Saturday 23 June 2007

Flu Vaccine Hysteria

Lee Cummings

Last week the media circus surrounding the flu vaccine reached a crescendo.

Half of all the flu vaccine supply is not available this year!

Why? Because the British company that supplies half of the U.S. flu vaccine supply was shut down by health officials.

Does it really matter?

Unless you are under 2 or over 65 and are in poor health, It doesn't matter.

Because of the flu vaccine shortage The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have said that healthy people under the age of 65 should do without a flu shot.

Gee, that's what we just talked about.

So even if there were enough flu vaccines, why would You be urged to get one?

The CDC just said that healthy people under the age of 65 can do without a flu shot.

Those of you who take care of your immune system Year ‘round don't have anything to worry about.

The question you want to ask yourself is "Do I really want to have a live vaccine injected or inhaled into my body when my immune system is not in the best of shape?"

Before you decide just how easy this decision is to make, Let me explain a few things which will make the decision a little easier.

This years' flu vaccine is tailor made from LAST years' flu strains, so it is not going to be as effective against THIS years' flu strains.

Are you aware of all the additives in the flu vaccine and vaccines in general?

These additives are all highly toxic to the human body, let me show you …

The biggest problem you face with flu shots is that you are being injected with a number of toxic additives.

How would you like to have antifreeze injected into Your body? Don't worry, they call it ethylene glycol. Makes it sound better doesn't it?

Anyone for aluminum? (it's only to promote Antibody response) Or formaldehyde? (to kill Viruses).

Here's the best one – a mercury derivative (used as a preservative), called Thimerosal.

Are there safer alternatives to vaccines?

Of course there are. Let's go over some of the most effective proven, safe and natural ways to keep your immune system healthy no matter what season it is.

Are you aware that you can do one simple thing to easily boost your immune system?

Lose the sweets. That's right, sugar compromises the immune system.

Eat a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and fresh organic meat protein.

Here's another one – wash your hands more often.

As many people are walking around with colds, you may be shaking hands and touching things others have.

How about those zinc gluconate lozenges you can get at any drug store? These are not only highly effective when you have already caught a cold, but also to keep Your immune system strong when those around you are sick.

Naturally, supplements and herbs have been effective for thousands of years as a proven remedy to ward off colds and flu.

And here is a list of proven natural and effective Homeopathic remedies.

Vitamin C – Be sure to get a natural form of this one

And also make sure it contains bioflavonoids to help absorption.

A good natural multi-vitamin


Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) which is available in liquid, tablet and capsule form.

Olive Leaf Extract

Black Elderberry Extract

And finally, as long as you are cooking, cook with plenty of fresh garlic.

These are all simple and inexpensive remedies for maintaining your best health all year long.

Naturally, the more of these remedies you combine, the more healthy benefits you will receive.

You can easily stay healthy by taking action now.


Health Sciences Institute e-alert "Flu vaccine shortage",

October 6 , 2004, Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute e-alert "This week",

October 8 , 2004, Jenny Thompson

Lee Cummings has been helping people solve real problems and feel better with proven nutrition for over 4 years. Lee publishes the montly LC Nutrition newsletter. For a No cost Report -

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