Monday 18 June 2007

Enjoy Summer And Vacation Good Health

Pieternel Van Giersbergen

Summer can be a real health challenge. Our ambitious travel plans leave us vulnerable to new influences from the new environments we so eagerly embrace. Here are some practical tips on how to stay balanced, energetic and well.


You needn't cross the desert to suffer from dehydration. Many of us suffer chronic dehydration simply because we don't drink as much water as we should. Our bodies are 65-80% of water, depending on our age. To keep them in balance, it's no surprise - we need lots of water! And many people just don't drink enough of it. Sodas, juices, coffee and teas do not answer the same need, with the result that the flow in our body systems is disturbed. Our arteries become polluted and our organ function is compromised. People with cardiac disease, and kidney and gallbladder stones often don't drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and are chronically dehydrated.

Drinking only sodas, coffee, alcohol and the like also depletes our minerals and vitamins, harming us even more. To counteract this depletion we need a quality multivitamin. How to know what constitutes good quality? Put your multivitamin in a glass of water. If it hasn't dissolved in ½ hour it will probably not be absorbed in your body, but will simply be eliminated. Be sure, too, that it is as natural as possible. For example, Vitamin E called tocopheryl is obtained naturally. If this is not stated on the bottle, it is probably an artificially derived version that is inferior.

Stress and Depression

Stressed out? Use Vitamin C daily. If you want to detoxify as well, take at least 2000 mg. per day. Depressed? Send me an email. I am working on two articles full of practical suggestions that will make a difference.

Get a good massage: Your friend doesn't have to be an expert to rub some Oil of Oregano into your muscles with love and goodwill. You will feel your muscles relaxing as oxygen penetrates deep into the tissue. Don't forget your shoulders and neck, the places we most often tend to tense up. Where to obtain Oil of Oregano?

Eat fruits and vegetables in abundance and avoid sugars. Did you know that every bacteria and virus loves to grow on sugar? Avoid polyunsaturated fats, use unheated cold-pressed olive oil as much as possible, and use flaxseed to get your omega 3.

Summer flu

Stomach flu (or gastroenteritis) is often caused by a virus or food poisoning. Avoid solids for the first day. Drink water, broth (?Pieternel?) and some apple juice to maintain your electrolyte levels. A tablespoon of acidophilus every hour can be beneficial. When you can tolerate solids, start with grated apple and cinnamon, mashed bananas and rice water (water and rice has been cooked). Aloe Vera juice is also a good option, or kefir in its natural form. If this goes well, expand your variety of foods slowly.


Aloe Vera is excellent for sunburn, whether in juice form or straight from the plant. See

It's best to avoid extended exposure to sunshine as much as possible. It can dry out the mucus in your nose, eyes and ears. To cleanse and make these parts succulent again, use a solution of salt water. Warm up one cup of water with a pinch of salt – about as salty as your tears. Let it cool, then put it into a dropper bottle. Use it to clean out your nose, eyes and ears, where it can accelerate the hygienic discharge of mucus.

Swimmer's Ear (and Earaches generally)

Is anything more relaxing than getting away from it all with a good swim? For some though, this means "swimmer's ear" and earaches. But these need not discourage you. For problems with swimmer's ear use Earacheaway. The name says it all. This is a remedy with a base of olive leave extract and vinegar that will relieve your infected ears. For more information see

Be sure to enjoy your life and radiate love, so love finds its way back to you.

Warmly, Pieternel van Giersbergen

About the Author: Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. Her site has over 120 articles about healing yourself and staying healthy. © 2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen.


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