Tuesday 26 June 2007

Amla Herb Benefits (Indian Gooseberry - Vitamin C)

Ayurvedic Cure.com

Amla also know as amalaki, dhatriphala and in Sanskrit and Emblica officinalis scientifically, is the most widely used herb in the ayurvedic system of medicine. it maintains balance amongst three Doshas of wind, bile and phelgm (Vayu, Pitta and Cough) and effectively controls digestive problems, strengthens heart, builds up and sustains defence mechanism, improves eye sight, imparts a anatural glow to hair and body and a store house of Vitamin C.

The English name of amla: Indian gooseberry, denotes that it is indigenous to India. Though all parts of the tree have medicinal value, it is the fruit which constitutes the main drug. Charaka has specifically mentioned it as a great rasayana that helps protect people from disease and keeps away the manifestations of premature ageing.

Amla fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative, alexeteric, antipyretic, aphrodisiac alterant, tonic and trichogeneous. It is the richest natural source of Vitamin C. 100 gm. of Amla contains about 700 mg. of vitamin C, which is thirty times the amount found in oranges.In adition to Vitamin C, it also contains calcium, iron, protein, garlic and tannic acids, sugar, phosphorus, carbohydrates etc. The juice of fresh amla fruit is given as tonic, diuretic and anti-bilious remedy. It is also helpful in burning sensation, over thirst, dyspepsia and other complaints of digestive system.

The powder of the dried amla fruit is an effective remedy of hyperacidity, ulcers and blood impurities. It is also used both internally and externally as a decoction and paste. Some of the common uses of amla fruit are as under:

Amla strengthens the body, expel toxins from the body and improves defense mechanism of the body.

It is an essential vitamin to improve eye sight

Weakness of body, heart and mind shall be dispelled by taking frsh amla juice in betwen meals.

Massaging the head with amla oil, induces sound sleep and is good for hair. prevents premature graying of hair.

Wash eyes daily, in the morning with amla water, soaked in water and drink the water to improve the eyesight and remove constipation.

Insert 2-4 amla juice drops into each nostril to cure bleeding for nose.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Very Powerful anti-inflammatory herb.

A wonderful antioxidant and a natural Source of Vitamin C. Amla helps scavenge free radicals.

Amla is powerful food for the brain.

Studies show that Amla helps lower cholesterol

Amla also helps maintain the functioning of the liver

Increases Hemoglobin, Red blood cell count

Useful for Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma

Amla cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth

Its decoction is used in hyperacidity and with honey as an anthelmintic. The presence of Amla resulted in an enhanced cell survival, decreased free radical production and higher antioxidant levels similar to that of control cells. (Phytother Res. 2003 Apr;17(4):430-3.)

There are various classic ayurvedic preparations, such as chyawanprash in which amla is used as a chief ingredient. It help improve intelligence and memory power. Triphala and Brahmrasayana are other classic medicine in which amla is being used since time immemorial.

About the Author: http://AyurvedicCure.com, http://www.ayurvediccure.com - Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Medicines and Herbal Remedies Guide. Health Guide featuring Home Remedies, Herbal Supplements and information on herbs and their benefits. Online Health Store with Free Shipping Worldwide! Stay tuned to our Ayurvedic Health Blog at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/blog

Source: www.isnare.com

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