aggravate your asthma. Manganese will help to lessen these emotionally conditions.

After you drink this lemon juice, rinse out your mouth with distilled water so that the lemon juice acid will not affect the enamel on your teeth.

Super charge your lemon drink

Now, here is one more thing. Add one two tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll to your lemon-manganese drink. Now you have a drink that will help to detoxify your colon little by little. Toxins that get into your blood from your colon weaken the tissues in your lungs and bronchials. So, it is best to keep your blood clean.

There it is. This is just a start. Go out and get some organic lemons, do the fast, add some manganese, then some chlorophyll and see your asthma attacks lessen day by day.

About The Author

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. Here's where you can get more tips and information to help with your asthma.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

The Jewel On Indian Ocean

The beautiful month of February. It was nice weather on Indian ocean when I was accompanying 5 Hongkong tourists. We drove to the east passing through Berastagi and Tiga Panah and the surrounding area along the edge of Bukit Barisan. We enjoyed the cool climate of highlands before being baked by the hot temperature from the east coast of Sumatera.

We drove quite relax and stopped for fruits shopping at Tiga Panah, finally we reachedSingkil after 7 hours drive. Normally, it took 4 hours to Singkil from Medan. The guests were enjoying the trip and they loved panorama of the tropics and surroundings.

Pulau Banyak is our destination, an island under the administration of Singkil Regency, Naggroe Aceh Darussalam. From here, you can get ferry service to Pulau Banyak. To reach Singkil from Medan, you can take public transport L300 with 11 passengers, or you may charter it privately. The roads is up and down and manycurves but relatively good.

There are two ways to reach Singkil from Pulau Banyak. The first ferry service operates 2 times a week; Saturday and Monday at 11 am. It cots Rp 15.000 per person. It takes 4 hours departs from Port of Pulau Sarok.

The other choice is to go by boat with capacity of 30 passengers . This boat operates 3 times a week; Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 09.00 pm, departs from Pasar Ujung Jembatan, Usually, the ferry transport returns to Singkil on the next day. SO you can make your own schedule.

We hired fisherman boat steered by Pak Yasir. It was right that the weather on Indian Ocean was very friendly. The sea was quiet and the wind blowing gently. It was the best time to fish around the island. For information, the best season here is between the month of November and May.

On the month of June until October, storm is quite often. The most dangerous is dry storm. The characteristic of dry storm are hard wind and a large wave without rain. Once the storm comes, the sea wave will last in few months. Under such condition one passengers ship was sunk in the sea between Sibolga and Nias some months ago.

When the storm comes together with the rain, the sea wave last only in a day. Mostly the local captain of the ship have known by experience about the weather in western Sumatera. For safety and comfort, please organize your trip during good weather.

Actually, Pulau Banyak is not only name for one island, but the name given to a cluster of islands. There are 96 tiny islands spreading like mushroom on the sea. Before tsunami disaster 26 December 2004, the total island of Pulau Banyak are 99, but the 3 islands sank.

I got the information that the total population in Pulau Banyak about 6.000 families. Pulau Balai is densely populated, about 3.000 families living on this island. Nevertheless, the largest island is Pulau Haloban with 2.400 families. We stayed overnight on Pulau Balai because the accommodation is only available here, called “Putri”. It is a simple accommodation . It has 2 AC rooms and 7 rooms with fan. Room tariff per night between Rp 30.000 and Rp 85.000.

Unluckily, the communication service is very limited. The only telephone service is available at Pulau Balai and you must que for it. Tower for cellphone network has been built by Telkomsel but so far not operated yet. The local residents hope the network to be operated soon in order the area is free from isolation and as well as a tourism and as well as a tourism supporting facility for this island.

All the five guests, Mr. Matthhew Kwong, Miss JackyChak, Mr. Wong and his wife, also Mr. Liong, were repeatedly saying about the beautyo of Pulau Banyak. Sorry I could not catch all their words fot they spoke in Mandarin mixed up with English. Sometimes we had to use sign language for communication. I knew one of them is a diving instructor.

I realize that Pulau Banyak is absolutely different. The residents are friendly. They liked planting mango trees around the house. Mango trees are found in every house. There are also clove trees planted by some residents at the jungle outskirts. Like any other tropical areas, coconut tree are common view, besides that a large area of the island still covered with virgin jungle.

The islands are surrounded by beautiful beaches with soft sands and very comfortable place for taking a rest. The fishermen here are more prosperous than any other Indonesian fisherman in general. The dwelling houses are better. Some local residents own cars but it is useful due to carrying capacity of the island is limited. Motorbikes and tricycle for carrying goods are commonly used by the people.

Apart from its beautiful panorama, Pulau Balai has something could make your saliva dripping from the mouth. The living resources of the sea resulting in the luxury seafood that I could not say in words. Imagine, a big crab weighs between 3 and 6 kg grilled red on fire to be eaten with the typical sauce of coastal area. You must be mad about to see fresh lobsters with best quality, and in large numbers are qualified for export. The big prawns are countless in Quantities, also the variety of the fresh fish are available hardly to say in words.

If you want to enjoy all the sea foods, you can purchase it from the fisherman then ask the cook of the accommodation to prepare it. I ate up some crabs and lobster without rice or some such thing.

All my colleague from Hongkong enjoyed very single time in Pulau Banyak. They did fishing, diving, snorkeling and bathing around the island with full of joy. The boat captain took us to visit some island and fish market. Pulau Banyak could be called the fish storage because almost kinds of fish are available here. But the fish we caught are mostly GT, red grappo, kakap, barakuda and others.

Soon I know why anglers and local fishermen are so easy to catch a plenty of fish. The coral – reefs found under water territory around Pulau Banyak are still in good condition like colorfull garden of paradise. Disturbance by human activity are seldom seen, therefore they are still genuine. Among the coral reefs are the habitat of the fish for breeding freely.

“We have dived in Philipines, Malaysia and other countries, but this place is the most beautiful one. It is really wonderful. I will come here again with my students as many as I can,” Mr. Matthew Kwong said enthusiastically.

They caught a variety big and small fih, I was so impressed that all my guests loved the nature very much. When the rare fish was caught soon they released it and the small fish as well. One time I was trying to pull out a coral and showing it to them, but spontaneously they got angry with me. Even the five Hongkongers did not allow anybody to throw a piece of rubbish away into the sea.

If we find turtle, surely they will forbid me to tease it. Among Pulau Banyak there is an island where the turtles are breeding and used to laying thousands eggs in the sands at certain period. That island is called Pulau Bingkaro. The residents of Pulau Balai and Pulau Haloban who are Nias and Sibolga origin rarely come to this island. It takes two and half hours from Pulau Balai. The local residents saying that the island is “occupied” by foreingners from Holland, British and other Europeans.

Formerly, there were cottages built by foreigners, but all the facilities demolished by the tsunami. Instead of cottages, they stay in the camps. On the month of June and October is the peak season on Pulau Bingkaro. The foreingners whether male or female are undressed to enjoy the sunbathing as they like. They discover a piece of hidden paradise on the middle of the ocean. They live in isolation and “untouchable” because out of reach from the rule of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam which is very strict and intolerant to their free lifestyle.

Pulau Bingkaro is also known as the habitat of large fish. Supposing that we spent 2 days and 1 night certainly we would like to come there. Unfortunately, our first trip was too short, something like observation. But all the guests from Hongkong have promised to return with a big group someday, of couse with free schedule activity. So what about you? Whey don’t you make a visit to this island?


Tuesday 6 March 2007

How To Curb Your Appetite with Herbs

Gregg Hall

The Chinese have used herbs for medicinal purposes for over 4000
years. Today, the medical community, who once shunned the use of
herbs for medicinal purposes, is starting to take notice of the
benefits of using herbs. Herbs are nutritionally sound and can
offer a healthy, natural alternative to nourish and heal the
body. Herbs can also give the body the nutrients that the body
does not always get through a regular diet.

Herbs can include leaves, bark, berries, roots, seeds, stems,
gums and flowers. They can also come in many forms including
tablets, capsules, bark pieces, powders, extracts, creams,
lotions, oils, liquids and salves. When buying herbs of any
kind, it is important to look for the word "standardized" on the
label. Because most herbs are not FDA approved, the label on
herbs provides important safety and dosage information. When
purchasing herbs you should look for freshness. Those that are
loose and sold in bulk have almost no nutritional value. Instead
opt for freeze-dried over air-dried herbs.

Herbs have always been used as a weight loss remedy. There are
many herbs that can be used both safely and efficiently to
suppress appetite and help control weight loss. For people need
or want to shed a few pounds but who already eat healthy and
participate in regular exercise, adding natural herbs to the
diet can help aid in weight control. Herbs may not be a good
choice for those seeking to loose a lot of weight in a short
amount of time. Some herbs do have side effects and some should
be taken carefully. As with any weight loss program or diet,
caution should be used and it should be used in conjunction with
regular diet and exercise. The following are good starters to
help you curb your appetite with herbs.

Brazilian Cocoa: This herb is almost identical to caffeine. Both
stimulate the central nervous system and increases metabolic
rate. Brazilian Cocoa has a very mild diuretic effect. The side
effect of this herb is that is also similar to caffeine. When
taken in excess, it can cause restlessness, trembling,
nervousness and anxiety.

Cayenne: Cayenne pepper when added to food can help stimulate
capsaicin, which stimulates saliva. It also stimulates digestion
and can help accelerate the metabolism at a safe level.

Green Tea: Green tea is a natural stimulant that acts much like
coffee, but has the added benefit of vitamin C and antioxidants.
By steeping the tea quickly or for a longer period of time, it
is possible to control the strength of the tea. Green tea is
available as a capsule formula, but works better in the body as
a liquid.

Evening Primrose: This herb has been shown to be effective as a
natural alternative to help reduce cholesterol levels and help
people who do not process fats correctly loose weight.

Seaweed: Seaweed is a good natural source of trace mineral and
is a natural thyroid stimulant. It is widely available in
capsule or tablets forms at many health food stores.

Psyllium: Studies show that the granules of these seeds consumed
with water before a meal helps control the appetite. This herb
causes an instant reduction of appetite by making the stomach
feel full. The full feeling leads to less caloric and fat

Queen's Flower: Queen's flower has been shown to be one of the
most effective plant used in alternative weight control and

Herbs can be taken in using different methods. Infusion involves
using the soft part of the herb plant including the leaves,
flowers, and the whole herb. Infusion of herbs is much like tea
is made. Boiling water is poured over the plant and allowed to
steep. Then liquid is then strained and the liquid is consumed.
Honey may be added to the infusion liquid to improve the bitter
taste. With decoction, the tough part of the plant-the bark,
root, twig and stem are simmered for about thirty minutes and
then consumed.

Juice can also be made using small pieces of the herb. The juice
is taken right after it is made because the vitamin content
declines rapidly. This method works well for getting vitamins
and are sensitive to heat. Tinctures are often considered the
best way to take herbal supplements. It is a good way to take
well-preserved herbs. During this method, the herb is soaked in
alcohol or a water mixture. The mixture is pressed and this
makes the tincture.

About the author:

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online
and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16
year old son. Get these and other great href="">health products at

Monday 5 March 2007

(Vicco) Turmeric The Wonder Herb For Skin Problems, Acne


From times immemorial, Turmeric, commonly known as 'haldi', has
been used by the Ayurvedic and the Unani practitioners in India
as a stomachie, tonic and a blood purifier. It is also used as
an antiperiodic and alterative. Turmeric mixed with warm milk is
a household remedy and is said to be beneficial in common cold.
The fresh juice from the rhizome, a paste prepared from it or a
decoction made from the plant, is often used as a local
application as well as internally in the treatment of leprosy,
snakebite, vomiting of pregnancy and affections of the liver.
Murray advocate its use in troublesome diarrhoeas.

Baden Powell found it to be effective in intermittent fevers and
dropsy. The fresh juice from the rhizomes is believed to have
antiparasitic property in many skin affections. Externally it is
used for indolent ulcers and a paste made from the powdered
rhizomes along with caustic lime forms a soothing remedy for
inflamed joints. A decoction made from the rhizome is said to
relieve pain of purulent opthalmia. It is still a common
practice in India to use a piece of cloth soaked in turmeric
solution for wiping away discharges of acute conjunctivitis and
ophthalmia. Finely powdered turmeric mixed with alum forms a
common household remedy for otorrhoea. A thick watery paste of
turmeric is used for sprinkling on many auspicious occasions
amongst the Hindus in this country in place of saffron because
of its colour. The smoke produced by sprinkling powdered
turmeric over glowing charcoal is said to relieve pain to
scorpion bite.

Turmeric is a wonderfully versatile root that has been in every
Indian household for centuries. Its amazing properties range
from flavouring curries, to sterilizing wounds, to grooming
women. From queens to commoners, turmeric has been indispensable
as a skin-care preparation and grooming aid for every woman.
This is because 63% of the body functions are said to be
controlled by the skin alone.

VICCO has combined the goodness of TURMERIC which is said to
prevent the penetration of ultra violet rays of the sun into the
skin and thus maintains the original colour of the pigment of
the skin, with the richness of pure SANDALWOOD OIL which is
supposed to be the most cooling element in Vicco Turmeric Crea
This luxurious cream vanishes into your skin and starts working
its magic from within. For a start,

it protects the skin year round from the elements. it keeps
pimples and acne at bay, giving skin a blemish-free complexion.
it rejuvenates and revitalises the skin from within, leaving it
soft, supple, and young-looking. Being pure and natural, with
all the wonderful attributes of turmeric and sandalwood oil,
Vicco Turmeric Cream gives the skin a radiance that mere
cosmetics can't hold a light to. Visit

About the author:

This article is courtesy

Sunday 4 March 2007


Maria John

ursi is a trailing evergreen shrub that flourishes in alpine
forests in many regions. href="">Uva
ursi (Arctostaphylos href="">Uva
ursi), also known as bearberry. Native Americans used it as
a remedy for urinary tract infections. href="">Uva
ursi was the treatment of choice for such bladder and
related infections. href="">Uva
ursi is extremely high in tannin, which can lead to stomach
distress if taken in large quantities. The tannin content of href="">Uva
ursi tea can be easily minimized by, which would release
more of the tannin. A buyer's guide to the best href="">Uva
ursi safe, effective, rapid-acting, non-sedating supplement

ursi byhref="">Nature's
Herbs Description:
Nature's Herbs Wild Countryside href="">Uva
ursi Leaf (also called bearberry) is harvested from its
natural wild environment throughout many areas of Europe. Our
exclusive FreshCare System inhibits normal plant oxidation,
maintaining product potency and extending freshness. It includes
all-natural antioxidants in each capsule, oxygen-absorbing
packets in each bottle, special air-tight seals and amber glass
packaging for uncompromised quality. Unconditional Product
Guarantee: Nature's Herbs unconditionally guarantees this
completely natural product to your satisfaction. Nature's Herbs
products are non-irradiated.

ursi Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take 1-3
capsules 3 times daily with a full glass of water preferably at

ursi Tea by href="">Alvita Teas
A bushy, evergreen shrub with small, leathery
leaves, href="">Uva
ursi (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) was recognized as an
important herb by European herbalists of the 13th century. Marco
Polo first discovered this herb's uses when in China, Kublai
Khan learned of it during his invasions. When the early North
Americans colonists arrived in the new country, they found the
Indians had independently discovered the many uses of href="">Uva
ursi, which derives its name from the Latin Uva or grape and
Ursus, meaning bear since the fruit is rough and unpleasant and
said to only appeal to bears. Another name for href="">Uva
ursi is Bearberry or Bear's Grape. It is the leaves that are
most often employed by man for their beneficial properties.
Natural Herb Teas that are good for you and the environment.

ursi Tea by href="">Alvita Teas
Suggested Use:
The best way to make a good cup of tea is the
infusion method. Place one tea bag into a cup and add 6 oz. of
boiling water. Let steep for 3 minutes and remove the bag. Press
the bag before removing to enhance flavor. Add honey to sweeten

ursi Tea Additional Information:
Since 1922, Alvita has
been making the finest herb teas money can buy. Pure, natural
singles and blends that bring you unsurpassed enjoyment,
healthful benefits, and complete satisfaction. No less
reassuring is our unwavering commitment to the environment.
Today, no herb tea company goes as far to protect the Earth and
its precious resources- this package and its contents being
testimony. There is no plastic shrinkwrap on the outside. The
box is 100% recycled board that can be recycled again. The
finish is water-based. Our tea bags are English Pillow Style,
with no strings, tags, or staples attached. Event he tea bag
paper is recyclable. And all our bags are oxygen bleached, not
chlorine bleached, to safeguard you and our ground water.
Degradable. Recyclable. Reusable. The key component of each word
is able. At Alvita, we wholeheartedly believe we are all able to
play a key role in preserving the wondrous world we live in. For
us, it starts with offering you the most environmentally safe
and responsible herb teas possible.

For more information visit : href="">

About the author:

Homeherb.Com - Alternative
health products, vitamins, supplements, herbs and beauty
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