Thursday 26 April 2007

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

Balaji B

Asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by abnormal lung condition in which accumulation of mucus in the lungs is found. Natural asthma remedies are the most preferred way of treating asthma since the conventional methods of treatment for asthma may have a lot of side effects.

Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness are some of the symptoms caused by the narrowing or obstruction of the airways. Airway inflammation, a condition which makes the airways in the lungs turn red, swollen and narrow is one of the causes of narrowing or obstruction of the airways.

Herbal asthma aid is a natural product that is formulated with the medicinal herbs which is one of the most effective natural asthma remedies. Garlic, ginger and mustard are said to prevent the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and hence these are taken as natural asthma remedies. Herbs such as licorice have the tendency to expel the mucus from the lungs. This is used to clear the lung of mucus accumulation.

The ingredients of these products contain the herbs like Elecampane, Ginger, Garlic, Mustard and Licorice. The herbs mentioned above have medicinal properties that appose asthma symptoms. Licorice is an herb that clears the mucus accumulation from the lungs. If the patient is having high blood pressure he should not use licorice separately.

Before choosing any herbal remedy for asthma the patient has to consult a doctor to perform several diagnostic tests to confirm that he is having asthma. After the confirmation the patient can choose an herbal remedy for asthma in consultation with the doctor. The choice of the remedy depends on the condition of the patient.

Most of the people prefer an herbal remedy for asthma as it is known fact that they are more effective on a person without any side effects. It is the choice of a patient to choose an herbal remedy for asthma in consultation with a medical practitioner. They should consult a doctor before taking up any herbal remedy for asthma.
Visit : or for more information about Asthma prevention.

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