Monday 20 June 2005

The Many Uses Of Natural Herbal Remedies And Oils

David Chandler

Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living. These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products.

If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a sunny window are enough to get you started. Subsequently, all you will need then are some essential oils and you are ready to embark on a wonderful journey to natural herbal remedies and medicine.

Essential oils versus blended oils.

The first to consider is the essential oils. Only the purest oils will do for therapeutic purposes. Do not be fooled into thinking that you are purchasing pure oil when in fact it is a blend of several oils. Blended oils are acceptable for fragrance such as perfuming a room, but pure oils are necessary for medicinal intent.

A general guide to the purity of oil is its price. Pure oils are normally more expensive. For instance, common oils such as lavender and geranium are less expensive than frankincense and carnation oil. Therefore, it is advisable to become familiar with essential oil prices and then rely on this knowledge when purchasing oils. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. In addition, a price list from a reputable dealer is a valuable resource when buying essentials oils.

Typically, pure oils cannot be applied directly to the skin and must be mixed with a base oil to lessen their strength. Base oils such as almond oil or wheat germ oil are generally used for this purpose. Base oils are generally derived from seeds, nuts, or vegetables.

Basic oils and natural remedies.

Lavender, without a doubt, is one of the most useful and desirable oils. It will work wonders on cuts, bruises and burns, and promotes sleep and relaxation.

The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are useful for treating a variety of respiratory ailments. These are excellent medication for colds and coughs. These oils can be massaged into the chest or burned in an oil burner to help clear the airways and prevent congestion. Tea Tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can be dabbed on cuts, bites and stings. It is often used to treat spots and pimples and when diluted with water, acts as a mouth gargle (keep in-mind it should never be swallowed).

Geranium oil with its characteristic perfume and pain relieving properties is a basic antiseptic. This herbal remedy should be part of your essential oil and natural herbal remedies garden.

Peppermint oil treats digestive upsets and may be used for breath freshening.

Patchouli and Ylang-ylang oils in an oil burner can perfume a room and add a sense of ambience. Orange oil mixed with Cinnamon oil is a pleasant winter scent that brings to mind seasonal holiday smells. Besides their perfume qualities, all four of these oils have other properties. Patchouli treats eczema and dandruff. Ylang-ylang is reputed to relieve stress, palpitations, and high blood pressure. Orange is used in natural remedies for depression and nervous tension. Cinnamon is excellent for warts and viral infections.

Thyme and Rosemary are considered herbs and can be grown in pots and used when needed. Both of these herbs can be used to create oils or flavor food. Thyme and Rosemary are also antiseptics and can be used in skin care preparations.

Lemon oil and fresh lemons will purify water. When lemon is mixed with honey, it is an effective herbal remedies for colds and flu. Lemon and white vinegar are highly effective cleaning agents that can be used for domestic cleaning tasks without damaging the environment. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant or mix it with water to clean windows and wooden floors.

If you want to keep the insects away this summer, Citronella oil or Garlic will do. Add a capsule of garlic to your dog's food and your dog will not be bothered by fleas. You could also soak a soft dog collar in Citronella to keep fleas and mosquitoes at bay.

Garlic helps to promote a healthy immune system. When the weather turns cold and the viruses begin to circulate, adding garlic to your diet will leave you less susceptible. In fact, most of the oils and herbs listed above are effective in helping to prevent many common winter illnesses.

If you are looking for natural herbal remedies or nature friendly products, the oils and herbal remedies recommended above should help you get started.

About the Author:

For more information about natural herbal remedies and herbal medicine, visit these sites and


Sunday 19 June 2005

The Alternative Way To Combat Your Anxiety

Rene Graeber

Do you break out into a cold sweat when you have to deliver a
talk before a group of people?

Perhaps you become nervous when you have to take a test...

There are certainly numerous causes for anxiety.

Similarly, there are a number of treatment options for those
afflicted with the illness.

If you don't like the idea of medication, you might try an
alternative approach to battling your anxiety.

It is estimated that nearly seven percent of Americans suffer
from anxiety and panic disorders. While prescription drugs are
routinely offered as a remedy for such illnesses, they can be
dangerous if administered over a long period of time.

Some of the more popular anxiety drugs include Diazepam and
Wellbutrin. However, increasingly, Americans are turning to
alternative medicines in an effort to soothe their anxious

In just the last decade, the demand for alternative medicine has
skyrocketed 300 percent. This is partially the result of the
fact that many alternative medicines offer relief from symptoms
without the side-effects linked to prescription drugs.

It should be noted, however, that natural remedies are not meant
to be long-term treatments, although they can offer relief in
the short-term.

Before you buy a natural remedy, it is important that you do
your homework as far as your knowledge of herbs and vitamins is
concerned. It is also imperative that you consult your family
physician in order to ensure that the alternative treatment is
safe for you.

A number of herbs offer relief from the symptoms of anxiety. For
instance, St. Johns Wort is one of the most popular anti-anxiety
herbs on the market.

After taking St. Johns Wort for as little as two weeks, you
should notice a difference in your anxiety level. Valerian Root
is another alternative option you might try. It is especially
helpful in combating insomnia because of its sedative quality.

In other words, it helps to lull the central nervous system to
sleep. Research indicates that Valerian Root is effective in
improving sleep 90 percent of the time. This is important, since
much of anxiety is linked to sleep disorders. Vitamins can also
provide an effective treatment for anxiety. They can be quite
important in enabling neurotransmitter synthesis and
maintenance. For instance, B-complex can help produce
neurochemicals, which in turn assists in the synthesis of
serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Yet another aid to combating anxiety is Passion Flower. It helps
to calm the central nervous system, leading to feelings of
peace. Meanwhile, Ashwaghanda Root can make you feel stronger so
that you are better able to handle the effects of anxiety. But
perhaps no herbal remedy is quite as effective as Kava Kava.
This is considered to be one of the strongest anti-anxiety
remedies in the world.

A number of studies indicates that Kava Kava is highly effective
in relieving the short-term symptoms of anxiety. It is also
considered quite safe to ingest, making it one of the most
popular herbs available on the market today.

An herbal remedy called PureCalm is being marketed as a safe way
to deal with general nervousness and worry.

You may feel relaxed after taking only a few drops of this
natural substance. However, if you suffer from severe anxiety,
including panic attacks, you might consider a remedy called
MindSoothe, which combines St. Johns Wort with Passiflora.
Mindsoothe has been linked to good sleep, greater concentration,
and better memory. Therefore, it is particularly effective in
treating the symptoms of anxiety. We all have feelings of
anxiety from time to time. But how can you tell if your anxiety
is out of control? If you experience racing thoughts, rapid
heartbeat, extreme difficulty resting or concentrating, you
probably need to get help. If you do not like dealing with the
side-effects of prescription drugs, an herbal remedy may be in

You should know in advance, however, that some herbal remedies
carry their own risks and lead to significant side-effects. The
more you know about herbal remedies, the better consumer you'll
be. Don't allow yourself to be a human guinea pig.

Take herbal medication only after you have thoroughly studied
its effects upon the human body.

About the author:

Are you sick and tired of being "empty" inside and out? Worry no
more! At href="">ht
tp:// you´ll
find free and reliable information that gives you the straight
facts and solutions to beat anxiety and depression.

Friday 17 June 2005

The 7 Day Nail Fungus Cure

Margaret Albright

[Re-print of this article is permitted if the following conditions are met:
The link at the bottom of the article must be included and clickable. You reader must be able to find our site, from your site. The author information must be included. All information in the article must be left as is. Do not alter the copy in any way. The information in these brackets may be removed unless you are posting this article on a "FREE ARTICLES" site. In that case, this information must be included with the article. All Natural Cures diligently pursues copyright infringement.]

Is nail fungus hurting your social life?

Nail fungus is an ugly problem. You can't hardly hide it unless you keep your
gloves or shoes on.

Do you have nail fungus? How do you know? Nail fungus makes your finger or
toe nails yellow and thick. They become very brittle and break easily. They will
crack and become ragged looking. If you are in the early stages of nail fungus,
your nails might not be this bad but they will only get worse.

As your fungus worsens, your nails will start to crack and break. They don't
break like normal, healthy nails, large chunks of nail will break off, leaving
raw, exposed skin underneath. Not only is this painful but it is also very

This exposed skin is already weak from the fungus. Now you run the risk of
getting an infection in this area. As if the fungus was not bad enough. This new
infection is very difficult to treat considering the fungus will keep
re-infecting the area.

It is best to eliminate the fungus now before you get to that point.

Special Offer on Leucatin at

Nail fungus is  so embarrassing. You don't want anyone to know you have
it. If you are lucky enough to only have the fungus on your toe nails, (if you
can call that luck), you can hide your toes in your shoes. This does pose some
real problems in the summer time when all your friends are swimming and you are
sitting on the beach watching, with your shoes on. Toe nail fungus can also
cause some real intimacy problems. There are certain situations when you just
have to take your shoes and socks off. The exposed fungus nail can be a real
turn-off for many people.

If you don't treat the toenail fungus, it will eventually spread to more toes
and sooner or later to your finger nails. Now where are you going to hide? Also
nail fungus can lead to skin infections and PERMANENT DAMAGE.

If you've been living with nail fungus for a day, you have been living with
nail fungus for too long. It is easy to end the embarrassment and humiliation of
this ugly problem. But you will need help.

Leucatin Is the ONLY Complete Nail Fungus System in the World

Step 1: STOP THE NAIL FUNGUS: Rid yourself of symptoms!

The Leucatin Topical Solution's molecules are less than half the size of the
molecules that compose any other topical nail fungus solution. That means
Leucatin Topical Solution can penetrate twice as far as a any other solution on
the market. Research has shown that the ingredients in Leucatin Topical Solution
do not merely sit on your nail to hopefully seep in to your nail bed through
your cuticle, but the solution is actually able to penetrate your nail itself,
coming into contact with all fungus from the surface to your nail bed and
everywhere in between.

Step 2:ELIMINATE THE FUNGUS: Boost your immune system!

The ingredients in the Leucatin Anti-Fungal capsules penetrate from the inside
to help kill all nail fungus. The Leucatin Anti-Fungal capsules are formulated
to help increase your body's natural anti-inflammatory and anti-infection
abilities and in turn, increasing your body's ability to fight and kill your
fungus that is causing your nail infection.

Leucatin is the only solution of its kind that works both from the inside and
the outside to eliminate your nail fungus. Both components of this powerful
system go to work right away fighting the fungus that is causing your nails to

Leucatin is a natural herbal product and contains no chemicals. It is
manufactured in Selmedica's certified laboratories under the strict guidelines
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Good Manufacturing Practices.

Here is what they have to say about their clinical studies:

We sought out scientists, researchers both funded and independent, studies
and tests for the most comprehensive wealth of information available. We ended
up working with 28 different Universities in the United States and also
internationally, 3 independent testing labs, and over 450 national press and
media contacts to look at Leucatin and try to pick it apart. Our own team also
performed exhaustive studies - and here's what we found...

99.4% of all people who used Leucatin as directed reported a positive result

93.7% said that their nail fungus symptoms had completely vanished...

The ingredients in Leucatin have been shown to kill nail fungus and eliminate
it's symptoms. PLUS, they will boost your immune system to help you stay
healthier and resist any new infections.

Unlike prescription medicines currently on the market to kill your nail
fungus, Leucatin will not harm your liver or any other internal organ. There are
no blood tests required prior to taking this herbal remedy. There are no side

Learn more about Leucatin at

About the Author

Margaret Albright is a student of Naturopathy and an editor/researcher for the website, Your #1 source for information on natural remedies. Take control of your health TODAY!

Thursday 16 June 2005

How to Start your Own High-profit Internet Business

There have been so many success stories on the internet over the years. These internet ‘gurus’ have inspired even the not-so-computer-literate to look into starting their own six figure online empire. However, once online, even the wisest person can quickly become lost in a sea of scams and fly-by-night offers.

So what are the secrets to online fortunes that practically every online ad proclaims to have (for a price)? Well first came the multiple streams of income method. This theory is tried and true and should be everyone’s long-term goal for creating wealth, whatever your business. Second, yet equally important, is the niche market theory.

Niche marketing is simply a way to market products designed to fill a specific need of a customer. The best way to find a niche market is to work in reverse. Find out what is hot, what is on the market that everyone wants. Also find where these products are marketed and what keywords are being used to find them. Then, develop (or find) a similar product with a little spin on it. Target a subsection of the bigger market, an area where others may have forgotten something. Supply them with additional information or support, software, something that enhances that super popular product that everyone already wants.

Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Who knows the best way to market? As the online business market has evolved, many have spent oodles of money on advertising. From the ones who survived and are now really ‘making it’ in their online enterprise, we can learn all about what works and what doesn’t. The good news is, if you know where to look, you don’t have to pay as much as they did! The bad news is, you have to avoid the scams and you have to know where to look.

So for the beginner, I offer that it is possible to earn a good income online. The catch is, are you willing to work for it? I love the ads that say you can make millions in your sleep, those are my favorite. This is actually a true statement. If you have everything set up, you can turn on one of those too-good-to-be-true cash machines. However, what they fail to say is what you have to do to set things up and get to that point. The most important step in making money online is promoting your website and products to the right audience. You will need to develop your own email list of prospects that believe in you before you can sell to them. Look for a good, free autoresponder!

Running a successful online business does not require you to spend countless hours every day working, but you do have to put in some time and effort. You also do not have to have a lot of technical knowledge about the internet or computers. You do have to know how to get online, find your way around the internet, and be willing and able to learn as you go. Lastly, you do not need a lot of money to get started! There are ways, which if you look in the right places, to start small and build an online business from the ground up. Once you are set up, you can put things on autopilot and spend less time working!

Mainly, if you have the right products to sell and the knowledge required to sell them, then you will make money online. Most people who try to make an income online fail simply because they are missing one or both of those things. I personally just came across a University-size education for the online entrepreneur that solves both these problems and more and it cost under $50.00. For more information on this, you can visit the link in my bio line. This education comes through eBooks, books you can download and read online. These eBooks are by far some of the best selling products online. There is no greater tool to have in your pocket than knowledge. Even better than an eBook, though, is getting the Master Resell Rights so that you can sell the eBook to others and make money yourself!

Information sells, and it can sell really well. It is adaptable, nicheable, affordable to create and valuable to others. Once you know a little something about something, don’t you get excited and want to tell everyone around you? It is a natural, human response to want to share your newfound information with others. Well, online, that is a business in itself – selling information. Newbie lesson number one: the gurus make most of their money from selling their hot-to information to others! This is probably one of the biggest ‘secrets’ there is.

You can learn a lot from eBooks. They are your source for learning how-to do practically anything you need to do online. Don’t be fooled into thinking, however, that one eBook is going to be your path to riches: make sure it provides the tools, resources and support in addition to the raw knowledge. You should expect to pay anywhere from $7 to $50 for a high-quality information product that really delivers what you need to learn. Many times you can find bundles of eBooks for a great price (don’t forget the resell rights!)

So from a seasoned online marketer to the next crowd of online millionaires just coming on scene, I have a few pointers. Ignore the hype! Look for a product to sell that will be valuable to others. If it is not valuable for you, it probably is of no value to someone else. Don’t reinvent the wheel and go broke; use products that others have already developed to start small and build your business. Promoting eBooks is a great way to do this. Learn everything you can about affiliate marketing: this will create those multiple streams of income. In addition, don’t waste time and money creating products and websites that may end up failing. There are easy and low-cost methods to getting online fast: they are called blogs and minisites. Once you have your product, you can use Clickbank and PayPal to handle your sales quickly, safely and affordably. Learn along the way and use that new knowledge to help others. Learn-Own-Sell-Teach.

Author: Ruth Harris

Wednesday 15 June 2005

Ten Tips For A Natural Immune System Boost

Michael Brooks

Cold and flu season is upon us. The first line of defense is to wash your hands often, and keep your work area clean by wiping it down with an alcohol solution.

In addition, now is a great time to start boosting your immune system. A weakened immune system leaves your body susceptible to every cold and flu virus, especially during the holiday season when you are in close contact with others, often moving between time zones and changing climates.

So, how exactly do you go about boosting your immune system? There are a number of great methods. Below are ten recommendations that will boost your body's immune system naturally.

Vitamin C: You are probably already aware of this reliable supplement. Your body cannot store vitamin C so it is dependent on your dietary intake. To make sure you are getting enough it is recommended to take 1,000 mg a day to fight off infection.

Goldenseal : You will find this remedy very effective in not only preventing infection but also reducing inflammation after you have a cough or flu symptoms.

Turmeric: This herb is a member of the Ginger family and also known as Curcuma. We have a good article on the UHR site on Turmeric along with a chicken recipe that uses this exotic spice. Animal research has shown this herb to be beneficial as an immune stimulant. Recommended dosage is 200 mg per day to support immune health.

Maitake: These mushrooms enhance immunity, and are especially effective in helping the body to inhibit cancer growth. Maitake appears to activate the immune response by stimulating the T- cells that are the body's defense against viruses and cancer cells. Recommended dosage is 3-7 g per day.

Aloe Vera: Supplementation with Aloe Vera has been shown to be extremely effective in bolstering and balancing the immune system. Recommended dosage is a quarter glass of juice each morning. Take twice a day when you feel a cold or flu coming on.

L-Arginine: Is a non-essential amino acid that promotes wound healing and improves the immune response against bacteria, viruses and tumor cells. Levels of L-Arginine drop during periods of increased stress. Recommended dosage is 3-6 g per day.

Astragalus: Used for nearly 4000 years in traditional Chinese medicine. Early Chinese writings refer to it as "the superior tonic". Astragalus is a favorite immune system builder among the natural health community. It is good for colds, immune- deficiency- related disorders, including AIDS, cancer, and tumors.

Black Tea: You may be able to boost your fight against the flu with black tea. In a recent study, people who gargled with a black tea extract solution twice per day showed a higher immunity to flu virus compared to the people who did not gargle with black tea. Black tea represents probably the single biggest source of flavonoids--a natural class of antioxidants that are found in many natural plant- derived foods.

Olive leaf: Olive leaf extract is a powerful tool in the fight to kill viruses such as the cold, herpes, and Epstein-Barr. Its power also extends to helping wipe out sinusitis and bronchitis, as well as reducing hypertension and cholesterol levels. The most important element in olive leaf extract is a compound called oleuropein. When purchasing this supplement, look for capsules standardized to 6 percent oleurpein. The recommended dose is 500 mg daily to fight an existing bacterial or viral infection.

Liquorice: Scientific studies have shown that liquorice stimulates immunity. Its ability to fight flu viruses and bacteria allows using it not only for treatment, but also for flu prevention during epidemics. Liquorice root should not be used in cases of high blood pressure, water retention, pregnancy or if on medication.

It is best to start thinking about immune health before you become ill with the cold or flu virus. Now is a great time to start improving your diet, learning to cope with stress and taking an inventory of the gaps in your diet to help decide which supplements will be of most benefit to you.

Here's to your health!

About the Author: Mike Brooks is the publisher and editor-in-chief for the health information site


Friday 10 June 2005

Taking Vitamins Can Work Wonders for Your Health

Jeremy Maddock

Taking vitamins is one of the easiest steps that a person can
take to start pursuing a healthier and disease-free lifestyle.

In a perfect world, our bodies would get all the required
vitamins and nutrients from food. Unfortunately, however, the
vast majority of people don't get everything they need from a
modern diet. Although buying high-quality organic food can help
to remedy this problem, even that is often not enough.

It is especially difficult to naturally maintain the correct
vitamin intake if you are subject to any dietary restrictions,
or suffer from food allergies. Even simply having a small
appetite can be a great disadvantage when it comes to getting
the correct amounts of all the essential nutrients you need.

The bottom line is that most people don't get everything they
need from everyday food intake.

Because of this, most of us stand to greatly benefit from
frequent supplementation of vitamins, minerals, and other

One of the most beneficial vitamins is href=""
title="Vitamin B12">Vitamin B12, which can substantially
increase energy levels and immune function. Other equally
important nutrients that you should consider include Vitamins A,
C, D, and E.

In addition to these, supplements such as href=""
title="Colostrum">Colostrum and href=""
title="Selenium">Selenium can also greatly contribute to
your overall level of health and well being.

About the author:

Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of, a useful
source of information about href="">vitamins and

Thursday 2 June 2005

Taking Vitamins Can Work Wonders for Your Health

Jeremy Maddock

Taking vitamins is one of the easiest steps that a person can
take to start pursuing a healthier and disease-free lifestyle.

In a perfect world, our bodies would get all the required
vitamins and nutrients from food. Unfortunately, however, the
vast majority of people don't get everything they need from a
modern diet. Although buying high-quality organic food can help
to remedy this problem, even that is often not enough.

It is especially difficult to naturally maintain the correct
vitamin intake if you are subject to any dietary restrictions,
or suffer from food allergies. Even simply having a small
appetite can be a great disadvantage when it comes to getting
the correct amounts of all the essential nutrients you need.

The bottom line is that most people don't get everything they
need from everyday food intake.

Because of this, most of us stand to greatly benefit from
frequent supplementation of vitamins, minerals, and other

One of the most beneficial vitamins is href=""
title="Vitamin B12">Vitamin B12, which can substantially
increase energy levels and immune function. Other equally
important nutrients that you should consider include Vitamins A,
C, D, and E.

In addition to these, supplements such as href=""
title="Colostrum">Colostrum and href=""
title="Selenium">Selenium can also greatly contribute to
your overall level of health and well being.

About the author:

Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of, a useful
source of information about href="">vitamins and

Wednesday 1 June 2005

Surf the Wave of Abundance

Keith Varnum

Bank account bare? Bedroom barren? Body running on empty? Buddha not showing up? Why?

Maybe because your beat is off! You're out of step with the AbunDance. It's a dance that requires flexibility, fluidity and, above all, the willingness to flow with life's changing rhythms.

The word "abundance" comes from a Latin root meaning "to move in waves, undulate, flow." AbunDance is a wave dance. The natural bountiful overflow energy dance of the Universe. DNA and electrons coil in vibrant circular waves. Nature's spiral dance spins the shape of seashells, budding plants and the human fetus. You can perceive this wave motion in the rolling seas, a herd of bounding antelope, the gentle curve of a whale breaching, and the undulating air rising from hot asphalt.

These natural elements are riding the pulsating electromagnetic dance between the Earth and the moon and sun. This throbbing love affair between heavenly bodies is a wave force field so strong that it shifts the great oceans as much as fifty feet twice a day with the tides. Surely, this planetary pulse can pump life's goodness into your life!

Ride the Wave of the AbunDance

You can surf this natural wave current of the River of Life to receive all the wealth, vitality and passion you could ever want. You can invite the River of Universal Supply to provide you naturally with the resources and opportunities you need to be happy and prosper on earth.

This is no pipe dream or philosophical fantasy! Learning to get in step with the AbunDance can fill your bank account, bedroom and body with a richness beyond belief—that is, beyond your present beliefs.

Relax Your Grip

By the wave, are your present beliefs allowing you to ride the current of the AbunDance? If not, relax your grip on how you believe prosperity operates—and allow the natural Stream of Plenty to spiral through your body and life.

All energy moves in the same way, no matter what outer form it's expressing through. And the basic movement of energy in the Universe is a wave-like spiral flow. The energy of money expresses in this way in the stock market, in the street and in your personal finances. The dynamics of love and social interaction also unfold in a spiral dance. The vital functions of the body pulsate in a similar manner.

People instinctively know that life energy expresses in a wave. You can hear it in the people's language. We seek to be in the flow, on a roll, groovin'.

Float on the Ocean of Opulence

So how do you surf the waves of the Unified Energy Field to find real love? To nurture your health? To lead a life of golden possibilities? Here are some suggestions on practical steps you can take every day to allow the natural wave current of the AbunDance to deliver life's goodies to you.

If you actually practice—do—these actions, you will ground and anchor yourself in the physical plane, so that when the AbunDance spirals through you, it will create solid, tangible and material results in your world—that is, financial reward, physical vigor and harmonious relationships!

Breathe Your Way to Prosperity

Since you have to breathe all day just to survive, why not breathe to thrive? When you relax your grip on needing to control your breathing—and surrender your body and being to Universal Support—you open yourself to "being breathed" by the Universe. Merging with the natural beat of the Universal Dance brings you Universal Supply in the form of love, wealth and well-being.

When you relax your grip on needing to control your inhale, your body will naturally fill with oxygen—new, fresh energy. When you relax your grip on needing to control your exhale, your body will naturally release your body's stale air—old, dead energy. Gravity—a faithful agent of the Universal Wave Motion—will naturally collapse your abdomen and chest for you.

Soon you will be enjoying the undulating, effortless deep breathing you see in babies and animals—who, by the wave, abandon themselves to the care of the physical AbunDance. Your breathing will gently rise and fall like the rolling ocean. Don't take my word for it. Try it out! The secret to the effectiveness of the breathing techniques of yoga, rebirthing and Hawaiian Huna is this all-out surrender to and synchronization with the Cosmic Rhythm. When you merge with life's AbunDance, you merge with life's abundance.

Move Your Way to Paradise

One of the easiest and surest ways to put yourself into the Stream of Supply is through daily physical movement—that is, through relaxed, fluid moving. When you relax your grip on needing to control your body's movement, your body will naturally "be moved" by the inherent Energy Dance of the Universe. Yoga, Tai-chi, Aikido, martial arts, sports, running, dance, massage, play and frolic—done in this spirit of surrender to the spontaneous—will put you in the AbunDance. Take it for a test wave.

Sound Your Way to Health

When you relax your grip on needing to control your emotional and physical response to the harmonious wave vibrations of sound, you will naturally shift into the River of AbunDance. The pulsating audio rhythms of Nature, music, singing, chanting, toning, laughing and baby noises will vibrate your being and body right into the Cosmic Gravy Train.

Feel Your Way to Bounty

When you relax your grip on needing to control the energy of your emotions, the energy of your feelings will naturally flow up and out. With this upward release, your feelings will completely express themselves energetically, liberating you from emotion blockage.

The essential nature of emotion is "energy in motion." The word "emotion" comes from a Latin root meaning "to move through or out." We were never intended to be stuck experiencing the same exact emotion for minutes, hours, days or years! And when you choose to match your vibration with the vibration—frequency, wavelength—of a feeling, you merge with the feeling's natural wave motion. You become one with the energy of the feeling. And—viola!—the feeling is no longer an obstacle between you and happiness.

Think Your Way to Prosperity

When you relax your grip on needing to control the way you think the Universe operates, your world will naturally proceed in the direction of balance, harmony and fullness. When you relax your grip on needing to be right about how you believe the Universe works, you allow those elements in your life to shift that need to shift for you to have the breakthrough you desire—that is, getting in gear with the AbunDance.

Flexibility of mind allows creativity of the Universe!

Fluid Mind allows in-come, passion and healing. Bend, flex and welcome the unexpected, surprise and serendipity!

"Doctor Recommended"

Most healers—including many Western doctors—admit that their primary healing function is to create the conditions in which people relax sufficiently for their bodies to heal themselves. When people relax deeply, they enter the AbunDance. The pulsating Wave of Life stimulates the body's natural ability to balance and harmonize itself. Organs, glands and hormones begin to function properly, and the body heals.

Past Failure Doesn't Matter!

In your past, if you have unsuccessfully attempted one or more of these approaches to enter the AbunDance, you may not have learned to relax your grip fully enough, deeply enough. In our modern Western culture, the approach of "abandoning oneself to the natural flow of life" is a new learned skill—that we often need to practice to get good at.

Try it again—with a fresh attitude. Once you get the knack of allowing the AbunDance to bring life's fullness to you, you'll never go back to using effort and control!

Keith Varnum has 30 years of practical success as an author, accupuncturist, personal coach, filmmaker, vision quest guide and international seminar leader, and is the owner of and