Friday 17 June 2005

The 7 Day Nail Fungus Cure

Margaret Albright

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Is nail fungus hurting your social life?

Nail fungus is an ugly problem. You can't hardly hide it unless you keep your
gloves or shoes on.

Do you have nail fungus? How do you know? Nail fungus makes your finger or
toe nails yellow and thick. They become very brittle and break easily. They will
crack and become ragged looking. If you are in the early stages of nail fungus,
your nails might not be this bad but they will only get worse.

As your fungus worsens, your nails will start to crack and break. They don't
break like normal, healthy nails, large chunks of nail will break off, leaving
raw, exposed skin underneath. Not only is this painful but it is also very

This exposed skin is already weak from the fungus. Now you run the risk of
getting an infection in this area. As if the fungus was not bad enough. This new
infection is very difficult to treat considering the fungus will keep
re-infecting the area.

It is best to eliminate the fungus now before you get to that point.

Special Offer on Leucatin at

Nail fungus is  so embarrassing. You don't want anyone to know you have
it. If you are lucky enough to only have the fungus on your toe nails, (if you
can call that luck), you can hide your toes in your shoes. This does pose some
real problems in the summer time when all your friends are swimming and you are
sitting on the beach watching, with your shoes on. Toe nail fungus can also
cause some real intimacy problems. There are certain situations when you just
have to take your shoes and socks off. The exposed fungus nail can be a real
turn-off for many people.

If you don't treat the toenail fungus, it will eventually spread to more toes
and sooner or later to your finger nails. Now where are you going to hide? Also
nail fungus can lead to skin infections and PERMANENT DAMAGE.

If you've been living with nail fungus for a day, you have been living with
nail fungus for too long. It is easy to end the embarrassment and humiliation of
this ugly problem. But you will need help.

Leucatin Is the ONLY Complete Nail Fungus System in the World

Step 1: STOP THE NAIL FUNGUS: Rid yourself of symptoms!

The Leucatin Topical Solution's molecules are less than half the size of the
molecules that compose any other topical nail fungus solution. That means
Leucatin Topical Solution can penetrate twice as far as a any other solution on
the market. Research has shown that the ingredients in Leucatin Topical Solution
do not merely sit on your nail to hopefully seep in to your nail bed through
your cuticle, but the solution is actually able to penetrate your nail itself,
coming into contact with all fungus from the surface to your nail bed and
everywhere in between.

Step 2:ELIMINATE THE FUNGUS: Boost your immune system!

The ingredients in the Leucatin Anti-Fungal capsules penetrate from the inside
to help kill all nail fungus. The Leucatin Anti-Fungal capsules are formulated
to help increase your body's natural anti-inflammatory and anti-infection
abilities and in turn, increasing your body's ability to fight and kill your
fungus that is causing your nail infection.

Leucatin is the only solution of its kind that works both from the inside and
the outside to eliminate your nail fungus. Both components of this powerful
system go to work right away fighting the fungus that is causing your nails to

Leucatin is a natural herbal product and contains no chemicals. It is
manufactured in Selmedica's certified laboratories under the strict guidelines
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Good Manufacturing Practices.

Here is what they have to say about their clinical studies:

We sought out scientists, researchers both funded and independent, studies
and tests for the most comprehensive wealth of information available. We ended
up working with 28 different Universities in the United States and also
internationally, 3 independent testing labs, and over 450 national press and
media contacts to look at Leucatin and try to pick it apart. Our own team also
performed exhaustive studies - and here's what we found...

99.4% of all people who used Leucatin as directed reported a positive result

93.7% said that their nail fungus symptoms had completely vanished...

The ingredients in Leucatin have been shown to kill nail fungus and eliminate
it's symptoms. PLUS, they will boost your immune system to help you stay
healthier and resist any new infections.

Unlike prescription medicines currently on the market to kill your nail
fungus, Leucatin will not harm your liver or any other internal organ. There are
no blood tests required prior to taking this herbal remedy. There are no side

Learn more about Leucatin at

About the Author

Margaret Albright is a student of Naturopathy and an editor/researcher for the website, Your #1 source for information on natural remedies. Take control of your health TODAY!

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