Sunday 29 July 2007

Kesawan, the Impressive Corridor of the Past

Medan was just a small village ath the beginning. It was founded by Guru Patimpus around 1590s. Because Medan village sits on Tanah Deli ( Land of Deli ). Kampung Medan is also referred as Medan – Deli. The original location of Medan village is an area where the River of Deli meets River Babura.

Medan did not enjoy significant development until 1860s, when the Dutch colonialists began clearing the land for tobacco plantations. Medan quickly became a center of government and commercial activity, dominating development of Indonesia’s western region.

The Dutch governed Tanah Deli from 1658, after Sulatan Ismail, ruler of the Kingdom of Siak Indrapura, yielded some of his once ruled land, Deli, Langkat, and Serdang. In 1915, Medan officially became the capital of North Sumatera Province, and officially a city in 1918.

To see the essence of Medan history from time to time, you must visit Kesawan Square and the old buildings along Ahmad Yani Street, Balai Kota Street and Putri Hijau Street. The trilogy street actually is one corridor which becomes the heart of Medan City and still reflecting a glory of the past. At the time the deli tobacco dominated the world market.

When a young entrepreneur from Netherland, Nienhuys, discovering the premium quality of deli tobacco, this village soon grow faster and know all over the world. The leaves of deli tobacco were brought to Rotterdam and made for the best cigar’s wrapper and the most expensive as well.

The presence of tobacco plantation in Tanah Deli have triggered the development of supporting sectors in Medan. Nienhuys built his office named Deli Maatschappij in Medan (now Putri Hijau Street). Simultaneously the need of the worker was in great demand. They brought coolies from China, Penang and Java. After they were no longer in plantation sector, the Chinese and European businessman built houses and new business centre in Kesawan just a few hundred meters from Deli Maatschapij office. Formerly the surrounding land was paddyfield and jungle.

This business centre which was formerly called Paris of Sumatera marked by luxurios Lonsum building (Juliana building), the romantic Tip Top Restaurant, the impressive house of Tjong A Fie, Jakarta Lloyd building which was formerly the Netherland Shipping Company, etc.

At those time, Lonsum building belonged to Harrison & Harrison Cross Field, a British tobacco company. The lift inside the building was made in 1910 can be activated until today. This lift was decorated with beautiful iron in art deco. The architectural design of Harrison & Cross Field building in London was a copy from its representative office in Medan.

There are still many old elegant buildings which are similar in appearance. Between
Lonsum building and Raden Saleh Street, there are two beautiful buildings which were formerly owned by The Netherlands Trading Company or Netherlansche Handel Maatschapij until 1929. Then there is the former City Hall of Medan which keeps the historical records about the glory of Medan. This building was contructed in 1906. In 1913 someone donated a big clock to be installed on the top of its building. He was Tjong A Fie, a Chinese mayor who was very wealthy and kindhearted man.

On the lettside of the former City Hall, stand the building of Javasche Bank (now Bank Indonesia) which was built in 1910 by the architect firms Hulswit and Fermont from Weltevreden, and Ed Cuypers from Amsterdam. This building was built in classical style plus Javanese ornaments.

Next to Hotel Dharma Deli, the first luxurious hotel in Medan which was formerly called Hotel de Boer are still to be seen inside the hotel. In 1030, there were 120 rooms available in Hotel de Boer. Some distinguished guests had ever stayed in this hitel, namely the world’s top and legendary dancer, Mata Hari and King Leopold from Belgium.

Opposite to Hotel Dharma Deli, sits the Central Post Office of Medan which was built between 1909 and 1911 by architect Snuyf who was also Director of Public Works in Indonesia. The surrounding area of the building is mentioned as 0 (zero) kilometer of Medan. Next to it, Bank Central Asia which formerly called Witte Societeit building built in 1886. The following are the Railway Station of Medan, and the hanging Bridge on top of the rail – tracks.

The City of Medan and the past are indeed very close. All the historical objects are maintained for harminous balance of a town. That is the reason why 70% of the old buildings are still going strong and become the tourism landmark at present day.


Saturday 28 July 2007

The Green Turtle, Pulau Jemur, and History of Our Ancestor

The hanging moon is above the sea. On this small island, the sound of the waves regularly breaks the silence. In the clear sky, the stars are appearing. I am longing for something but I can not say. A strange longing happens when living in isolation on the middle of the open seawhile looking at the running waves towards the edge of the beach.

The reflection of the tiny lights from the fisherman boats are sparkling like firefly. Nights is getting colder, but they are still busy with their net hoping that the fish have gone into the trap which have been casted since the day time.

The night is in the late hour. The birds have been sleeping soundly in their nest. Pulau Jemur at where I am standing right now is getting smaller. A female green turtle in scientific
name called Chelonia mydas is moving very slowly out from sea water. She is looking around to make sure the beach is empty and no other creatures except herself at the end of night.

After she feels safe and free from the waves, the female turtle slowly digs up the hole. She is lying eggs at the night. Slightly different with other egg layer animals, to lays the egg turtle will wait until the situation is completely quiet.

Although she has a great passion for laying eggs, but if any disturbance from animal or human being she will delay it and back to the sea. But when lying eggs is under process she does not care about the surroundings. She keep lying eggs until finish. Very unique isn’t it?

After she find good timing and good location, the female turtle put its body into the sands. One green turtle is able to lay 100 until 150 eggs. Not all of the eggs hatch. From one hundred eggs not more than 7 baby turtles could reach the sea safely. The nature is the key factor whether the eggs could hatch or not. I along with other participants Kemah Wartawan Indonesia in Rokan Hilir Riau are trying to learn this process with amazement.

Soon after her job done, the female turtle will make many holes which are similar in size and form to the first hole for camouflage to prevent the eggs taken away by any predator. Very smart. The male turtle sometimes helps to find the safe location for female turtle to lay eggs. Mostly this job is done by female itself.

Pulau Jemur administratively is a part of territory of Rokan Hilir Regancy, Riau. In the past time, Pulau Jemur claimed by North Sumatera and Riau, at last Riau took advantage to posses this beautiful island. Besides its beautiful panorama, this island becomes a natural breeding for green (Posal) Lanal Dumai in cooperation with Regional Government of Rokan Hilir, Riau has established the turtle conversation project. All the turtle’s eggs are kept in a special room for hatching.

Usually, after the turtle laying its eggs, the officials take the eggs carefully and put them into the pail which has been filled up with the hot sands. Then they are brought into hatchery room. In the hatchery, all eggs were laid like the shape of pyramid, and every layer filled with the sand for hatched the turtle egg easily moves out if not the hatching will die of squeezing one to another.

The hatchling of tukik then are released into available pool by official. The turtles stay there until the age of 6 or 9 months. At this age, they are strong enough to be sent back in their natural habitat, the sea. There they become a part of the ecosystem. The turtle predator are seahawk, big fishes, and other sea creatures. Here the turtle could live 15 until 20 years of age.

Usually April until June are the season for the turtle to lay eggs. But all along the year there is the turtle still laying its eggs. Every year the officers who work for the turtle breeding succeeds to hactch about 1.000 eggs. But not all of tukik (hatchlings) could survive until the old age. Hunting for turtle by irresponsible persons is very often, as a result the quantity of turtles are declining.

Friday 27 July 2007

Trusted exchangers to buy your e-gold

It's really hard time for all e-gold holders. I guess that many people here would like to sell their e-gold and wait to see what will happen with e-gold legal issues. The peroblem is that it's a good chance for scammers to offer you a fake exchange service to steal your e-gold. Once you ask for an exchanger, you will get several people telling you that they are willing to buy your e-gold. Stay away from anyone who offers you such service unless you want to lose you money!

e-gold holders have 2 choices now!

1-To sell their e-gold at the current high rates of outexchange.

2-Keep their e-gold and wait.

I decided to sell all my e-gold.

First of all, i advice you to chosse an exchange service from e-gold directory

They have their 15 exchange services. We can check them one by one in this thread. Outexchange rate 50% Membership IS NOT AVAILABLE at this time. Outexchange rate 50% You need to create an account&get their card first! You need to be a member to get their rates! 6% outexchange rate.Funds arrived in 48 hours Not buying or selling e-gold Available to Nigeria residents only!!!! Website is not working Not buying e-gold Their funds are seized by US government Not buying e-gold Outexchange rate 8% Not workign until they move to Africa!. Not buying e-gold
Combating Anxiety: The Alternative Way

Tony Robinson

Perhaps you break out into a cold sweat when you have to
deliver a talk before a group of people. Or perhaps you become
nervous when you have to take a test. There are certainly
numerous causes for anxiety. Similarly, there are a number of
treatment options for those afflicted with the illness. If you
don't like the idea of medication, you might try an alternative
approach to battling your anxiety.

It is estimated that nearly seven percent of Americans suffer
from anxiety and panic disorders. While prescription drugs are
routinely offered as a remedy for such illnesses, they can be
dangerous if administered over a long period of time. Some of
the more popular anxiety drugs include Diazepam and Wellbutrin.
However, increasingly, Americans are turning to alternative
medicines in an effort to soothe their anxious feelings. In just
the last decade, the demand for alternative medicine has
skyrocketed 300 percent. This is partially the result of the
fact that many alternative medicines offer relief from symptoms
without the side-effects linked to prescription drugs. It should
be noted, however, that natural remedies are not meant to be
long-term treatments, although they can offer relief in the

Before you buy a natural remedy, it is important that you do
your homework as far as your knowledge of herbs and vitamins is
concerned. It is also imperative that you consult your family
physician in order to ensure that the alternative treatment is
safe for you. A number of herbs offer relief from the symptoms
of anxiety. For instance, St. Johns Wort is one of the most
popular anti-anxiety herbs on the market. After taking St. Johns
Wort for as little as two weeks, you should notice a difference
in your anxiety level.

Valerian Root is another alternative option you might try. It
is especially helpful in combating insomnia because of its
sedative quality. In other words, it helps to lull the central
nervous system to sleep. Research indicates that Valerian Root
is effective in improving sleep 90 percent of the time. This is
important, since much of anxiety is linked to sleep disorders.

Vitamins can also provide an effective treatment for anxiety.
They can be quite important in enabling neurotransmitter
synthesis and maintenance. For instance, B-complex can help
produce neurochemicals, which in turn assists in the synthesis
of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Yet another aid to combating anxiety is Passion Flower. It
helps to calm the central nervous system, leading to feelings of
peace. Meanwhile, Ashwaghanda Root can make you feel stronger so
that you are better able to handle the effects of anxiety. But
perhaps no herbal remedy is quite as effective as Kava Kava.
This is considered to be one of the strongest anti-anxiety
remedies in the world. A number of studies indicates that Kava
Kava is highly effective in relieving the short-term symptoms of
anxiety. It is also considered quite safe to ingest, making it
one of the most popular herbs available on the market today.

An herbal remedy called PureCalm is being marketed as a safe
way to deal with general nervousness and worry. You may feel
relaxed after taking only a few drops of this natural substance.
However, if you suffer from severe anxiety, including panic
attacks, you might consider a remedy called MindSoothe, which
combines St. Johns Wort with Passiflora. Mindsoothe has been
linked to good sleep, greater concentration, and better memory.
Therefore, it is particularly effective in treating the symptoms
of anxiety.

We all have feelings of anxiety from time to time. But how can
you tell if your anxiety is out of control? If you experience
racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat, extreme difficulty resting or
concentrating, you probably need to get help. If you do not like
dealing with the side-effects of prescription drugs, an herbal
remedy may be in order. You should know in advance, however,
that some herbal remedies carry their own risks and lead to
significant side-effects.

The more you know about herbal remedies, the better consumer
you'll be. Don't allow yourself to be a human guinea pig. Take
herbal medication only after you have thoroughly studied its
effects upon the human body.

About the author:

Tony Robinson is a husband, parent, webmaster and international
author. Leading a full and busy lifestyle he is fully aware of
the needs of a stress free life. For tips, techniques and
further information visit

Thursday 26 July 2007

Who Am I Being ?

Who am I being right now? Who was I being in that situation? These are questions I ask myself every day? I want to know. If I am interacting and the interaction feels uncomfortable--who am I being that this feels so bad? Over the years I have created many images of myself which I find myself defending, attacking, or portraying to others. In my book, The Road Home, I call these false views of self. The Arbinger Institute, authors of Leadership and Self Deception (a must read book), call these self justifying images.

A few weeks ago I found myself in a conversation where the other person became very impatient with me. I, then, became impatient with her impatience. I called attention to her impatience and made it clear I didn't like it. The next day I asked myself: "Who was I being that the person talking to me became very impatient?" The answer came: "I'm the kind of person who deserves to be treated with respect". This person wasn't giving me what I deserved, so obviously she was out of line.

This is the kind of thinking that gets us into more conflict. A Course in Miracles says there are only two kinds of thinking--love and fear. In love, I am caring and responsive toward myself and others. I am able to see the good in the other person. In fear I feel threatened and resistant both toward myself and the other. I tend to add up the faults of the other person and, of course, affirm my virtues. I tell myself this other person is disrespectful, impatient, unappreciative of me, and doesn't listen. I tell myself that I am respectful, communicating well, and would never treat her disrespectfully. This is how the image justifies itself. Does this sound a little silly? I hope so, because it is silly. It is also common, everyday, insane communications between people.

Here's the rule of thumb: if I think someone else is a problem person, then I'm the problem. This doesn't mean people don't do inconsiderate and even horrible things. This doesn't mean that I never talk to someone else about their poor behavior. It means that my discomfort, my anger, my resentment, and my irritation are not about them. Who am I being that I felt and spoke and acted the way I did? As Stephen Covey has said: "How you see the problem is the problem.". Yet, it goes beyond perception. It's who I am being that is the problem.

If I am going through my day and I feel great, my relationships feel great, and I feel in alignment with my Self I get to say, "Great! I'm doing it. I'm in the flow. I'm responding to people and to life. I'm expressing love." If things aren't going well, people are impatient with me, and I feel uncomfortable, I get to ask myself the question: "Who am I being that these things are happening?" Am I the kind of person who prizes suffering? Do I maintain it by refusing to forgive others? Am I the kind of person who likes drama? Am I starring in a drama where everyone else is wrong and I, alone, am right? Am I the hero who is going to set everyone else straight? Who am I being?

There are many self justifying images that people create. Examples include "I am the kind of person who is hardworking (not lazy), compassionate (not selfish), smart (not stupid) or not appreciated (for all that I do). We find these images in areas where we are particularly sensitive, defensive, or emotional. My example is the image that I am the kind of person who deserves respect. If this is the image I am managing then I will be on the lookout for disrespect. When I think I'm getting disrespect I will be angry, resentful, irritated. I will tend to interpret the moods of others as disrespect toward me. Wherever I carry this self justifying image I will spend my energy demanding respect rather than giving it. I will focus my energy on me rather than the other person. I will resist people rather than responding to them. I will feel threatened and fearful, and my behavior will arise from a place of fear and threat. If a person offers me disrespect, my demand for respect will not encourage respectful behavior. It will invite disrespect. But, you may ask: "Don't you deserve respect? What does one do when receiving disrespect? How do we motivate someone to be respectful?"

These are good questions. A Course in Miracles says that fear is a call for love. I have the option whether or not to answer the call. I answer the call by responding. I respond by taking the focus off me and putting it on the other person. I may ask what the problem is. I might tell the other person to back off. I may sense a deeper issue in the person and speak to it. I may let it go and not say anything. It is not what I do that makes the difference. It is who I am being in that moment. If I am responding from a place of caring about the well being of this person; of acknowledging their needs and concerns being as important as my own; and of doing what intuitively feels right, then I will respond with love. Whether my behavior is soft or hard is not important. Love can be either. Responsiveness can be either. This is not about portraying myself as a caring person (another self justifying image). It is about actually caring.

It can be difficult to get past our self justifying images because we have spent so many years crafting and protecting them. The truth is, these images are a lot of work to keep up. We must be constantly vigilant and on the defense. Wouldn't it be great to let go of the job of image management and just respond to people. Once you have decided to become aware of self justifying images and let them go the results are immediate. You extend an open invitation to all others to do the same. A sense of ease flows through you. Relationships become easier when you are responding, recognizing the humanity in others, and seeing the good in them. Others begin changing because you have given them someone different to respond to. Your love inspires, uplifts, and enlivens each person you encounter. It's not what you do for others that uplifts them; it is who you are being.

by: William Frank Diedrich

6 Tips For Saving Gas

In the past months we have seen the price of gasoline soar higher than ever before, and this can be hard on people who have a budget that is tight. Even though gas prices have come down a slight bit, you still will want to do everything you possibly can to save on the money you have to pay out for gas. There are a variety of ways that you can save gas, and save money.

Start Carpooling Carpooling is a great idea for fellow students and fellow employees both. If you can find people that are going to the same place you are you can save gas by riding together. It may be a good idea to trade off on who is driving from week to week so no one person gets stuck having to drive all the time. If you have to take your children to school or other functions you can also work on trading off with your friends and neighbors to take them there.

Public Transportation If it is possible you can take public transportation to work instead of driving your car. Not only will this save you money on gas, but you will also be able to relax and not worry about having to drive through all that rush hour traffic. You may even be able to fit in a quick nap on your way to work or on your way home.

Price Shop Often it may be so convenient to buy your gas at the small gas station just up the road, but to save some money on gas you may want to check the prices at other gas stations that are nearby as well. Even if the difference is only a few cents, after putting hundreds of gallons of gas in you vehicle each year, those few cents are going to add up to quite a sum of money. Tip#4 - Get Moving You can save some money on gas if you start walking to where you are going, or you can ride a bike as well. You will not have to worry about paying to park your car, and the exercise will be great for you body. If you are walking or biking you will not have to worry about those huge traffic jams either.

Take Care of Your Car It is always important to take care of your car so it gets the best gas mileage possible. Also be sure to plan where you are going before you go so you will not have to backtrack and waste gas. If you can, you should use your air conditioning as little as possible because using it takes more gas. Roll down your windows and you will use less gas.

Check your Tires It is important that you check the air pressure in your tires as often as possible. If your tires are too low, or the pressure in them is unequal it can make your car burn more gas. You should also be careful how you drive. If you take off from every red light very fast you are going to burn more fuel, so it is best to take off a little slower. These are a few tips that can help the money conscious person to save money on gas. Even as gas prices drop, these tips can still help you to save more money. Conservation is important, so take advantage of these tips, save money, and save gas.
An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy

Doug Smith

Copyright 2005 by Doug Smith

Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

That's what I recently asked myself. Myths and legends often
have their basis in a grain of truth. So I wondered if home
remedies, alternative treatments, and folklore cures might
also be based on truth. A little research provided these
astounding results!

Itching For A Cure

Edward Jenner is widely credited as the father of the smallpox
vaccination. However, twenty years earlier in 1774, a quick-
thinking English farmer named Benjamin Jesty saved his family
from smallpox using some pretty unorthodox methods.

Waiting Until The Cows Come Home

In 1774 the highly infectious and deadly smallpox disease was
epidemic. Farmer Jesty, immune to the disease because he had
survived it in childhood, feared for the lives of his pregnant
wife and children. Many country folk knew that people who had
previously caught the milder disease of cowpox from an infected
cow did not catch the normally-fatal smallpox disease.

A Desperate Plan

Frantic to find a solution before his family caught the disease,
Jesty took his family to a nearby farm where cows were infected
with cowpox. He injected his family with diseased cowpox cells
from the cows. Because vacca is Latin for cow, this procedure
later became known as vaccination.

This Isn't Bull

The mild cowpox disease came and went in the children. His
pregnant wife had complications and required the aid of the
local doctor. His family did not catch the deadly smallpox
disease, but word leaked out. Poor Jesty was ridiculed by
his neighbors, who expected his family to turn into cows,
or at least grow horns!

Edward Jenner was a tireless crusader in promoting the
benefits of smallpox vaccination. However, it was a
desperate farmer who used his quick wit and country
folklore to save his family 20 years earlier.

Regardless of who history credits, this home remedy
definitely rates as a fact rather than a quack!

(You may reuse this copyrighted article provided no content
is changed - other than line length - and the author's box is
intact. All links must be active hyperlinks or made active.)

Doug Smith is a Chemical Engineer and the webmaster of You get free & natural home
remedies for fungus, lice, acid reflux, cold sores, yeast & more
at Home Remedies
Stay up to date with our Home Remedy News Blog at Home Remedies News

About the Author

Doug Smith is a Chemical Engineer and the webmaster of You get free & natural home
remedies for fungus, lice, acid reflux, cold sores, yeast & more.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

17 Tips And Remedies For The Flu

D Ruplinger

The "best" flu remedy seems to vary by who you talk to. Some people think that certain over-the-counter medications are the best way to get relief. Others feel homeopathic remedies work the best. Still others feel that only their doctor can help make them make the appropriate choice.

If you talked to my husband he would tell you the best flu remedy is to not get the flu (he's not always the most helpful person). He talks smart because he hardly ever gets sick. I'm very jealous of him. I think his genes must be better than mine because he doesn't eat healthier or exercise any more than I do yet I get sick a lot more often than he does.

I catch the flu nearly every year. I've tried over-the-counter medications, some homeopathic remedies, and have gone to my doctor when I've gotten bad cases of the flu.

Below I've listed some common, and some not so common remedies for the flu. Some of the remedies are homeopathic; others involve taking over-the counter medications; while others are prescription.

1) This first item is more of a suggestion to keep yourself from getting sick again rather than a remedy but I think it's a really good tip. Put your toothbrush in a cup with hydrogen peroxide in it to prevent you from re-infecting yourself (especially if you have a cold). Toothbrushes are a haven for germs and the hydrogen peroxide will kill the bacteria on your toothbrush. You may decide to put your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide every day to kill the bacteria that accumulate.

2) In addition to putting your toothbrush in a cup of hydrogen peroxide you may want to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears. It can help kill flu (or cold) germs. Sometimes the hydrogen peroxide will sting a little. The process is to put a few drops in one ear with a cotton ball or a Q-tip. After a few minutes drain the excess fluid out onto a Kleenex or paper towel. Then do the same thing in the other ear. Repeat the process after an hour or two. Continue to repeat until the hydrogen peroxide doesn't bubble when it's put into the ear (usually after 2 or 3 times). The hydrogen peroxide is said to be most effective if it's used as soon as possible after getting sick.

3) Elderberry extract can lessen the duration of the flu according to studies done in Israel. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist for advice on how much and how often to take it, and also to make sure it will not interfere with any other medications or supplements you may already be taking.

4) Boneset is another herb said to help lessen the intensity and duration of the flu. It is usually added to boiled water, along with honey and lemon (to make it easier to drink) and then sipped. Again, consult with your doctor, pharmacist or herbalist for the recommended dosage.

5) Oscillococcinum is a popular homeopathic/natural product taken to help with the flu symptoms of body aches and pains, fever, and chills. One of the reasons it is so popular is that it does not cause drowsiness.

6) Naturoksinum is another natural flu remedy available. It is touted as being able to cut the severity of flu symptoms in half. It is one of the most popular flu remedies in France and is available for purchase in the United States.

7) Echinacea is another popular natural remedy for the

flu. Again, because it is an herbal product, check with your doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist to make sure it is safe for you to take and that it does not interfere with any other medications or supplements you are currently taking.

8) Tamiflu and Relenza are two prescription medications available for treating the flu. For either medication to work best it should be taken with two days of the onset of flu symptoms. Both Tamiflu and Relenza work by preventing the flu virus from infecting cells in the body that are still healthy, and they both work against influenza A and B.

9) Drink health juices such as mangosteen, noni, goji, aloe vera, or acai berry. They are not only great juices to drink if you get the flu, but they can also help prevent it because the juices are good at boosting a person's immune system. My personal health juice of choice is a mangosteen juice. It tastes great and helps me feel better overall.

10) There are several products available to use in your bath or even your shower to help with the symptoms of the flu. Abra Bath for colds and the flu is a product you add to bath water. It is said to help relieve congestion, reduce body aches, and help relieve the chills associated with the flu. The makers of Sudafed offer a product called Sudacare Shower Soothers. They are tablets that react with warm shower water to create vapors of eucalyptus, menthol, and camphor to help with congestion.

11) Nasal sprays to help relieve flu symptoms are available over the counter. One product is called Flu Relief. Nasal sprays aren't as popular as most other remedies though because many people dislike using nasal sprays.

12) Fever, headaches, and aching muscles are common symptoms of the flu. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, both available over the counter can help lessen the pain.

13) A persistent cough may be present when a person has the flu ( There are many over the counter cough medicines, such as Robitussin (which has specific formulas of its products for helping with flu symptoms), to help quiet a cough associated with the flu.

14) Congestion is another symptom that a person may get with the flu. An oral decongestant can help loosen the congestion. Again there are many over the counter products available to fight flu symptoms such as congestion. Vick's vapor rub can also help ease congestion.

15) A sore throat can be another bothersome symptom of the flu. Throat lozenges or sprays can help with the pain. I gargle with warm salt water every hour when my throat is sore. It's a remedy my Mom used when I was little. It worked for me then and it still works for me now.

16) Rest is a very important part of fighting the flu. Your body needs rest to help it fight the infection in your body. So give in to that urge to cuddle up under the covers and rest. You're likely to feel better faster if you do.

17) Drink as many fluids are you can when you have the flu. Avoid drinks with caffeine because caffeinated drinks act as mild diuretics. Water is the best liquid but can be hard for someone who feels sick to drink enough of. Other good choices of liquid are clear juices, Gatorade (or any of the other sports drinks available) as well as flavored water and Pedialyte. When I was a child and had the flu my Mom always gave me 7-up to drink. I could drink it without feeling sick to my stomach and it tasted good so I was able to drink enough of it to keep myself from getting dehydrated.

Always remember that the flu (depending on what strain you have contracted) can be a life-threatening illness if not treated properly. Don't be afraid to contact your doctor if your symptoms don't start to get better in a few days or if they are very severe.

Another thing to remember when you have the flu (or are sick with anything else) is to only treat the symptoms you have. There are lots of over-the-counter products available to treat flu symptoms. Many of those products relieve multiple symptoms. But sometimes you don't have all the symptoms that particular medication treats. Look for products that treat the symptoms you have, but nothing more. You don't want to over-medicate yourself.

Disclaimer: this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat illness and disease; nor is it intended as dispensation of medical advice.

About the Author: D Ruplinger is a featured writer for Visit the web site for more information on flu prevention and natural flu remedies.


Tuesday 24 July 2007

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I await your urgent call.

Monday 23 July 2007

Constipation Prevention And Natural Remedies

Lee Dobbins

Constipation is a problem that affects many Americans every day. Constipation is mainly due to poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water. Constipation is quite uncomfortable and most everyone knows when they have it. Common symptoms include:

Straining to have a bowel movement

Hard stools – pellet like stools

Not having a bowel movement every day

Not totally emptying your bowels each time you have a movement

If you eat right and adopt a healthy lifestyle, you need not every suffer from constipation, but what can you do in the meantime?

One way to help get things moving is to increase your intake of potassium through eating foods it naturally occurs in. You remember your grandmother telling you to eat prunes to relieve constipation, right? Well that is because prunes are high in potassium!

Potassium works wonders on the walls of the colon and helps to stimulate peristaltic action which makes your bowels move. It also helps to clean out layers of mucus and dried fecal matter that have built up along the colon walls.

Other foods that contain potassium include: tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, sesame seeds, wheat germ, brewers yeast, pineapple and cauliflower.

Another natural remedy for constipation is Aloe. This herb that works so good on your outsides can also help your insides too! Aloe and its cousins buckthorn, frangula and senna have natural laxative chemicals and can be very powerful constipation cures It is recommended you take any of these herbs with caution and not for extended periods of time.

Psyllium has long been used to help relieve symptoms of constipation as it is loaded with soluble fiber. Make sure you take psyllium with lots of water.

Flax seed is used in may packaged products that treat constipation. You can buy the flaxseeds and crush them yourself. Take one or two tablespoons a day with lots of water. You will need to make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water a day when using flax.

Rhubarb has laxative properties and is high in fiber. Since the properties that give it it's laxative qualities are similar to those in senna, this can be very powerful so use with caution!

While using natural remedies for constipation is much better then taking laxatives, the best thing to do is to practice prevention by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, getting adequate exercise and drinking lots of water.

About the Author: Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find a wealth of information on how to take care of your colon. Find more articles on constipation and colon care at


Sunday 22 July 2007

Home Remedy: Natural Home Remedies for Acne, Arthritis, Backache, Obesity, Stress and many Ailments

Fed up from the side effects of the drugs, people are now
shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure and
treatment of common problems. Home remedies are one of the
alternative methods that have been proven inexpensive and can be
easily made at home without many efforts. Since ages our
ancestors were using these home remedies for the treatment of
diseases but the latest inventions and discoveries in the field
of medicines darkened the benefits of these home made
treatments. In the recent times the people have again shifted
towards these home remedies.

Home remedies for some of the most common diseases and problems


Application of cucumber leaves or grated pieces of cucumber to
the affected areas.

Paste of fenugreek leaves applied overnight on the affected area
and washed off next morning is also effective.

Mix one tablespoon of besan flour and one teaspoon of lemon
juice till a smooth paste is formed. Apply on neck and face and
wash off when it gets dry. http://www.ayurvedic


Drink a glass of cold milk to get quick relief from acidity.

Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda for
immediate relief.

Chewing bubble gum will also provide relief from acidity in few


With an empty stomach take 3-4 walnuts (akhrot) or 1 fresh

Spread warm mustard oil on a madar leaf and apply to the
affected area for a few hours .

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.


Drink a cup of black coffee, the warmth will break up the flem
and the caffeine will help to remove tightness from the chest
and throat.

Add 30-40 leaves of tulsi in one liter of water, strain the
leaves and drink the water throughout the day.


Eat 2-3 apples daily without peeling to increase the iron stores
in the body.

Intake of beet juice is highly beneficial for the anemic


Drink some hot milk or water with powdered sonth, meetha soda,
and salt.

Massage the back with turpentine oil.

For temporary and quick relief heat can be applied at the back
with hot water bottle.

Common cold

Drink a cup of water with a few drops of garlic oil and a
teaspoonful of onion juice.

Rub the chest and throat with camphor water or oil.

Drink honey and lemon juice in hot water to get relief from sore


Drink a tablespoon of corn syrup in a cup of water.

Drink a glass of prune juice to facilitate bowel movement.

Drinking a cup of coffee will also provide relief from


Mix one teaspoon of camphor and one teaspoon of sandalwood to
form a paste and apply on the affected e areas.

Drinking Aloe Vera juice will help cleanse the system.

Hair loss

Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to prevent hair loss
and to promote hair growth .

Wash hair with white vinegar periodically to prevent falling of

High blood pressure

Mix half onion juice and half honey. Take 2 tablespoons once a
day for 1-2 weeks.

Eat two cloves of garlic every early morning.

Eat one Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month.

High blood cholesterol

Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood

Eat a few garlic cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.


Drink aloe vera juice, papaya juice, or chamomile, comfrey, red
raspberry, or peppermint tea.

Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda will
provide immediate relief.


Eat 10 fresh curry leaves in the early morning for three or four

Drink a cup of water with 3 teaspoons limejuice, one-fourth
teaspoon powdered black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey every
day for three months.

Eat freshly sliced tomatoes with onion and lemon juice.

Drink lemon juice with honey and warm water every morning.

Sore throat

Gargle every hour with vinegar water or salt water.

Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for immediate relief from
sore throat.

A teaspoon of honey will provide relief from sore throat.


Chewing 12 tulsi leaves twice a day, morning and evening is the
highly beneficial treatment of stress.

Various seeds such as alfalfa, sunflower and pumpkin are highly
beneficial in the treatment of stress.

The use of these home remedies is highly effective and causes no
side effects on one's physical body.

Visit for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and
Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Checkout Home Remedies at

Natural Herbal Supplements at

About the author:

Visit for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and
Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Checkout Home Remedies at

Natural Herbal Supplements at

Saturday 21 July 2007

Conquer Stress and Anxiety Naturally With This Safe and Effective Method

Emily Clark

stress, anxiety, natural remedy, rhodiola rosea, herbal remedies, depression, panic attacks, sadness

Rhodiola Rosea is the latest natural remedy to join the arsenal

of natural anxiety and stress reducers.

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root, is a native plant of

arctic Siberia. For centuries it has been used by eastern

European and Asian cultures for physical endurance, work

productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness,

and to treat fatigue, depression, anemia, impotence,

gastrointestinal ailments, infections, and nervous system


The first recorded medicinal applications of rodia riza (renamed

Rhodiola Rosea) was made by the Greek physician, Dioscorides, in

77 C.E. in 'De Materia Medica'. Rhodiola Rosea has been included

in official Russian medicine since 1969.

Despite its long history, the Western world has only recently

become aware of the health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea. It has

come to the attention of many natural health practitioners

because of studies which tested its affects on combating anxiety

and stress.

Rhodiola Rosea is considered an adaptogen. This means it has an

overall stabilizing effect on the body without disrupting other

functions. Its ability to normalize hormones may be effective for

treating depression and anxiety.

Studies of Rhodiola Rosea show that it stimulates

neurotransmitters and enhances their effects on the brain. This

includes the ability for the brain to process serotonin which

helps the body to adapt to stress.

Since adaptogens improve the body's overall ability to handle

stress, it has been studied to identify it's effects on

biological, chemical and physical stress.

A study was performed to test the effects of Rhodiola Rosea when

stress is caused by intense mental work (such as final exams).

Such tests concluded that using Rhodiola Rosea improved the

amount and quality of work, increasing mental clarity and

reducing the effects of fatigue.

The effects of Rhodiola Rosea have also been tested on stress and

anxiety from both physical and emotional sources. A report by the

American Botanical Council states that "Most users find that it

improves their mood, energy level, and mental clarity." They also

report on a study that indicated Rhodiola Rosea could increase

stress tolerance while at the same time protecting the brain and

heart from the physical affects of stress.

This report included details of studies which highlight the

overall health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea.

The generally recommended dose is 200-600mg/day. The active

properties should be a minimum 0.8 percent salidroside and 3

percent rosavin.

It is important for consumers to know that Rhodiola may be sold

using other species that do not share the properties of Rhodiola

Rosea, or at ineffective strengths for treatment. Anyone with

depression or anxiety should also check with a health

professional when treating these symptoms.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes

only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any

disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any

health care program.

About the author:

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News
where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on
many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

Friday 20 July 2007

Combat Arthritis Pain With A Natural Arthritis Remedy

Howard Tiano

Although there are different types of arthritis – i.e. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – it appears that both types can be improved through the use of natural arthritis remedies and many of those remedies can be found on websites or in local pharmacies, or health food supermarkets that have been springing up all over North America.

Osteoarthritis can result from injuries to the joints, a lifestyle that overuses the joints, from deficiencies in the diet, or simply as a factor of the aging process. Deterioration occurs in the cartilage that protects the bone ends and they become rough instead of smooth as they should be. That causes friction and friction results in pain.

One of the most well accepted natural arthritis remedies for osteoarthritis is taking glucosamine or chondroitin – or better yet a combination of the two. Glucosamine has become especially popular in the last few years for one main reason: it works. It helps strengthen cartilage, and promotes healthy joints. Most people take the sulfate form of glucosamine, but new research shows that glucosamine hydrochloride will have better results.

Other natural arthritis remedies include BioCell Collagen, Hylaronic Acid, and Methylsulfonyl Methane. All of these natural arthritis remedies can be found in sources that give information about herbs and other natural cures.

Rheumatoid arthritis appears to have numerous contributing causes and requires a more holistic, comprehensive approach in order to provide a natural arthritis remedy. Many sufferers have a genetic marker that contributes to a tendency to develop the disease. In addition to herbal treatments, a change in diet is widely considered to be one of the best natural arthritis remedies available. Recent research shows a connection between intestinal health and inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Foods like refined sugars, saturated fats, processed foods and hydrogenated oils may well contribute to arthritis because they are pro-inflammatory foods. There is also evidence to indicate that food allergies play a strong role in development of arthritis.

Nutrients that have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis include zinc, selenium, manganese, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and vitamin E. These natural arthritis remedies and others can be found in nearly any publication that talks about herbal cures. At the same time, changing the diet to exclude inflammatory foods and eat more naturally may be a strong factor in reducing arthritis symptoms.

Whether the arthritis from which a particular individual suffers is caused by genetics, food allergies, aging, or injury, there are a number of natural cures available that can help reduce the symptoms significantly. Combating arthritis with natural remedies can substantially reduce the need for harsher treatments like prescription drugs or surgery.

About the Author

Alternative Medicine Resource was conceived to inform visitors of the available choices for treatment beyond standard medical solutions, so you know your options, and can make the best decision for your circumstances.Howard Tiano provides free advice & information on alternative medicine, and can be found at

Thursday 19 July 2007

Colloidal Silver Immune Support - Snake Oil Or Supplement

James Zeller

Finally the veil has been lifted from the cloaked Colloidal Silver story. The confusion is removed from the arena of use. Will this early 20th century patented drug, turned over the counter supplement, cure what ails you or is it just so much hype that will take your money?

Colloidal silver has exploded on the web as a supplement, heralded as a cure all, and cursed by some officials that seem to be motivated by the large pharmaceuticals.

Colloidal silver was used as a natural antibiotic prior to the discovery of penicillin. The new antibacterial agent was the drug of favor worldwide. Colloidal silver was shoved to the back of medical consciousness and found little use after 1929. But wait, the medical world did not stop using silver. The overwhelming healing qualities of silver are continued even now in the world's burn centers and millions of babies have had a silver concentrate flushed into their eyes immediately after birth.

So if this natural antibiotic was once used so widely, why did the physicians stop using it? Did bacteria develop a resistance to colloidal silver? Did it stop working? The answer seems to be a pharmaceutical decision. No resistance was developed to colloidal silver by bacteria and the benefits are as good today as they were prior to 1929.

A few wise doctors continued to use colloidal silver and some wise patients remembered this silver concoction and readily continued its use as it became an over the counter "supplement". The immune system fights all intrusive germs, bacteria and disease to prevent the body from falling victim to disease.

Like any substance that is taken in excess the body treats overdoses of a substance as a toxin and rejects the immune system overload. Wheat eaten in excess is poisonous to the body. We recognize that excess grain in horses will cause them to founder and in some cases die. The effect would be similar in humans. Colloidal silver when ingested in the amounts recommended as a supplement has clinically shown to be an immune system support guarding against viral infections and bacterial infections.

Some manufacturers of colloidal silver used to make a solution of silver chloride. This is not desirable as it will cause the silver to accumulate under the skin giving a light blue hue to the skin. There are no known side effects in taking colloidal silver that is properly made and consumed. There are no recorded deaths from taking this immune system support boosting supplement, but plenty of government pressure trying to halt the sale for no other apparent reason than to appease the heavy lobbying pharmaceutical companies that seem to now want to prescribe this remedy again.

Colloidal silver has been sold as a dietary supplement for the immune system in every major health food chain in the country for over 25 years. The concentration of 1100 ppm used to be the "standard" available in 4 once bottles. It can be made up to 5 ppm in the home with a 9 volt battery, two silver leads in a glass of distilled water.

Testimonials have filled hundreds of web pages of how colloidal silver has been beneficial. These unsolicited accounts testify of a natural antibiotic that has powers beyond just being an immune system support "supplement".

About The Author

James Zeller writes for numerous alternative health websites and blogs. Unbiased evaluation of health and diet supplements are included in most of his articles. Natural products are always best for the body and usually chosen as a last resort.

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Herbs Thought to Slow Down Hair Loss

Raj Pandey

Herbs have been embraced for centuries. Herbal remedies offer
solutions to many different types of symptoms in the body. From
the common cold, to acne, toothache, and even baldness-herbs can
enrich our overall well-being and appearance. For years many men
and women have relied on herbal remedies to prevent premature
hair loss and stress-induced hair loss. The following remedies
are some of the most popular around the world:

Green Tea: Drink several cups a day, as this tea contains the
enzyme 5 Alpha Reductase. What does it do? It converts male
testosterone into DHT. Men who have pale pattern baldness swear
by this natural remedy. Seeing is believing, what do you have to
lost? Drink up. Cheers!

Ginko Biloba: By increasing circulation to the brain and
skin-with this herb, you can deliver more well-needed nutrients
to the hair's natural follicles. Spread 120 - 160 mg of the dry
extract onto the scalp in a period of three dosages.

Saw Palmetto: The hair loss Treatment of choice by males. It
protects a man's prostate from cancer and studies show it
encourages hair growth. Take it in capsule form twice weekly.
It's most potent taken in its natural form (extracted from
berries-not dried berries).

Stinging Nettle: Known to prevent hair loss, men rely on
stinging nettle at the first sight of thinning, or slight
balding. Take a capsule which contains 50-100 mg a day to keep
hair loss away.

Pygeum: If used properly (60-500 mg per day in capsule form) the
effects of Pygeum are much like those of green tea. Use this
herb for treatment of male pattern hair loss or prostate

He Shou Wu: Embraced by the Chinese, this herbal remedy has been
known to reduce the effects of hair loss, as it's been said to
delay the process. This herb can be taken in tea-form or in a

Before scientists started creating hair loss topical ointments
in laboratories, these herbal remedies were relied on by many
men (maybe even an ancestor of yours!). While there are many
sceptics, who say that herbal treatments are laughable, others
beg to differ. What does it come down to? What works for some,
may not work for others. Herbs are safe and practical if taken
in their proper dosages. Perhaps this is why many men are eager
to experiment with them. Inhairit some of these and other only
high quality herbal ingredients in it's unique formula designed
to slow thinning hair.

About the author:

Raj Pandey is the creator of a hair loss product program at and
has written hundreds of articles and tips about dealing with href="">hair loss at

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Cannot Lose Those Extra Pounds Of Weight??

Intake of fats and carbohydrates in excess results in obesity. Lack of exercise, physical work also helps in accumulation of fat in the body. In Ayurveda this condition is called medoroga. The fat in the body is primarily drawn from the oils, ghees, and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink. Chocolates, wafers, sweets, remember excessive fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver, joints and the kidneys. Obesity may also cause diabetes, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure.

Walking is the best exercise to begin with.

Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity.

Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey , in a glass of water, add some pepper to it & have it regularly.

Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal.

Spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day.

Shudh Guggulu is very beneficial for curing this ailment. It helps to regulate the lipid metabolism. Take a teaspoon of guggul with ginger and honey, twice a day.

Two teaspoon of lim e juice added to water also helps in loosing weight. Have it frequently.

Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Have some salads, vegetables with it.

Trifla , a herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for loosing weight.

Online Store for Natural Products, the portal on ayurveda provides natural remedies to all your health-related ailments. The portal has exhaustive sections devoted to ayurveda, massage, herbs, diet, home remedies, books on ayurveda, online consultation, online shop for ayurvedic products and a lot more.

Find out more at and

Monday 16 July 2007

Can you fight the common cold with a natural remedy?

Kevin Sheldon

Colds appear superficially similar to the 'flu, but are generally less severe. Common in the colder seasons, respiratory passage inflammation, irritation of the nose and throat, runny eyes, and of course fevers, chills and muscle aches are typical symptoms of the common cold. In extreme cases, a bad cold may even cause sinusitis or congestion of the chest, which can be particularly distressing for the very young and very old. The differences between a cold and flu are fairly easy to spot - flu usually causes a headache, fever, heavy fatigue and general aches - these are rare in true colds. On the other hand, a cold usually involves a runny nose and a sore throat - both rare in flu. Whatever you do, the symptoms will last between 7 and 14 days (including an incubation period of between 1 and 3 days). Men tend to say they have the flu, rather than a 'cold', because it sounds so much more serious! Common colds, however, are far more 'common' if you will excuse the pun.

The common cold is caused by a fast mutating virus, which tends to strike when one's immune system is depressed. Extreme coldness, tiredness, stress brought on by overwork, or overindulgence - all of these can 'bring on' a cold. The symptoms of the common cold are actually your body attempting to kill the virus and re-establish normal conditions - a raised body temperature kills the virus eventually. Unfortunately, the fast mutation characteristics of the common cold make it impossible to produce a vaccine, leaving only natural remedies in the arsenal of anti-cold techniques.

At the first signs of a cold (sore throat, runny nose) go to bed - don't wait for the virus to 'kick in'. Remember that the first line of attack against the cold virus will be plenty of fluids, and especially vitamin C drinks, such as hot lemon. In fact, you can take large amounts of vitamin C in many forms - tablets, drinks etc. Garlic will also help - both of these are good germ fighters. Other vitamins that will help include vitamin A, B6, vitamin E, and vitamin F. It is also reported that a little extra zinc can help shorten the duration of colds.

While the cold is in full swing, try drinking potato peeling broth. The peelings should be half an inch thick, boiled it for about half an hour then strained and cooled, taken twice a day. After the fever goes, a low calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet can be attempted, although you may not feel much like eating at this point. Raw juices and herb teas will also help. The best herb teas for fighting the common cold are:-

Rose hips

There are many products that help with runny noses and congestions - most are based on eucalyptus oil, and indeed, this is most helpful. Try putting a few drops in a cup of boiling water, then inhaling the vapors with a towel over your head. For a sore throat - gargling with crushed aspirin in warm water is also useful, although be careful you don't swallow it, and don't do it to frequently.

The most popular water treatments include hot mustard foot baths (to reduce sinus congestion), Epsom salt baths while drinking sweating teas, hot ginger chest compresses and salt water nasal douches to open the sinuses. Some people swear by steam inhalation (with eucalyptus, pine needles, cloves, or thyme).

And of course, you could always try prevention - stay warm, keep your immune system strong by eating sensibly and exercising regularly!

About the Author

Kevin writes about natural remedies for natural remedy site which is full of articles on health and the art of the natural remedy

Sunday 15 July 2007

Don't Put That On Your Face

Jeffrey Dorrian

One of the fastest growing hobby businesses of the last 10 years
is soap making. If you were to "google" the phrase "soap making"
you would come up with over 1.6 million indexed web pages on
this topic. The process of soap making can be a tedious somewhat
dangerous enterprise, which begs the question, why? Why are so
many Americans pursuing a task our colonial ancestors were glad
to be rid of? The trial and error method of soap making was a
long and thankless task that sometimes left the maker with an
unusable commodity after many hours of hard work. Oprah relates
how as a child her grandmother tried to teach her how to make
soap and she declined not seeing the purpose in her young life.

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of a modern day bar
of soap? Common ingredients include DEA, Isopropyl Alcohol, BHT
and Triclosan. This is just a starter list. Can you imagine what
all these chemicals are doing to your skin? Most commercial soap
ingredients are petroleum based. This alone should be enough to
scare off the average soap consumer. The commercial soap making
process strips commercial soap of the best ingredient, glycerin.
This is then sold separately by the manufacturer as another
profit center for the soap company. Yet this is the main
conditional agent available in soap to soothe irritations and
protect the skin. Dermatologists across our country are doing a
brisk business remedying the consequences of the use of
commercial soap.

Along comes the natural handmade soap maker. Making soap from
common kitchen oils, including olive, soybean and coconut oils.
In home based soap making the natural glycerin is retained in
the soap. I would venture to say almost any handmade soap would
out perform commercial soap as far as enhancing the natural
properties of the skin. This would include both moisturizing dry
skin, and cleaning excess oil from oily skin. Handmade soap is
good for your body.

With a wide variety of fragrances now available to the handmade
soap maker the possibilities for great smelling soap are
endless. The most popular fragrances include lavender, vanilla
and the love or leave it fragrance patchouli.

Most soap makers I have talked to find soap making addictive.
They tell me the idea of creating a wonderfully utilitarian
product that one can use, share or even sell to the accolades of
others is euphoric. I must agree. One of the most exciting days
for me is delivery day from the fragrance company. Examining all
the new scents and imagining the newly possible fragrance
combinations, keeps me coming back to my soap making bench again
and again. I wish you many joys if you decide to venture down
the soap making highway. Find a good soap making book and take
your time. Don't be discouraged by set-backs, and check out some
of the many soap making forums for tips and ideas.

About the author:

Jeffrey Dorrian is the soap guy. Really, that is my website He has been making premium olive oil soap
for the past five years and now has customers in all fifty
states. "This is a true inexpensive luxury anyone can enjoy."

Saturday 14 July 2007

Buying, Storing And Preparing Apples


When buying apples, look for those that are firm and brightly colored. Shiny red for Macintosh, Rome and red Delicious. Clear green for Granny Smith and golden yellow for Delicious. Always avoid bruised apples. When an apple is damaged, the injured cells release polyphenoloxidase, an enzyme that hastens the oxidation of phenols in the apple, producing brownish pigments that darken the fruit. It's easy to check loose apples. If you buy them packed in a plastic bag, turn the bag upside down and examine the fruit.

Store apples in the refrigerator. Cool storage keeps them from losing the natural moisture that makes them crisp. It also keeps them from turning brown inside, near the core, a phenomenon that occurs when apples are stored at warm temperatures. Apples can be stored in a cool, dark cabinet with plenty of circulating air.

Check the apples from time to time. They store well, but the longer the storage, the greater the natural loss of moisture and the more likely the chance that even the crispest apple will begin to taste mealy.

When preparing apples, do not peel or slice an apple until you are ready to use it. When you cut into the apple, you tear its cells, releasing polyphenoloxidase, an enzyme that darkens the fruit. Acid inactivates polyphenoloxidase, so you can slow the browning (but not stop it completely) by dipping raw sliced and/or peeled apples into a solution of lemon juice and water or vinegar and water or by mixing them with citrus fruits in a fruit salad. Polyphenoloxidase also works more slowly in the cold, but storing peeled apples in the refrigerator is much less effective than immersing them in an acid bath.

When you cook an unpeeled apple, insoluble cellulose and lignin will hold the peel intact through all normal cooking. The flesh of the apple, though, will fall apart as the pectin in its cell walls dissolves and the water inside its cell swells, rupturing the cell walls and turning the apples into applesauce. Commercial bakers keep the apples in their apple pies firm by treating them with calcium while home bakers will have to rely on careful timing.

To prevent baked apples from melting into mush, core the apple and fill the center with sugar or raisins to absorb the moisture released as the apple cooks. Cutting away a circle of peel at the top will allow the fruit to swell without splitting the skin.

Red apple skins are colored with red anthocyanin pigments. When an apple is cooked, the anthocyanins combine with sugars to form irreversible brownish compounds. Apples can be process by drying. To keep apple slices from turning brown as they dry, apples may be treated with sulfur compounds but that may cause serious allergic reactions in people allergic to sulfites.

Besides, apple could also be made into juice. Clear apple juice has been filtered to remove the pulp. Ninety-eight percent of all juices, including apple juices, sold in the United States are pasteurized to stop all natural enzyme action that would otherwise turn sugars to alcohols, eventually producing the mildly alcohol beverage known as apple cider (non alcoholic cider is plain apple juice). Pasteurization also protects juices from potentially harmful bacterial and mold contamination.

Apples also have medical benefits. They are use as an antidiarrheal. The pectin in apple is a natural antidiarrheal that helps solidify stool. Shaved raw apple is sometimes used as a folk remedy for diarrhea, and purified pectin is an ingredient in many over-the-counter antidiarrheals.

Apples can also be used to lower cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber (pectin) may interfere with the absorption of dietary fats, including cholesterol. The exact mechanism by which this occurs is still unknown, but one theory is that the pectins in the apple may form a gel in your stomach that sops up fats and cholesterol, carrying them out of your body as waste.

About the Author: Cindy is the host of, a Free Asian Recipes website dedicated to all things on Asian Cooking.


Friday 13 July 2007

Buy Natural Health Supplements - Look Out For Quality

Adam Minsky

When you buy natural health supplements it is important to ensure that you buy quality products. Whatever sort of remedy or supplement you are looking for, you should never compromise on the quality, even if it means paying slightly more. In order to ensure that a supplement or remedy is effective as well as safe - whether you are taking it to ease arthritis or some other disorder or simply to boost your health in general - it should meet certain standards. If you buy natural health supplements that are of lower quality you could find them ineffective or even unsafe.

The best way to buy natural health supplements is online, and this is for a number of reasons. Firstly, you can enjoy far more choice online, which means that you stand a far better chance of getting high quality dietary supplements or natural remedies for health care. You can also get some fantastic prices online, enabling you to get the perfect supplement for your needs without breaking the bank. In addition to all this, you can enjoy fast and convenient delivery right to your door, so you won't even have to leave the home in order to get your supplements.

Buying Supplements - Why You Need To Look For Quality

So, why is it so important to go for quality over price? Well, in short the cheaper supplements that offer lower quality could end up having little to no effect, which means that you could be wasting your money altogether. Buying the higher quality supplements means that you can enjoy the benefits in safety. And if you look out for special deals on the cost of these supplements, you could get them at a knock down price anyway.
About the Author

Adam Minsky runs,
where he reviews all the latest trends in vitamin and nutritional supplementation.
If you want to keep up with the very latest information on Alternative Health Supplements then visit this site today!

Thursday 12 July 2007

Beta-glucan a safe bet for auto-immune diseases


Question : I HAVE a friend who is HIV+ with a CD 4 of 600+. Is there any natural and safe remedy for such a case? Is there a product which can eliminate the virus from his system?

Answer : CERTAIN nutrients may help in building up his immune system to fight the virus.

Beta-glucan, a long-chained polysaccharide molecule derived from the cell wall of the common Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), is an active, safe and potent immune regulator that improves the immune system without pushing it to over- reactivity. Hence it does not create complications for those with auto- immune diseases.

Beta-glucan accomplishes this by activating the immune response through the specialised immune cells known as macrophages to yield various therapeutic effects. Besides its immune-enhancing effects, beta-glucan has also been known to assist the body in regulating cholesterol levels, promote rapid wound healing and inflammation, protect against radiation exposure and prevent infection.

Combined with powerful anti- free radical nutrients such as beta-carotene, and selenium, polysaccharides and vitamins A, C and E with zinc in a formulation will help strengthen the immune system.

Several studies have indicated that the stimulation of the immune system by beta-glucan results in enhanced resistance to most virus, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections. A trial using beta-glucan to prevent infection in patients after undergoing abdominal and lung surgery or gastrointestinal surgery found that it significantly reduces the rate of infections. Investigators of the trial concluded that beta-glucan was safe and could potentially decrease life-threatening post-operative infections.

About the Author

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Best Home Remedies Against Thrush

Charlene J. Nuble

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush.

But aside from seeing a doctor and using over the counter medications, there are many things you can do at home to treat thrush.

1. The first thing you should do at the onset o thrush is to clean the affected area by washing it with plain water. It is not advisable to use soaps, shower gels and bath gels because these products can worsen the infection. Make sure that the affected area is always clean, cool and dry.

2. When you have thrush, avoid using lubricants and spermicidal creams. These products can make your conditions worse. You should also avoid latex condoms because latex or rubber can cause irritation.

3. Do not let synthetic fibers or materials touch the affected area as doing so could cause further irritation. You must wear clothes or undergarments made from natural fibers so as to minimize irritation.

4. Stress can trigger thrush this is why you should learn to relax and fight stress. Do not put yourself in stressful situations as much as possible and try to learn different stress-reducing techniques.

5. Make sure that your partner does not have thrush before having sex.

6. Melaleuca Oil is an effective remedy for thrush. You can buy Melaleuca Oil at alternative medicine and herb stores.

7. Aside from Melaleauca Oil, another effective natural remedy for thrush is Aloe Vera gel which can also be bought in alternative medicine and herb stores. Apply the Aloe Vera gel to the affected area.

8. Avoid oral contraceptives and broad spectrum antibiotics when you feel you are susceptible to thrush.

9. Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush.

10. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.

11. You can also put natural yogurt to the areas affected by thrush to minimize irritation. Yoghurts have ingredients that can combat inflammation.

12. Food is one of the main triggers of thrush. Avoid dried fruits, dairy products, products with yeasts, mushrooms, pickled vegetables and fruits, monosodium glutamate and smoked fish and meat as these can trigger thrush. You can also try to follow a restricted diet for at least one month. The restricted diet can help you determine the particular foods that triggers thrush. You can then avoid these foods to avoid acquiring thrush.

13. Probiotic supplements that support friendly fungi in the gut such as acidophilus are also found to be effective in treating thrush.

14. If your thrush is persistent and does not respond to home remedies then you should begin to see a doctor. You should never ignore a persistent thrush infection. Or else it could lead to a much worse condition.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

About the Author:

Charlene J. Nuble 2006. For answers to All your frequently asked questions about thrush, please go to:

Read more articles by: Charlene J. Nuble

This article is distributed by:

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Benefits of Alternative Medicine

Ruby Boyd

With the growing number of people being affected by newly
discovered chronic degenerative diseases such as AIDS and
chronic fatigue syndrome, Are you worried or wondering....

Is it possible to maintain good health?

What your body needs to function properly?

Why conventional medicine is becoming more complicated and
costly and in some cases simply ineffective?

A growing number of people are turning to alternative medicine and
natural healing--simple, traditional low-tech methods of preventing
illnesses and solving everyday health problems.

Do you have unanswered questions on....

Why are people flocking to health food stores, with their
lotions and potions, and what keeps them going back for more?

What to do if you or someone in your family falls ill?

Are these therapies really old wives tales or can they really

Even mainstream doctors have begun to recommend natural drugless
therapies' to treat both everyday complaints and serious illnesses.
Dietary modifications, for instance, has become the weapons of
choice against a number of diseases that would have been treated
mainly with prescription drugs a generation ago.

It is now known that many conditions are caused by the wrong
diet and can be reversed by the right diet.

Heart disease, cancer, weight problems, arthritis, diabetes,
high blood pressure--they can all be treated to some degree
with foods.

Natural therapies found in alternative
are actually much older than Western treatments such
as surgeries and antibiotics. Experts estimate that herbal remedies
and Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, has been around
for 5,000 years.

Many alternative medicine remedies began with scientific research
or clinical impressions reported by physicians working with safe,
natural substances.

But we live in a generation now that has been cut off from this
age-old tradition of self-reliance. Healing and health care
have become almost--the exclusive province of duly licensed
physicians. While doctors and other professionals-are indeed
great to have around, what is not so great is when you cannot
do anything without them.

Shouldn't we be able to do something to save our health--maybe
even our lives--without a doctor?

What happens when medical help is not so readily available?

What happens when doctoring simply does not work?

Some of us go to doctor after doctor, and still no help. Is
that the end of the line?

While antibiotics have saved millions of lives, they have not
really solved some resurgence of germs that are turning up in
new forms that do not respond to conventional therapies.

There has been a real shift in the way people think about their
health. Rising health care cost is a factor in the recent surge
of interest in alternative medicine.

Many people are attracted to the alternative physicians emphasis
on treating the whole person--body, mind and spirit. Most
importantly some physicians use intensive counseling to help
patients find out whether aspects of their daily lives, such
as job stress, marital problems diet or sleeping habits might
be behind their symptoms.

In this age of managed care and impersonal group practices patients
find this individualized approach of alternative medicine
particularly appealing.

One of the principal goals of natural healing is to break the
cycle of dependency and allow people to be more in control of
their own lives.

Alternative Medicine

About the Author

Ruby Boyd is the owner of www.a1-natural-health-, a website that offers
information on how to achieve health and beauty fitness goals

You may contact me at:

Monday 9 July 2007

Bad Breath, Halitosis And Home Remedies

Pieternel Van Giersbergen

When the Webmaster of asked me to write an article on halitosis (bad breath) I was thrilled. Strange, you say, that I should be enthused about the subject of halitosis (bad breath)? As an RN for over 25 years I have smelled many, many kinds of breath/ halitosis, and found that breath is a wonderful diagnostic tool. It can tell me how sick the patient is, and sometimes even what they have. I once worked with a wonderful doctor in the emergency room, who asked me what I smelled in the breath of a particular patient. We both felt we smelled a candida/yeast infection, and sure enough, that's just what it turned out to be! Bad breath/ halitosis is always a sign that something else is going on, and I'd like to share with you a few interesting cases and general principles in this regard.

I have a friend who is a sensitive person. We were sitting at a table and I asked him how his day was. He said OK, but his breath was bad and his stomach seemed upset. After I asked a few more questions he finally let on he that he'd had an argument with his employer. As he was telling his story he drank the big glass of water I had given him. And as soon as he'd unburdened his feelings and the water was gone… so was his bad breath/ halitosis. The moral of this story… dehydration and emotional issues can both affect our breath.

Many patients who come to the emergency room have bad breath. Simply giving them fluids (water or salt water intravenously) not only helps their primary condition, but the bad breath as well. You don't have to be in the Sahara desert to get dehydrated. Everyone needs to drink abundant water each day.

Small babies do not have bad breath/ halitosis when they are healthy. Bad breath (halitosis) is a sign that something is wrong and needs attention. Healthy toddlers don't have bad breath either, so when babies, toddlers or growing children develop bad breath, the following factors usually play a role: dehydration, stress, wrong foods, bad digestion and poor dental health.

Indeed, these are the same top causes of bad breath in adults, followed by digestive problems and infections, for which one should seek medical help. A great remedy for infections of all kinds, whether viral/ bacterial/ parasite and candida, or yeast, is Oil of Oregano. Oil of Oregano is an all-natural remedy that is as strong as pharmaceutical antibiotics, but with no side effects. It is also a great first aid remedy to have on hand.

I could go on and on about the distinct varieties of bad breath smells among those who drink alcohol, who smoke, who have diabetes, internal bleeding, liver diseases, or cancer. But I will spare you the unsavory details. The point is to focus on clean breath, and to heal the underlying causes of bad breath, which will give you better health and more enjoyment of your life. By welcoming bad breath/ halitosis as an opportunity to take preventive measures, you will be doing yourself a world of good.

May your breath be sweet!

Pieternel van Giersbergen

© 2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen.

About the Author:

Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. This article was written for


Sunday 8 July 2007

Ayurveda regimen for winter depression.

Dr.Savitha Suri

Long nights, short days, sweaters, warm clothes and chilly
weather make many of us sick and depressed. This depression
which surfaces especially in winter is a Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD) and is often called as winter Time Blues or
Winter depression. The exact cause for this depression is as of
yet unclear. But yet few scientists believe lack of exposure to
sunlight as the reason for this disorder.

The symptoms of winter depression are tendency to over eat,
craving for carbohydrates and sweets and weight gain.

Had our ancestors observed this change in humans? The answer is
yes. Have they recommended any remedies? Yes, they have
recommended simple and effective natural remedies to overcome
Seasonal Affective Disorder. They have laid down explicit
guidelines about diet and lifestyles which have to be followed
according to seasons.

The winter season is marked as Hemanta ritu and Sisira ritu in
ayurveda. Hemanta ritu starts from mid November and ends in mid
January. This falls in southern solstice which is called as
visarga kala or dakshinayana in ayurveda. Sisira ritu starts
from mid January and lasts till middle of march. Sisira ritu
falls in Northern solstice which is called as Aadana kaala or

The response of human body to this season is very well explained
in ayurveda. People will have increased strength and their
digestion capacity is increased .This is marked by increased
hunger. These symptoms are caused by increased body fire which
is supported by vata. Vata inside body increases in winter
because of cold and dryness which is prevalent in outer

The winter time depression is noticed mostly in persons who have
vata as major constituent in their prakriti or body
constitution. The cause for this type of change is longer nights
of winter.

Light therapy is recommended by doctors for winter time blues.
Exposure to artificial light may cause headache , Irritability
,Eye strain , Inability to sleep and fatigue. Exposure to
sunlight and if sunlight is not available sitting near fireplace
is the remedy suggested in Ayurveda.

Keeping the home well lit with lights help to reduce the
intensity of depression.

Moderate exercise like yoga is another remedy for winter
depression. Ayurveda recommends oil massage (abhyanga) to body
and head (moordha taila.). Indulging in sexual act to keep the
moods elevated and to keep the body warm is another strongly
suggested ayurvedic remedy.

Meeting friends who are kind and understanding boosts morale and
brightens up the day. Spending time with friends on the beach
helps to expose your body to sunlight and keeps your spirits

Relaxing with meditation, massage , light music and laughter
helps to great extent.

The following ayurvedic tips help to prevent and reduce the
intensity of seasonal disorder of winter, the winter time blues.

1. Expose yourself to sunlight as much as you can. In absence of
sun light sitting near fire place is very helpful.

2. Massage your body with vata balancing herbal oil (abhyanga).
Never forget to apply oil on your head (moordha taila.).

3. Then remove the oil by taking hot water bath. A mixture of
flours of yellow gram (channa), green gram (moong) , fenu greek
seeds (methi) in equal proportion is the best herbal scrub which
can be used to remove the oil. This mixture prevents the washing
of natural oil from skin.

4. Consume hot soups.

5. Use vata balancing foods like wheat, oil, corn, black gram
and jaggery.

6. Tickle your taste buds with sweet, sour and salt tastes

7. Always use hot water for all daily routine activity.

8. Use thick blankets and sheets made of cotton, silk and wool.

9. Always wear foot wear.

10. Indulge in sexual act.

11. Spend your leisure time with friends and relatives whom you

About the author:

Dr.SavithaSuri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989.
After getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of
Mysore, India, she started practising ayurveda . Her articles
about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites.
She is a regular health columnist to a regional news paper. email