Wednesday 4 July 2007

Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl – and how that can make or break your business success?

Lynette van Greunen

Early Birds are typically the people who love to get up at the crack of dawn and generally use the rising sun as their natural alarm clock.

It does not take much to get them out of bed and once their feet hit the floor, well they are almost instantly ready to start doing whatever needs to be done.

Some might turn on the tunes, singing along happily and are up to date on world news before the sun has even peek its entire head over the horizon…

Around midday, their chirpy mood starts to wane, making way for the unexplained grumpiness that starts to set in. By the time the sun is getting ready to retire for the day, the bed is about the only place that will welcome their company…

These Early Bird individuals need "wind down" activities at night. Now, meet the Night Owls, who need "wind down" activities in the morning….

We are all aware that everything in nature has an opposite, so it goes without saying that the Night Owls have a rightful place in this world too…

These are the individuals that need a really loud sounding alarm clock to jolt them from their dreams. The snooze button must be unmistakably big and easy to hit with eyes still tightly closed.

Getting up early is not a pleasant experience for them. Given the slightest chance they will gladly doze until well into the morning.

When they eventually venture out of bed, they seem to daze around for a few more hours before they manage to get themselves dressed and ready for the day.

Generally, they will find some errands or effortless chores to pass the first half of the day. By midday, they are usually ready to take a little nap…

But once they awake from the nap, there is no stopping them. Their minds start racing in a frenzied fashion from the one project to the other and they start performing miracles, working well into the night, seemingly effortless…

If you are considering starting your own business, it is vitally important to determine when you work best and to choose a business that allows you to work when you are at your peak performance levels.

When you work for yourself, there is no paycheck just for showing up to work! No, you actually have to produce concrete results in order to get paid.

Running your own business is no joke, but the rewards are worth far more than the initial effort that you have to put in. But, here is a little known secret for you…

If your business requires you to work against your inborn natural performance pattern, you will most probably fail no matter how hard you try. It is really as simple as that.

Look at it this way, if the business requires you to make important sales calls first thing in the morning, the Night Owl will surely fail because he simply won't feel ready for that type of pressure first thing in the morning.

Similarly, if the business requires sales calls that can only be done after hours, the Early Bird will fail simply because he is not at his peak performance levels at night.

In both cases, the individuals will start experiencing high levels of frustration and start thinking that they are not capable of doing what it takes to succeed and many will likely quit trying at this point.

But in reality, both individuals could have had success, had they been working with their natural inborn performance patterns. Some business owners need to find a system that allows them to work during regular office hours, while for others they need a system that allows them to work after hours.

So, where do you start to find a business that allows you that type of flexibility. E-commerce is the answer. It allows you to take full control of every minute you feel like working, no matter what the time of day or night is.

Early Birds and Night Owls alike can operate at full potential 24/7 and it is the only business solution where it is never too late or too early to grow your business into the successful venture you have always longed for.

Starting your own business will definitely be the best thing that you could ever do for yourself. For tips on how to naturally energize your environment while you are working, sleeping or relaxing, please visit for some great information on the positive benefits of negative ions.

About the Author

Lynette is the webmaster for where she teaches you how to energize your surroundings naturally in order to be more productive, therefore more successful, in all your undertakings.

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